1,042 research outputs found

    Swadesh word list in Shoshone

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    Seasonal variation and economy of basic feeds, 1924-1940

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    The Development of Children’s Literature Learning Model with the Cooperative Learning Approach in Primary School

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    Improving children’s literature learning skill is a key issue in primary school education. In this research, therefore, a conceptual framework model and the examples of its application in the form of learning instruments for children’s literature learning with the cooperative learning approach in Primary School are developed according to the prevailing curriculum. This research used the Research and Development (R&D) method with the following phases: (1) preliminary study; (2) model development; (3) model effectiveness test; and (4) product dissemination and model acceptability. It was conducted in Central Java. The results of the research are as follows: (1) Primary School  teachers require a guidance for the implementation of children’s literature learning in Primary School; (2) the cooperative approach can improve the literature competencies of students; (3) the result of children’s literature learning with the cooperative learning approach is better than that of children’s literature learning with the conventional one; and (4) the children’s  literature learning model with the cooperative learning approach in Primary School and the book of “Guidance for the Implementation of Children’s Literature Learning with the Cooperative Learning Approach in Primary School ” are well-acceptable to stakeholders. Thus, it can be concluded that the children’s literature learning with the cooperative learning approach in Primary School can improve the quality of the process and result of children’s literature learning in terms of cognitive, affective, and motor aspects. Keywords: Learning, children’s literature, cooperative learning approach, and Primary School

    Komposisi kimia kapsul konsentrat protein ikan belut (Monopterus albus) sebagai makanan suplemen bagi penderita gizi buruk

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    Belut memiliki kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi, dan kaya akan kandungan EPA dan DHA. Meskipun kaya akan protein, EPA dan DHA, konsumsi belut oleh masyarakat Indonesia tergolong rendah. Hal ini disebabkan karena bentuk belut yang menyerupai ular sehingga masyarakat enggan memakan belut. Oleh karena itu perlu diupayakan pengolahan daging belut menjadi bentuk lain sehingga dapat meningkatkan konsumsi masyarakat terutama penderita gizi buruk. Salah satu bentuk pengolahan yang dapat dilakukan terhadap daging belut adalah kapsul konsentrat protein ikan (KPI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji komposisi kimia KPI belut dalam bentuk kapsul sebagai makanan suplemen bagi penderita gizi buruk. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan perlakuan waktu pengukusan dan waktu pengeringan masing-masing tiga taraf yaitu 20, 30, dan 40 menit untuk pengukusan, dan 10, 15, dan 20 jam untuk pengeringan. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap komposisi kimia KPI melalui pengujian proksimat dan uji kadar kalsium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu pengukusan dan pengeringan pada proses pembuatan KPI belut, berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik KPI yang dihasilkan terutama kadar protein dan kadar kalsium. Semakin cepat proses pengukusan dan semakin lama waktu pengeringan menghasilkan kadar protein dan kadar kalsium yang tinggi. Perlakuan waktu pengukusan dan pengeringan yang terbaik untuk menghasilkan produk KPI belut yang sesuai standar adalah masing-masing 10 menit untuk waktu pengukusan dan 40 jam untuk waktu pengeringan. Secara umum karakteristik KPI belut yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi beberapa kriteria standar makanan tambahan bagi penderita gizi buruk khususnya anak usia sekolah dasar

    PKM Pelatihan Dan Implementasi Media Big Book Dalam Pembelajaran Bagi Mahasiswa

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    Pelatihan dan implementasi media big book akan dilaksanakan di PGSD. Karakteristik media big book yaitu penuh dengan warna-warni, gambar yang menarik. Meia big book merupakan cerita yang berbentuk gambar yang didalamnya memuat materi yang  tersajikan secara naratif dan deskriptif dimana fungsinya membantu siswa untuk memahami konsep yang tidak mudah mudah dipahami serta mampu mengoptimalkan otak yang dapat mengingat materi pelajaran. Pelatihan media big book pada pembelajaran merupakan pembuatan produk berupa media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode workshop (pelatihan) yang meliputi pengenalan big book, penyusunan materi big book, implementasi, simulasi dan refleksi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan media big adalah meliputi dua tahapan. Tahap pertama mempersiapkan bahan dan alat, tahap kedua membuat alat media big book, presentasi dan demonstrasi baik secara mandiri maupun berkelompok. Dalam pelatihan, mahasiswa akan dibantu mulai dari merancang pembuatan media sampai cara penggunaanya. Evaluasi dari kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan nantinya adalah simulasi media big book. Pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat berjalan secara efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada pembuatan media big book serta implementasinya, merupakan bekal untuk mengajar pada tingkat sekolah dasar. Hal tersebut terlihat partisipasi dan kehadiran peserta pelatihan yang hadir berjumlah 20 peserta. Kemudian keberlangsungan kegiatan pengabdian tersebut aktivitas diskusi dan pembuatan media sebesar 85%, peserta pelatihan mampu memperlihatkan peningkatan yang signifikan. Media big book yang dihasilkan pada kegiatan pengabdian tersebut menjadikan nilai kepraktisan untuk diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran tingkat sekolah dasar

    Analysis Characteristic of Province Travelling Intercity of AKDP Makassar-Parepare Route, South Sulawesi

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    Intercity Transportation is a kind of transportation that connects one city to other cities that are still located in one provincial administrative region or province intercity, as well as located in the other provinces. province intercity service works in one route network and the road infrastructure as contained in the regulation route reguirement. The type and amount of Goods Mode In this study are Damri Bus, Minibus, BMA, and the types of MPU vehicles conprises of Panther, Kijang, Avanza etc. The purpose of this study is to analyse the travelling Charakteristics of AKDP that comprises of passenger and operator, travelling expense of AKDP, which is covering of passenger expense and operational vehicles cost (BOK) of Makassar-Pare pare route. The survey of data collection for passengers was done at the locations of departure and transit of province intercity transportation that is in Daya regional terminal and unofficial terminals in a number of departure points along Perintis Kemerdekaan Street up to the borders of Makassar, the base of public transportation of province intercity base located in Makassar suburban areas and the stopovers province intercity Barru and Parepare

    Extended followup of a cohort of chromium production workers

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    Background The current study evaluates the mortality of 2,354 workers first employed at a Baltimore chromate production plant between 1950 and 1974. Methods The National Death Index (NDI Plus) was used to determine vital status and cause of death. Cumulative chromium (VI) exposure and nasal and skin irritation were evaluated as risk factors for lung cancer mortality. Results There are 91,186 person-years of observation and 217 lung cancer deaths. Cumulative chromium (VI) exposure, nasal irritation, nasal perforation, nasal ulceration, and other forms of irritation (e.g., skin irritation) were associated with lung cancer mortality. Conclusion Cumulative chromium (VI) exposure was a risk factor for lung cancer death. Cancer deaths, other than lung cancer, were not significantly elevated. Irritation may be a possible mechanism for chromium (VI)-induced lung cancer. Am. J. Ind. Med. © 2015 The Authors. American Journal of Industrial Medicine Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Penerapan Pendekatan Accelerated Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Tonronge Kabupaten Sidrap

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    ABSTRACT This study examines the application of the accelerated learning approach to improve student learning outcomes in the volume of building material in class V SD Negeri 1 Tonronge Sidrap regency.The approach used is a qualitative approach and the type of research is classroom action research (CAR). Starting with pre-action activities, then in each cycle consisting of 4 stages which include planning the implementation of reflection observation. To determine the percentage level of the process and student leaning outcomes, the researchers used observation sheets and evaluation tests in each cycle. The subjects in this study were teachers and fifth grade student of SD Negeri 1 Tonronge, Sidrap Regency in the academic year 2021/2022, totalling 21 students,7 male students and 14 female students. Data analysis was carried out during and after the learning.The data analysis teacnique used was qualitative data analysis teachique.The process results showed that in the cycle of teacher activity observations 66,66% with enough category. And student activity observation 62,84% with enough category. In the second cycle showed an increase in the results of teacher activity observations to 100% in the good category.The result of the study related to learning outcomes in the first cycle only 47,61% of students who completed with an average of 62,00. In the second cycle there was an increase to 90,47% of students who completed with an average of 86,47.The conclusion of this research is that applying the Accelerated learning approach can improve the process and syudent learning outcomes in the volume of building materials in class V SD Negeri 1 Tonronge
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