1,692 research outputs found
Descripción del fenotipo clínico y terapéutico de la hemicránea continua
La hemicránea continua es un tipo de cefalea primaria que pertenece al grupo de las llamadas cefaleas trigémino-autonómicas. Se caracteriza por dolor estrictamente unilateral, sin desplazamiento lateral, de intensidad generalmente moderada, que puede además asociar exacerbaciones. El dolor suele ser diario y continuo. Uno de los parámetros que mejor definen esta entidad es su extraordinaria respuesta a indometacina. Se seleccionaron 78 pacientes diagnosticados de hemicránea continua por la Unidad de Cefaleas del servicio de Neurología del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid. Se recopilaron una serie de datos a través de las historias clínicas de dichos pacientes en un estudio descriptivo de carácter retrospectivo. De nuestros pacientes, un 70,5% fueron mujeres. La edad media del diagnóstico fue de 51,06 (DT: 13,7). Un 29,5% de los pacientes referían otras cefaleas. La intensidad media del dolor basal fue de 5,41 (DT: 1,7), escala EVA; el dolor basal era cualitativamente opresivo en un 66,7% de los pacientes; unilateral en un 100% de la muestra y de localización frontal en un 42,3%. El 93,6% de los pacientes presentaron exacerbaciones con una media de dolor de 8,47 (DT: 1,3); de estos, tan sólo un 4,4% referían algún factor desencadenante. El 50% de los pacientes presentaron síntomas trigémino-autonómicos acompañantes; entre los que predominaban lagrimeo (37,2%) e inyección conjuntival (29,5%); además, un 13% de los pacientes presentaron otros síntomas acompañantes como fotofobia, fonofobia, nauseas, traqueteo y alodinia. El 47,4% de los pacientes no respondían a analgésicos convencionales; un 33,3% abusaban de la medicación; y un 97,4% se trataron con indometacina consiguiendo una respuesta satisfactoria a distintas dosis. Se llevaron a cabo infiltraciones como tratamiento alternativo en un 29,4% de los pacientes. La hemicránea continua es una entidad con características clínicas y terapéuticas específicas que la definen. Existen tratamientos potencialmente eficaces para su abordaje.Grado en Medicin
Didáctica de la solución de problemas matemáticos a nivel preuniversitario
Esta investigación describe una didáctica del proceso de solución de problemas dirigida a estudiantes que realizan cursos de iniciación en carreras científicas y tecnológicas. Esta didáctica está planificada para analizar el proceso de solución de problemas matemáticos, el rol del docente en este proceso y el tipo de problemas que deben resolver los estudiantes. La investigación es descriptiva y exploratoria. Para ello, se propone que los estudiantes actúen como resolvedores de problemas, desarrollando o consolidando sus habilidades y destrezas en la comprensión y solución de los problemas; y que el docente desarrolle estrategias didácticas para apoyar este proceso
Critical Reflexivity and Intersectionality in Human Rights: Toward Relational and Process-Based Conceptualizations and Practices in Psychology
Within traditional social, community, and clinical psychologies, the human rights framework has typically been interpreted and
adopted from a person- or patient-based perspective. While useful and well meaning, ideological values concerning empowerment, agency,
and resiliency have often framed human rights interventions or programs within psychology. We propose in this manuscript a theoretical shift
for psychology to decentralize the role of the individual human being while at the same time avoiding forms of social behaviorism that tend to
portray the person as passive or as reacting to external stimuli. Following this first shift from the individual to the collective, we suggest
adopting anti-essentialist discourses about the parties, agents, and issues involved in human rights. To this goal, the philosophical framework
of process or relational ontology may be especially useful. Based on critical theory, critical feminism, social constructionist, and post-human
views of knowledge and reality, process ontology considers reality as complex, fluid, discursive, and dialogical. The separations between the
personal and the political are questioned to underscore the entanglement and inseparability of dimensions of possibility and actions, which
are continuous reconstructions. To conclude, we reflect on the ways in which these two movements toward anti-individualism and relational
ontology might inform specific practices and reflections within human rights frameworks in psychology
Hate groups targeting unauthorized immigrants: discourses, narratives and subjectivation practices on their websites
The narratives and images on websites of US hate groups that oppose undocumented
immigrants represent and reproduce discourses that contribute to the subject formation of
group members, who feel ethically obliged to counter unauthorized immigration. Left
alone by the government, which is seen as unreliable and uncaring of patriotic values, they
position themselves as heroic saviours of the nation. We argue that these hate groups’
‘games of truth’ develop in response to the perception that irregular immigration threatens
specific social orders and values, for instance about citizenship, national identity and
otherness. This article helps to understand the ways in which anti-immigrant narratives
serve the functions of countering these threats and of asserting the group members’ ethical
obligation as a form of care of the self. In other words, from a Foucaultian viewpoint, we
interpret the problematizations of ‘illegal’ immigration as discursive practices for the
subject formation of hate group members
Neoliberal and pandemic subjectivation processes: Clapping and singing as affective (re)actions during the Covid-19 home confinement
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the restriction of free movement and the sheltering-in-place became worldwide
strategies to manage the virus spread. Especially at the beginning of the pandemic, community-based affective
events helped people feel less isolated and support each other. In this manuscript, we explore how two of these
social practices—clapping and singing—were useful to counter the emotions entailed in the subjectivation
processes that accompanied the pandemic. We then argue that, seen as affective happenings, singing and clapping heightened emotions and affects that were already implicit in neoliberalism, mainly anxiety, loneliness, and
a sense of precariousness, disposability, and inadequacy. On one hand, singing and clapping were liberatory
practices of solidarity and resistance against the changes induced by the pandemic and its biopolitics. On the
other hand, they contributed to the primary narratives on social resilience, docile bodies, and biopolitics that
informed the crisis management. Singing and clapping also operated as neoliberal technologies of the self by
bringing the focus on individual agency, behavioral control, and the sacrifice of specific subjects (e.g., the
healthcare workers described as heroes). In short, singing and clapping were affective happenings that instantiated an entanglement of subjectivation practices in which the power to affect and the power to resist coincided
Métodos participativos, un arma poderosa para el aprendizaje
En este trabajo se muestran experiencias realizadas en primer año de las carreras de Ciencias Farmacéuticas y Microbiología de la Universidad de la Habana, durante un semestre, en las que se aplicaron la técnica Roldán - Cribeiro con el fin de lograr mayor grado de conciencia, de independencia y de solidez en el conocimiento. Escogimos estas características secundarias de la acción porque a través de ellas es posible valorar la calidad del aprendizaje. Así mismo se muestra como a través de la técnica aplicada es posible desarrollar de modo conciente aspectos positivos de la personalidad
Results of different methodologies in the teaching of occupational risk prevention for adults in vocational training
[EN] Training in the prevention of occupational risks plays a very important role in prevention, especially if it
is aimed at disadvantaged groups, who may compromise their access to the labor market in conditions
of safety and psycho-physical comfort.
In the last years the implementation of Basic Occupational Risk Prevention Courses within the
vocational training programs for work-linked employment (in Spain ETCOTE), which are aimed at
these groups, has been made compulsory.
In this study, which gathers the conclusions of the first part of the research, some training experiences
in ORP carried out in employment workshops are analyzed, evaluating their results in the medium
term, and the new trends in training for adults are reviewed.
From the research carried out it becomes evident that a traditional or academic methodological
approach (Direct Instruction) does not achieve an effective learning, obtaining better results in the long
term in the cases of more practical methodologies, active and based on students' previous knowledge.
In the same way, positive results or at least a better learning environment, motivation and student
participation are related to the use of gamification techniques in teaching.
The analytical methodology proposed is a first step towards a study, on a larger sample, of the results
of training in occupational risk prevention that allows establishing, in a second phase, methodological
guidelines for teachers of this training that take into account the profile of the students, the specialties
of the professional certificates that are offered, the organization and management of the works and
services that are offered in these types of programs.De Dato, P.; Hernández Navarro, Y. (2020). Results of different methodologies in the teaching of occupational risk prevention for adults in vocational training. IATED Academy. 5096-5103. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.1326S5096510
Combination of Direct Viable Count and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (DVC-FISH) as a Potential Method for Identifying Viable Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Oysters and Mussels
[EN] Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a human food-borne pathogen with the ability to enter the food chain. It is able to acquire a viable, non-cultivable state (VBNC), which is not detected by traditional methods. The combination of the direct viable count method and a fluorescent in situ hybridization technique (DVC-FISH) makes it possible to detect microorganisms that can present VBNC forms in complex samples The optimization of the in vitro DVC-FISH technique for V. parahaemolyticus was carried out. The selected antibiotic was ciprofloxacin at a concentration of 0.75 mu g/mL with an incubation time in DVC broth of 5 h. The DVC-FISH technique and the traditional plate culture were applied to detect and quantify the viable cells of the affected pathogen in artificially contaminated food matrices at different temperatures. The results obtained showed that low temperatures produced an important logarithmic decrease of V. parahaemolyticus, while at 22 degrees C, it proliferated rapidly. The DVC-FISH technique proved to be a useful tool for the detection and quantification of V. parahaemolyticus in the two seafood matrices of oysters and mussels. This is the first study in which this technique has been developed to detect viable cells for this microorganism.García Hernández, J.; Hernández Pérez, M.; Moreno Trigos, MY. (2021). Combination of Direct Viable Count and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (DVC-FISH) as a Potential Method for Identifying Viable Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Oysters and Mussels. Foods. 10(7):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10071502S11410
Enebrales costeros gaditanos. II. Composición y diversidad
Se ha estudiado la composición de leñosas y la diversidad de los enebrales costeros gaditanos.
Éstos están caracterizados por la presencia de especies como Calicotome villosa, Chamaerops humilis,
Cistus albidus, Clematis flammula, Ononis natrix, Rhamnus alaternus, R. oleoides, Ruscus aculeatus,
Sedum sediforme, Sideritis arborescens, Smilax aspera, Teucrium lusitanicum y Thymelaea hirsuta,
que permiten distinguir las poblaciones a lo largo del litoral. En cuanto a la diversidad, las
comunidades de los acantilados son más diversas que las de los sistemas dunares y las repoblaciones
de pinos. Entre estas últimas el manejo de los árboles y el sotobosque producen situaciones contrastadas.
Los enebrales costeros están sometidos a condiciones ambientales muy duras, que hacen que tanto
la cobertura vegetal como la diversidad sean bajas. La elevación de la costa y la plantación de pinos
reducen la movilidad del sustrato y el depósito de espray salino, lo que produce un cambio en la composición
de especies y, en general, un aumento de la diversida
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