31 research outputs found

    Non-locality of the phenomenon of consciousness according to Roger Penrose

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    Roger Penrose is known for his proposals, in collaboration with Stuart Hameroff, for quantum action in the brain. These proposals, which are still recent, have a prior, less known basis, which will be studied in the following work. First, the paper situates the framework from which a mathematical physicist like Penrose proposes to speak about consciousness. Then it shows how he understands the possible relationships between computation and consciousness and what criticism from other authors he endorses, to conclude by explaining how he understands this relationship between consciousness and computation. Then, it focuses on the concept of non-locality so essential to his understanding of consciousness. With some examples, such as impossible objects or aperiodic tiling, the study addresses the concept of non-locality as Penrose understands it, and then shows how far he intends to arrive with that concept of non-locality. At all times the approach will be more philosophical than physical

    La dimensión ética de la ciencia según Mariano Artigas

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    The Ethical Dimension of Science According to Mariano Artigas: Many authors have written, from different approaches, about the relationships between ethics and science. In this work, we analyze how Mariano Artigas did it. He gives great importance to ethics, which he considers a philosophical presupposition of scientific activity. A detailed analysis of his work allows to understand to what extent ethics is important for science. Specifically, we consider the relationships of ethics with humans and with science; the interweaving and the distinction between both of them; the importance of ethics as a hermeneutical key in Popper; and the emergence of ethics before, during, and after scientific activity

    MADDY, PENELOPE. Defending the Axioms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, 150 pp. [RESEÑA]

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    El concepto de cultura e Christopher Dawson

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    En este artículo se han analizado los elementos fundamentales que integran la noción de cultura en Christopher Dawson, un concepto clave para entender su filosofía de la historia. Además de los elementos enunciados por Dawson (geográfico, genético, económico y espiritual), se han estudiado otros factores claves como la familia o la educación que también se encuentran en su obra. Sin embargo, no se ha incluido la religión, que para Dawson es el elemento esencial en la configuración de una cultura, porque excede el propósito de este artículo. Al final se han sintetizado todos los elementos en una noción de cultura.This article analyses the main elements that structures Christopher Dawson’s vision on the notion of culture, which is one of the key concept to understand his Philosophy of History. In addition to the elements identified by Dawson (geographical, genetic, economic and spiritual ones), other key factors which is a key concept such are family or education, which are also found in his work, are studied. However, religion, which is Dawson’s essential element in shaping culture, is not included because exceeds the purpose of this paper. At the end, all elements are synthesized on a notion of culture.peerReviewe

    El nuevo argumento de Penrose y la no-localidad de la conciencia

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    Roger Penrose formuló en 1989 un argumento contra la IA. Dicho argumento concluye que la explicación científico-matemática de la realidad es más amplia que la meramente computacional, porque existen ciertos aspectos de la realidad no-computables. Este artículo analiza dicho argumento y la discusión al respecto, para concluir que el tipo de argumento que quiere desarrollar Penrose está viciado de raíz, lo que impide llegar a las conclusiones deseadas. A la vez se sostiene la validez filosófica de sus conclusiones y se apunta a la idea de no-localidad como consistente al hablar sobre la conciencia.In 1989 Roger Penrose formulated an argument against AI. This argument concludes that the scientific-mathematical explanation of reality is broader than the merely computational, because there are certain non-computational aspects of reality. This article analyzes the argument and the discussion about it, to conclude that the type of argument that Penrose wants to develop is tainted at the root, what prevents reaching the wished conclusions. At the same time the philosophical validity of his conclusions is maintained and the idea of non-locality is pointed as sound when speaking about consciousness

    La propuesta heurística de Roger Penrose. En busca de las bases de la consciencia

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    Este trabajo es una síntesis y un análisis crítico de los ensayos de reflexión epistemológica y ontológica publicados por Roger Penrose. Desde su filosofía, se exponen y se analizan los argumentos físico-matemáticos por los que sugiere la necesidad de un elemento no computacional que, dentro de una futura teoría de la gravedad cuántica, pudiera explicar la asimetría temporal del universo o el fenómeno de la consciencia. Una conclusión es que, si bien se observan aspectos no computacionales tanto en la actividad matemática como en el problema de medida de la mecánica cuántica, los argumentos de Penrose, y en especial el nuevo argumento de Penrose, no concluyen. Aun así, constituyen una propuesta heurística digna de consideración

    Interdisciplinariedad y transdisciplinariedad en la investigación de Carol Ryff

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    This article reviews the research done by psychologist Carol Ryff and wants to show an example of the contributions that philosophy can make to experimental science. Among its premises is that the key to a science is not so much the performance of verifiable experiments, which is necessary in experimental science, but rather its agreement with reality. Hence, the specific knowledge of the various disciplines, in some cases, tends to be grouped into a movement that is first multidisciplinary, then interdisciplinary, and finally transdisciplinary. Normally this tendency does not materialize, but in some cases like the one shown, it does. The process responds to a scientific dynamic of advancing in a holistic knowledge that transcends the limits or barriers raised by some interpretations of scientific activity.Este artículo estudia la investigación realizada por la psicóloga Carol Ryff y quiere mostrar un ejemplo de cómo puede la filosofía colaborar con la ciencia experimental. Entre sus premisas está que la clave de una ciencia no es tanto la realización de experimentos contrastables, algo necesario en ciencia experimental, como su concordancia con la realidad. De ahí que el conocimiento específico de las diversas disciplinas, en algunos casos, tienda a agruparse en un movimiento primero multidisciplinar, después interdisciplinar y finalmente transdisciplinar. Normalmente esta tendencia no se concreta, pero en algunos casos como el mostrado sí. El proceso responde a una dinámica científica de avanzar en un conocimiento holístico que trasciende los límites o barreras levantadas por algunas interpretaciones de la actividad científica

    Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science [RESEÑA]

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    RUSE, MICHAEL Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science, Cambridge University Press, New York 2010, 264 pp

    Penrose on what scientists know

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    This paper presents an analysis and critique of Roger Penrose’s epistemological, methodological, and ontological positions. The analysis is relevant not only because Penrose is an influential scientist, but also because of the particular traits of his thought. These traits are directly connected with his background and approach to science: 1) ontological and epistemological realism, 2) mathematical Platonism, 3) emphasis on the continuities of science, 4) epistemological inclusiveness and essential openness of science, 5) the role of common sense, 6) emphasis on the connection between science, ethics, and philosophy. The paper articulates Penrose’s position and criticizes some of its possible shortcomings. It contributes to the perception of science as an open activity, as illustrated in Penrose’s particular approach, and provides an interesting case-study that can contribute to understanding how epistemological and ontological positions are connected with particular scientific practices

    Monogenismo y poligenismo. Status Quaestionis

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    This article is an update on the status quaestionis about human origins in light of data from the most recent anthropological and genetic research. It reviews the latest contributions from science and the current state of research, as well as makes a philosophical reading of the data in the light of Catholic doctrine on the origin of human beings.El presente artículo es una actualización del status quaestionis sobre el origen del ser humano a la luz de los datos de las investigaciones antropológicas y genéticas más recientes. Repasa los últimos aportes de la ciencia y el estado actual de la investigación, a la vez que se hace una lectura filosófica de los datos a la luz de la doctrina católica sobre el origen del hombre