1,594 research outputs found

    Near-edge study of gold-substituted YBa2Cu3O(7-delta)

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    The valence of Cu and Au in YBa2Au0.3Cu2.7O7-delta was investigated using x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). X-ray and neutron diffraction studies indicate that Au goes on the Cu(1) site and Cu K-edge XANES shows that this has little effect on the oxidation state of the remaining copper. The Au L3 edge develops a white line feature whose position lies between that of trivalent gold oxide and monovalent potassium gold cyanide, and whose height relative to the edge step is smaller than in the two reference compounds. The appearance of the Au L3 edge suggests that fewer Au 3d states are involved in forming the Au-O bond in YBa2Au0.3Cu2.7O7-delta than in trivalent gold oxide

    XANES and EXAFS study of Au-substituted YBa2Cu3O(7-delta)

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    The near-edge structure (XANES) of the Au L3 and Cu K edges of YBa2Au(0.3)Cu(2.7)O(7-delta) was studied. X ray diffraction suggests that Au goes on the Cu(1) site and XANES shows that this has little effect on the oxidation state of the remaining copper. The gold L3 edge develops a white line feature whose position lies between that of trivalent gold oxide (Au2O3) and monovalent potassium gold cyanide (KAu(CN)2) and whose intensity relative to the edge step is smaller than in the two reference compounds. The L3 EXAFS for Au in the superconductor resembles that of Au2O3. However, differences in the envelope of the Fourier filtered component for the first shell suggest that the local structure of the Au in the superconductor is not equivalent to Au2O3

    Neural data mining for credit card fraud detection

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    The prevention of credit card fraud is an important application for prediction techniques. One major obstacle for using neural network training techniques is the high necessary diagnostic quality: Since only one financial transaction of a thousand is invalid no prediction success less than 99.9% is acceptable. Due to these credit card transaction proportions complete new concepts had to be developed and tested on real credit card data. This paper shows how advanced data mining techniques and neural network algorithm can be combined successfully to obtain a high fraud coverage combined with a low false alarm rate

    Credit card fraud detection by adaptive neural data mining

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    The prevention of credit card fraud is an important application for prediction techniques. One major obstacle for using neural network training techniques is the high necessary diagnostic quality: Since only one financial transaction of a thousand is invalid no prediction success less than 99.9% is acceptable. Due to these credit card transaction proportions complete new concepts had to be developed and tested on real credit card data. This paper shows how advanced data mining techniques and neural network algorithm can be combined successfully to obtain a high fraud coverage combined with a low false alarm rate

    Self-induced decoherence approach: Strong limitations on its validity in a simple spin bath model and on its general physical relevance

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    The "self-induced decoherence" (SID) approach suggests that (1) the expectation value of any observable becomes diagonal in the eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian for systems endowed with a continuous energy spectrum, and (2), that this process can be interpreted as decoherence. We evaluate the first claim in the context of a simple spin bath model. We find that even for large environments, corresponding to an approximately continuous energy spectrum, diagonalization of the expectation value of random observables does in general not occur. We explain this result and conjecture that SID is likely to fail also in other systems composed of discrete subsystems. Regarding the second claim, we emphasize that SID does not describe a physically meaningful decoherence process for individual measurements, but only involves destructive interference that occurs collectively within an ensemble of presupposed "values" of measurements. This leads us to question the relevance of SID for treating observed decoherence effects.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Final published versio

    Lifshitz-point critical behaviour to O(ϵ2){\boldsymbol{O(\epsilon^2)}}

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    We comment on a recent letter by L. C. de Albuquerque and M. M. Leite (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) L327-L332), in which results to second order in ϵ=4−d+m2\epsilon=4-d+\frac{m}{2} were presented for the critical exponents νL2\nu_{{\mathrm{L}}2}, ηL2\eta_{{\mathrm{L}}2} and γL2\gamma_{{\mathrm{L}}2} of d-dimensional systems at m-axial Lifshitz points. We point out that their results are at variance with ours. The discrepancy is due to their incorrect computation of momentum-space integrals. Their speculation that the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, if performed in position space, might give results different from when it is performed in momentum space is refuted.Comment: Latex file, uses the included iop stylefiles; Uses the texdraw package to generate included figure

    Therapie bei Progression und Rezidiv des Ovarialkarzinoms

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    Secondary surgery after failure of primary treatment is a promising and reasonable option only for patients with a relapse-free interval of at least 6-12 months who should have ideally achieved a tumor-free status after primary therapy. As after primary surgery, size of residual tumor is the most significant predictor of survival after secondary surgery. Even in the case of multiple tumor sites, complete removal of the tumor can be achieved in nearly 30% of the patients. Treatment results are much better in specialized oncology centers with optimal interdisciplinary cooperation compared with smaller institutions. Chemotherapy can be used both for consolidation after successful secondary surgery and for palliation in patients with inoperable recurrent disease. Since paclitaxel has been integrated into first-line chemotherapy, there is no defined standard for second-line chemotherapy. Several cytotoxic agents have shown moderate activity in this setting, including treosulfan, epirubicin, and newer agents such as topotecan, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, and PEG(polyethylene glycol)-liposomal doxorubicin. Thus, the German Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynakologische Onkologie (AGO) has initiated several randomized studies in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer in order to define new standards for second-line chemotherapy

    Non Local Theories: New Rules for Old Diagrams

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    We show that a general variant of the Wick theorems can be used to reduce the time ordered products in the Gell-Mann & Low formula for a certain class on non local quantum field theories, including the case where the interaction Lagrangian is defined in terms of twisted products. The only necessary modification is the replacement of the Stueckelberg-Feynman propagator by the general propagator (the ``contractor'' of Denk and Schweda) D(y-y';tau-tau')= - i (Delta_+(y-y')theta(tau-tau')+Delta_+(y'-y)theta(tau'-tau)), where the violations of locality and causality are represented by the dependence of tau,tau' on other points, besides those involved in the contraction. This leads naturally to a diagrammatic expansion of the Gell-Mann & Low formula, in terms of the same diagrams as in the local case, the only necessary modification concerning the Feynman rules. The ordinary local theory is easily recovered as a special case, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the local and non local contributions corresponding to the same diagrams, which is preserved while performing the large scale limit of the theory.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 1 figure. Uses hyperref. Symmetry factors added; minor changes in the expositio

    The stochastic limit in the analysis of the open BCS model

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    In this paper we show how the perturbative procedure known as {\em stochastic limit} may be useful in the analysis of the Open BCS model discussed by Buffet and Martin as a spin system interacting with a fermionic reservoir. In particular we show how the same values of the critical temperature and of the order parameters can be found with a significantly simpler approach
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