552 research outputs found

    Soil biological quality of grassland fertilized with adjusted cattle manure slurries in comparison with organic and inorganic fertilizers

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    We studied the effect of five fertilizers (including two adjusted manure slurries) and an untreated control on soil biota and explored the effect on the ecosystem services they provided. Our results suggest that the available N (NO3- and NH4+) in the soil plays a central role in the effect of fertilizers on nematodes and microorganisms. Microorganisms are affected directly through nutrient availability and indirectly through grass root mass. Nematodes are affected indirectly through microbial biomass and grass root mass. A lower amount of available N in the treatment with inorganic fertilizer was linked to a higher root mass and a higher abundance and proportion of herbivorous nematodes. A higher amount of available N in the organic fertilizer treatments resulted in a twofold higher bacterial activity (measured as bacterial growth rate, viz. thymidine incorporation), a higher proportion of bacterivorous nematodes, a 30% higher potential N mineralization (aerobic incubation), and 25–50% more potentially mineralizable N (anaerobic incubation). Compared to inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilization increased the C total, the N total, the activity of decomposers, and the supply of nutrients via the soil food web. Within the group of organic fertilizers, there was no significant difference in C total, abundances of soil biota, and the potential N mineralization rate. There were no indications that farmyard manure or the adjusted manure slurries provided the ecosystem service “supply of nutrients” better than normal manure slurry. Normal manure slurry provided the highest bacterial activity and the highest amount of mineralizable N and it was the only fertilizer resulting in a positive trend in grass yield over the years 2000–2005. The number of earthworm burrows was higher in the treatments with organic fertilizers compared to the one with the inorganic fertilizer, which suggests that organic fertilizers stimulate the ecosystem service of water regulation more than inorganic fertilizer. The trend towards higher epigeic earthworm numbers with application of farmyard manure and one of the adjusted manure slurries, combined with the negative relation between epigeic earthworms and bulk density and a significantly lower penetration resistance in the same fertilizer types, is preliminary evidence that these two organic fertilizer types contribute more to the service of soil structure maintenance than inorganic fertilize

    On the Holographic Renormalization Group

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    We propose a direct correspondence between the classical evolution equations of 5-d supergravity and the renormalization group (RG) equations of the dual 4-d large NN gauge theory. Using standard Hamilton-Jacobi theory, we derive first order flow equations for the classical supergravity action SS, that take the usual form of the Callan-Symanzik equations, including the corrections due to the conformal anomaly. This result gives direct support for the identification of SS with the quantum effective action of the gauge theory. In addition we find interesting new relations between the beta-functions and the counterterms that affect the 4-d cosmological and Newton constant

    Current understanding of fibrosis in genetic cardiomyopathies

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    Myocardial fibrosis is the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix proteins, including collagens, in the heart. In cardiomyopathies, the formation of interstitial fibrosis and/or replacement fibrosis is almost always part of the pathological cardiac remodeling process. Different forms of cardiomyopathies show particular patterns of myocardial fibrosis that can be considered as distinctive hallmarks. Although formation of fibrosis is initially aimed to be a reparative mechanism, in the long term, on-going and excessive myocardial fibrosis may lead to arrhythmias and stiffening of the heart wall and subsequently to diastolic dysfunction. Ultimately, adverse remodeling with progressive myocardial fibrosis can lead to heart failure. Not surprisingly, the presence of fibrosis in cardiomyopathies, even when subtle, has consistently been associated with complications and adverse outcomes. In the last decade, non-invasive in vivo techniques for visualization of myocardial fibrosis have emerged, and have been increasingly used in research and in the clinic. In this review, we will describe the epidemiology, distribution, and role of myocardial fibrosis in genetic cardiomyopathies, including hypertrophic, dilated, arrhythmogenic, and non-compaction cardiomyopathy, and a few specific forms of genetic cardiomyopathies

    Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibition as a mitochondrial therapy for atrial fibrillation in patients with diabetes?

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    While patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are at increased risk to develop atrial fibrillation (AF), the mechanistic link between T2DM and AF-susceptibility remains unclear. Common co-morbidities of T2DM, particularly hypertension, may drive AF in the setting of T2DM. But direct mechanisms may also explain this relation, at least in part. In this regard, recent evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction drives structural, electrical and contractile remodelling of atrial tissue in patients T2DM. Mitochondrial dysfunction may therefore be the mechanistic link between T2DM and AF and could also serve as a therapeutic target. An elegant series of experiments published in Cardiovascular Diabetology provide compelling new evidence to support this hypothesis. Using a model of high fat diet (HFD) and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) injection, Shao et al. provide data that demonstrate a direct association between mitochondrial dysfunction and the susceptibility to develop AF. But the authors also demonstrated that the sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) empagliflozin has the capacity to restore mitochondrial function, ameliorate electrical and structural remodelling and prevent AF. These findings provide a new horizon in which mitochondrial targeted therapies could serve as a new class of antiarrhythmic drugs

    Rotational precision MEMS-based clamping mechanism for stable fixation of elastic mechanisms

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    Conventional TEM sample manipulators often lack the crucial stability of 0.1 nm/min. A MEMS manipulator attached directly to the TEM pole would greatly increase both thermal and dynamic stability. However a stable E-beam requires no interference of electric or magnetic fields. Therefore the manipulator should be stably fixed without power. To this end a mechanical clamp is presented which clamps one of the actuators of the TEM sample manipulator (Figure 2). The clamp incorporates a relatively large clamp force of 0.5 mN with respect to the device area and is able to maintain the clamp force without external power. In previous work [1] a theoretical basis has been presented of an earlier clamp version. In this paper a rotational clamp which has been made and tested is presented. This clamp design is part of a research project for a 6 Degree of Freedom MEMS TEM sample manipulator. \u

    OCP acquires FTTH player

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In this review, we highlight the most important cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to cardiac inflammation and fibrosis. We also discuss the interplay between inflammation and fibrosis in various precursors of heart failure (HF) and how such mechanisms can contribute to myocardial tissue remodelling and development of HF. RECENT FINDINGS: Recently, many research articles attempt to elucidate different aspects of the interplay between inflammation and fibrosis. Cardiac inflammation and fibrosis are major pathophysiological mechanisms operating in the failing heart, regardless of HF aetiology. Currently, novel therapeutic options are available or are being developed to treat HF and these are discussed in this review. A progressive disease needs an aggressive management; however, existing therapies against HF are insufficient. There is a dynamic interplay between inflammation and fibrosis in various precursors of HF such as myocardial infarction (MI), myocarditis and hypertension, and also in HF itself. There is an urgent need to identify novel therapeutic targets and develop advanced therapeutic strategies to combat the syndrome of HF. Understanding and describing the elements of the inflammatory and fibrotic pathways are essential, and specific drugs that target these pathways need to be evaluated

    Trends in governmental expenditure on vaccination programmes in the Netherlands, a historical analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Health economic evaluations are often required before implementing a vaccination programme. Such evaluations rarely consider the historical context of a vaccination programme. We review the financial history of vaccination programmes in the Netherlands, and compare these to demographic and macroeconomic developments as well as avoided mortality burden. METHODS: Previously uncatalogued historical expenditures on the Dutch National Immunisation Programme (NIP) and influenza vaccination were obtained from official reports. Costs were adjusted for inflation using Consumer Price Indices and expressed in Euro of 2016. Estimates on mortality burden averted were obtained from previous research and used to calculate the ratio of expenses to averted mortality burden for vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella for birth cohorts 1953-1992. RESULTS: Developments towards a uniform government funded NIP started early 1950s with vaccinations against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, culminating in its official launch in 1957 together with polio vaccinations. Since the 1980s, expenditure increased nearly five-fold mostly due to the addition of new vaccines, while spending on already implemented vaccinations tended to decline. Overall, expenditure increased from € 5 million in 1957 to € 93 million in 2014. Relative to total healthcare expenditure, the NIP contributed little, ranging between 0.05% and 0.14%. Spending on influenza vaccination increased from € 37 million in 1996 to € 52 million in 2014, while relative to total healthcare expenditure it decreased from 0.069% to 0.055%. In 2014, 0.15% of healthcare expenditure and € 533 per birth was spent on vaccination programmes. Overall, for birth cohorts 1953-1992, € 5.4 thousand (95% confidence interval: 4.0-7.3) was expended per year-of-life-lost averted. CONCLUSION: The actual costs per year-of-life gained are more favorable than estimated here since averted medical costs were not included. Although expenditure on vaccination programmes increased substantially, the contribution to overall healthcare expenditure remained small
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