1,161 research outputs found

    Effects of hole self-trapping by polarons on transport and negative bias illumination stress in amorphous-IGZO

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    The effects of hole injection in amorphous-IGZO is analyzed by means of first-principles calculations. The injection of holes in the valence band tail states leads to their capture as a polaron, with high self-trapping energies (from 0.44 to 1.15 eV). Once formed, they mediate the formation of peroxides and remain localized close to the hole injection source due to the presence of a large diffusion energy barrier (of at least 0.6eV). Their diffusion mechanism can be mediated by the presence of hydrogen. The capture of these holes is correlated with the low off-current observed for a-IGZO transistors, as well as, with the difficulty to obtain a p-type conductivity. The results further support the formation of peroxides as being the root cause of Negative bias illumination stress (NBIS). The strong self-trapping substantially reduces the injection of holes from the contact and limits the creation of peroxides from a direct hole injection. In presence of light, the concentration of holes substantially rises and mediates the creation of peroxides, responsible for NBIS.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Long dephasing time and high temperature ballistic transport in an InGaAs open quantum dot

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    We report on measurements of the magnetoconductance of an open circular InGaAs quantum dot between 1.3K and 204K. We observe two types of magnetoconductance fluctuations: universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs), and 'focusing' fluctuations related to ballistic trajectories between openings. The electron phase coherence time extracted from UCFs amplitude is larger than in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots and follows a similar temperature dependence (between T^-1 and T^-2). Below 150K, the characteristic length associated with 'focusing' fluctuations shows a slightly different temperature dependence from that of the conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of ICSNN2002, to appear in Physica


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    In adult germfree C3H mice immunized with horse spleen ferritin, either subcutaneously or intraperitoneally, plasma cells containing specific antibodies were found in lymph nodes and spleen and, in smaller numbers, also in the lamina propria of the intestine. In extraintestinal sites, these antiferritin-containing plasma cells were mainly of the IgM class after a single stimulation, and of the IgG1 class after repeated stimulation. In the intestine, all the anti-ferritin-containing cells appeared to be of the IgA class. Circulating antibodies, after repeated stimulation, were for the major part IgG1 and IgG2. In germfree mice given ferritin in their drinking water, antiferritin-containing cells were abundant in the intestinal mucosa, much less numerous in the mesenteric lymph nodes, and extremely scarce in other lymphoid tissues. All these cells, whatever their location, appeared to belong exclusively to the IgA class. Similarly, all the circulating antibody in these animals was found to be IgA. These findings illustrate the role of the gut as a site of antibody synthesis, as well as its selective commitment to the production of antibodies of the IgA class

    From unsupervised to semi-supervised adversarial domain adaptation in EEG-based sleep staging.

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    OBJECTIVE: The recent breakthrough of wearable sleep monitoring devices results in large amounts of sleep data. However, as limited labels are available, interpreting these data requires automated sleep stage classification methods with a small need for labeled training data. Transfer learning and domain adaptation offer possible solutions by enabling models to learn on a source dataset and adapt to a target dataset. APPROACH: In this paper, we investigate adversarial domain adaptation applied to real use cases with wearable sleep datasets acquired from diseased patient populations. Different practical aspects of the adversarial domain adaptation framework \hl{are examined}, including the added value of (pseudo-)labels from the target dataset and the influence of domain mismatch between the source and target data. The method is also implemented for personalization to specific patients. MAIN RESULTS: The results show that adversarial domain adaptation is effective in the application of sleep staging on wearable data. When compared to a model applied on a target dataset without any adaptation, the domain adaptation method in its simplest form achieves relative gains of 7%-27% in accuracy. The performance on the target domain is further boosted by adding pseudo-labels and real target domain labels when available, and by choosing an appropriate source dataset. Furthermore, unsupervised adversarial domain adaptation can also personalize a model, improving the performance by 1%-2% compared to a non-personal model. SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, adversarial domain adaptation provides a flexible framework for semi-supervised and unsupervised transfer learning. This is particularly useful in sleep staging and other wearable EEG applications

    Involvement of T cells in enhanced resistance to Klebsiella pneumoniae septicemia in mice treated with liposome-encapsulated muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine or gamma interferon

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    We have previously shown that prophylactic administration of the liposome-encapsulated immunomodulating agents muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine (MTPPE) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) results in strongly increased survival of mice from a normally lethal septicemia with Klebsiella pneumoniae. It was anticipated that the treatment acts on macrophages and nonspecifically augments host resistance to various infections. In the present study, we provide evidence for a key role for T cells in host defense potentiation by the liposomal immunomodulators toward K. pneumoniae septicemia. It is shown that both CD4 and CD8 cells are important in immunomodulation, most likely due to production of IFN-gamma. Depletion of circulating IFN-gamma resulted in strong reduction of the antimicrobial host defense activation. Administration of interleukin-10 resulted in decreased antimicrobial host defense activation by liposomal immunomodulators. Moreover, administration of liposomal immunomodulators was shown to induce predominantly T-helper type 1 (Th1) cell populations in the spleen. These findings indicate that immunomodulation with liposomal MTPPE and IFN-gamma favors Th1 and NK cell activation

    Unconventional magnetoresistance in long InSb nanowires

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    Magnetoresistance in long correlated nanowires of degenerate semiconductor InSb in asbestos matrix (wire diameter of around 5 nm, length 0.1 - 1 mm) is studied over temperature range 2.3 - 300 K. At zero magnetic field the electric conduction GG and the current-voltage characteristics of such wires obey the power laws GTαG\propto T^\alpha, IVβI\propto V^\beta, expected for one-dimensional electron systems. The effect of magnetic field corresponds to a 20% growth of the exponents α\alpha, β\beta at H=10 T. The observed magnetoresistance is caused by the magnetic-field-induced breaking of the spin-charge separation and represents a novel mechanism of magnetoresistance.Comment: To be published in JETP Letters, vol. 77 (2003

    Magnetothermal Conductivity of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite in the Quantum Limit

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    We report on the magnetic field (0TB9 \le B \le 9T) dependence of the longitudinal thermal conductivity κ(T,B)\kappa(T,B) of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite in the temperature range 5 K T\le T\le 20 K for fields parallel to the cc-axis. We show that κ(T,B)\kappa(T,B) shows large oscillations in the high-field region (B > 2 T) where clear signs of the Quantum-Hall effect are observed in the Hall resistance. With the measured longitudinal electrical resistivity we show that the Wiedemann-Franz law is violated in the high-field regime.Comment: 4 Figures, to be published in Physical Review B (2003