9 research outputs found


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    RANDI HERMAWAN BULO. The Influence Corporate Governance Mechanism and Age of Company Toward Timeliness of Annual Report. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta. 2014. The objective of study examines the influence of mechanism corporate governance consist of managerial ownership and institusional ownership, and then age of company on timeliness of corporate financial reporting. This research represents the empirical test which used purposive sampling techniques in data collection. Data were collected using a secondary data of 28 from mining company listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2010-2012. Data analysis uses multiple regression with the program SPSS 16.00 version for windows. Results of hypothesis examination indicate there is influence between institutional ownership and age of company on Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting, and there is no influence between Managerial ownership on Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting

    The Impact of Job Rotation Toward The Performance of Operational Employees in PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk

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    The following research is conducted in PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk. specifically in the operational section that has the population of 70 employees. The number of sample taken in this reseach is 58. The data is obtained through a series of questionnaire that have been tested through a validy and realibility measurement. The technique of analysis used in this research include linear regression, partial t test and R-squared test. The linear regression yields a result of y=12,047+0,693x. The result of R2 is 0,680. This indicates that the performance of employees is effected by job rotation as high as 68,0%. The excess of 32% is effected by other variables like style of leadership, compensation and various motives that are not explained in this research. Meanwhile, the significance of job rotation impact toward the performance of employees is done using the t test. From the SPSS22 software, we attain tcount as high as 10,919. From the table of t distribution (with the error level of 5%), we attain ttable as high as 1,672. Since the score of tcount is greater than ttable (10,919 > 1,672), the submission of hypotesis is accepted.Keywords: Job rotation, Performance of employee

    PENGARUH MEKANISME CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DAN UMUR PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP KETEPATAN WAKTU PELAPORAN KEUANGAN :(Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Tahun 2010-2012)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governance yang terdiri dari: Kepemilikan Manajerial dan Kepemilikan Institusional serta umur perusahaan terhadap Ketepatan waktu Pelaporan Keuangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan teknik purposive sampling dalam pengumpulan data. Data diperoleh dari data sekunder laporan keuangan 28 perusahaan pertambangan yang terdaftar di BEI 2010-2012. Analisis data dilakukan dengan regresi berganda dengan program SPSS version 16.00 for windows. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan kepemilikan institusional dan umur perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan waktu pelaporan keuangan perusahaan sedangkan kepemilikan manajerial tidak berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan waktu pelaporan keuangan perusahaan. **************** The objective of study examines the influence of mechanism corporate governance consist of managerial ownership and institusional ownership, and then age of company on timeliness of corporate financial reporting. This research represents the empirical test which used purposive sampling techniques in data collection. Data were collected using a secondary data of 28 from mining company listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2010-2012. Data analysis uses multiple regression with the program SPSS 16.00 version for windows. Results of hypothesis examination indicate there is influence between institutional ownership and age of company on Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting, and there is no influence between Managerial ownership on Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting

    Cataract Extraction on One Seeing Eye in Patient with Behcet’s Disease

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    Introduction :Behcet’s Disease is autoimmune relapsing systemic vasculitis of unknown that can cause uveitis and affect the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. Cataract is the most common complication of anterior segment caused by recurrent uveitis. This case was to report the outcomes and complications of cataract surgery in patients with Behçet's disease.  Case report: A of 35 years old man complained progressive visual loss since 6 months before admission with VA 1 meter finger counting and NLP.  There was history of recurrent redness on both eyes accompanied by blurred vision and pain, oral aphtosis, and genital aphtosis since three years before admission but didn’t seek help because of low access to healthcare in his previous home. From anterior segment examination there was posterior synechia, cloudy lens, pupil secclusion, rubeosis iridis, flare and cell suggesting chronic uveitis. There was elevated IOP of 43.4 mmHg on left eye. Retinal vasculitis was found on posterior segment examination. Result : After combination of methylprednisolone and azathioprine for one  year, there were improvement of quieter condition on both eyes and decreased left eye IOP of 37.2 mmHg. Lens extraction with iris retractor was done after three months of no inflammatory response. Despite uneventfull surgery and combination of immunosupresive medication, the visual acuity are not much improved and there was optic atrophy from the complication of chronic Behcet’s disease. Conclusion : In patient with chronic Behcet’s disease, ocular involvement can affect both anterior and posterior segments with poor visual outcome regarding its complication DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.438225

    The Effect Of Work Stress, Motivation, And Competence On Employee Performance In The Covid-19 Pandemic Conditions At PT Ace Hardware Indonesia (Study At Ace Hardware Outlets Grand Indonesia Branch In Jakarta)

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    The Influence of Work Stress, Motivation, and Competence on Employee Performance in the Covid-19 Pandemic Condition at Pt Ace Hardware Indonesia (Study at Ace Hardware Outlets Grand Indonesia Branch in Jakarta), especially the Operations section, 130 employees of PT Ace Hardware Grand Indonesia Branch. The sample in this study was 100 employees of PT Ace Hardware Grand Indonesia Branch calculated based on the Slovin formula. The sampling method used was convenience sampling. The data collection method used a survey method, with the research instrument being a questionnaire. Data analysis method using Partial Least Square. The results showed that the results of work stress research with employee performance showed path coefficients values of 0.286 which were close to the value of +1, the T-Statistic value was 4.443 (> 1.96), the f-square value was 0.134, and the p-value was 0.000 (<0.05). ). motivation with employee performance which shows a path coefficient value of 0.260 which is close to the value of + 1, the T-Statistic value is 2.474 (> 1.96), the f-square value is 0.072, and the p-value is 0.015 (<0.05). competence with employee performance which shows a path coefficients value of 0.428 which is close to the value of +1, the T-Statistic value is 3.826 (>1.96), the f-square value is 0.231 and the p-value is 0.000 (<0.05). it can be concluded that the first hypothesis (H1), (H2), (H3) is accepted as having a positive effect.Keywords: Job Stress, Motivation, Competence, Employee Performanc

    Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Umum Di Kolonodale (Ekspresi Budaya Mori ‘Tepo Asa Aroa' Dalam Arsitektur)

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    Dalam suatu perkembangan kota di Indonesia terutama dalam sektor laut, sangatlah penting. Mengingat Indonesia adalah Negara Maritim yang otomatis mempunyai kekayaan alam di bidang kelautan. Dengan melonjaknya arus penumpang masyarakat terutama dalam hal transpotasi laut, sangatlah dibutuhkan akses kapal-kapal laut baik yang berskala besar maupun kecil. Oleh karena itu, dalam prospek perancangan di ambil suatu objek Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Umum di Kolonodale. Yang merupakan terminal penumpang dalam hal ini masih belum memenuhi kriteria terminal penumpang pada umunya dengan standar kepelabuhanan di Indonesia. Adapun pendekatan tema perancangan pada objek ini yaitu, Ekspresi Budaya Mori ‘Tepo Asa Aroa' dalam Arsitektur. Tentunya sangat membantu dalam membuat gagasan-gagasan sketsa ide. Didalamnya akan diterapkan berbagai macam kosnep-konsep nilai budaya, norma-norma, dan perilaku dari masyarakat suku Mori


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    Abstract. Learning media is a tool to deliver the materials to students during teaching and learning process. This study aims to develop e-comic learning media on linear program of two variable. The process of developing this learning media refers to the Thiagarajan model known as the 4-D model which consists of four stages, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. The results of the comic media validation included in the valid criteria with a correlation coefficient value was 0.91. Based on the trials that have been conducted in Class X-MIPA 4 MAN 1 Jember with a total of 24 students, the results of the use of instructional media including the level of practicality are categorized as good with a percentage was 91.2%. Then the effectiveness results of comic media based on cognitive, psychomoto, and affective aspects obtained effectiveness level of "Good" in all aspects. Cognitive aspects show a percentage of students who scored above the standard score was 75%. The percentage on the student observation sheet was 87% in the psychomotor aspect. The last aspect is affective with a percentage was 93.75%.  Keywords: E-Comic, Learning media, Linear Program of Two Variable, Thiagarajan mode

    The Influence of Corporate Governance Mechanism and Age of Company To Time Compliance of Financial Reporting (Empirical Study on Mining Sector Companies That Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2012).

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    The objective of study examines the influence of mechanism corporate governance consist of managerial ownership and institutional ownership, and then age of company on timeliness of corporate financial reporting. This research represents the empirical test which used purposive sampling techniques in data collection. Data were collected using a secondary data of 28 from mining company listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2010-2012. Data analysis uses multiple regression with the program SPSS 16.00 version for windows. Results of hypothesis examination indicate there is influence between institutional ownership and age of company on Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting, and there is no influence between Managerial ownership on Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting.   Keywords: Timeliness, Managerial Ownership, Institutional Ownership, Age of Compan

    Penerapan Ilmu Manajemen Dalam Mengembangkan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia dan Lembaga Pendidikan di Yayasan TPQ Nurul Ikhlas

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    Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) yang berjudul Penerapan Ilmu Manajemen Dalam Mengembangkan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia dan Lembaga Pendidikan di Yayasan TPQ Nurul Ikhlas diadakan dengan tujuan membekali para SDM di Yayasan TPQ Nurul Ikhas tentang pentingnya meningkatkan kapasitas SDM, khususnya menjadi tenaga didik. Selain itu, tujuan lain dari pengadaan program ini adalah membekali SDM tentang perlunya memajukan organisasi yang mewadahi yayasan tersebut. Program Pengabdian Masyarakat dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Gunung Sindur, Bogor pada tanggal 14 November 2021. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei, pemaparan materi secara langsung, serta simulasi dan diskusi mengenai penerapan ilmu manajemen. Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa penerapan ilmu manajemen dalam aspek mengajar peserta didik maupun dalam kehidupan berorganisasi sangat diperlukan untuk bersaing dan berkembang secara maksimal di tengah era digital.Kata Kunci: Penerapan Manajemen, Tenaga Didik, Organisasi, Era Digital The Community Service Program entitled The Application of Management Science in Developing the Competence of Human Resources and the Educational Institution of TPQ Nurul Ikhlas Foundation was held with the aim of equipping the human resources in at the TPQ Nurul Ikhlas Foundation about the importance of increasing the capacity of human resources, especially as teachers. In addition, the other purpose of the procurement of this program is to equip human resources about the need to advance the organization that accommodates the foundation. The Community Service Program was held in Gunung Sindur District, Bogor on November 14th 2021. The methods used were survey methods and presented materials as well as simulations and discussions on the application of management science. This Community Service Program concludes that the application of management knowledge in the teaching aspect and in organizational life is very necessary to compete and develop optimally in the midst of the digital era.Keywords: Application Of Management, Students, Organization, Digital Er