4,846 research outputs found

    Report on the release of “Camello”, drought tolerant Urochloa cultivar

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    Report on identifying a protocol to elicit flowering in Brachiaria humidicola with photoperiod management

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    Two Genotypes of Brachiaria humidicola (A and B) were planted on the grounds of CIAT headquarters in Palmira during 2018 – 2019, 10 lamps were placed in the lot to evaluate 6 different photoperiods (1 - 6) with Light in 2 different wavelength range (W.R.) α and β, for this, 17 samples were carried out on the variables height, vigor, chlorophyll content and number of inflorescences; a total of 93 field work were carried out to support the trial, finding that the photoperiod 5 in the W.R. β and 3 photoperiod in the W.R. α for the B genotype show significant differences (p <0.05, Tukey) with respect to the other treatments for height and number of inflorescences, performing the statistical analysis in the SAS software. As to the seed production, it was found that any light stimulus generates greater seed production, despite the conditions under which the crops were made and the method of harvest used. I order to refine the protocol and validate the results in bigger genotype sample another trial with the 2 most efficient treatments was proposed for 2020, focusing on number of inflorescences and seed production

    Report on evaluating Brachiaria interspecific Br19 hybrid performance

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    Report on testing the best 20 Megathyrsus maximus hybrids identified in 2018

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    To identify promising hybrids of the Megathyrsus breeding program [Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B. K. Simon & S. W. L. Jacobs (= Panicum maximum Jacq.)], 20 apomitic hybrids pre-selected from a population of 80 F1 hybrids were evaluated. This F1 population comes from the cross between a sexual genotype (PM15) and 90 accessions of the CIAT germplasm bank. The evaluations were made comparing agronomic traits (such as biomass production, growth habit, height, cover, greenery and pure seed production) with commercial cultivars Mombasa (CIAT: 6962), Tanzania (CIAT: 16031), AGROSAVIA Sabanera, Megathysus Naturalized and Check1 (Witness with sexual reproduction). Currently the stablishment of the experiment was done, as well as two phenotypic evaluations. The phase of data collection will be finished during 2020 as well as data analysis and selection

    Report on identifying a promising tester and quantitative metrics for the Megathyrsus maximus breeding program

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    With the overall aim to build the foundation of a breeding program for Megathyrsus maximus, during 2019 we formed the crosses required for the study of genetic parameters following a factorial genetic design. The structure of the crosses was the following, nine male-parent candidates where established in isolated plots to avoid pollen contamination. Once the males where stablished, thirty female parents were brought to the male plots. Cuttings in both parents where developed in order to promote and synchronize flowering, which has been the greatest challenge given that reproductive biology of the parents was largely unknown. The 30 female parents were identical (multiplication of them was clonal) for all nine male parent trials. During 2019, we were able to multiply parents in the glasshouse, stablish crossing plots and collect hybrid seed for eight out of nine crossing plots. During 2020, we aim to finalize crossing formation, develop post-harvest procedures, which involves also the time of dormancy and maybe (if budget allows it) identify within the progeny apomictic hybrids to be tested in the field in 2021

    Acute adrenal insufficiency secondary to bilateral adrenal B-cell lymphoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    Primary adrenal lymphoma is an extremely rare entity which constitutes less than 1% of extranodal lymphomas. Most cases present with bilateral adrenal masses and without extraadrenal involvement, which can lead to symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. The prognosis is usually poor and chemotherapy is the first-line treatment option. We report here on a 78-year-old man admitted to our Internal Medicine Department because of constitutional symptoms and high fever spikes. He was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency and a CT-scan revealed bilateral adrenal masses of about 6 cm in diameter. A percutaneous biopsy was performed and the histological exam was consistent with diffuse large B cell lymphoma. A review of the literature of this unusual entity was also carried out

    Estudio del riesgo. Análisis multifactorial, multinivel y multifactorial

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    Se expone la Ecuaciòn general de riesgo como una nueva propuesta tèorica y base metodològicaEl presente trabajo presenta una ecuación conceptual y metodológica para el estudio del riesgo que es soportada por argumentos establecidos en la teoría sistémica, la expresión razonada que se exhibe es desagregada en cinco funciones básicas que la componen: la del geosistema perturbador, la componente humana, la del territorio, la sistémica y por último la gestión del riesgo. La integración de variables y el análisis de funcionalidad en el tiempo y espacio muestran que la naturaleza del riesgo tiende a ser caótica por incluir diferentes elementos en niveles de integración, tiempo y función disímiles

    Effect of genotype interaction by environment on quality traits in Brachiaria hybrids population Br12

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    We aim to understand the magnitude of the interaction genotype by environment over several important traits, including those associated with nutritional quality, in a population of 100 hybrids of interspecific Brachiaria. In cooperation with Colombian National Agriculture Research Center (AGROSAVIA), four field trials have been stablished and another one will be stablished in 2020, for a total of 5 locations. The trials follow alpha lattice designs in each location, with two replicates. Each trial is evaluated at least four times, trying to cover two rainy and two dry seasons. For each evaluation measurements of visual and drone biomass and quality, parameters with NIRS are taken. Currently, data capture has been completed in 3 locations. One is at 50% and another is still pending of establishment. The present report shows partial results for some of the data that has been collected

    Report on evaluating Brachiaria humidicola population Bh16B hybrid performance

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    The population Bh16b was formed from the remnant seed of the best crosses identified from Bh16 population. As the intra-family variance in that trial was higher than the inter-family variance, and considering the constrains to develop a new Bh hybrid population, the breeder decided to take advantage of intra-family variance and explore those hybrids stored in the seed storage room. Conformed by 1046 hybrids, Bh16b was phenotyped on the field in order to measure the hybrid performance for the following traits: Visual assessment of biomass production, vigor, high, visual assessment of leaf steam ratio and drone based measurements like biomass and greenness. The trials were stablished at two locations: CIAT Palmira and Llanos-Cabuyaro. Each trial followed an augmented design with 25 incomplete blocks. Data was obtained for various cuttings in each location, each cutting after 6 weeks from previous one, to pursue two cuttings from the dry and two from the wet season