591 research outputs found
De mover el mundo a liderarlo, un largo camino ha comenzado
A partir de los años 80 aparece el término “techo de cristal” (Glass Ceiling) para denominar a la serie de impedimentos o barreras invisibles que dificultan el acceso de las mujeres a los puestos de mayor poder, prestigio o salario, en cualquier ámbito laboral y en cualquier país. Barreras que existen más allá de la formación de las mujeres, aumentando proporcionalmente de acuerdo al poder de la organización, es por eso que siempre existieron en el ámbito científico y académico. Esta exclusión no suele ser directa -la ley lo impediría- sino que se ejerce desde coaliciones implícitas de poder entre varones que actúan de manera invisible con menosprecio, distorsión de sus palabras y descalificaciones, que están naturalizadas de manera tal, que son difíciles de identificar aún en las propias mujeres. El NOA mantiene intacta la gráfica en forma de tijeras donde los cargos más altos son ocupados por hombres, aunque su participación en número sea claramente menor. El informe Mujeres en el Sistema Universitario Argentino indica que en el año 2019 el porcentaje de mujeres en el sistema universitario desde los inicios hasta graduados es mayoritario y continúa en aumento. En el caso particular del NOA, alcanza el 63.3 en el posgrado y es en las ciencias básicas donde se llega al 65.4 de graduadas mujeres, el máximo de participación se da en humanidades donde asciende al 75.7. Es decir, nuestra matrícula universitaria está conformada mayoritariamente por estudiantes mujeres; cada año se inscriben más mujeres que hombres y, además, las mujeres se gradúan más que los hombres, especialmente en los niveles de pregrado y grado. Es notable la presencia destacada de las mujeres en el total del sistema. Al analizar los recursos humanos de manera global existe un porcentaje cercano a la paridad, la que se desajusta cuando se analiza la distribución según cargos y género de autoridades superiores, donde las mujeres representan el 42,8%. Además, se debe prestar especial atención al hecho de que a medida que se incrementa la jerarquía del cargo, disminuye la participación de las mujeres. Tal es así que podemos observar que existen 47% de mujeres vice decanas, 35% decanas, 33% secretarias de Universidad, 31% vicerrectoras y solo 11% rectoras/presidentas. En vista a estos datos el techo de cristal en el sistema Argentino es claramente de cemento. Las estrategias de visibilización están apenas comenzando y encontramos entre las pares una resistencia a identificarse en desventaja, la primera lucha a dar sería la interna. Estamos llenas de preguntas hacia dentro y hacia afuera, ¿cuándo vamos a liderar? ¿Es sólo el techo de cristal o nos falta trabajar entre las pares la identificación de los sesgos de género?.Fil: López, Ana Maria. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; ArgentinaFil: Hernández Caffot, María Luciana. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaCongreso de Ciencia y Género 2021CordobaArgentinaMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Provincia de CórdobaUniversidad Provincial de CórdobaMinisterio de Justicia y Derechos HumanosMinisterio de la MujerUniversidad Nacional de CórdobaConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica
Optimization of Dengue immunoassay by label-free interferometric optical detection method
In this communication we report a direct immunoassay for detecting dengue virus by means of a label-free interferometric optical detection method. We also demonstrate how we can optimize this sensing response by adding a blocking step able to significantly enhance the optical sensing response. The blocking reagent used for this optimization is a dry milk diluted in phosphate buffered saline. The recognition curve of dengue virus over the proposed surface sensor demonstrates the capacity of this method to be applied in Point of Care technology
Value of α‑fetoprotein as an early biomarker for treatment response to sorafenib therapy in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
Sorafenib is an oral multikinase inhibitor with antiangiogenic and antiproliferative properties, and is used as the first‑line treatment for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Previous studies have identified an improvement in overall survival and progression‑free survival in patients with a manageable toxicity profile. α‑fetoprotein (AFP) has been revealed to be of great diagnostic and predictive value for tumour staging in multiple studies; however, its role as a predictive factor of response to treatment with sorafenib is not entirely clear. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of sorafenib and investigate the value of AFP as a predictive factor of early response to sorafenib in patients with HCC. Effectiveness was analysed based on median overall survival (mOS) time, while to analyse the possible predictive value of AFP, patients were classified into two groups: Non‑responders (≤20% AFP reduction) and responders (>20% AFP reduction) at 6‑8 weeks of treatment when compared with basal AFP level. For assessment of toxicity, any adverse effects were recorded. A total of 167 patients were included, who collectively exhibited a mOS time of 11 months with a median treatment duration of 5 months. The mOS time was significantly higher for patients with better hepatic function (12 months in cases of Child‑Pugh score A vs. 8 months in cases of Child‑Pugh score B; P=0.03) and with basal AFP values ≤200 ng/ml (14 months vs. 8 months in patients with AFP levels >200 ng/ml; P=0.01). A >20% reduction of AFP at 6‑8 weeks was determined to be a positive predictive factor upon multivariate analysis (P=0.002), obtaining, for the responder patients, an mOS of 18 months compared with 10 months (P=0.004) for the non‑responders. The main adverse reactions were hand‑foot syndrome (35/167; 21%), diarrhoea (39/167; 23.4%), anorexia (29/167; 17.4%) and arterial hypertension (30/167; 18%). In conclusion, a >20% drop in AFP at 6‑8 weeks may be useful as a predictive factor of response to sorafenib, as indicated by its association with longer survival times in patients with advanced HCC following treatment with sorafenib in the present study
Novel optoelectronic platform for label-free biosensing of influenza detection based on interferometric transducers
The main goal of this project is to present an Optical Label-free Point-ofCare Device based on a novel read-out methodology that enhances significantly the biosensing response in terms of sensitivity and LoD, using a simple, fast and reliable interrogation process. The performance of this PoC device is verified by carrying out the calibration curve for the indirect immunoassay of Influenza Virus and comparing it with high-resolution spectrometry using the same Fabry-Perot interferometers as biosensors
Analysis of physical activity in physical education students with overweight and obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic
La pandemia por COVID-19, ha limitado de manera súbita la práctica de
actividad física, dentro de los entornos escolares el profesorado de
educación física puede medir conductas sedentarias con la intención de
minimizarlas en los grupos más vulnerables. El objetivo del estudio fue
analizar la actividad física en estudiantes de educación física comparando
dos grupos en función de su índice de masa corporal durante 6 meses del
distanciamiento social derivado de la pandemia por COVID-19. Los
participantes fueron 167 estudiantes de educación primaria de quinto y
sexto grado con una edad media de 10.8±1.6 años (83 hombres y 84
mujeres), quienes fueron evaluados mediante el cuestionario de
comportamiento de movimiento (MBQ) en niños en el distanciamiento
social durante el primer y sexto mes de la pandemia por COVID-19, los
sujetos participantes divididos en dos grupos de acuerdo a su estado
nutricio. Los resultados, al ser analizados con el test t-Student para
muestras relacionadas no reportaron diferencias significativas en los
valores promedio de actividad física moderada vigorosa, ligera y
sedentaria dl estudiantado con peso bajo y normal, comparado como el
estudiantado con sobrepeso y obesidad. Como conclusión, previo a la
pandemia por COVID-19, el estado de la cuestión reporta mayores
conductas sedentarias en el estudiantado con sobrepeso y obesidad, aun
sin embargo en los sujetos evaluados muy probable mente las
condiciones de confinamiento afecto la práctica regular de actividad físicaThe COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly limited the practice of physical activity, within school settings,
physical education teachers can measure sedentary behaviors with the intention of minimizing them in
the most vulnerable groups. The aim of the study was to
analyze physical activity in physical education students by comparing two groups based on their body
mass index during 6 months of social distancing derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants
were 167 fifth and sixth grade primary school students with a mean age of 10.8 ± 1.6 years (83 men
and 84 women), who were evaluated through the movement behavior questionnaire (MBQ) in children
in social distancing during the first and sixth month of the COVID-19 pandemic, the participating
subjects divided into two groups according to their nutritional status. The statistical results with
Student's t-test for related samples did not report significant differences in the average values of
moderate physical activity vigorous, light and sedentary of students with low and normal weight,
compared to students with overweight and obesity. A Conclusions: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,
the state of the question reports greater sedentary behaviors in overweight and obese students, even
though in the subjects evaluated, the confinement conditions very likely affected the regular practice
of physical activit
Repensem Coderch a través d'una experiència etnogràfica
La Casa Coderch de Sant Feliu de Codines, diseñada por el prestigioso arquitecto Josep Antoni Coderch en 1972 representa una perfecta unión entre el funcionalismo que profesaba el propio arquitecto y la modernidad. Su relevancia arquitectónica, cultural y patrimonial destaca frente a su poco conocimiento fuera de la arquitectura. Dentro de este marco, en el presente artículo los estudiantes del seminario de teorías e investigaciones avanzadas del grado de Antropología Social y Cultural de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona quieren narrar su experiencia etnográfica en la aproximación que realizaron a la casa.La Casa Coderch de Sant Feliu de Codines, dissenyada pel prestigiós arquitecte Josep Antoni Coderch el 1972 representa una perfecta unió entre el funcionalisme que professava el propi arquitecte i la modernitat. La seva rellevància arquitectònica, cultural i patrimonial destaca enfront al seu poc coneixement fora de l'arquitectura. Dins d'aquest marc, al present article els estudiants del seminari de teories i recerques avançades del grau d'Antropologia Social i Cultural de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona volen narrar la seva experiència etnogràfica en l'aproximació que feren a la casa.Casa Coderch in Sant Feliu de Codines, designed by the prestigious architect Josep Antoni Coderch in 1972, represents a perfect union between the functionalism that the architect himself professed and modernity. Its architectural, cultural and heritage relevance stands out against its little knowledge outside of architecture. Within this framework, in the present article the students of the advanced theory and research seminar of the Social and Cultural Anthropology degree at the Autonomous University of Barcelona want to narrate their ethnographic experience in the approach they made to the house.La Casa Coderch à Sant Feliu de Codines, conçue par le prestigieux architecte Josep Antoni Coderch en 1972, représente une union parfaite entre le fonctionnalisme professé par l'architecte lui-même et la modernité. Sa pertinence architecturale, culturelle et patrimoniale tranche sur son peu de connaissances en dehors de l'architecture. Dans ce cadre, dans le présent article, les étudiants du Séminaire avancé de théorie et de recherche du diplôme d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle de l'Université autonome de Barcelone veulent raconter leur expérience ethnographique dans l'approche qu'ils ont faite de la maison.A Casa Coderch em Sant Feliu de Codines, projetada pelo prestigiado arquiteto Josep Antoni Coderch em 1972, representa uma união perfeita entre o funcionalismo que o próprio arquiteto professava e a modernidade. A sua relevância arquitetónica, cultural e patrimonial destaca-se do seu pouco conhecimento fora da arquitetura. Neste âmbito, no presente artigo os alunos do seminário de teoria avançada e investigação da licenciatura em Antropologia Social e Cultural da Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona querem narrar a sua experiência etnográfica na aproximação que fizeram à casa
Adjuvant Ozonetherapy in Advanced Head and Neck Tumors: A Comparative Study
Advanced head and neck (H&N) tumors have a poor prognosis, and this is worsened by the occurrence of hypoxia and ischemia in the tumors. Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical effect of ozonetherapy in patients with advanced H&N cancer in the course of their scheduled radiotherapy. Over a period of 3 years, 19 patients with advanced H&N tumors who were undergoing treatment in our department with non-standard fractionated radiotherapy plus oral tegafur. A group of 12 patients was additionally treated with intravenous chemotherapy before and/or during radiotherapy. In the other group of seven patients, systemic ozonetherapy was administered twice weekly during radiotherapy. The ozonetherapy group was older (64 versus 54 years old, P = 0.006), with a higher percentage of lymph node involvement (71% versus 8%, P = 0.019) and with a trend to more unfavorable tumor stage (57% versus 8% IVb + IVc stages, P = 0.073). However, there was no significant difference in overall survival between the chemotherapy (median 6 months) and ozonetherapy (8 months) groups. Although these results have to be viewed with caution because of the limited number of patients, they suggest that ozonetherapy could have had some positive effect during the treatment of our patients with advanced H&N tumors. The adjuvant administration of ozonetherapy during the chemo–radiotherapy for these tumors merits further research
Impact of the historical introduction of exotic fishes on the chironomid community of Lake Azul (Azores Islands)
Little is known about the effect of top predator introduction in historically fishless communities, especially
on remote islands. This issue is important because it might strongly affect climate reconstructions derived
from biota assemblages such as chironomids. Head capsule larval remains of chironomids have been studied
in a 660 years lacustrine sedimentary sequence from Lake Azul (Sao Miguel Island, Azores archipelago) to
assess the extent and timescale of the effect of the predator introduction occurring in this historically fishless
lake. Analysis of similarity showed that the chironomid assemblage was statistically different before and
after predator introduction (R = 0.78; p < 0.001). Abundance of chironomids was about 40% greater in the
fishless lake period compared to the period in the presence of predator. Results show major change in
chironomid assemblage coinciding with the first time of goldfish introduction (around 1790 CE), followed
by carp (1890 CE) and pike (1979 CE) introductions. The composition of feeding group guilds changed
following a pattern characterized by a decrease in abundance of detritivorous and predaceous taxa and an
increase in abundance of grazing chironomid taxa. This study suggests that predator introduction was the
most important factor affecting the chironomid assemblages in this natural, Azorean fishless lake, but
predators did not affect all chironomid species. Other external forcings like major climate oscillations,
anthropogenic activities in the catchment basin, and volcanic eruptions seem to play an additional role. The
latest stage of the warm and arid Medieval Climate Anomaly (1000–1300 CE) favoured the occurrence of
some warm-adapted chironomid taxa, which were absent through the Little Ice Age (ca. 1450–1850 CE) cool
period.Azores. Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia; M3.1.7/F/009/2011Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; CGL2010-15767Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; CGL2013-40608-RPortugal. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; SFRH/BPD/99461/2014Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; SFRH/BPD/79923/2011Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; UID/BIA/50027/2013Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00682
Guidelines and Recommendations on the Registry and Documentation of Forced Disappearances
This document formulates and systematizes a set of practical
recommendations, suggestions, and guidelines that may prove valuable in the event of an emergency that necessitates the documentation and registry of forced or involuntary disappearances committed by the state, as well as forced disappearances committed by private parties in settings of political violence, state terrorism, internal conflicts or civil wars, including operations undertaken
by armed forces, secret police, paramilitary, insurgents and organized crime.
These recommendations arise from experience garnered with different registry systems of forced and non-voluntary disappearance of persons in violent episodes and armed conflicts in Latin America, although applicable in other contexts.
This text has been prepared in the framework of the project “Political
Violence and human rights violation management: circumstances, uses and effects of forced disappearance registry. Lessons from a comparative perspective in the Americas.” Scholars of Alberto Hurtado University, Ibero American University of Mexico City, Pontifical Javeriana University of Bogota and the University of London – Goldsmith College participated in this project, which was sponsored by the Newton Fund
Synergistic DNA-damaging effect in multiple myeloma with the combination of zalypsis, bor tezomib and dexamethasone
Despite new advances in multiple myeloma treatment and the consequent improvement in overall survival, most patients relapse or become refractory to treatment. This suggests that new molecules and combinations that may further inhibit important survival pathways for these tumor cells are needed. In this context, zalypsis is a novel compound, derived from marine organisms, with a powerful preclinical anti-myeloma effect based on the sensitivity of malignant plasma cells to DNA-damage induction; and it has already been tested in a phase I/II clinical trial in multiple myeloma. We hypothesized that the addition of this compound to the combination of bortezomib plus dexamethasone may improve efficacy with acceptable toxicity. The triple combination demonstrated strong synergy and higher efficacy compared with double combinations; not only in vitro, but also ex vivo and, especially, in in vivo experiments. The triple combination triggers cell death, mainly through a synergistic induction of DNA damage and a decrease in the nuclear localization of nuclear factor kappa B. Our findings support the clinical evaluation of this combination for relapsed and refractory myeloma patients.This work was in part funded by the Spanish ISCIII-FIS (PI 15/0067 and PI15/02156) and FEDER, the Spanish RTICC (RD12/0036/0058), "Asociación Española Contra el Cancer" (AECC, GCB120981SAN), the regional Council from “Castilla y León” (GRS 1175/A/15 and FIC335U14) and a research grant from Pharmamar SAU. MMS were also supported by the Network of Centers for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy from Castilla y León, Spain. A-A López-Iglesias was supported by a grant from the Spanish Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy.Peer Reviewe
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