9 research outputs found

    Skogsvårdslagen och den biologiska mångfalden

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    Skogsvårdslagen är en författning som gäller parallellt med miljöbalken. Lagen är uppbyggd kring att produktions- och miljömål ska vara likvärdiga. I praktiken ser det annorlunda ut då produktionsintresset ofta överordnas miljöintresset, vilket resulterar i att den biologiska mångfalden i skogslandskapet blir lidande. SVL ställer få krav på skogsägarna. Myndigheternas strategi är att med rådgivning och ökad kunskap hos skogsägarna skydda skogen. Avsättning av skogsmark för naturvård ska i första hand ske frivilligt av skogsägarna, i andra hand går staten in och skyddar skogen formellt. Detta är dyrt eftersom det inskränker rätten att bruka marken och därmed måste skogsägaren ersättas. Myndigheterna saknar ofta ekonomiska resurser för att skydda värdefull skog. Före avverkning av skog måste skogsägaren göra en anmälan till skogsstyrelsen innehållande en redogörelse för vilka naturvårdsåtgärder som ska vidtas, dock är kraven på åtgärderna inte särskilt höga. För att förbättra naturvården borde det finnas krav på att skogsbrukaren ska utbilda sig och det borde införas belöningar för skogsägare som brukar skogen på ett hållbart sätt. Strängare straff och mer specifika bestämmelser skulle också gynna den biologiska mångfalden

    Immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth ensures stable thermoregulation in very preterm infants in high-resource settings

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    Aim To investigate the impact of immediate skin-to-skin contact with a parent after birth on thermal regulation in very preterm infants. Methods This clinical trial was conducted in three neonatal intensive care units in Scandinavia from 2018 to 2021. Infants born between 28 + 0 and 32 + 6 weeks and days of gestation were randomised to immediate skin-to-skin contact or conventional care in an incubator during the first 6 postnatal hours. We report on a secondary outcome: serial measurements of axillary temperature. Results Ninety-one infants were randomised to skin-to-skin contact or conventional care. Mean (range) gestational ages were 31 + 2 (28 + 6, 32 + 5) and 31 + 0 (28 + 4, 32 + 6) weeks and days, mean birth weights were 1572 (702, 2352) and 1495 (555, 2440) grams, respectively. Mean (95%CI, p-value) temperatures were within the normal range in both groups, 0.2°C (−0.29, −0.14, p < 0.001) lower in the skin-to-skin contact group. The skin-to-skin contact group had a lower relative risk (95%CI, p-value) of developing events of hyperthermia, RR = 0.70 (0.50, 0.99, p = 0.04). Conclusions Very preterm infants, irrespective of clinical stability, do not develop hypothermia during immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth. Immediate skin-to-skin contact did protect against events of hyperthermia. Concerns about thermal regulation should not limit implementation of immediate skin-to-skin contact in high-resource settings.publishedVersio

    Oral abstracts 1: SpondyloarthropathiesO1. Detecting axial spondyloarthritis amongst primary care back pain referrals

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    Background: Inflammatory back pain (IBP) is an early feature of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and its detection offers the prospect of early diagnosis of AS. However, since back pain is very common but only a very small minority of back pain sufferers have ASpA or AS, screening of back pain sufferers for AS is problematic. In early disease radiographs are often normal so that fulfilment of diagnostic criteria for AS is impossible though a diagnosis of axial SpA can be made if MRI evidence of sacroiliitis is present. This pilot study was designed to indicate whether a cost-effective pick up rate for ASpA/early AS could be achieved by identifying adults with IBP stratified on the basis of age. Methods: Patients aged between 18 and 45 years who were referred to a hospital physiotherapy service with back pain of more than 3 months duration were assessed for IBP. All were asked to complete a questionnaire based on the Berlin IBP criteria. Those who fulfilled IBP criteria were also asked to complete a second short questionnaire enquiring about SpA comorbidities, to have a blood test for HLA-B27 and CRP level and to undergo an MRI scan of the sacroiliac joints. This was a limited scan, using STIR, diffusion-weighted, T1 and T2 sequences of the sacroiliac joints to minimize time in the scanner and cost. The study was funded by a research grant from Abbott Laboratories Ltd. Results: 50 sequential patients agreed to participate in the study and completed the IBP questionnaire. Of these 27 (54%) fulfilled criteria for IBP. Of these, 2 patients reported a history of an SpA comorbidity - 1 psoriasis; 1 ulcerative colitis - and 3 reported a family history of an SpA comorbidity - 2 psoriasis; 1 Crohn's disease. 4 were HLA-B27 positive, though results were not available for 7. Two patients had marginally raised CRP levels (6, 10 -NR ≤ 5). 19 agreed to undergo MRI scanning of the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine; 4 scans were abnormal, showing evidence of bilateral sacroiliitis on STIR sequences. In all cases the changes met ASAS criteria but were limited. Of these 4 patients 3 were HLA-B27 positive but none gave a personal or family history of an SpA-associated comorbidity and all had normal CRP levels. Conclusions: This was a pilot study yielding only limited conclusions. However, it is clear that: Screening of patients referred for physiotherapy for IBP is straightforward, inexpensive and quick. It appears that IBP is more prevalent in young adults than overall population data suggest so that targeting this population may be efficient. IBP questionnaires could be administered routinely during a physiotherapy assessment. HLA-B27 testing in this group of patients with IBP is a suitable screening tool. The sacroiliac joint changes identified were mild and their prognostic significance is not yet clear so that the value of early screening needs further evaluation. Disclosure statement: C.H. received research funding for this study from Abbott. A.K. received research funding for this study, and speaker and consultancy fees, from Abbott. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interes

    Migration och hälsa - tvärdisciplinärt nätverk för tillämpad forskning

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    Det tvärdisciplinära forskarnätverket Migration och hälsa har i 41 seminarier under drygt tio års tid med fyra seminarier per år, regelbundet anordnat möten för doktorander, disputerade forskare och kliniker som arbetar med projekt inom migrationsmedicin. Även sakkunniga från olika myndigheter har deltagit

    Interconnectivity imaged in three dimensions: Nano-particulate silica-hydrogel structure revealed using electron tomography

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    We have used Electron Tomography (ET) to reveal the detailed three-dimensional structure of particulate hydrogels, a material category common in e.g. controlled release, food science, battery and biomedical applications. A full understanding of the transport properties of these gels requires knowledge about the pore structure and in particular the interconnectivity in three dimensions, since the transport takes the path of lowest resistance. The image series for ET were recorded using High-Angle Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HAADF-STEM). We have studied three different particulate silica hydrogels based on primary particles with sizes ranging from 3.6 nm to 22 nm and with pore-size averages from 18 nm to 310 nm. Here, we highlight the nanostructure of the particle network and the interpenetrating pore network in two and three dimensions. The interconnectivity and distribution of width of the porous channels were obtained from the three-dimensional tomography studies while they cannot unambiguously be obtained from the two-dimensional data. Using ET, we compared the interconnectivity and accessible pore volume fraction as a function of pore size, based on direct images on the nanoscale of three different hydrogels. From this comparison, it was clear that the finest of the gels differentiated from the other two. Despite the almost identical flow properties of the two finer gels, they showed large differences concerning the accessible pore volume fraction for probes corresponding to their (two-dimensional) mean pore size. Using 2D pore size data, the finest gel provided an accessible pore volume fraction of over 90%, but for the other two gels the equivalent was only 10-20%. However, all the gels provided an accessible pore volume fraction of 30-40% when taking the third dimension into account

    Pore size effects on convective flow and diffusion through nanoporous silica gels

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    Material structure has great impact on mass transport properties, a relationship that needs to be understood on several length scales. Describing and controlling the properties of flow through soft materials are both challenges concerning the industrial use of gel structures. This paper reports on how the porous structure in nanoporous materials affects the water transport through them. We used three different silica gels with large differences in the pore sizes but of equal silica concentration. Particle morphology and gel structure were studied using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and image analysis to estimate the pore size distribution and intrinsic surface area of each gel. The mass transport was studied using a flow measurement setup and nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry. The average pore size ranged from approximately 500. nm down to approximately 40. nm. An acknowledged limit for convective flow to occur is in the pore size range between 100 and 200. nm. The results verified the existence of a non-linear relationship between pore size and liquid flow at length scales below 500. nm, experimentally. A factor of 4.3 in flow speed separated the coarser gel from the other two, which presented almost identical flow speed data despite a factor 3 in pore size difference. In the setup, the mass transport in the gel with the largest pores was flow dominated, while the mass transport in the finer gels was diffusion dominated. Besides providing new insights into mass transport as a function of pore sizes, we conclude that three-dimensional analysis of the structures is needed for a comprehensive understanding of the correlation between structure and mass transport properties

    Pore size effects on convective flow and diffusion through nanoporous silica gels

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    Material structure has great impact on mass transport properties, a relationship that needs to be understood on several length scales. Describing and controlling the properties of flow through soft materials are both challenges concerning the industrial use of gel structures. This paper reports on how the porous structure in nanoporous materials affects the water transport through them. We used three different silica gels with large differences in the pore sizes but of equal silica concentration. Particle morphology and gel structure were studied using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and image analysis to estimate the pore size distribution and intrinsic surface area of each gel. The mass transport was studied using a flow measurement setup and nuclear magnetic resonance diffusometry. The average pore size ranged from approximately 500. nm down to approximately 40. nm. An acknowledged limit for convective flow to occur is in the pore size range between 100 and 200. nm. The results verified the existence of a non-linear relationship between pore size and liquid flow at length scales below 500. nm, experimentally. A factor of 4.3 in flow speed separated the coarser gel from the other two, which presented almost identical flow speed data despite a factor 3 in pore size difference. In the setup, the mass transport in the gel with the largest pores was flow dominated, while the mass transport in the finer gels was diffusion dominated. Besides providing new insights into mass transport as a function of pore sizes, we conclude that three-dimensional analysis of the structures is needed for a comprehensive understanding of the correlation between structure and mass transport properties

    Promoting Evidence-Based Practice for Improved Occupational Safety and Health at Workplaces in Sweden. Report on a Practice-Based Research Network Approach

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    Despite the rapid growth in research and R&amp;D expenditures, the translation of research into practice is limited. One approach to increase the translation and utilization of research is practice based research networks. With the aim of strengthening evidence-based practice (EBP) within occupational health services in Sweden (OH-Services), a practice-based research network (PBRN-OSH) was developed. The PBRN-OSH includes researchers and representatives from end-users. This paper reports on the development, outputs and lessons learned in the PBRN-OSH. The PBRN-OSH resulted in several practice-based research projects as well as different measures to ensure EBP in OSH such as the governmentally sanctioned national guidelines for the OH-services. Moreover, results show that the competence in EBP increased among practitioners at the OH-services. Conducting research in a PBRN is more resource demanding; however, this does not imply that it is less cost effective. To succeed in increasing the utility of research findings via PBRN, resources must be invested into an infrastructure that supports collaboration in the PBRN, including costs for a variety of means of dissemination. Further, translation activities need to be included in academic career paths and reward systems if a major improvement in the impact and return of investments from research is to be expected

    Regulatory T cells in atherosclerosis: critical immune regulatory function and therapeutic potential

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