752 research outputs found

    On the Mailbox Problem

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    The Mailbox Problem was described and solved by Aguilera, Gafni, and Lamport in their 2010 DC paper with an algorithm that uses two flag registers that carry 14 values each. An interesting problem that they ask is whether there is a mailbox algorithm with smaller flag values. We give a positive answer by describing a mailbox algorithm with 6 and 4 values in the two flag registers

    On the nature of progress

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    15th International Conference, OPODIS 2011, Toulouse, France, December 13-16, 2011. ProceedingsWe identify a simple relationship that unifies seemingly unrelated progress conditions ranging from the deadlock-free and starvation-free properties common to lock-based systems, to non-blocking conditions such as obstruction-freedom, lock-freedom, and wait-freedom. Properties can be classified along two dimensions based on the demands they make on the operating system scheduler. A gap in the classification reveals a new non-blocking progress condition, weaker than obstruction-freedom, which we call clash-freedom. The classification provides an intuitively-appealing explanation why programmers continue to devise data structures that mix both blocking and non-blocking progress conditions. It also explains why the wait-free property is a natural basis for the consensus hierarchy: a theory of shared-memory computation requires an independent progress condition, not one that makes demands of the operating system scheduler

    Managed Care: Ethical Considerations for Counselors

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    Key factors and trends in health care will have an impact on the ethical practice of counselors. Ethical challenges to clinical practice presented by trends in managed care are discussed in relation to the American Counseling Association (1995) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Recommendations for practice are also included

    Monotonic Prefix Consistency in Distributed Systems

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    We study the issue of data consistency in distributed systems. Specifically, we consider a distributed system that replicates its data at multiple sites, which is prone to partitions, and which is assumed to be available (in the sense that queries are always eventually answered). In such a setting, strong consistency, where all replicas of the system apply synchronously every operation, is not possible to implement. However, many weaker consistency criteria that allow a greater number of behaviors than strong consistency, are implementable in available distributed systems. We focus on determining the strongest consistency criterion that can be implemented in a convergent and available distributed system that tolerates partitions. We focus on objects where the set of operations can be split into updates and queries. We show that no criterion stronger than Monotonic Prefix Consistency (MPC) can be implemented.Comment: Submitted pape

    Admit your weakness: Verifying correctness on TSO architectures

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    “The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-15317-9_22 ”.Linearizability has become the standard correctness criterion for fine-grained non-atomic concurrent algorithms, however, most approaches assume a sequentially consistent memory model, which is not always realised in practice. In this paper we study the correctness of concurrent algorithms on a weak memory model: the TSO (Total Store Order) memory model, which is commonly implemented by multicore architectures. Here, linearizability is often too strict, and hence, we prove a weaker criterion, quiescent consistency instead. Like linearizability, quiescent consistency is compositional making it an ideal correctness criterion in a component-based context. We demonstrate how to model a typical concurrent algorithm, seqlock, and prove it quiescent consistent using a simulation-based approach. Previous approaches to proving correctness on TSO architectures have been based on linearizabilty which makes it necessary to modify the algorithm’s high-level requirements. Our approach is the first, to our knowledge, for proving correctness without the need for such a modification

    An Epistemic Perspective on Consistency of Concurrent Computations

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    Consistency properties of concurrent computations, e.g., sequential consistency, linearizability, or eventual consistency, are essential for devising correct concurrent algorithms. In this paper, we present a logical formalization of such consistency properties that is based on a standard logic of knowledge. Our formalization provides a declarative perspective on what is imposed by consistency requirements and provides some interesting unifying insight on differently looking properties

    Time-Efficient Read/Write Register in Crash-prone Asynchronous Message-Passing Systems

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    The atomic register is certainly the most basic object of computing science. Its implementation on top of an n-process asynchronous message-passing system has received a lot of attention. It has been shown that t \textless{} n/2 (where t is the maximal number of processes that may crash) is a necessary and sufficient requirement to build an atomic register on top of a crash-prone asynchronous message-passing system. Considering such a context, this paper visits the notion of a fast implementation of an atomic register, and presents a new time-efficient asynchronous algorithm. Its time-efficiency is measured according to two different underlying synchrony assumptions. Whatever this assumption, a write operation always costs a round-trip delay, while a read operation costs always a round-trip delay in favorable circumstances (intuitively, when it is not concurrent with a write). When designing this algorithm, the design spirit was to be as close as possible to the one of the famous ABD algorithm (proposed by Attiya, Bar-Noy, and Dolev)

    Quiescent consistency: Defining and verifying relaxed linearizability

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    Concurrent data structures like stacks, sets or queues need to be highly optimized to provide large degrees of parallelism with reduced contention. Linearizability, a key consistency condition for concurrent objects, sometimes limits the potential for optimization. Hence algorithm designers have started to build concurrent data structures that are not linearizable but only satisfy relaxed consistency requirements. In this paper, we study quiescent consistency as proposed by Shavit and Herlihy, which is one such relaxed condition. More precisely, we give the first formal definition of quiescent consistency, investigate its relationship with linearizability, and provide a proof technique for it based on (coupled) simulations. We demonstrate our proof technique by verifying quiescent consistency of a (non-linearizable) FIFO queue built using a diffraction tree. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    Verifying linearizability on TSO architectures

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    Linearizability is the standard correctness criterion for fine-grained, non-atomic concurrent algorithms, and a variety of methods for verifying linearizability have been developed. However, most approaches assume a sequentially consistent memory model, which is not always realised in practice. In this paper we define linearizability on a weak memory model: the TSO (Total Store Order) memory model, which is implemented in the x86 multicore architecture. We also show how a simulation-based proof method can be adapted to verify linearizability for algorithms running on TSO architectures. We demonstrate our approach on a typical concurrent algorithm, spinlock, and prove it linearizable using our simulation-based approach. Previous approaches to proving linearizabilty on TSO architectures have required a modification to the algorithm's natural abstract specification. Our proof method is the first, to our knowledge, for proving correctness without the need for such modification

    Fisheye Consistency: Keeping Data in Synch in a Georeplicated World

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    Over the last thirty years, numerous consistency conditions for replicated data have been proposed and implemented. Popular examples of such conditions include linearizability (or atomicity), sequential consistency, causal consistency, and eventual consistency. These consistency conditions are usually defined independently from the computing entities (nodes) that manipulate the replicated data; i.e., they do not take into account how computing entities might be linked to one another, or geographically distributed. To address this lack, as a first contribution, this paper introduces the notion of proximity graph between computing nodes. If two nodes are connected in this graph, their operations must satisfy a strong consistency condition, while the operations invoked by other nodes are allowed to satisfy a weaker condition. The second contribution is the use of such a graph to provide a generic approach to the hybridization of data consistency conditions into the same system. We illustrate this approach on sequential consistency and causal consistency, and present a model in which all data operations are causally consistent, while operations by neighboring processes in the proximity graph are sequentially consistent. The third contribution of the paper is the design and the proof of a distributed algorithm based on this proximity graph, which combines sequential consistency and causal consistency (the resulting condition is called fisheye consistency). In doing so the paper not only extends the domain of consistency conditions, but provides a generic provably correct solution of direct relevance to modern georeplicated systems
