32 research outputs found

    Customer Satisfaction Measurement of the Ski Resort

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    Import 04/11/2015Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo zistiť spokojnosť klientov lyžiarskeho areálu Skalka Ostrava, ktorá bola rozdelená na čiastkové spokojnosti, zameriavajúce sa na spokojnosť s personálom, cenami, zjazdovkami a poskytovanými službami. Spokojnosť bola zisťovaná pomocou dotazníkového šetrenia. V jednotlivých kategóriách boli zistené silnejšie aj slabšie stránky spoločnosti. V záverečnej časti boli navrhnuté odporúčania, ktoré by mali eliminovať slabšie stránky a zvýšiť spokojnosť zákazníkov.The aim of the thesis was to invesigate customer satisfaction of the Ski Resort Skalka Ostrava . The satisfaction was divided into 4 parts - satisfaction with staff, prices, slopes and services. Satisfaction was measured by questionnaire survey. The survey has indicated strenghts and weaknesses of the company. In the final part of the thesis was proposed recommendations, which should eliminate weaknesses and increase customer satisfaction.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    Competitive Analysis on the Fitness Centre Market

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    Import 26/06/2013Cieľom mojej bakalárskej práce bola analýza konkurencie na trhu fitness centier v Čadci. Na začiatku práce som si vybral konkrétne fitness centrum – Fitcentrum plaváreň, ktoré sa stalo základným fitness centrum v mojej práci. Na začiatku som charakterizoval ekonomické prostredie, v ktorom sa nachádza, a služby ktoré ponúka. Nasledovala teoretická časť, kde som vymedzil pojmy konkurencie, marketingu a mystery shoppingu, ktorý som následne použil pri zbere dát a v analytickej časti kde som porovnával všetky skúmané fitness centrá. Na záver som pre toto fitness centrum na základe zozbieraných a vyhodnotených dát navrhol vhodné odporúčania.The main target of my bachelor work was the analysis of market competition of various fitness centres in Čadca. At the beginning of my work I chose one specific fitness centre called "Fitcentrum plaváreň" which became the main fitness centre in my whole work. At first I characterized its economical enviroment which it is situated in and then all the servises which this centre can offer. The theoretical part followed afterwards. In this theoretical part I defined main terms of competition, marketing and mystery shopping which I subsequently used in data collection and in analytical part where I compared all the examined fintness centres. At the end of my bachelor work I created number of suitable recommendations based on the collected and reviewed data.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    DIFFRACplus TOPAS, TOPAS: General Profile and Structure Analysis Software for Powder Diffraction Data

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na seznámení se se softwarem DIFFRAC.SUITE TOPAS, který je efektivním nástrojem rentgenové difrakce k řešení kvalitativních a kvantitativních analýz chemických směsí. V rámci seznámení se se softwarem byla provedena analýza uranové rudy a vzorku kaolinit/ZnO, při které byly identifikovány fáze obou směsí. Při řešení byl použit tutoriál, který je k softwaru přiložen. Tento tutoriál byl také přeložen a přepracován do českého jazyka. V případě vzorku kaolinit/ZnO poskytla analýza hodnoty hmotnostních zlomků ZnO 50,37 % a 49,17 %. V případě vzorku uranové rudy byl hmotnostní zlomek uraninitu, což je hlavní uranová ruda, 0,30 %.This bachelor thesis focuses on familiarization with the software DIFFRAC.SUITE TOPAS, which is an effective X-ray diffraction tool used to carry out qualitative and quantitative analyses of chemical mixtures. Within familiarization with the software, analyses of uranium ore and a kaolinite/ZnO sample were carried out. Phases of both mixtures were identified in the analyses. A tutorial enclosed with the software was used in the process of analyses. This tutorial was also translated and rewritten into the Czech language. The analysis showed mass fraction values of 50.37% and 49.17% for the kaolinite/ZnO sample. In the case of uranium ore sample, the mass fraction value of uraninite (the main uranium ore) was 0.30%.9360 - Centrum nanotechnologiívýborn

    Rietveld method of quantitative phase analysis and its practical usage

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na teoretické i praktické využití Rietveldovi metody. Rietveldova metoda kvantitativní fázové analýzy efektivně řeší problém práškových difrakčních technik – překrývající se píky. V úvodu je představena kinematická teorie rentgenové difrakce, která je pro pochopení Rietveldovi metody stěžejní. Dále je práce zaměřena na matematický základ samotné metody. Praktická část diplomové práce je věnována názorným příkladům zpřesňování struktur za pomocí strukturních vstupů formou uživatelského manuálu. V závěru diplomové práce je uveden popis podrobného zpřesňování krystalografické struktury kaolinit/ZnS za pomocí softwaru Diffrac Topas.This diploma thesis focuses on familiarization with the Rietveld method of quantitative phase analysis, which solves the biggest issue of powder diffraction – overlapping peaks. First part of thesis shows kinematic theory of x-ray diffraction, which is essential for understanding Rietveld method. Next part of thesis will focus on mathematical background for the method. Practical part of this thesis consists of examples of refinementing structures in the form of user manual. Final part will be focused on very detailed refinement of Kaolinite Zn/S with the use of software Diffrac Topas.9360 - Centrum nanotechnologiívýborn

    Towards the development and verification of a 3D-based advanced optimized farm machinery trajectory algorithm

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    Efforts related to minimizing the environmental burden caused by agricultural activities and increasing economic efficiency are key contemporary drivers in the precision agriculture domain. Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) techniques are being applied against soil compaction creation, using the on-line optimization of trajectory planning for soil-sensitive field operations. The research presented in this paper aims at a proof-of-concept solution with respect to optimizing farm machinery trajectories in order to minimize the environmental burden and increase economic efficiency. As such, it further advances existing CTF solutions by including (1) efficient plot divisions in 3D, (2) the optimization of entry and exit points of both plot and plot segments, (3) the employment of more machines in parallel and (4) obstacles in a farm machinery trajectory. The developed algorithm is expressed in terms of unified modeling language (UML) activity diagrams as well as pseudo-code. Results were visualized in 2D and 3D to demonstrate terrain impact. Verifications were conducted at a fully operational commercial farm (Rostenice, the Czech Republic) against second-by-second sensor measurements of real farm machinery trajectories

    Presencia de la Compañía de Zapatos Bat’a en América Central y el Caribe en el periodo de entreguerras (1920-1930)

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    This article addresses the presence of the famous Czechoslovak shoe company Bat'a in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean during the 1920s and 1930s. It is a topic that has not yet been properly researched by historians; therefore this work can shed some light on the activity of Czechoslovak companies in Latin America. The objective is to compare Bat'a's influence in the countries of the respective region and study where it was successful and why and where it was not. This comparative and quantitative analysis is based mainly on the unpublished archive material of Czech and Mexican origin. These sources are supplemented by memoirs of several Bat'a's officials present in the region and published in some local Czechoslovak newspapers. © 2018 Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jose Maria Luis Mora. All rights reserved.Este artículo trata sobre la presencia de la famosa empresa checoslovaca de calzado Bat’a en México, Centroamérica y el Caribe en las décadas de 1920 y 1930. Es un tema que hasta ahora no ha sido profundamente investigado por los historiadores y por lo tanto este trabajo puede arrojar alguna luz sobre la actividad de las empresas checoslovacas en América Latina. El objetivo es comparar la influencia de Bat’a en los países de la región mencionada y estudiar dónde fue exitoso y por qué y dónde no. Este análisis comparativo y cuantitativo se basa principalmente en el material inédito de archivo de procedencia checa y mexicana. Estas fuentes se complementan con las memorias de varios funcionarios de Bat’a presentes en la región y publicadas en algunos periódicos checoslovacos locales

    A Comparison of Monoscopic and Stereoscopic 3D Visualizations: Effect on Spatial Planning in Digital Twins

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    From the user perspective, 3D geospatial data visualizations are one of the bridges between the physical and the digital world. As such, the potential of 3D geospatial data visualizations is frequently discussed within and beyond the digital twins. The effects on human cognitive processes in complex spatial tasks is rather poorly known. No uniform standards exist for the 3D technologies used in these tasks. Although stereoscopic geovisualizations presented using 3D technologies enhance depth perception, it has been suggested that the visual discomfort experienced when using 3D technology outweighs its benefits and results in lower efficiency and errors. In the present study, sixty participants using 3D technologies were tested in terms of their ability to make informed decisions in selecting the correct position of a virtual transmitter in a digital twin and a digital terrain model, respectively. Participants (n = 60) were randomly assigned into two groups, one using 3D technology engaging stereoscopic shutter glasses and the second working with standard computer screen-based visualizations. The results indicated that the participants who used shutter glasses performed significantly worse in terms of response time (W = 175.0; p < 0.001, r = −0.524). This finding verifies previous conclusions concerning the unsuitability of stereoscopic visualization technology for complex decision-making in geospatial tasks

    The Design and Testing of 3DmoveR: an Experimental Tool for Usability Studies of Interactive 3D Maps

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    Various widely available applications such as Google Earth have made interactive 3D visualizations of spatial data popular. While several studies have focused on how users perform when interacting with these with 3D visualizations, it has not been common to record their virtual movements in 3D environments or interactions with 3D maps. We therefore created and tested a new web-based research tool: a 3D Movement and Interaction Recorder (3DmoveR). Its design incorporates findings from the latest 3D visualization research, and is built upon an iterative requirements analysis. It is implemented using open web technologies such as PHP, JavaScript, and the X3DOM library. The main goal of the tool is to record camera position and orientation during a user’s movement within a virtual 3D scene, together with other aspects of their interaction. After building the tool, we performed an experiment to demonstrate its capabilities. This experiment revealed differences between laypersons and experts (cartographers) when working with interactive 3D maps. For example, experts achieved higher numbers of correct answers in some tasks, had shorter response times, followed shorter virtual trajectories, and moved through the environment more smoothly. Interaction-based clustering as well as other ways of visualizing and qualitatively analyzing user interaction were explored