652 research outputs found

    Fibrational induction meets effects

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    This paper provides several induction rules that can be used to prove properties of effectful data types. Our results are semantic in nature and build upon Hermida and Jacobs’ fibrational formulation of induction for polynomial data types and its extension to all inductive data types by Ghani, Johann, and Fumex. An effectful data type μ(TF) is built from a functor F that describes data, and a monad T that computes effects. Our main contribution is to derive induction rules that are generic over all functors F and monads T such that μ(TF) exists. Along the way, we also derive a principle of definition by structural recursion for effectful data types that is similarly generic. Our induction rule is also generic over the kinds of properties to be proved: like the work on which we build, we work in a general fibrational setting and so can accommodate very general notions of properties, rather than just those of particular syntactic forms. We give examples exploiting the generality of our results, and show how our results specialize to those in the literature, particularly those of Filinski and Støvring

    Microanatomy of the respiratory system of Bufo arenarum and Melanophryniscus stelzneri stelzneri (Anura, Bufonidae)

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    En el presente estudio se ha determinado que la microanatomíadel sistema respiratorio de B. arenarum y M.s.stelzneri son enalgunos aspectos muy diferentes. Utilizando técnicas macroscópicas, de microscopía óptica y demicroscopía electrónica, se caracterizaron anatómicamente ehistológicamente el sistema respiratorio de ambas especies. Para ellose dividió el estudio en I) vías aéreas extrapulmonares, II) pulmón y III) cuerpos neuroepiteliales. Las vías extrapulmonares están reducidas a una laringotráqueaconstituida por un par de cartílagos aritenoides y el cricoides. En B.arenarum a diferencia de M. s. stelzneri la laringotráquea estádividida en dos cámaras, una anterior y otra posterior delimitadasambas por membranas. La mucosa que reviste el lumen de lalaringotráquea así como las membranas que tapizan las cámaraspresenta una diversidad celular importante. En B. arenarum la últimaporción de la laringotráquea se continúa con dos cámaras “bronquiales” que se abren cada una de ellas a un pulmón mientrasque en M.s. stelzneri la laringotráquea se comunica directamente conlos pulmones. Los pulmones son diferentes en ambas especies. En B.arenarum la estructura interna es más compleja por la presencia detres tipos de septos: primarios, secundarios y terciarios concaracterísticas histológicas propias, mientras que en M. s. stelzneri laorganización interna es simple por la presencia solamente de septosterciarios. El parénquima pulmor es del tipo faveolar para B.arenarum y edicular para M. s. stelzneri. El epitelio respiratorio estáconstituido por neumocitos los cuales emiten prolongacionescitoplasmáticas que cubren a los capilares sanguíneos. Estasprolongaciones junto con el endotelio de los capilares constituyen labarrera de intercambio gaseoso. En M.s. stelzneri se determinó la presencia sobre los septos decuerpos neuroepiteliales a los cuales se les adjudica una posiblefunción secretora y/o receptora.The present study has determined that the microanatomy of therespiratory system of B. arenarum and M.s.stelzneri are different insome aspects. Light and electron microscopy were used to study the anatomyand histology of the respiratory system of both species. For it wasdivided it the study in I) extrapulmonary airways, II) lung and III)neuroepithelial bodies. The extrapulmonary airways in these species are reduced to alaryngotrachea constituted by a couple of arytenoid cartilages and acricoid cartilage. In B. arenarum contrary to M.s.stelzneri thelaryngotrachea is divided in two laryngeal chambers, anterior andposterior. The epithelia of the chambers as well as the membranesthat limit this chambers present an important cellular diversity. In B.arenarum the last portion of the laryngotrachea connected with twobronchial chambers which give out onto the lung. The lungs in both species are different. In B. arenarum theinternal structure is more complex by the presence of three types ofsepta: first, second and third order. In M.s. stelzneri the parenchymaforms a polygonal network arrangement, therefore the parenchyma isedicular in both. These space are delimited by the interconnection ofsepta which are covered by respiratory epithelium. This epitheliumconsists of one type of pneumocytes, which emit a thin cytoplasmicprocess that cover the pulmonary capillaries to form the outer layerof the air-blood barrier. In M.s. stelzneri neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) appear randomlydistributed over the septa. Each NEB consists of special cells, thecorpuscular cells (cc) which contains numerous dense core vesicles (dcv). The NEB are associated with afferent and efferent terminalnerves. The location of the NEB, the presence of the dcv, theoccurrence of synaptic contacts between nerve endings and the ccand the occurrence of capillaries close to the NEB, suggest areceptosecretory function for the NEB in the lung of M.s. stelzneri.Fil: Hermida, Gladys N.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Development of a Map Viewer for Archipielago de Cabrera National Park, Balearic Islands, Spain

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    This chapter describes the development of a map viewer (accessible in Spanish at http://www .ideo-cabrera.ieo.es) for the Archipelago de Cabrera National Park, Balearic Islands, Spain. The park is a region with various forms of protection, demonstrating the importance of this area and the need to expand knowledge about it and facilitate the management and monitoring of a wide range of environmental threats and hazards. The development of the map viewer (leveraging ArcGIS Viewer for Flex software) is one of the pioneering initiatives in Spain relating GIS technology to the marine environment. It is the result of extensive interinstitutional collaboration between the EU-US Marine Biodiversity research group of the Instituto Franklin-Universidad de Alcalá, the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, and the Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. Keywords for this chapter include GIS, web mapping, map viewer, Visor, metadata, WMS, INSPIRE, ArcGIS, Geoportal, Cabrera, parque nacional, national park, Islas Baleares, Balearic Islands, España, Spain.Postprin


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    © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThe use of social media is now widely accepted within journalism as an outlet for news information. Live tweeting of unfolding events is standard practice. In March 2014, Oscar Pistorius went on trial in the Gauteng High Court for murder. Hundreds of journalists present began live-tweeting coverage, an unprecedented combination of international interest, permission to use technology and access which resulted in massive streams of consciousness reports of events as they unfolded. Based on a corpus of Twitter feeds of twenty-four journalists covering the trial, this study analyses the content and strategies of these feeds in order to present an understanding of how microblogging is used as a live reporting tool. This study shows the development of standardised language and strategies in reporting on Twitter, concluding that journalists adopt a narrow range of approaches, with no significant variation in terms of gender, location, or medium. This is in contrast to earlier studies in the field (Awad, 2006, Hedman, 2015; Kothari, 2010; Lariscy, Avery, Sweetser, & Howes, 2009 Lasorsa, 2012; Lasorsa, Lewis, & Holton, 2011; Sigal, 1999, Vis, 2013).Peer reviewe

    Generic Fibrational Induction

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    This paper provides an induction rule that can be used to prove properties of data structures whose types are inductive, i.e., are carriers of initial algebras of functors. Our results are semantic in nature and are inspired by Hermida and Jacobs' elegant algebraic formulation of induction for polynomial data types. Our contribution is to derive, under slightly different assumptions, a sound induction rule that is generic over all inductive types, polynomial or not. Our induction rule is generic over the kinds of properties to be proved as well: like Hermida and Jacobs, we work in a general fibrational setting and so can accommodate very general notions of properties on inductive types rather than just those of a particular syntactic form. We establish the soundness of our generic induction rule by reducing induction to iteration. We then show how our generic induction rule can be instantiated to give induction rules for the data types of rose trees, finite hereditary sets, and hyperfunctions. The first of these lies outside the scope of Hermida and Jacobs' work because it is not polynomial, and as far as we are aware, no induction rules have been known to exist for the second and third in a general fibrational framework. Our instantiation for hyperfunctions underscores the value of working in the general fibrational setting since this data type cannot be interpreted as a set.Comment: For Special Issue from CSL 201

    Marine GIS Applications: GIS Spanish Institute of Oceanography

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    Poster presentado en el SIEBM XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Biología MarinaSince 1998 in the IEO is developing a MARINE GIS with the objective of organize, harmonize, standardize, integrated the geo-information of IEO. GIS tools are used in several projects carried out in the IEO related to study of living resources, natural resources, studies of evolution of natural phenomena, collecting data, marine spatial planning, etc

    Dealing with the mess (we made): Unraveling hybridity, normativity, and complexity in journalism studies

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    In this article, we discuss the rise and use of the concept of hybridity in journalism studies. Hybridity afforded a meaningful intervention in a discipline that had the tendency to focus on a stabilized and homogeneous understanding of the field. Nonetheless, we now need to reconsider its deployment, as it only partially allows us to address and understand the developments in journalism. We argue that if scholarship is to move forward in a productive manner, we need, rather than denote everything that is complex as hybrid, to develop new approaches to our object of study. Ultimately, this is an open invitation to the field to adopt experientialist, practice-based approaches that help us overcome the ultimately limited binary dualities that have long governed our theoretical and empirical work in the field

    Electroconvulsive Therapy Practice Changes in Older Individuals Due to COVID-19: Expert Consensus Statement

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    © 2020 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry The ubiquitous coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has required healthcare providers across all disciplines to rapidly adapt to public health guidelines to reduce risk while maintaining quality of care. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which involves an aerosol-generating procedure from manual ventilation with a bag mask valve while under anesthesia, has undergone drastic practice changes in order to minimize disruption of treatment in the midst of COVID-19. In this paper, we provide a consensus statement on the clinical practice changes in ECT specific to older adults based on expert group discussions of ECT practitioners across the country and a systematic review of the literature. There is a universal consensus that ECT is an essential treatment of severe mental illness. In addition, there is a clear consensus on what modifications are imperative to ensure continued delivery of ECT in a manner that is safe for patients and Northwell Health, while maintaining the viability of ECT services. Approaches to modifications in ECT to address infection control, altered ECT procedures, and adjusting ECT operations are almost uniform across the globe. With modified ECT procedures, it is possible to continue to meet the needs of older patients while mitigating risk of transmission to this vulnerable population