18,744 research outputs found

    Using NLP tools in the specification phase

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    The software quality control is one of the main topics in the Software Engineering area. To put the effort in the quality control during the specification phase leads us to detect possible mistakes in an early steps and, easily, to correct them before the design and implementation steps start. In this framework the goal of SAREL system, a knowledge-based system, is twofold. On one hand, to help software engineers in the creation of quality Software Requirements Specifications. On the other hand, to analyze the correspondence between two different conceptual representations associated with two different Software Requirements Specification documents. For the first goal, a set of NLP and Knowledge management tools is applied to obtain a conceptual representation that can be validated and managed by the software engineer. For the second goal we have established some correspondence measures in order to get a comparison between two conceptual representations. This information will be useful during the interaction.Postprint (published version

    The Synonym management process in SAREL

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    The specification phase is one of the most important and least supported parts of the software development process. The SAREL system has been conceived as a knowledge-based tool to improve the specification phase. The purpose of SAREL (Assistance System for Writing Software Specifications in Natural Language) is to assist engineers in the creation of software specifications written in Natural Language (NL). These documents are divided into several parts. We can distinguish the Introduction and the Overall Description as parts that should be used in the Knowledge Base construction. The information contained in the Specific Requirements Section corresponds to the information represented in the Requirements Base. In order to obtain high-quality software requirements specification the writing norms that define the linguistic restrictions required and the software engineering constraints related to the quality factors have been taken into account. One of the controls performed is the lexical analysis that verifies the words belong to the application domain lexicon which consists of the Required and the Extended lexicon. In this sense a synonym management process is needed in order to get a quality software specification. The aim of this paper is to present the synonym management process performed during the Knowledge Base construction. Such process makes use of the Spanish Wordnet developed inside the Eurowordnet project. This process generates both the Required lexicon and the Extended lexicon that will be used during the Requirements Base construction.Postprint (published version

    The importance of being mature: the effect of demographic maturation on global per-capita GDP

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    Given that savings behaviour and worker productivity have strong life-cycle components and given that demographic profiles vary across countries, population age structure should be linked to differences in levels of economic development. In this paper we measure the economic importance of age structure variation for the global economy. We find that even after adjusting for country-specific effects, demographic maturation has been associated with nearly half of the evolution of global per-capita GDP since 1960. We also find that age structure differences can account for just over half of the variation in worldwide per capita GDP (i.e. the lack of sigma convergence) observed since 1960. Taken as a whole, these results complement recent theoretical and empirical work on the importance of population size and economic development and reinforce empirical work linking mature demographic age structures with faster cross-country economic growth rates. JEL Classification: J13, J22, J24, O11, O40age structure, cross-country growth, life cycle savings model

    Emotion and Metacontrol

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    In the ICEA Project we are concerned with the extraction of general designs from rat brains. We are interested in designs that capture the core integrational aspects of emotion and cognition

    Unprecedented layered coordination polymers of dithiolene group 10 metals: Magnetic and electrical properties

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    One-pot reactions between Ni(ii), Pd(ii) or Pt(ii) salts and 3,6-dichloro-1,2-benzenedithiol (HSC6H2Cl2SH) in KOH medium under argon lead to a series of bis-dithiolene coordination polymers. X-ray analysis shows the presence of a common square planar complex [M(SC6H2Cl2S)2]2- linked to potassium cations forming either a two-dimensional coordination polymer network for {[K2(ÎĽ-H2O)2(ÎĽ-thf)(thf)2][M(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n [M = Ni (1) and Pd (2)] or a one-dimensional coordination polymer for {[K2(ÎĽ-H2O)2(thf)6][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n (3). In 3 the coordination environment of the potassium ions may slightly change leading to the two-dimensional coordination polymer {[K2(ÎĽ-H2O)(ÎĽ-thf)2][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n (4) that crystallizes together with 3. The physical characterization of compounds 1-3 show similar trends, they are diamagnetic and behave as semiconductorsWe thank financial support from MICINN (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, CTQ2014-52758-P and MAT2014-56143-R) and Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/076

    Against Animats

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    Animats are artificial animals, a contraction of anima-materials. The term includes physical robots and virtual simulations. Animat research, a subset of Artificial Life studies, has become rather popular since Rodney Brooks' seminal paper "Intelligence without representation". The word was coined by S.W. Wilson in 1991, in the first proceedings of the Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, which was also called From Animals to Animats

    Noise spectroscopy of a quantum-classical environment with a diamond qubit

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    Knowing a quantum system's environment is critical for its practical use as a quantum device. Qubit sensors can reconstruct the noise spectral density of a classical bath, provided long enough coherence time. Here we present a protocol that can unravel the characteristics of a more complex environment, comprising both unknown coherently coupled quantum systems, and a larger quantum bath that can be modeled as a classical stochastic field. We exploit the rich environment of a Nitrogen-Vacancy center in diamond, tuning the environment behavior with a bias magnetic field, to experimentally demonstrate our method. We show how to reconstruct the noise spectral density even when limited by relatively short coherence times, and identify the local spin environment. Importantly, we demonstrate that the reconstructed model can have predictive power, describing the spin qubit dynamics under control sequences not used for noise spectroscopy, a feature critical for building robust quantum devices. At lower bias fields, where the effects of the quantum nature of the bath are more pronounced, we find that more than a single classical noise model are needed to properly describe the spin coherence under different controls, due to the back action of the qubit onto the bath.Comment: Main text: 5 pages, 5 figures. Supplemental material: 7 pages, 7 figures, 4 table
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