516 research outputs found

    Acute Kidney Injury in Cirrhosis

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    Acute kidney injury is a very relevant feature in the liver cirrhosis. Acute renal failure is due to prerenal factors, intrinsic factors of the kidney, or postrenal. Prerenal damage is the result of renal hypoperfusion without damage to the glomeruli or renal tubules. Without treatment, prerenal acute renal failure can progress to acute tubular necrosis, a type of intrinsic renal damage. Patients with cirrhosis are prone to developing acute kidney injury. The acute decrease of the kidney function contributes to the mortality of patients with cirrhosis. The potential triggers of acute kidney injury should be recognized and removed; this includes the discontinuation of diuretics and nephrotoxic drugs, the treatment of infections and gastrointestinal bleeding, and plasma expansion in case of hypovolemia. The new International Club of Ascites-Acute Kidney Injury in cirrhosis criteria provide a simple and relevant staging system for acute kidney injury in patients with liver cirrhosis based on relative increases in serum creatinine. Vasopressors such as terlipressin and norepinephrine in combination with intravenous albumin represent the first-line therapy for hepatorenal syndrome

    Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    The nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the liver disorder that is most common in Western countries; has a global prevalence of approximately 25%; and is strongly associated to obesity and metabolic syndrome. According to the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), the prevalence of NAFLD is more common in obese individuals with a prevalence of 39.4% than in lean individuals with a prevalence of 7.7%. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and is defined as the accumulation of fat in the liver. The NAFLD is defined by an accumulation of fat in liver with >5% of steatosis by histologic examination or by proton density fat fraction >5.6%. The diagnosis of NAFLD implies the exclusion of secondary causes like alcohol consumption. The NAFLD includes two different pathological conditions with different prognosis: the nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) and the nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the last one has a wide spectrum of severity

    Ischemic Heart Disease

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    All over the world ischemic heart disease remains as the leading cause of death, followed by stroke. Ischemic heart disease, also called coronary artery disease has a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations from the acute coronary syndromes which include, unstable angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction with and without elevation of the ST segment and chronic coronary disease. In patients with diabetes mellitus the cardiovascular complications mainly ischemic heart disease, are the main cause of morbidity and mortality. However, in population-based studies, the risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes mellitus is significantly increased following adjustment for well-established heart failure risk factors such as hypertension or ischemic heart disease. Ischemic heart failure angiographically diagnosed is associated with a shorter survival than non-ischemic heart failure. Coronary artery disease is independently associated with higher mortality


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    ANTECEDENTES: La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es un proceso multifactorial de carácter progresivo e irreversible que frecuentemente conduce a un estado terminal, aumentando la mortalidad cardiovascular, es por ello que se han buscado diversos marcadores de inflamación (Il-6,IL-10, PCR, FNT-) siendo el índice neutrófilo-linfocito (INL) un marcador de estudio de fácil acceso y bajo costo. MATERIAL Y METODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal, no controlado de 55 pacientes con tratamiento sustitutivo en hemodiálisis a los cuales se les tomó química sanguínea y citometría hemática realizandose cálculo de índice neutrófilo linfocito comparado con otros marcadores. RESULTADOS: las comorbilidades mayormente asociadas fueron diabetes, hipertensión y tabaquismo, se realizo el cálculo del INL, encontrandose una media de 3.4 (p=0.092) para pacientes sobrevivientes y 3.69 para pacientes que fallecieron;la albúmina (p=0.004) con significancia estadistica.CONCLUSIONES: dado que el INL no mostro significancia estadística, siendo el único marcador la albumina que se puede relacionar como predictor de inflamación y asociación con mortalida

    Role of the Microbiome as the First Metal Detoxification Mechanism

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    Exposure to environmental toxins in water, soil and air are increasing with health effects, mainly in older ages and physiological states (childhood and pregnancy). The role of the microbiota has been widely studied with effects on the maintenance of health but this is only possible with a diet that promotes it. The traditional Mexican diet is rich in fiber, which has prebiotic effects and has found a higher excretion of arsenic and fluoride in adolescents who maintained a diet high in fiber derived from traditional foods. After several descriptive studies in the state of Guanajuato, since 2004, first with arsenic in drinking water in population of several communities, in 2015, it is achieved through an intervention study with a supplementation of several vitamins and minerals in population adolescent, a greater urinary arsenic and fluoride excretion, as well as a greater consumption of traditional foods such as beans, bananas, orange and quelites. Food is key to maintain a function of the microbiota, so its review and study should be encouraged

    Efecto de la irradiancia en el crecimiento y coloración de la cianobacteria marina Spirulina subsalsa Oersted ex Gomont, 1892

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    The marine cyanobacterium Spirulina subsalsa was isolated with an unusual wine-reddish coloration, rich in phycoerythrin, which is the first record in Mexican coasts (especially for Oaxaca). Its growth was characterized based on wet weight, the concentration of chlorophyll a, extracted with 90% acetone, and the determination of its absorption spectrum at 36 days in ASNIII medium under different intensity and quality of light, using cellophane paper as a filter. The increase by wet weight was barely perceptible in all the tested conditions, with greater variation at the beginning than at the end of the trial. Chlorophyll a and its spectrum showed an increase, greater with the red and blue filters, less in yellow, green and white (control), where the absorption spectra of chlorophyll a included wavelengths of blue and red-orange light, with peaks at approximately 450-475 nm and 650-675 nm and a characteristic shoulder of carotenoids at 450-500 nm. The color of the biomass varied according to the filter, so that the light in terms of quantity (intensity) and quality (wavelength) affected the quality of the biomass produced by such cyanobacterium. In addition, its color change was shown based on the filter used and shows its potential to obtain pigments for the aquaculture and biotechnology industries.  Se aisló a la cianobacteria marina Spirulina subsalsa con una coloración poco usual de color vino-rojiza, rica en ficoeritrina, lo que es el primer registro en costas mexicanas (especialmente para Oaxaca). Se caracterizó su crecimiento con base en el peso húmedo, la concentración de clorofila a, extraída con acetona al 90%, y la determinación de su espectro de absorción a los 36 días en medio ASNIII bajo diferente intensidad y calidad de luz, empleando papel celofán como filtro. El incremento por peso húmedo fue apenas perceptible en todas las condiciones evaluadas, observándose mayor variación al inicio que al final del ensayo. La clorofila a y su espectro mostraron un incremento, mayor con los filtros rojo y azul, menor con amarillo, verde y blanca (control), en donde los espectros de absorción de la clorofila a incluyeron longitudes de onda de luz azul y rojo anaranjado, con picos en aproximadamente 450-475 nm y 650-675 nm y un hombro característico de los carotenoides a 450-500 nm. El color de la biomasa varió según el filtro, por lo que la luz en cuanto a cantidad (intensidad) y calidad (longitud de onda) inciden en la calidad de la biomasa producida por dicha cianobacteria. Además, su cambio de coloración se mostró con base en el filtro empleado y evidencia su potencial para obtención de pigmentos para las industrias acuícola y biotecnológica

    Degradación de Amarillo-5 en medio acuoso usando hidrotalcitas como catalizadores Fenton heterogéneos

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    El proceso Fenton heterogéneo es una alternativa viable a su contraparte homogénea en la degradación de moléculas recalcitrantes presentes en el agua debido a que no requiere ajuste de pH ni se generan lodos. En el presente trabajo se estudió el efecto catalítico de materiales tipo hidrotalcita en la degradación de Amarillo-5 (tartrazina) en medio acuoso con la ayuda de peróxido de hidrógeno mediante un proceso Fenton heterogéneo, siguiendo la degradación del colorante por medio de su absorbancia UV a una λ=428 nm. Para ello, se sintetizaron catalizadores tipo hidrotalcita con combinaciones de Cu, Co, Ni, Mg y Al en sus estructuras por el método de coprecipitación. Los catalizadores resultantes fueron caracterizados por técnicas de difracción de rayosX, espectroscopía infrarroja, microscopía electrónica de barrido y análisis termogravimétrico. El catalizador [Co0.11Ni0.11Mg0.53Al0.25(OH)2]x(CO32-) x/2·YH2O presentó un rendimiento de 95% en la degradación de tartrazina a concentraciones estequiométricas de H2O2 en 60 minutos de reacción.Heterogeneous Fenton process proves to be a feasible alternative to its homogeneous counterpart in the degradation of recalcitrant molecules present in water, due that the former does not need pH adjustment and slurries are not generated during its procedure. The aim of this work was to elucidate the catalytic properties of hydrotalcite-like materials in the degradation of aqueous Yellow-5 (tartrazine) by means of a Fenton heterogeneous process using hydrogen peroxide as a source of free radicals. The materials were synthesized by co-precipitation varying the molar ratio of the constituent cations i.e. Cu, Co, Ni, Mg y Al. The resulting catalysts were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The degradation of the dye was followed by UV spectroscopy at λ=428 nm. The catalytic degradation of tartrazine with stoichiometric concentrations of H2O2 was 95% using the Co0.11Ni0.11Mg0.53Al0.25(OH)2]x(CO32-) x/2·YH2O catalyst at 60 minutes of reaction time

    La carencia de infraestructura propia y adecuada en la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) de El Salvador y sus repercusiones en el desarrollo organizacional y territorial, así como en la atención integral a la ciudadanía, año 2014

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    Research that explores the state of the infrastructure in the National Civil Police, its repercussions in the organizational development and the proportion of public security services. How the infrastructure situation affects police efficiency and effectiveness. To this end, 299 surveys were applied to police personnel and citizens. It concludes with relevant findings on the legal situation of real estate and other effects of the organization that detract from the critical aspects already mentioned.Investigación que explora el estado de la infraestructura en la Policía Nacional Civil, sus repercusiones en el desarrollo organizacional y la proporción de servicios de seguridad pública. Cómo afecta la situación de infraestructura en la eficiencia y eficacia policial. Para ello se aplicaron 299 encuestas a personal policial y ciudadanía. Se concluye con hallazgos relevantes sobre la situación jurídica de inmuebles y otros efectos de la organización que restan fuerza a los aspectos críticos ya mencionados

    Adaptive threshold PCA for fault detection and isolation

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    Fault diagnosis is an important issue in industrial processes to avoid economic losses, process damage, and to guarantee safe working conditions for the operators. For high scale industrial processes the data-driven based methods are the best solution for process monitoring and fault diagnosis. Thus, in this paper, the principal component analysis is shown to detect and isolate faults. Also, a dynamic threshold is implemented to avoid false alarms because incipient faults are difficult to be detected. As a case of study, the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process is used to apply this strategy because the interaction among five units with internal control loops makes difficult to have an approached model. As results are shown the detection times, for cases where were analyzed incipient faults, the time required for fault detection must be improved, in this work, an adaptive threshold was used to reduce the false alarms but it also increases the detection times. It was concluded that the Q chart gave a better result for fault detection; the isolation times were similar to the detection ones. Two incipient faults could not be detected, the fault detection rate was similar to the shown in literature, but the detection times were better in 35% of the cases, unfortunately for four faults the detection times were bigger than the reported in other papers. It is proposed to help this method with independent component analysis due it is not guaranteed to have a Gaussian distribution in the samples