6,039 research outputs found


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    El procedimiento de revisión especial es una novedad jurídica instaurada con base a principios administrativos, a fin de poder revisar de manera exhaustiva los actos de los exconsejeros que estuvieron al frente del desarticulado Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura en el periodo 2015 al 2018. Ello con el fin de dilucidar si durante dicho periodo operaron indicios básicos de grave irregularidad en los nombramientos, ratificaciones o procedimientos disciplinarios llevados a cabo hacia los magistrados. La problemática principal va en torno a saber si dicho procedimiento de revisión especial se puede replicar en otras instituciones del estado, a fin de combatir la corrupción que pueda generarse en esta, y es partir de esta premisa que se estructurará la investigación y fundamentación teórica a fin de arribar a las conclusiones finales. De igual forma, dada su naturaleza de revisión especial, este procedimiento constituye una novedad sin precedentes en la historia jurídica peruana, pues a partir de su aplicación, se buscará por vez primera revisar actos de manera integral y valiéndose de un reglamento propio que delimite los parámetros a aplicar. Este procedimiento gozará de la debida publicidad a fin de que la ciudadanía vea si los jueces y fiscales fueron personas aptas para ser seleccionadas, ratificados, o, si en su defecto, las absoluciones o sanciones disciplinarias fueron realizadas a acorde a ley

    Diseño de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales y la determinación de las propiedades físico químicas en la población de Uyumbicho cantón Mejía para su dimensionamiento

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    El presente trabajo analiza la calidad de las aguas servidas que desembocan sin tratamiento al río San Pedro en la parroquia de Uyumbicho, Cantón Mejía, debido al crecimiento constante de la población lo que refleja un incremento de aguas residuales. Para lo cual es importante diseñar una planta de tratamiento que cumpla con los límites máximos permisibles que establece la normativa ambiental vigente mediante análisis in situ y ex situ de los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos con la finalidad de dimensionar las unidades del tren de tratamiento con un estudio de sostenibilidad económico, técnico y social de implementación y operación. Previo a una proyección poblacional y caudal de diseño de 25 años. En referencia del índice de biodegradabilidad que se define como materia orgánica “muy degradable”, el cual establece el diseño de un tratamiento físico, químico y biológico que consta de: canal de entrada, criba, desarenador, vertedero dosificador de coagulante, floculador, sedimentador y lagunas de estabilización, además se destina un espacio para el almacenamiento de lodos, simultáneamente la prueba de tratabilidad y análisis estadístico SPSS justifica como el mejor coagulante- floculante al Sulfato de Aluminio Al2 (SO4)3 con una dosis óptima de 0,5 g/L, para la población de la zona urbana la cual cuenta con un sistema de alcantarillado, determinando un caudal de diseño de 443,23 m3 /día que corresponde a la población futura de 5541 habitantes en 2046. El presupuesto de construcción aproximado es de 205239,79,financiadoporelGADdelaParroquiadeUyumbichoenconjuntoconelMunicipiodelCantoˊnMejıˊaporelbienestardelapoblacioˊn,asıˊcomotambieˊndelmedioambiente.ThispaperanalyzesthequalityofthesewagethatflowsintotheSanPedroRiverwithouttreatmentintheparishofUyumbicho,CantoˊnMejıˊa,duetotheconstantgrowthofthepopulation,whichreflectsanincreaseinwastewater.Forthis,itisimportanttodesignatreatmentplantthatcomplieswiththemaximumpermissiblelimitsestablishedbycurrentenvironmentalregulationsthroughinternalandexternalanalysisofthephysical,chemicalandmicrobiologicalparametersinordertomeasuretheunitsofthetreatmenttrainwithastudyofeconomic,technicalandsocialsustainabilityforitsimplementationandoperation.Priortoa25yearpopulationprojectionanddesignflow,Inreferencetothebiodegradabilityindexthatisdefinedas"verydegradable"organicmatter,whichestablishesthedesignofaphysical,chemicalandbiologicaltreatmentthatconsistsof:inletchannel,sieve,desander,coagulantdosingspillway,flocculator,settlerandstabilizationponds,inadditionaspaceisallocatedforthestorageofsludge,simultaneouslythetreatabilitytestandstatisticalanalysisSPSSjustifiesasthebestcoagulantflocculantAluminumSulfateAl2(SO4)3withanoptimaldoseof0.5g/L,forthepopulationoftheurbanareawhichhasasewagesystem,determiningadesignflowof443.23m3/daythatcorrespondstothefuturepopulationof5541inhabitantsin2046.Theapproximateconstructionbudgetis205239,79, financiado por el GAD de la Parroquia de Uyumbicho en conjunto con el Municipio del Cantón Mejía por el bienestar de la población, así como también del medio ambiente.This paper analyzes the quality of the sewage that flows into the San Pedro River without treatment in the parish of Uyumbicho, Cantón Mejía, due to the constant growth of the population, which reflects an increase in wastewater. For this, it is important to design a treatment plant that complies with the maximum permissible limits established by current environmental regulations through internal and external analysis of the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters in order to measure the units of the treatment train with a study of economic, technical and social sustainability for its implementation and operation. Prior to a 25-year population projection and design flow, In reference to the biodegradability index that is defined as "very degradable" organic matter, which establishes the design of a physical, chemical and biological treatment that consists of: inlet channel, sieve, desander, coagulant dosing spillway, flocculator, settler and stabilization ponds, in addition a space is allocated for the storage of sludge, simultaneously the treatability test and statistical analysis SPSS justifies as the best coagulant-flocculant Aluminum Sulfate Al2 (SO4) 3 with an optimal dose of 0.5 g / L, for the population of the urban area which has a sewage system, determining a design flow of 443.23 m3 / day that corresponds to the future population of 5541 inhabitants in 2046.The approximate construction budget is 205 239.79, financed by the GAD of the Parish of Uyumbicho in conjunction with the Municipality of the Cantón Mejía for the welfare of the population, as well as the environment

    Implementación de Lean Service para mejorar el servicio de atención al cliente en una empresa comercializadora de material administrativo

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    En la presente tesis se determinaron los principales problemas que afectan al área comercial de una empresa comercializadora de material administrativo. Ante esta situación se planteó mejorar el servicio de la atención del cliente a través de la filosofía Lean Service mediante el incremento de los pedidos entregados a tiempo, la reducción de las ventas rechazadas y la disminución de las reprogramaciones. Esta investigación se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada con un nivel explicativo y diseño experimental de tipo cuasiexperimental. La propuesta que se hizo en este estudio fue dar solución a cada uno de los problemas mencionados anteriormente a través de la aplicación de Kaizen, la metodología DMAIC y el Visual Management, las cuales son herramientas que se encuentra dentro del Lean Service. Con la implementación de la herramienta Kaizen se logró aumentar el porcentaje de los pedidos entregados a tiempo en un 10.5%, consiguiéndose así una mayor satisfacción por parte del cliente y también el cumplimiento de la política de entrega de la empresa en estudio. Con la aplicación de la metodología DMAIC se alcanzó reducir las ventas rechazadas por falta de stock en un 5.7% y también se mejoró la comunicación entre el área comercial y el área de compras. Finalmente, con la implementación de Visual Management se pudo reducir la cantidad de reprogramaciones que ocurren el área comercial en un 3.4% y se logró un mayor compromiso entre los ejecutivos comerciales con la gestión de la atención de los pedidos

    Biodegradable Polyester Films from Renewable Aleuritic Acid: Surface Modifications Induced by Melt-polycondensation in Air.

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    Good water barrier properties and biocompatibility of long-chain biopolyesters like cutin and suberin have inspired the design of synthetic mimetic materials. Most of these biopolymers are made from esterified mid-chain functionalized ω-long chain hydroxyacids. Aleuritic (9,10,16-trihydroxypalmitic) acid is such a polyhydroxylated fatty acid and is also the major constituent of natural lac resin, a relatively abundant and renewable resource. Insoluble and thermostable films have been prepared from aleuritic acid by meltcondensation polymerization in air without catalysts, an easy and attractive procedure for large scale production. Intended to be used as a protective coating, the barrier's performance is expected to be conditioned by physical and chemical modifications induced by oxygen on the air-exposed side. Hence, the chemical composition, texture, mechanical behavior, hydrophobicity, chemical resistance and biodegradation of the film surface have been studied by attenuated total reflection–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR–FTIR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanoindentation and water contact angle (WCA). It has been demonstrated that the occurrence of side oxidation reactions conditions the surface physical and chemical properties of these polyhydroxyester films. Additionally, the addition of palmitic acid to reduce the presence of hydrophilic free hydroxyl groups was found to have a strong influence on these parametersPeer reviewe

    Diseño y evaluación de un ventilador mecánico

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    This paper describes the design and prototyping of a low cost (under 2500 USD), high precision (error percentage lower than 5%) mechanical ventilator in response to the global demand for this equipment. The ventilator is designed to deliver continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV) in two forms: volumen controlled (V-CMV) and pressure controlled (P-CMV), and pressure support ventilation (PSV). CMV inspiration triggering can be assisted or controlled, which in combination results in five different ventilation modes. It's construction is based on industrial devices, high precision machined parts and standard clinical ventilation elements.The prototype’s mechanism consists of a piston-cylinder system driven by a stepper motor and connected by a lead screw and nut. The distance and velocity of the piston displacement is defined by the quantity and frequency of electronic signal pulses from the programmed control system. The piston movement displaces a mix of air and medical oxygen to the patient.The prototype's V-CMV mode has been tested on an electronic lung to simulate the response of a real organ in typical conditions. As a result an average error of 3% was obtained. Further upgrades are suggested for performance optimization, pre-clinical tests and clinical validation.En respuesta al actual déficit a escala mundial de ventiladores mecánicos causado por el COVID-19, se ha desarrollado un prototipo de ventilador mecánico de bajo costo (aproximadamente 2500 USD) y alta precisión (error menor a 5%). Este equipo permite realizar ventilación mandatoria continua (CMV) controlada por volumen (V-CMV), por presión (P-CMV) y ventilación con presión soporte (PSV). Bajo la CMV se puede trabajar con disparo asistido y controlado; lo que, en combinación, suma un total de cinco modos de ventilación. Su construcción se basa en el uso de componentes comerciales de gama industrial, piezas mecanizadas con alta precisión y elementos de circuitos de ventilación clínica estándar.El mecanismo del prototipo consta de un cilindro dentro del cual se desplaza un émbolo accionado por un motor paso a paso. Esto se logra a través de un sistema de transmisión compuesto por un tornillo sin fin y una tuerca. Dependiendo de la cantidad y frecuencia de los pulsos eléctricos emitidos por el sistema de control, se define el avance y velocidad del émbolo. De este modo, el émbolo desplaza la mezcla de aire y oxígeno hacia el paciente.El prototipo fue evaluado en modo V-CMV mediante pruebas de laboratorio con un pulmón electrónico, que simula las condiciones de operación típicas. Como resultado se obtuvo un error promedio del 3% de las variables de funcionamiento del equipo

    Biodegradable Polyester Films from Renewable Aleuritic Acid: Surface Modifications Induced by Melt-polycondensation in Air.

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    Good water barrier properties and biocompatibility of long-chain biopolyesters like cutin and suberin have inspired the design of synthetic mimetic materials. Most of these biopolymers are made from esterified mid-chain functionalized ω-long chain hydroxyacids. Aleuritic (9,10,16-trihydroxypalmitic) acid is such a polyhydroxylated fatty acid and is also the major constituent of natural lac resin, a relatively abundant and renewable resource. Insoluble and thermostable films have been prepared from aleuritic acid by meltcondensation polymerization in air without catalysts, an easy and attractive procedure for large scale production. Intended to be used as a protective coating, the barrier's performance is expected to be conditioned by physical and chemical modifications induced by oxygen on the air-exposed side. Hence, the chemical composition, texture, mechanical behavior, hydrophobicity, chemical resistance and biodegradation of the film surface have been studied by attenuated total reflection–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR–FTIR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanoindentation and water contact angle (WCA). It has been demonstrated that the occurrence of side oxidation reactions conditions the surface physical and chemical properties of these polyhydroxyester films. Additionally, the addition of palmitic acid to reduce the presence of hydrophilic free hydroxyl groups was found to have a strong influence on these parametersEspaña Mineco CTQ2011-24299Junta de Andalucia TEP-7418. JAH-GBIOPROTO FP

    Communicating and Collaborating with Others through Digital Competence: A Self-Perception Study Based on Teacher Trainees’ Gender

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    Digital competence in teaching can be understood as the set of skills, attitudes and abilities to use technologies critically and creatively, both in the personal and professional environment. Likewise, it is one of the eight key competencies for lifelong learning. In this paper, in line with the Common Digital Competence Framework (DigComp), we analyze the self-perception of teacher trainees’ digital competence to communicate and collaborate with other people. Additionally, we state the existence of statistically significant differences from a gender perspective (women/men). In this sense, we have carried out non-experimental quantitative research that has a descriptive nature. To this end, we used a questionnaire as an instrument for collecting information, with a total sample of 698 pre-service teachers in Andalusia (Spain). The results show that teacher trainees have an intermediate level in terms of their abilities to communicate and collaborate with other people through digital technologies. At the same time, significant differences are highlighted regarding participants’ gender, which implies that gender can still be considered a limitation in the use of ICTs, thereby decreasing participants’ digital competence. Finally, this study sheds light on the need to improve future teachers’ digital competence.Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Spanish Government through the University Teacher Training Programme (F.P.U.) FPU14/0462

    Genotoxicity by Electromagnetic Fields

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    Modern life implies a constant exposure of living organisms to many sources of radiation, especially electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by our technological devices. The question of whether or not EMFs in the non-ionizing extremely low frequency (ELF) range can induce genotoxic effects is currently a subject of interest. People of industrialized societies are commonly exposed to EMFs and waves in a very broad range of frequencies, including power lines, telecommunications, and domestic and industrial equipment. In this review, we present controversial evidence from our research group and others of genotoxicity induced by ELF-EMFs, since scientific community consider EMF devices produce marginal amounts of energy, which does not justify any DNA alterations, together with conflicting laboratory results and few epidemiological studies. However, in 2002 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized ELF-EMFs as being potential carcinogenic and genotoxic agents to humans. The aim of the present chapter is to discuss the role of ELM-EMFs on human genotoxicity

    Predictive Power of a Body Shape Index (ABSI) for Diabetes Mellitus and Arterial Hypertension in Peru: Demographic and Health Survey Analysis - 2020

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    Introduction: Given the relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension, an indicator of body fat, A Body Shape Index (ABSI), has been considered to have apparent predictive power for these diseases. Objective: To determine the predictive power of the ABSI for DMT2 and hypertension in Peru through the analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey-2020 (ENDES-by its acronym in Spanish-2020). Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study of the ENDES-2020. The variables evaluated were ABSI, body mass index, high abdominal waist, waist-to-height ratio, body roundness index (BRI) and conicity index (COI). Areas under the curves (AUC) together with their 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were used to present each index. Results: A total of 19 984 subjects were studied. Regarding hypertension, the highest AUC was presented by the COI: AUC=0.707 (95%CI 0.694-0.719). While the ABSI obtained the penultimate place: AUC=0.702 (95% CI 0.689-0.715). In case of DM2, the highest ABC was presented by BRI: AUC=0.716 (95%CI 0.689-0.743); while ABSI obtained the second place: AUC=0.687 (95%CI 0.658-0.717). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that ABSI is not a good predictor for hypertension and DMT2 in the Peruvian population. If these findings are confirmed by other studies, its use would not be recommended for these diseases, and other anthropometric indicators that could perform better should be further explored

    Predictive power of a body shape index (ABSI) for diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in Peru: demographic and health survey analysis - 2020

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    Introduction: Given the relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension, an indicator of body fat, A Body Shape Index (ABSI), has been considered to have apparent predictive power for these diseases.Objective: To determine the predictive power of the ABSI for DMT2 and hypertension in Peru through the analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey-2020 (ENDES-by its acronym in Spanish-2020).Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study of the ENDES-2020. The variables evaluated were ABSI, body mass index, high abdominal waist, waist-to-height ratio, body roundness index (BRI) and conicity index (COI). Areas under the curves (AUC) together with their 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were used to present each index.Results: A total of 19 984 subjects were studied. Regarding hypertension, the highest AUC was presented by the COI: AUC=0.707 (95%CI 0.694-0.719). While the ABSI obtained the penultimate place: AUC=0.702 (95% CI 0.689-0.715). In case of DM2, the highest ABC was presented by BRI: AUC=0.716 (95%CI 0.689-0.743); while ABSI obtained the second place: AUC=0.687 (95%CI 0.658-0.717). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that ABSI is not a good predictor for hypertension and DMT2 in the Peruvian population. If these findings are confirmed by other studies, its use would not be recommended for these diseases, and other anthropometric indicators that could perform better should be further explored.Campus Lima Nort