13 research outputs found

    Penampilan Fenotipik Karakter Hasil Galur Harapan Padi Rawa di Lahan Pasang Surut Karang Agung, Sumatera Selatan

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    Percobaan dilaksanakan di KP Karang Agung, Sumatera Selatan pada bulan April sampai September 2007. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penampilan fenotipik karakter hasil dan komponen hasil dari galur-galur harapan padi rawa di lahan pasang surut Karang Agung. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 16 perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Galur-galur yang diuji di antaranya B9858-KA-55, B9833C-KA-14, B9852E-KA-66, B5524GSM- 61-2-1, B7003D-MR-24-3-1, KAL9414F-MR-2-KN-0, KAL9418F-MR-2-KN-0, B10214F-TB-7-2-3, IR70213-9- CPA-12-UBN-2-1-3-1, dan IR70215-2-CPA-2-1-B-1-2. Varietas pembanding digunakan IR42, Batanghari, dan Lembu Sawah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur IR61242- 3B-B-2 memiliki penampilan lebih baik dari varietas pembanding untuk karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah gabah isi, bobot 1.000 butir gabah, dan potensi hasil. Galur B10214F-TB-7-2-3 memberikan penampilan lebih baik untuk karakter jumlah gabah isi, bobot 1.000 butir, dan potensi hasil lebih tinggi daripada pembanding IR42 dan Batanghari. Galur KAL9418F-MR- 2-KN-0 memiliki penampilan lebih baik untuk karakter bobot 1.000 butir, tinggi tanaman, dan umur panen, tetapi potensi hasilnya lebih rendah dari ketiga varietas pembanding


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    [VARIABILITY STUDIES OF UPLAND RICE LINES ON AN ACIDIC SOIL]. Suscessful upland rice breeding program to produce productive and adaptive to acid soil is dependent upon the extent of genetic variability of the breeding materials. Objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic variability, phenotypic and genotypic coeficient of variations, heritability, genetic advance, and correlation of five traits observed from dari 298 upland rice lines and five checks varieties. A field field experiment arranged in an augmented design was conducted at the Tamanbogo Experimental Station in Lampung 1 MT 2019.. The results of the analysis of variance showed that there was diversity among lines, resulting in differences in appearance on plant height, number of productive tillers, and yields. High heritability, genetic advancement, and high correlation on the number of productive tiller indicate that this character is a selection criteria so that selection can be done in an effort to improve these character

    Biofortifikasi Untuk Peningkatan Keragaman Populasi Dasar Padi Gogo Beras Khusus

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    Biofortification is a process of increasing the nutritional content of agricultural commodities to meet the preferences of consumers who in recent years have begun to tend to have a healthy lifestyle. Specialty rice can include aromatic rice, sticky rice, pigmented rice and nutritious rice (rice containing zinc, iron or high anthocyanin). The limited superior varieties of upland rice causes the need to increase genetic diversity through the formation of based populations with conventional crossing. The hybridization block and F1 planting were conducted at MT 1 2019 in Muara Experimental Station-ICRR, Bogor. Crossing parents consist of advanced lines, introduced lines, local varieties and national varieties. Development of upland rice based population in MT 1 2019 resulted 64 crossbreeding combinations and 41 crossbreeding combinations among them aimed at obtaining special quality upland rice consisting of 24 single crosses, eight back crosses, seven top crosses and two double crosses. Whereas for F1 planting, upland rice for MT 1 2019 consisted of 129 numbers and 53 of them aimed at good quality rice. Of the 53 F1 numbers, 42 numbers were selected, which continued to become the bastar population (F2) in MT 2 2019 with the modification-bulk selection method.Biofortifikasi merupakan proses peningkatan kandungan gizi komoditas pertanian yang dapat diwariskan. Beras khusus dapat berwujud beras aromatik, ketan, beras berpigmen serta beras bernutrisi (beras mengandung zink, zat besi atau antosianin tinggi). Saat ini varietas unggul baru yang memiliki mutu beras khusus tersebut didominasi padi sawah. Terbatasnya varietas unggul padi gogo yang memiliki karakter mutu beras khusus menyebabkan perlu dilakukan peningkatan keragaman genetik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pembentukan populasi dasar padi gogo yang memiliki mutu beras khusus melalui teknik persilangan konvensional. Kegiatan persilangan meliputi pertanaman tetua persilangan dan pertanaman benih hasil persilangan (F1) dilakukan pada MT 1 2019 di Kebun Percobaan Muara-BB Padi, Bogor. Pertanaman tetua persilangan terdiri atas galur harapan, galur introduksi, varietas lokal dan varietas unggul nasional. Hasil persilangan pada MT 1 2019 menghasilkan 41 kombinasi persilangan yang bertujuan mendapatkan padi gogo bermutu beras khusus, terdiri atas 24 silang tunggal, delapan silang balik, tujuh silang puncak dan dua silang ganda. Pertanaman F1 padi gogo MT 1 2019 terdiri atas 129 nomor dan 53 kombinasi persilangan diantaranya bertujuan memiliki mutu beras khusus. Selanjutnya pada MT 2 2019, dari 53 nomor F1 terpilih 42 nomor yang dilanjutkan menjadi bastar populasi (F2) dengan metode seleksi modifikasi-bulk

    Penyebab Kehampaan Gabah pada Persilangan Padi antar Subspesies

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    ABSTRACTThe  objective  of  the  research  was  to  study  the  factors  effecting  unfilled  grains  in  intersubspecific  hybridization.  The  research  was  conducted  at  Muara, Bogor  from  April  2005  to  February  2006.  The  materials  used  in the research were  ten  F1 hybrid  combinations.  The evaluation was done by crossing the hybrids to Ciherang and it was resiprocal. A randomized block design with three replications were arranged in greenhouse. The results showed that five cross combinations produced higher unfilled grains and lower pollen fertility due to defective male gamets. The cross combinations that is Akitakomaci/IR64, Akitakomaci/Wayrarem, Akitakomaci/Salumpikit, Akitakomaci/Ketupat, and Akitakomaci/Kewal. Another five cross combinations produced normal pollen fertility but high unfilled grains. The high unfilled grains of four cross combinations was due to defective female gamets. The cross combination that is IR64/Sirendah Pulen, IR64/Lampung Putih, IR64/Lampung Kuning, and IR64/Mesir.  The other cross combination was due to defective male and female gamets  namely IR64/Brentel. Key words:  Unfilled grain, F1 hybrids, male gamets, female gamet

    Augmented analysis for yield performance and agronomic characteristics of upland rice lines grown under coconut plantation

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    Establishment of shade-tolerant rice varieties aims to utilize the dry land under tree stands. A field experiment on rice yield under coconut plantation was conducted at farmer field in Calincing Tegalbuleud Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. The experiment involved 307 upland promising lines, 42 of which were selected in comparison to four check varieties, namely Jatiluhur, Batutugi, Limboto and Situpatenggang. The experiment was conducted according to augmented design with four replications. The analysis of variance indicated significant difference in yield per ha between blocks and no significant differences in days to flowering, plant height and number of productive tiller between blocks. Meanwhile, significant differences were observed in plant height and number of productive tillers between all check varieties. Under shade of coconut plantation, some lines could perform better and had higher performance than check varieties. Four lines ofB11957SR* 232182SI2MR2PN21, B12743MR18232PN1111, B13498D9, and B12743MR18235PN1031 had significantly higher yield compared to the check variety with the highest yield, which is Limboto. The utperforming lines can be proposed as promising rice lines for shading tolerance. However, most of the lines were proved to be underperforming for yield and its components in prevailing conditions

    Galur-galur harapan padi potensial sebagai varietas unggul baru padi gogo

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    Lahan kering berpotensi sebagai lahan pertanaman padi. Perakitan Varietas Unggul Baru yang tahan terhadap cekaman kekeringan merupakan solusi untuk mengoptimalkan produksi padi di lahan kering.  Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji daya hasil dan menentukan galur-galur harapan padi yang berpotensi sebagai calon varietas baru padi gogo. Penelitianini dilaksanakan  di dua lokasi yakni di Propinsi Lampung dan Jawa Barat pada musim tanam (MT). 1 2021 Penelitian menggunakan rancangan lingkungan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 40 genotip padi yang terdiri dari 36 calon VUB dan 4 varietas pembanding .  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lokasi Indramayu diperoleh 13 galur yang hasilnya lebih tinggi dari ketiga varietas ceknya dengan kisaran hasil 4.3 – 5.0 t/ha, namun lebih rendah hasilnya dari Inpago 12. Galur-galur tersebut adalah B15322E-MR-43, B15150E-MR-11, B15151E-MR-23, B13498D-9, B15150E-MR-50, B15760F-TB-4, B15783F-TB-18, B15783F-TB-21, B15877F-TB-4, B15897F-TB-3, B15897F-TB-7, B15897F-TB-8 dan B15897F-TB-9, sedangkan UDHP di lokasi KP Tamanbogo diperoleh tujuh galur hasilnya lebih tinggi dari varietas cek Inpago 12 yaitu galur BP30475C-SKI-11-1-1-5-2, B15150E-MR-11, B15837E-TB-46, B15760F-TB-4, B15780F-TB-13, B15897F-TB-7, dan B15897F-TB-8

    Efektivitas Metode Modifikasi Bulk Untuk Pemuliaan Padi Adaptif Pada Kondisi Fosfor Tanah Suboptimum

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    Phosphorus deficiency is common in rice cultivated soils and particularly acting as a limiting factor in the acid sulfate and acid upland soils. Improved variety adapted to low soil-P condition is needed to reduce the need of P fertilizer and to increase rice yield. A study was conducted on the application of modified bulk selection method in rice breeding to develop lines adapted to low soil-P condition. The materials used in the study were two populations of F3 generation derived from crosses of IR6008023/Bernas Prima and Gampai/Progol. The materials were planted on P sub-optimum condition at Muara Experiment Station, Bogor, West Java, to obtain F4 and F5 population, selected using modified bulk method. The F5 population were planted on two environment conditions, namely on P optimum (36 kg/ha P2O5) and on P sub-optimum (without P fertilizer) to obtain F6 population. A total of 40 lines from each population were selected, so that 160 F6 lines were obtained. The F6 lines were evaluated on P+ and P- conditions, using augmented design. Result showed that selection for lines adapted to P- should be done on P- condition, whereas for those adapted to P+ could be done on either P+ or P- condition. Lines selected for P- were different from those selected for P+, and some lines selected for both P- and P+ felt at different yield ranks. It was concluded that modified bulk method followed by line selection was effective to develop breeding lines adapted to P- or P+. For P-, the modified bulk and line selection should be conducted in P-, whereas for P+, the modified bulk could be planted on P+ or P-, but the line selection should be conducted on P+ condition

    Genotype-Environment Interaction and Yield Stability of Upland Rice in Intercropping Cultivation

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    Rice cultivation as intercropping in plantations is a potential approach to increase land resource efficiency. Implementation of rice intercropping would require genotypes adapted to shaded environments. This study aimed to clarify the interaction of genotype and environment on agronomic characteristics of upland rice grown under intercropping system and to identify suitable genotypes for this particular cropping system. Multi-location trials evaluated twelve upland rice lines and two check varieties in eight upland sites during the wet season (WS) 2015-2016. Rice was grown as intercropping in six sites and as monoculture in two sites. Rice as intercrop was cultivated in between plantations of tall coconut, rambutan, teak, albizia, and natural rubber. The result of this study revealed that the interaction between genotype and environment was significant for all agronomic characteristics. The genotype B12056F-TB-1-29-1 was the best performer when grown as intercropping in Subang and Indramayu, with shading intensities of 65% and 44%, respectively. The genotype B11908F-TB-3-WN-1 was the best yielder in Cianjur and Lampung Tengah, which had 37% and 54% shading intensity, respectively. The genotype B12825E-TB-2-4 was the best performer in Lampung Timur with shading intensity of 45%, while Jatiluhur was the best genotype in Banyumas with shading intensity of 82%. The yield of rice genotypes grown as monocultures was higher than as intercropping. Among the genotypes, B12056F-TB-1-29-1 showed the highest yield across sites. Stable and high-yield genotypes identified from this study are expected to be adopted by farmers for intercropping rice cultivation

    Seleksi dan Evaluasi Mutu Beras Padi Gogo Adaptif Lahan Kering Masam

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    Improvement upland rice lines are faced with the diversity of physical and ecobiological characteristics of dry land, including acidic-dry land. An alternative approach to optimize upland rice cultivation in acidic-dry land is the selection of adaptive varieties. The aim of this experiment was to obtain lines that have superior performance and yield on acidic-dry land, as well as good rice quality. A total of 36 lines of upland rice, including four check varieties, were selected at Tamanbogo, Lampung on rainy season (November 2017-March 2018). The genetic parameters estimation showed that flowering age, harvest age, weight of 1,000 grains and yield can be used as selection criteria. Based on these selection criteria, four lines were selected, namely B15231-MR-10-1, B15053F-PWR-2, B14908C-MR-1-25-1-3 and B15344B-TB-34. These lines had grain yields that were not significantly different from the best check variety Inpago 8 (3.84 ton ha-1), average resistant to leaf blast (score 1), highly resistant to neck blast (score 0), and moderately tolerant of Al. Additionally, these lines had medium grain with small-medium chalkiness (MMS-LMM), amylose content between 20-23% with soft-medium rice texture. One selected line, namely B15344B-TB-34, was identified as a red-pericarp rice. Keywords: aluminum toxicity, blast disease, drought, grain quality, selection criteriaPerbaikan galur padi gogo dihadapkan pada adanya keragaman sifat fisik dan ekobiologis lahan kering, antara lain lahan kering masam. Alternatif pendekatan optimalisasi budidaya padi gogo di lahan kering masam adalah dengan pemilihan varietas yang adaptif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh sejumlah galur padi gogo yang memiliki keragaan dan hasil unggul di lahan kering masam, serta bermutu beras baik. Sebanyak 36 galur padi gogo dan empat varietas pembanding diseleksi di Kebun Percobaan Tamanbogo, Lampung pada musim hujan November 2017-Maret 2018. Pendugaan parameter genetik menunjukkan keragaman genetik luas berbanding lurus dengan nilai heritabilitas tinggi. Umur berbunga, umur panen, bobot 1,000 butir gabah dan hasil dapat dijadikan sebagai kriteria seleksi galur padi gogo di lahan kering masam. Berdasarkan kriteria seleksi tersebut terpilih empat galur, yaitu B15231-MR-10-1, B15053F-PWR-2, B14908C-MR-1-25-1-3 dan B15344B-TB-34. Galur-galur tersebut memiliki hasil gabah yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding terbaik Inpago 8 (3.84 ton ha-1), rata-rata tahan terhadap blas daun (skor 1), sangat tahan terhadap blas leher (skor 0), dan agak toleran Al, . Keempat galur terpilih memiliki bentuk beras sedang dengan pengapuran sedikit sampai sedang (MMS-LMM), kadar amilosa 20-23% dengan tekstur nasi pulen-sedang. Satu galur terpilih, yaitu B15344B-TB-34 teridentifikasi sebagai galur beras merah. Kata kunci: kekeringan, keracunan aluminium, kriteria seleksi, mutu beras, penyakit bla