78 research outputs found

    Engfi Gate: An Indoor Guidance System using Marker-based Cyber-Physical Augmented-Reality

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    A guidance system is needed when freshmen explore their new building environment. With the advancements of mobile technologies, a guidance system using mobile computing devices such as mobile phones or tablets could aid freshmen in locating the desired destination with ease. The proposed system consists of three main subsystems: the marker-based cyber-physical interaction (CPI) system, the indoor positioning (IP) system, and the augmented-reality (AR) system. With the help of visible markers and invisible markers, the CPI system allows the users to do interactions between the physical and cyber environments; the IP system produces accurate user position information; the AR system provides the users with good user experiences. An Android application, named Engfi Gate, is developed to realize the system design in the test environment. This paper also shows the comparisons of the proposed system with other related systems. Furthermore, the design architecture of Engfi Gate system can be used in other location-based applications

    Information Management and Information System Analysis to Support the Achievement of University Performance Agreements with the Government

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    State Universities in Indonesia have college performance agreement with Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) that consists of performance indicators and target achievements in a year. For assuring the integration, availability, and data validity of performance indicators, good information management with utilized information system is needed by entire working unit. Information management process to support data collection and target achievements on college performance agreement with MoEC in Brawijaya University still has many deficiencies. The process involves many stakeholders because it covers all areas of business in Brawijaya University (UB). Quality Asurance Center in UB as the unit that collects and processes the data of target achievements complained about data collection that takes a long time and it is often incomplete. The faculties, study programs, and other units experience the unavailability of most data and target performance indicators on information system that is used as reference for implementing business processes. The problem responded lightly by Information and Communication Technology Unit in Brawijaya University with consideration that Information System used is in accordance with the needs of the academic community. On the other hand, the responses about the problem from the lecturers, staff, and students are different. This research tries to explore and evaluate the problem and formulate the steps of transformations to refine the situation by using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) with some additional Root Cause Analysis (RCA) stages. The major contribution of the research is giving the insights about the problem thoroughly comprising various perspective of stakeholders, transforming the refinement of the situation presented in conceptual model, and the stakeholders’ assessment of the conceptual model. This research also visualizes the implementation of RCA to dig up more perspective of the stakeholders and helps identifying the activities to construct conceptual model

    Augmented reality objects design in augmented story book mobile application for better engagement

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    The folktale is a kind of story that has some good points, such as developing a sense of story and shaping up positive attitudes towards children. However, people seem to abandon those good points and often give the children smartphones instead of folktale through the conventional book. Recently, smartphones’ capabilities have rapidly improved, so that augmented reality (AR) story books which combine conventional book and smartphone can be developed. This research is conducted to examine which one from three provided models that work best for engagement in a folktale augmented book. Those designs will be discussed in both subjective and objective approach, correspondingly. The result from subjective approach is the animated video AR design becomes the most pleasing design. The picture and narrator’s voice AR design, by contrast, becomes the most efficient design based on objective approach

    A Preliminary Study: Applying Problem-Posing Learning Models on Algorithm and Flowchart Materials in Basic Programming Class

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    Abstract: We propose the applying of the problem-posing learning model to find out the activities and student learning outcomes in learning algorithm and flowchart material in the basic programming class. This research is a preliminary study that will be used to develop applications/systems/interactive media/games that will support the operation of the problem-posing learning model automatically in the upcoming basic programming class. The classroom action research method was used with the implementation of two cycles involving 38 students in the first semester of vocational high school. The process of applying the problem-posing learning model uses the pre-solution posing type, which requires that each student make a question of the situation that is held, where students are expected to be able to make questions related to questions previously made by the teacher, then exchange the questions to other students to solve them.  The flow of making and solving questions is that students make the main case which then completes it in the form of algorithmic answers and also a flowchart assisted by the Raptor application. By applying the problem-posing learning model, it can be concluded that in cycle 1 and cycle 2 the achievement of learning activities and outcomes tends to be good. The success of this research can provide perspective and guidance for developing basic programming applications/systems/interactive media/games that will instill the problem-posing learning model in the interaction flow and can introduce students early on the problem-posing process

    Review of Technique and Algorithm for Educational Data Mining: Trend and Challenge in Games Design

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    This study reviews techniques and algorithm models often used in the analysis of educational data mining. The review in this study is based on previous studies to provide researchers knowledge about trends and challenges analysis Educational data mining in game design meaningful. However, there is a lot of games design developed without analysis Educational data mining which then will not answer the student problem. The analysis needed periodic data and developing the game required actual student conditions, this is a combination inseparable. Determine Research questions, Search Terms, and filtering for the selection and analysis of the article review. There are some student problems on analysis review, namely prediction student performance, student behavior, student at-riks, and student dropout. The number of Articles in the study was 33 with 21 Articles of research and 12 of Article review. The number of studies 8 with percent 38% used techniques Confusion matric with 33% percent used algorithms Decision Tree in 7 of studies. The section in this study consists of techniques evaluation, model selection, outcome, subject, and algorithm method. Which are recommended techniques and algorithms for analysis Educational data mining and in ideal game design to further research

    Sistem Informasi Untuk Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana Banjir, Tanah Longsor dan Gempa Bumi di Kabupaten Malang.

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    Tahun 2006 diawali dengan terjadinya bencana alam baik itu banjir, tanah longsor maupun gempa bumi yang terjadi di wilayah pulau Jawa. Bencana yang melanda ini telah merenggut tidak sedikit korban baik berupa materi maupun manusia. Tentunya kita tidak mau jika hanya bisa rnenunggu hingga terjadi bencana lagi tanpa bisa berbuat apapun. Langkah-1angkah yang tepat harus segera untuk menanggulangi bencana ini. setidaknya rneminimalisir jumlah korban bencana. Salah satu langkah yang dapat ditempuh ialah membuat suatu sistem informasi yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat. Sistem informasi yang dimaksud ialah sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat menginformasikan tentang bencana alam, titik-titik rawan bencana, langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk penanggulangan bencana baik sebelum maupun setelah terjadinya bencana, serta mengirimkan peringatan dini kepada masyarakat melalui SMS dan email apabila ada daerah tertentu yang memiliki kemungkinan tinggi untuk terjadi bencana. Perancangan dan Pengimplementasian Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Untuk Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana Banjir, Tanah Longsor, dan Gempa Bumi dilakukan dengan rnenggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, basis data MySQl. dan web server Apache. Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Untuk Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana Banjir, Tanah Longsor, dan Gempa Bumi terdiri dan empat macam aplikasi utama antara lain, Aplikasi Data Teknis, Aplikasi Anggota, Aplikasi Administrator dan Aplikasi Guest. Daerah yang diamati adalah daerah yang termasuk rawan bencana longsor tinggi dan menengah yang didapat dan peta kerawanan gerakan tanah Kabupaten Malang tahun 2002. Daerah yang diamati untuk siaga banjir didapat dari stasiun pengamatan yang dikelola oleh PJT Malang. Parameter yang di gunakan ialah curah hujan, waktu lamanya hujan terjadi, dan tinggi permukaan air. Jika pada suatu daerah rawan bencana, diketahui bahwa tingkat siaga pada daerah itu adalah siaga I maka sistem akan segera mengirimkan peringatan dini melalui pesan SMS dan email kepada anggota yang telah tersimpan dalam data base pemantauan - bencana. Pengujian Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana dilakukan pada setiap aplikasi untuk mengetahui proses yang dilakukan oleh tiap-tiap aplikasi tersebut. Hasil dan pengujian tiap-tiap aplikasi dapat diketahui bahwa masing-masing aplikasi dapat melakukan proses sesuai dengan kegunaannya Pengujian dilakukan terhadap koneksi basis data dan waktu akses query yang digunakan oleh sistem. Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana yang dihubungkan dengan koneksi basis data MySQL pada port 3306 dapat melakukan proses manipulasi terhadap data-data di dalam basis data. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap koneksi basis data dan waktu akses query menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana dapat melakukan koneksi basis data dengan baik. Pengujian pada proses peringatan dini juga dilakukan dan hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa peringatan dini dapat dikirimkan melalui SMS dan email. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Titik Rawan Bencana Banjir, Tanah Longsor dan Gempa Bumi di Kabupaten Malang Berbasis Web dapat berjalan dengan baik
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