115 research outputs found


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    Two dimensional dynamic models have been increasingly used for river flood simulation. This commonly uses satellite remote sensor data, recorded on a rectangular (Raster) grid. There are many important features on a flood plain, such as hedges or buildings, which do not follow the grid lines. Irregular meshes can be used to follow these features, but converting raster data to this format involves a loss of detail. The Cartesian cut-cell (CC) method uses a rectangular mesh. The edges of irregular solid bodies are located precisely with sequences of vertex coordinates. Cut-cells, which lie on the edge, are given special treatment. This allows straightforward integration of grid and vector data, potentially within a GIS based framework. This paper introduces the semi permeable internal (SPIn) boundary cut-cell method. This allows the integration of permeable boundaries, such as hedges, into the model. To explore the impact of these features, a small scale river flood event, over a field featuring a hedgerow, is simulate

    Urban Floods Modelling and Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Model with Porosity

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    Pola genangan memiliki dampak yang sangat besar pada wilayah perkotaan di daerah dataran sungai. Dalam memperhitungkan perubahan dan pengurangan debit akibat adanya bangunan dan konstruksi yang lain pada wilayah dataran sungai, penggunaan model aliran dangkal dengan celah merupakan suatu hal yang diutarakan. Untuk hal ini model sumber air yang khusus untuk mengekspresikan kehilangan energi dalam wilayah perkotaan diperlukan. Formula yang diusulkan adalah membandingkan data uji coba yang diperoleh dari saluran laboratorium pada skala yang disesuaikan dengan wilayah perkotaan. Pada tingkat akurasi yang sama, metode ini memperlihatkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam perhitungannya dibandingkan dengan menggunakan grid yang lebih kecil pada simulasi klasik

    The Cartesian Cut-cell Method in Two Dimensional Flood Simulation

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    Two dimensional dynamic models have been increasingly used for river flood simulation. This commonly uses satellite remote sensor data, recorded on a rectangular (Raster) grid. There are many important features on a flood plain, such as hedges or buildings, which do not follow the grid lines. Irregular meshes can be used to follow these features, but converting raster data to this format involves a loss of detail. The Cartesian cut-cell (CC) method uses a rectangular mesh. The edges of irregular solid bodies are located precisely with sequences of vertex coordinates. Cut-cells, which lie on the edge, are given special treatment. This allows straightforward integration of grid and vector data, potentially within a GIS based framework. This paper introduces the semi permeable internal (SPIn) boundary cut-cell method. This allows the integration of permeable boundaries, such as hedges, into the model. To explore the impact of these features, a small scale river flood event, over a field featuring a hedgerow, is simulate


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran akuntansi siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Banyudono melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media permainan puzzle.Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus di mana masing-masing siklus dilalui dengan empat tahapan, yaitu (1) perencanaan; (2) pelaksanaan; (3) observasi; (4) refleksi.Sumber data diperoleh dari tempat, aktivitas, dan dokumen. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas data menggunakan triagulasi, expert opinion, dan key respondent review. Analisa data menggunakan reduksi data, paparan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) dengan media permainan puzzle dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa. Hal ini terbukti dengan fakta-fakta bahwa prosentase prestasi belajarsiswa pada pratindakan sebesar 29,41%, siklus I meningkat menjadi 71,43%, siklus II meningkat menjadi 93,94%, dan siklus III meningkat menjadi 100%. Kata kunci: Prestasi belajar, Teams Games Tournament (TGT), Puzzl

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 21, 1968

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    Draft security lost; Exemptions ended • Dismissal of two mourned in black Wednesday protest • Who\u27s Who elects eight UC seniors • U.C. holds primary to voice \u2768 choice • Students to sponsor dramatic productions • Judy Schneider selected Weekly editor-in-chief • Editorial • Letters to the editor • Ascetic Ursinus student retreats in protest of faculty dismissals • Drama, beauty make UC track unbeatable • Bearettes defeated by West Chester • Baseball squad sparked by returning lettermen • Matmen top PMC for only victory • Greek gleaningshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1186/thumbnail.jp

    Factors Related with Knowledge of Basic Life Support among Members of Student Body Volunteer Organizations at Universitas Padjadjaran

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    Background: Mortality caused by accidents remains a public health challenge. Prompt response during first aid accident may prevent disability or death. At Universitas Padjadjaran three student body volunteer organizations provide training in Basic Life Support as the component of first aid. They are Korps Sukarela Palang Merah Indonesia (KSR PMI), Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam (PMPA) Palawa, and Unit Search and Rescue (SAR). This study aims to assess the level of Basic Life Support knowledge of the members inthree organizations and the factors related with their knowledge.Methods: The method used was a descriptive study carried out on subjects diagnosed with PSS at the National EThis was a cross sectional study that included 59 members of three student body volunteer organizations of Universitas Padjadjaran that have received training in Basic Life Support. A questionnaireabout respondent’s characteristics, Basic Life Support-related experiences, and Basic Life Support’s knowledge was administered to the participants during October 2012Results: The total mean for the three student body volunteer organizations on questionnaire was 64.12±19.40 with minimum score was 25 and maximum score was 100. The interval of last period of training and Basic Life Support-related experiences did not show statistically significant (p=0.647) and(p=0.357) however educational background related to Basic Life Support knowledge showed statistically significant (p<0.01).Conclusions: The level of Basic Life Support knowledge in three student body volunteer organizations was moderate and that educational background has relation with the knowledge. The increase in number of effective training and application in the field may increase the knowledge on Basic Life Support. [AMJ.2015;2(1):186–90

    The Effectiveness of River Bank Normalization on Flood Risk Reduction

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    One popular technique used to reduce flood risk associated witha flood mitigation scheme, is normalization of a river bank. This methodcan be effected done by adjusting the width of the river on the left andright banks, in order to increase channel capacity. The biggest obstaclemost often encountered in adjusting the river banks is insufficient landarea, both on the left and right sides. The capacity of the river channel cantherefore not be optimised, due to this limitation. This study intends toevaluate the effectiveness of river bank normalization to reduce flood riskin the Puna River, Central Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. The capacityevaluation was conducted under two conditions i.e. before and afternormalization of the river bank, using HEC-RAS Hydrodynamic Program, integrated with GIS. The level of effectiveness is measured by acomparison between the capacity of the river channel after banknormalization with the required channel capacity on 100 years returnperiod of discharge for important and high-risk river categories. Simulationresults in both conditions show that the normalization of river banks canincrease channel capacity from 270 m3/s to 470.2 m3/s, where the requiredchannel capacity is 590.71 m3/s. The effectiveness of the banknormalization is 100 %, included in the category of very effectiv

    Characteristics of Sediment Transport After Morphological Changes at Palu Estuary, Sulawesi, Indonesia as The Impact of 2018 Tsunami

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    The tsunami triggered by the 2018 Palu Earthquake has not only caused the collapse of public infrastructure, but also damaged beaches along Palu Bay. Based on direct investigation along the beaches, the coastlines have shifted inland up to 30 meters. This shoreline change was caused by the attack of the tsunami waves at high speed followed by massive abrasion. Another impact of the wave attack is a change in the morphology of the beach bed, including in the Palu Estuary. This study aims to investigate the impact of changes in bed morphology around the Palu Estuary as a result of the tsunami attack on transport sediment characteristics, as one of the determinants of bed morphology. Quantitative analysis was carried out by numerical simulation based on 2D hydrodynamic modeling using the Surface-water Modeling System (SMS). The geometry of the model is formed from the mesh generated from the bed elevation based on the after-tsunami bathymetry survey. Two boundary conditions and one main input data are applied to this model: discharge data, tidal data and bed load data. Discharge data as an upstream boundary condition consists of minimum discharge, average discharge and maximum discharge. The downstream boundary is defined by a tidal curve predicted from 15 daily data. The bed load data is presented in the form of a gradation curve that describes the distribution of sediment grains. The simulation output indicates that sediment settles intensively downstream of the river mouth at high discharge and low tide. At low discharge and high tide, sediment tends to settle before the flow reaches the river mouth. Referring to the results of previous studies, the direction and velocity of sediment motion changed slightly after the tsunami. Changes in the direction and speed of movement are related to changes in bed morphology at the river mouth due to the 2018 Palu Tsunami

    Characteristics of Sediment Transport After Morphological Changes at Palu Estuary, Sulawesi, Indonesia as The Impact of 2018 Tsunami

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    The tsunami triggered by the 2018 Palu Earthquake has not only caused the collapse of public infrastructure, but also damaged beaches along Palu Bay. Based on direct investigation along the beaches, the coastlines have shifted inland up to 30 meters. This shoreline change was caused by the attack of the tsunami waves at high speed followed by massive abrasion. Another impact of the wave attack is a change in the morphology of the beach bed, including in the Palu Estuary. This study aims to investigate the impact of changes in bed morphology around the Palu Estuary as a result of the tsunami attack on transport sediment characteristics, as one of the determinants of bed morphology. Quantitative analysis was carried out by numerical simulation based on 2D hydrodynamic modeling using the Surface-water Modeling System (SMS). The geometry of the model is formed from the mesh generated from the bed elevation based on the after-tsunami bathymetry survey. Two boundary conditions and one main input data are applied to this model: discharge data, tidal data and bed load data. Discharge data as an upstream boundary condition consists of minimum discharge, average discharge and maximum discharge. The downstream boundary is defined by a tidal curve predicted from 15 daily data. The bed load data is presented in the form of a gradation curve that describes the distribution of sediment grains. The simulation output indicates that sediment settles intensively downstream of the river mouth at high discharge and low tide. At low discharge and high tide, sediment tends to settle before the flow reaches the river mouth. Referring to the results of previous studies, the direction and velocity of sediment motion changed slightly after the tsunami. Changes in the direction and speed of movement are related to changes in bed morphology at the river mouth due to the 2018 Palu Tsunami
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