237 research outputs found

    Peranan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pemberdayaan Budaya Lokal (Studi Tentang Program Pemberdayaan Pengrajin Batik dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Komoditi Ekonomi di Desa Klampar Kecamatan Proppo Kabupaten Pamekasan-Madura)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis peranan pemerintah daerah dalam pemberdayaan budaya lokal. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan dalam pemberdayaan batik di Desa Klampar Kecamatan Proppo Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura telah dilaksanakan dan ada pula yang masih dalam perencanaan. Beberapa yang telah dilaksanakan adalah: 1). Permodalan melalui pinjaman Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR); 2). Pelatihan membatik dan manajemen pemasaran; 3).Pemunculan nuansa batik dalam setiap agenda acara; 4). Mengikuti dalam berbagai agenda; 5). Membentuk paguyuban pengrajin batik; 6). Pembuatan sentra batik; 7). Mencari popularitas batik Pamekasan. Peranan pengrajin batik dan pengusaha batik antara lain: 1). Berasal dari sejarah batik yang masuk ke Desa Klampar; 2). Pemenuhan alat dan bahan; 3). Proses pembuatan batik di Desa Klampar; 4). Proses mempertahankan motif batik; 5).Proses pemasaran batik. Perencanaan yang kurang maksimal adalah: 1). Sumber daya manusia yang terlibat dalam USAha industri kecil masih rendah; 2). Proses daya saing pasar yang masih kurang; 3). Kualitas yang masih kalah saing dengan batik Pekalongan dan Jogyakarta. Faktor pendukung peranan Disperindag adalah: 1). Pembenahan sumber Daya Manusia dengan cara melatih pengrajin batik; 2). Pasar 17 agustus sebagai pasar batik Pamekasan diharapkan bisa menjadi lebih efektif untuk para pengusaha batik; 3). Motif batik pamekasan ini berbeda dengan motif-motif batik di daerah lain

    Bank Monitoring as an External Governance Mechanism and the Borrowers' Firm Value

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    The objective of this research is to examine the effect of bank monitoring as an alternative of corporate governance mechanisms on the borrowers' firm value. The strengths of bank monitoring on the borrowers are measured based on the magnitude of the bank loan, the size of the loan from banks with high monitoring quality, the length of a bank loan outstanding period, and the number of lenders. The research hypotheses were tested using multiple regression model with a sample of 230 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2009. The empirical results show that only the size of the loan from banks with high monitoring quality and the number of lenders significantly influences the borrowers' firm value. These findings imply that only banks with high monitoring quality could play an important role in the corporate governance and therefore increasing the firm value by their monitoring function. Furthermore, bank monitoring is less effective if a company borrows from many banks, and therefore decreasing the firm value

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Tumbuhan Langka Rotan Beula Ceratolobus Glaucescens Blume Di Cagar Alam Sukawayana Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian forest possesses a huge number of rare plants species but support of data and information that have supported preservation action was not available optimally. One of rare plant is rotan beula (Ceratolobus galucescens Blume). The aims of this study is to determine the structure, composition, and diversity vegetation which grows at habitat of rotan beula; to know the population condition of rotan beula; and to identify the ecological factors of rotan beula. Data was collected from 7 of circular plot sample. The width of every circular plot was 0.1 ha. The processing and analysis of data was done using Minitab's program version 14. The result showed the condition of rotan beula populations was well, they still grow normally. This conditions was described with young age (446 individuals) is more than the total of Rotan beula in old age (162 individuals). The sustainability of rotan beula population at Sukawayana Natural Reserve (SNR) was being threatened by society activity surround the SNR. The other, the abundance of Rotan beula was affected by density of pole level (n=7; t=7.81; p=0.001) and relative humidity of air (n=7; t=12.10; p=0.000). It can be formulated with regression: rotan beula density = -1155 + 0.154 density of pole + 13.9 relative humidity of air. The R2 value of formulation was 98,53%

    Detection of Toxocara cati from Fecal Samples of Domestic Pet Cats at Pet Clinic Surabaya and Durability of Toxocara cati Eggs with In Vitro Media

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of Toxocara cati eggs in the feces of Domestic pet cats at the Surabaya Animal Clinic and the durability of Toxocara cati eggs with in vitro media. Total fecal samples taken were 30 cat feces from 5 animal clinics in Surabaya, then detected Toxocara cati eggs using an enlargement microscope 100 times, followed by counting eggs per gram of feces. The eggs used were approximately 200 eggs in each petri dish, then positive feces of Toxocara cati with various in vitro media using 0.9% NaCl, 1% PBS and 1% CMC for 24 hours and 48 hours. The results showed that two fecal samples positive Toxocara cati from 30 samples fecal and durability Toxocara cati eggs on medium in vitro over 24 showed 28% NaCl; PBS 68%; CMC 5% and at 48 hours showed 23.7% NaCl; PBS 58%; CMC 17.3%. Based on these results,  the conclusion is two fecal (6,67 %) positive T.cati from 30 fecal samples, and the best medium in the test of the durability of Toxocara cati egg is 1% PBS

    Economic Impact From Plastic Debris On Selayar Island, South Sulawesi

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    Sampah plastik dalam jumlah besar terdeposit di pesisir Pulau Selayar yang berhadapan langsung dengan Laut Jawa selama musim barat. Sampah plastik telah menimbulkan dampak sosial dan ekonomi bagi nelayan di Pulau Selayar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji komposisi, kepadatan dan sebaran dari sampah plastik; dampak terhadap sosial dan ekonomi. Metode transek garis digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan jumlah dan sebaran sampah plastik. Ukuran sampah plastik yang diamati adalah >2,5 cm dikategorikan sebagai sampah makro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari sampai Maret 2016. Dampak sampah plastik menurunkan pendapatan dari pariwisata, industri perikanan, mengganggu operasi penangkapan ikan, memerlukan pembersihan dan perbaikan pada alat langkap. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk perbaikan dan pembersihan kapal ikan sekitar 192,9 juta rupiah tiap tahun dan perbaikan alat tangkap 156,2 juta rupiah per tahun. Sampah plastik terdiri dari botol plastik, gelas plastik, tali dan jaring ikan, korek gas, keranjang plastik, pelampung, kemasan plastik, sikat gigi dan alat suntik. Rata-rata sampah plastik adalah 9,5 ± 2,7 item/m2 dan berat sekitar 229,2 ± 109,9 g/m2
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