21 research outputs found

    Target Strength and School Size Assessment of Scads Using Hydroacoustic

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    The study has been conducted with two phases. The first phase involving laboratory experiment on fish target strength measurements of three commercially important pelagic fish species of the scads namely Round scad (Decapterus maruadsi), Ox-eye scad (Selar boops) and Yellow-banded scad (selaroides leptolepis). The second phase include both in situ side aspect target strength and fish schools estimation attracted around fish aggregating light. Fish physical characteristics such as total length, fork length, standard length, and weight were recorded in order to study relationship of TS to fish size. The samples sizes of Round scad, Ox-eye scad and Yellow-banded scad ranged from 1 1 .40 to 20.50 em, 1 0.0 to 20.7 em and 7.0 to 1 5 .6 cm (standard length), respectively. The data for each angle of insonification at 0°, 30° (side aspect), 60° (in between dorsal and side aspect), 900 (dorsal aspect), 1200 (in between dorsal and broad side aspect), 1500 and 1800 (broad side aspect) were recorded by running the data acquisition software. Six hundred and sixteen target strength experiments were performed in the controlled tank (4.0 x 2.0 x 1.4 m) by using a scientific digital acoustic system (BioSonic DT6000) equipped with a 200 kHZ digital split beam transducer. Results of the average side and dorsal aspects target strength of Round scad, measured in the controlled tank was observed to be nearly similar. The average of side aspect TS was -41.4 ±2.3 dB and dorsal aspect TS was -42.5 ±2.4 dB. While for Ox-eye scad there was small variation with side aspect which was - 42.3 ±3.5 dB being stronger than dorsal aspect, -43.2 ±3.7 dB. However the side aspect target strength of Yellow-banded scad showed larger variations compared to the average target strength characteristic of Round scad with the value of -45.4 ±3.0 dB and -49.8 ±2.ldB for side and dorsal aspect, respectively. Results of this study showed that the average all aspects target strength of the three fish species of scad increases as fish length increases. The target strength characteristics of the three species when expressed in term of target strength equation (TS = a log L - b), showed that the constant 'a' value vary between 15 to 36. While, the 'b' is - 86.99 to - 68.44 and tends to be species specific. This study showed that Ox-eye Scad gave lower 'b' constant than Yellow-banded Scad. The second phase of the study have been done with the purpose to apply side aspect target strength for quantifying the size of fish schools gathered around and bellow fish aggregating light by comparing them with the actual catch. The in situ side aspect target strength values was found varied from -3 8 . 1 to -47.5 dB with the average of -44.7 ±3 .3 dB. From the seven attempts the target strength was computed to be -2.4 dB lower than that found under laboratory conditions. However, volume back scattering strength varied from -43 .8 to -5 1 .2 dB with the average of -47.9 ±3 . 1 dB. It was found that the average schooling density ranged between 0. 1 9 to 3 . 1 8 fishlm3• The acoustic estimate of fish quantity ranged from 28.6 to 497 .3 kg with the actual catch ranged from 26.4 to 4 1 8. 1 kg. The results of analysis on the true catch showed that Ox-eye scad was the dominant species (80% of the true catch)


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    Pulau Baai Beach Fisheries Port is the center of fishery economic growth and development in the city of Bengkulu, which is based on capture fisheries. The development of fishing business in fishing ports is a form of the development of capture fisheries activities in a port, which development defines more advanced fishing business activities. Productivity is one way to see the ability of fishing units to produce fish caught. The productivity of purse seine vessels is an important indicator to see how the production conditions produced by these fishing gears. This research was conducted at the Pulau Baai Beach Fishing Port, with the time for conducting the research starting from March 21 to May 30, 2022. The results showed that the productivity per trip of purse seine vessels has decreased in the last three years, where the productivity decrease was significantly by 35% occurred in 2019-2021, while in 2019-2020 the decline in productivity was 2.65 tonnes/trip, or 13.5%. Meanwhile, productivity based on the average GT of ships has exceeded the established standards

    Pursuing the Need for Physical Activity in Recurrent CVA Patients During Hospitalization: A Case Report

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    Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a neurological deficit condition caused by an acute focal injury of the central nervous system by cerebral infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage. CVA patients who do not reduce risk factors after the first attack have an 8.7 times higher risk of CVA recurrence. The effect of a recurrent CVA is six times greater than the risk of a first CVA in the general population of the same age and sex, and nearly half of them remain alive but are physically disabled. This case report illustrates the process of recurrent CVA and disability experienced by a 69-year-old Malay woman, a patient at a private hospital in West Kalimantan. The nursing strategy of two post-CVA physical rehabilitation exercise programs for patients during hospitalization will be explained according to the stages in nursing theory.Abstrak Mengejar Kebutuhan Aktivitas Fisik Pasien CVA Berulang Selama Hospitalisasi: Laporan Kasus. Cerebrovaskuler Accident (CVA) adalah kondisi defisit neurologis karena cedera akut pada sistem saraf pusat disebabkan infark serebral atau perdarahan intraserebral. Pasien CVA yang tidak menurunkan faktor risikonya secara optimal setelah serangan pertama memiliki risiko CVA berulang sebesar 8,7 kali lebih tinggi. Efek dari CVA berulang adalah 6 kali lebih besar dari episode CVA pertama pada populasi umum, dengan usia dan jenis kelamin yang sama, hampir setengah dari mereka tetap hidup tetapi mengalami cacat secara fisik. Laporan kasus ini menggambarkan penyakit CVA berulang dan kecacatan yang dialami seorang wanita Melayu berusia 69 tahun, seorang pasien di Rumah Sakit Swasta, Kalimantan Barat. Strategi keperawatan untuk dua program latihan rehabilitasi fisik pasca-CVA bagi pasien selama hospitalisasi akan dijelaskan sesuai dengan tahapan pada teori keperawatan. Kata Kunci: aktivitas fisik, CVA berulang, hospitalisas

    Pursuing the Need for Physical Activity in Recurrent CVA Patients During Hospitalization: A Case Report

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    Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a neurological deficit condition caused by an acute focal injury of the central nervous system by cerebral infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage. CVA patients who do not reduce risk factors after the first attack have an 8.7 times higher risk of CVA recurrence. The effect of a recurrent CVA is six times greater than the risk of a first CVA in the general population of the same age and sex, and nearly half of them remain alive but are physically disabled. This case report illustrates the process of recurrent CVA and disability experienced by a 69-year-old Malay woman, a patient at a private hospital in West Kalimantan. The nursing strategy of two post-CVA physical rehabilitation exercise programs for patients during hospitalization will be explained according to the stages in nursing theory. Abstrak Mengejar Kebutuhan Aktivitas Fisik Pasien CVA Berulang Selama Hospitalisasi: Laporan Kasus. Cerebrovaskuler Accident (CVA) adalah kondisi defisit neurologis karena cedera akut pada sistem saraf pusat disebabkan infark serebral atau perdarahan intraserebral. Pasien CVA yang tidak menurunkan faktor risikonya secara optimal setelah serangan pertama memiliki risiko CVA berulang sebesar 8,7 kali lebih tinggi. Efek dari CVA berulang adalah 6 kali lebih besar dari episode CVA pertama pada populasi umum, dengan usia dan jenis kelamin yang sama, hampir setengah dari mereka tetap hidup tetapi mengalami cacat secara fisik. Laporan kasus ini menggambarkan penyakit CVA berulang dan kecacatan yang dialami seorang wanita Melayu berusia 69 tahun, seorang pasien di Rumah Sakit Swasta, Kalimantan Barat. Strategi keperawatan untuk dua program latihan rehabilitasi fisik pasca-CVA bagi pasien selama hospitalisasi akan dijelaskan sesuai dengan tahapan pada teori keperawatan. Kata Kunci: aktivitas fisik, CVA berulang, hospitalisas


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    Problems in operating trap fish tool are that fishermen do not know the actual condition of the traps. Thus, it causes the effectiveness of time and number of catches to be not optimal. Based on the conditions and problems above, the writer concluded that an innovation in the operation of the trap to design a magnetic sensor-based system/tool to detect lobster catches that can be accessed via smartphone is required. The aim of this study is to design and observe the performance of using a magnetic sensor to detect lobsters' (Panulirus spp.) movements on a laboratory scale (in the aquarium). Data analysis in this study used the Confusion Matrix method, where this method divides the test results into 4 common conditions: TP (True Positive), TN (True Negative), FP (False Positive), and FN (False Negative). From the 4 conditions, Recall, Specificity, Precision, Accuracy, and F1 Score can be calculated. From 16 tests with the 16 lobsters of 60-190 grams/individual, it obtained conditions of TP of 25 times, TN of 109 times, FP of 11 times, and FN of 15 times. From the four conditions, it was obtained a Recall value of 0.625 or 62.50%, Specificity of 0.9083 or 90.83%, Precision of 0.6944 or 69.44%, Accuracy of 0.8375 or 83.75%, and F1 Score of 0.6579 or 65.79%. Based on the observations and test results of the actual detection and application system in this study, performance reference for using magnetic sensors was by using Accuracy with a score of 83.75%


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    Abstrak: Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bahwa penelitian tindakan dan karya ilmiah yang dilaksanakan oleh guru hanya untuk memenuhi tuntutan kedinasan saja, bukan sebagai bagian dari refleksi diri ilmiah guru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penelitian tindakan guru. Metode yang digunakan adalah participatory action research yang terdiri dari diagnosis, tindakan, ukuran, dan refleksi. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, para guru akan lebih mudah melakukan penelitian tindakan dengan pola penelitian tindakan kelas yang ditunjukkan oleh peneliti. Sehingga penulisan penelitian tindakan kelas dapat dilakukan dengan baik dan mudah dilaksanakan oleh guru. Disimpulkan bahwa kesan sulitnya penelitian tindakan kelas akan berkurang jika para guru mulai memahami pola metode penelitian tindakan kelas. REFLECTION OF TEACHERS IN DOING ACTION RESEARCH TO IMPROVE STUDENT SUCCESS Abstract: The background of this research is that the action research and scientific work carried out by the teacher is only to fulfill the demands of service, not as part of the teacher's scientific self-reflection. The purpose of this study is to improve teacher action research skills. The method used is Participatory Action Research consisting of diagnosis, action, measure, and reflection. Based on the findings in the field, teachers will find it easier to conduct action research with a class action research pattern shown by researchers. So that writing classroom action research can be done well and easily implemented by the teacher. It was concluded that the impression of the difficulty of classroom action research would be reduced if teachers began to understand the pattern of classroom action research methods


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    The advances in information technology today has sparked growth in the number of Internet users. Ease of accessing the internet makes it the best way of presenting data for both individuals and institutions. Similarly UNDIP who have harnessed the Internet to present information such as presenting transcripts of students, teachers’ and students’ data, etc. However, for organizing the job vacancies to graduates and students, UNDIP is still using the faculty information systems respectively. A better way to facilitate access to the job vacancies is to design an information system that records and organizes all of the job vacancies to students and graduates of UNDIP. Design and implementation will begin with a system requirements analysis which is intended to obtain an appropriate system specifications. Within the design stage, Data Flow Diagram will be used to provide a clear representation of any business function, meanwhile ERD will be used to provide a logical represantetion of data in this sistem. The design is then implemented with the PHP programming language and MySQL database and also the addition of javascript to create a more dynamic Web. The results of implementation and system testing show that system is running properly and in accordance with the system specifications, particularly sistem’s e-mail and SMS notification for newly inputted job vacancies that meet jobseekers’ specifications. Keyword : web-based information system, PHP, MySQ


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    Operasi penangkapan lobster di Indonesia masih dilakukan dengan cara penangkapan yang cenderung tidak ramah lingkungan. Penggunaan jaring insang dasar dan krendet yang mendominasi pada upaya penangkapan lobster dinilai masih kurang selektif dan berpotensi mengakibatkan ghost fishing. Hal ini karena dasar perairan yang didominasi dengan substrat berpasir, berkarang dan berbatu membuat jaring sering tersangkut dan saat diangkat akan ada bagian badan jaring yang tertinggal. Jaring yang tertinggal ini masih tetap memiliki kemampuan untuk menangkap lobster, hanya saja sudah tidak dalam kendali manusia. Perancangan perangkap lobster yang dinilai lebih selektif dan ramah lingkungan dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara dengan mempelajari perkembangan alat penangkap lobster di dunia, permasalahan pada alat penangkap lobster yang ada saat ini serta mempelajari tingkah laku lobster. Bentuk bubu menyerupai bola berbahan HDPE, dengan dinding dari dasar bubu sampai 8 cm ke atas adalah dinding bertekstur polos. Selebihnya sampai pada mulut bubu dibuat lubang-lubang agar lobster dapat memanjat bubu. Tujuan dari desain ini agar lobster yang mampu memanjat bubu hanya lobster kategori layak tangkap. Ketinggian 8 cm ini dibuat berdasarkan hasil pengukuran yang dilakukan secara manual pada beberapa ekor lobster layak tangkap yaitu > 7 cm, sehingga dianggap mampu menggapai lubang pada dinding bubu ini. Pengujian tahap awal pada desain ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bubu dapat sampai di dasar laut dengan posisi pintu menghadap ke atas serta desain pintu bubu mampu menghalangi lobster yang telah masuk untuk keluar dari bubu. Namun demikian desain ini masih harus dilakukan uji penangkapan di daerah penangkapan lobster dalam satu siklus penangkapan lobster

    The Research Aimed to Overview Economic Aspect of Sustainability Small Scale Fisheries in Tegal District, Central Java. This Research Used Rapfish Method and Financial Perfonnance Analysis to Known Economic Aspect Status of Sustalnability Small Scale Fisheries in Tegal District. the Aim of Research Were (1) to Describe Fisheries Sustalnability on Small Scale Fisheriesat Tegal District, Central Java Provlncy, (2) to Recommend a Policy of Fisheries Management on Small Scale Fisheries at Tegal District, Central Java Provincy. the Result Showed "Bundes· and ·Jaring Rampus· Was a Suitable Gear to Catch Fish Sustalnabllity, But ·Payang Gemplo· Was Not. the Research Recommend Was IT is Important to Decrease Subsidy for Small Scale Fisheries Who Have Undepth Fishing Ground.

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    The research aimed to overview economic aspect of sustainability small scale fisheries in Tegal district, Central Java. This research used Rapfish method and financial perfonnance analysis To known economic aspect status of sustalnability small scale fisheries In Tegal District. The aim of Research were (1) To describe fisheries sustalnability on small scale fisheriesat Tegal District, Central Java Provlncy, (2) To recommend a policy of fisheries management on small scale fisheries At Tegal District, Central Java Provincy. The result showed "bundes· and ·jaring rampus· was a Suitable gear to catch fish sustalnabllity, but ·payang gemplo· was not. The research recommend Was it is important to decrease subsidy for small scale fisheries who have undepth fishing ground