3,084 research outputs found

    The Influence of Emotional Material on Encoding and Retrieving Intentions: An ERP Study in Younger and Older Adults

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    Prospective memory is a cognitive process that comprises the encoding and maintenance of an intention until the appropriate moment of its retrieval. It is of highly relevance for an independent everyday life, especially in older adults; however, there is ample evidence that prospective memory declines with increasing age. Because most studies have used neutral stimuli, it is still an open question how emotional factors influence age-related differences in prospective remembering. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of emotional material on prospective memory encoding, monitoring, maintaining, and retrieval in younger and older adults using behavioral and electrophysiological measures. We tested 24 younger adults (M = 26.4 years) and 20 older adults (M = 68.1 years) using a picture one-back task as ongoing activity with an embedded prospective memory instruction. The experimental task consisted of three sessions. In each session, participants had to encode series of images that represented the prospective memory cues for the consecutive block. The images were either of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral valence. The pictures used in the ongoing task were likewise of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral valence. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to assess the neural correlates of intention encoding, maintenance, and self-initiated retrieval. We did not find age differences between younger and older adults on the behavioral level. However, the ERP results revealed an interesting pattern that suggested for both age groups elevated attentional processing of emotional cues during encoding indicated by an elevated LPP for the emotional cues. Additionally, younger adults showed increased activity for unpleasant cues. During the maintenance phase, both age groups engaged in strategic monitoring especially for pleasant cues, which led to enhanced sustained positivity. During retrieval, older adults showed increased activity of ERP components related to cue detection and retrieval mainly for pleasant cues indicating enhanced relevance for those cues. In conclusion, emotional material may influence prospective remembering in older adults differently than in younger adults by supporting a mixture of top-down and bottom-up controlled processing. The results demonstrated a negativity bias in younger adults and a positivity bias in older adults

    A Gel Probe Equilibrium Sampler for Measuring Arsenic Porewater Profiles and Sorption Gradients in Sediments: I. Laboratory Development

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    A gel probe equilibrium sampler has been developed to study arsenic (As) geochemistry and sorption behavior in sediment porewater. The gels consist of a hydrated polyacrylamide polymer, which has a 92% water content. Two types of gels were used in this study. Undoped (clear) gels were used to measure concentrations of As and other elements in sediment porewater. The polyacrylamide gel was also doped with hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), an amorphous iron (Fe) oxyhydroxide. When deployed in the field, HFO-doped gels introduce a fresh sorbent into the subsurface thus allowing assessment of in situ sorption. In this study, clear and HFO-doped gels were tested under laboratory conditions to constrain the gel behavior prior to field deployment. Both types of gels were allowed to equilibrate with solutions of varying composition and re-equilibrated in acid for analysis. Clear gels accurately measured solution concentrations (±1%), and As was completely recovered from HFO-doped gels (±4%). Arsenic speciation was determined in clear gels through chromatographic separation of the re-equilibrated solution. For comparison to speciation in solution, mixtures of As(III) and As(V) adsorbed on HFO embedded in gel were measured in situ using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Sorption densities for As(III) and As(V) on HFO embedded in gel were obtained from sorption isotherms at pH 7.1. When As and phosphate were simultaneously equilibrated (in up to 50-fold excess of As) with HFO-doped gels, phosphate inhibited As sorption by up to 85% and had a stronger inhibitory effect on As(V) than As(III). Natural organic matter (>200 ppm) decreased As adsorption by up to 50%, and had similar effects on As(V) and As(III). The laboratory results provide a basis for interpreting results obtained by deploying the gel probe in the field and elucidating the mechanisms controlling As partitioning between solid and dissolved phases in the environment

    Functional renormalization group analysis of Dzyaloshinsky Moriya and Heisenberg spin interactions on the kagome lattice

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    We investigate the effects of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interactions on the frustrated J1J_1-J2J_2 kagome-Heisenberg model using the pseudo-fermion functional-renormalization-group (PFFRG) technique. In order to treat the off-diagonal nature of DM interactions, we develop an extended PFFRG scheme. We benchmark this approach in parameter regimes that have previously been studied with other methods and find good agreement of the magnetic phase diagram. Particularly, finite DM interactions are found to stabilize all types of non-collinear magnetic orders of the J1J_1-J2J_2 Heisenberg model (q=0\mathbf{q}=0, 3×3\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}, and cuboc orders) and shrink the extents of magnetically disordered phases. We discuss our results in the light of the mineral {\it herbertsmithite} which has been experimentally predicted to host a quantum spin liquid at low temperatures. Our PFFRG data indicates that this material lies in close proximity to a quantum critical point. In parts of the experimentally relevant parameter regime for {\it herbertsmithite}, the spin-correlation profile is found to be in good qualitative agreement with recent inelastic-neutron-scattering data

    Prospective Memory in Older Adults : Where We Are Now and What Is Next

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    M. Kliegel acknowledges financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Chapter 12: Zoning and Land Use

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    Assessing time-based prospective memory online:A comparison study between laboratory-based and web-based testing

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    Prospective memory (PM, i.e., the ability to remember and perform future intentions) is assessed mainly within laboratory settings; however, in the last two decades, several studies have started testing PM online. Most part of those studies focused on event-based PM (EBPM), and only a few assessed time-based PM (TBPM), possibly because time keeping is difficult to control or standardise without experimental control. Thus, it is still unclear whether time monitoring patterns in online studies replicate typical patterns obtained in laboratory tasks. In this study, we therefore aimed to investigate whether the behavioural outcome measures obtained from the traditional TBPM paradigm in the laboratory—accuracy and time monitoring—are comparable with an online version in a sample of 101 younger adults. Results showed no significant difference in TBPM performance in the laboratory versus online setting, as well as no difference in time monitoring. However, we found that participants were somewhat faster and more accurate at the ongoing task during the laboratory assessment, but those differences were not related to holding an intention in mind. The findings suggest that, although participants seemed generally more distracted when tested remotely, online assessment yielded similar results in key temporal characteristics and behavioural performance as for the laboratory assessment. The results are discussed in terms of possible conceptual and methodological implications for online testing.</p

    Block-Transitive Designs in Affine Spaces

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    This paper deals with block-transitive tt-(v,k,λ)(v,k,\lambda) designs in affine spaces for large tt, with a focus on the important index λ=1\lambda=1 case. We prove that there are no non-trivial 5-(v,k,1)(v,k,1) designs admitting a block-transitive group of automorphisms that is of affine type. Moreover, we show that the corresponding non-existence result holds for 4-(v,k,1)(v,k,1) designs, except possibly when the group is one-dimensional affine. Our approach involves a consideration of the finite 2-homogeneous affine permutation groups.Comment: 10 pages; to appear in: "Designs, Codes and Cryptography

    Unconventional Strong Spin-Fluctuation Effects around the Critical Pressure of the Itinerant Ising-Type Ferromagnet URhAl

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    Resistivity measurements were performed for the itinerant Ising-type ferromagnet URhAl at temperatures down to 40 mK under high pressure up to 7.5 GPa, using single crystals. We found that the critical pressure of the Curie temperature exists at around PcP_c ~ 5.2 GPa. Near PcP_c, the AA-coefficient of the AT2AT^{2} Fermi-liquid resistivity term below TT^* is largely enhanced with a maximum around 5.2-5.5 GPa. Above PcP_c, the exponent of the resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T) deviates from 2. At PcP_c, it is close to n=5/3n = 5/3, which is expected by the theory of three-dimensional ferromagnetic spin fluctuations for a 2nd-order quantum-critical point (QCP). However, TC(P)T_C(P) disappears as a 1st-order phase transition, and the critical behavior of resistivity in URhAl cannot be explained by the theory of a 2nd-order QCP. The 1st-order nature of the phase transition is weak, and the critical behavior is still dominated by the spin fluctuation at low temperature. With increasing pressure, the non-Fermi-liquid behavior is observed in higher fields. Magnetic field studies point out a ferromagnetic wing structure with a tri-critical point (TCP) at ~ 4.8-4.9 GPa in URhAl. One open possibility is that the switch from the ferromagnetic to the paramagnetic states does not occur simply but an intermediate state arises below the TCP as suggested theoretically recently. Quite generally, if a drastic Fermi-surface change occurs through PcP_c, the nature of the interaction itself may change and lead to the observed unconventional behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Characterization of quantum spin liquids and their spinon band structures via functional renormalization

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    We combine the pseudofermion functional renormalization group PFFRG method with a self consistent Fock like mean field scheme to calculate low energy effective theories for emergent spinon excitations in spin 1 2 quantum spin liquids. Using effective spin interactions from PFFRG as an input for the Fock equation and allowing for the most general types of free spinon Ansätze as classified by the projective symmetry group PSG method, we are able to systematically determine spinon band structures for spin liquid candidate systems beyond mean field theory. We apply this approach to the antiferromagnetic J1 amp; 8722;J2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice and to the antiferromagnetic nearest neighbor Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice. For the J1 amp; 8722;J2 model, we find that in the regime of maximal frustration a SU 2 pi flux state with Dirac spinons yields the largest mean field amplitudes. For the kagome model, we identify a gapless Z2 spin liquid with a small circular spinon Fermi surface and approximate Dirac cones at low but finite energie