750 research outputs found
Obra ressenyada: Josep M. ESQUIROL, Los filósofos contemporáneos y la técnica : de Ortega a Sloterdijk. Gedisa : Barcelona, 2011
Role of D-fagomine and omega-3 plyunsaturated fatty acids on gut microbia and related metabolic changes in healthy rats and in a model of fat-induced prediabetes
[eng] Modern lifestyles in an increasing number of human societies include consuming an excess of saturated fats and refined sugars as well as enjoying microbiologically aseptic environments. Maintaining the appropriate distribution of gut microbial populations (eubiosis) is emerging as an attractive approach to prevent ectopic fat accumulation and insulin resistance (IR), and to avert the progression of diabetes. Functional food components are those that help maintain the normal bodily functions beyond providing energy or building blocks. They may bring about physiological health benefits for both healthy subjects following a healthy lifestyle and people belonging to risk groups such as obese or pre-diabetic populations. D-Fagomine is an iminosugar originally present in buckwheat with the capacity for selectively inhibiting bacterial adhesion to the intestinal mucosa. ω-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) reduce blood pressure as well as levels of insulin, triacylglycerols, cholesterol and total lipids. Iminosugars and ω-3 PUFAs may be used as functional food ingredients or dietary supplements to maintain a healthy status over time and to reduce risk factors for diabetes.
This thesis focuses on the effects of buckwheat D-fagomine, fish ω-3 PUFAs (EPA/DHA 1:1) and their combination on the gut microbiota and related metabolic variables in the host both in healthy rats and a rat model of fat-induced pre-diabetes.
In the first part of this thesis we explored the effects of D-fagomine and ω-3 PUFAs (EPA/DHA 1:1) on rats given a standard diet as a model for healthy subjects. We found that D-fagomine had the capacity for promoting microbial functional diversity by increasing the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio and for mitigating the age-related reduction in populations of the putatively beneficial Lactobacilliales and Bifidobacteriales. Also, the populations of the genus Prevotella remained stable over time in animals supplemented with D- fagomine, independently of ω-3 PUFAs supplementation. The combination between D-fagomine and ω-3 PUFAs provided the functional benefits of each supplement. Notably, it helped stabilize populations of Prevotella in the rat intestinal tract while reducing weight gain and providing the anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits of ω-3 PUFAs.
In the second part we explored the effects of the same supplements on rats with fat-induced pre-diabetes as a model for people at risk of suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. We found that D-fagomine delayed the development of a fat-induced pre-diabetic state by reducing low-grade inflammation. We suggest that the anti-inflammatory effect of D-fagomine may be linked to a reduction in fat-induced overpopulation of minor gut bacterial groups such as Enterobacteriales. The combined supplements counteracted the high-fat induced incipient IR, and liver inflammation, while increasing the cecal content, the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio as well as the populations of putatively beneficial Bifidobacteriales and Lactobacilliales. The functional
effects of the combination between D-fagomine and EPA/DHA 1:1 against the gut dysbiosis and the very early metabolic alterations induced by a high-fat westernized diet were mainly those of D-fagomine complemented by the anti-inflammatory action of ω-3 PUFAs.
The results of this thesis point clearly towards a functional role for D-fagomine in the maintenance of the intestinal health by preserving diversity and mitigating the age-related reduction of some beneficial bacteria and also in the prevention of risk factors for diet-induced pre-diabetes reinforced by the action of ω-3 PUFAs by complementary mechanisms
Programa de educación para la salud a pacientes postinfarto tras rehabilitación cardiaca
El Infarto Agudo de Miocardio es una enfermedad crónica de gran incidencia, por ello debe proporcionarse una atención completa y continuada en el tiempo, para así evitar recidivas, aumentos de morbilidad, mortalidad y reingresos hospitalarios. Nuestro objetivo es
diseñar un Programa de Educación para la Salud a personas que hayan sufrido un IAM y hayan completado un programa de Rehabilitación Cardiaca para aumentar su nivel de salud y calidad de vida.
Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica a través de bases de datos, páginas webs, libros y protocolos con el fin de elaborar un diseño de Programa de Educación para la Salud mediante el cual se hará una mejora en la prevención terciaria a personas infartadas.
El programa se llevará a cabo a través de una serie de sesiones con sus respectivas evaluaciones, en las que se abordarán temas como el ejercicio físico, la alimentación o el manejo del estrés en este tipo de pacientes. Con ello, se esperará obtener una mayor adherencia a hábitos de vida saludable por parte de los participantes.
Debido a que se trata de un diseño de Programa, aún no se ha llevado a cabo para obtener datos y evaluaciones reales, pero puede resultar interesante su aplicación en todas aquellas personas que hayan sufrido un infarto o sean población de riesgo.Grado en Enfermerí
Epistolografia popular : una projecció en geolingüística diacrònica
En aquest article presentem alguns primers resultats del projecte de l'Atles de formes lingüístiques del català contemporani (s. XVIII-XX). El tractament de diversos centenars de cartes i altra documentació que integra el corpus textual ens aporta indicis per analitzar el canvi lingüístic en l'scripta catalana a través dels eixos diacrònic i diatòpic.En el presente artículo presentamos los primeros resultados del proyecto de Atlas de formas lingüísticas del catalán contemporáneo (s. XVIII-XX). El tratamiento de varios centenares de cartas y otra documentación que forma el corpus textual nos aporta pistas para analizar el cambio lingüístico en la scripta catalana a través de los ejes diacrónico y diatópico.In this paper we show some initial results of the Atlas of Linguistic Forms of contemporary Catalan (s. XVIII-XXth centuries). The processing of hundreds of letters and other documents included in our corpus gives us clues to analyze the language change in the Catalan scripta through diatopic and diachronic axes
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