1,126 research outputs found

    Effects of mechanically separated dairy cow slurry on grazing performance

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    Wayang beber merupakan salah satu sumber ide terciptanya warisan budaya yang dianggap sebagai warisan budaya bangsa yang diakui dunia. wayang beber merupakan asli kebudayaan Jawa Timur yang berkembang di Pacitan dan daerah sekitarnya yaitu wonosari. Demikian warga masyarakatnya banyak yang tidak mengenal seni dan budaya ini. Ironisnya kabupaten Pacitan memiliki potensi pengembangan wisata, baik wisata alam, wisata pendidikan bahkan wisata budaya, yang belum tentu dimiliki daerah lain. Mengingat gencarnya program pemerintah pusat dalam upaya pengembangan aset seni dan budaya, muncul perasaan prihatin yang disertai dengan perasaan ketakutan akan hilangnya salah satu seni dan budaya adhiluhung yang langka ini. Beberapa kalangan Perguruan Tinggi turut andil berupaya menghidupkan kembali seni dan budaya ini sesuai dengan kapasitas yang digeluti. Melalui beberapa kerja sama guru-guru MGMP kesenian se-kabupaten Pacitan yang didukung oleh pemerintah setempat, dan didanai oleh Direktur Jendral Perguruan Tinggi. Melakukan upaya pelestarian secara langsung terhadap guru-guru MGMP Kesenian. Kegiatan ini akan memberikan pelatihan pembuatan wayang beber yang sebelumnya akan diberikan pengantar mengenai sejarah awal mula dan perkembangannya, hingga kondisi keberadaannya pada saat ini. Kegiatan ini ditujukan terhadap guru MGMP Kesenian. Melalui pembekalan skill terhadap guru MGMP kesenian yang senantiasa selalu berhubungan langsung dengan para siswa sebagai generasi penerus, diharapkan dari kegiatan ini dapat menular keilmuannya secara konfrehensif. Bahkan dapat menjadi tambahan materi berkesenian dalam mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah baik bagi siswa tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama maupun Tingkat Atas. Demikian secara tidak langsung para siswa akan mengenal budayanya sendiri, yang pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat mengapresiasi dalam berbagai bentuk. Metode akan diberikan secara langsung terhadap beberapa guru MGMP kesenian. Dimana para peserta terlibat langsung selama beberapa hari membuat wayang beber, diawali dengan pengenalan alat bahan yang digunakan, pembuatan sket untuk mengenal anatomi dari wayang beber, hingga pada proses menyungging dan proses finishing, serta teknik Perawatannya. Pada akhri kegiatan, semua hasil pelatihan akan dipamerkan di salah satu sekolah yang telah ditunjuk, dan dipublikasi kepada kalayak umum. Hal itu untuk menggugah para guru-guru lain dan siswa siswi yang melihatnya serta mendapat apresiasi dari semua kalangan. Dimungkinkan pula akan di slidekan pertunjukan wayang beber secara utuh, yang dimainkan oleh dalang setempat. Berdasarkan kuisener yang dibagikan kepada semua peserta workshop, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP Seni dan Budaya di Kabupaten Pacitan miskin terhadap pengetahuan wayang beber, salah satu Kesenian asli dari Pacitan. Demikian hal ini sangat memprihatinkan apabila tidak ada perhatian lebih lanjut dari pemerintah melalui lembaga perguruan tinggi. Guna membantu proses keberlanjutan pembelajaran oleh guru MGMP terhadap siswa siswinya maka setiap tahapan dalam proses pembuatan wayang beber akan didokumentasikan, dalam bentuk DVD. Ditata sedemikian rupa diberi keterangan sejelas mungkin sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai media ajar. Demikian DVD tersebut akan dibagikan kepada semua peserta pelatihan, guna membantu proses pembelajaran di sekolahnya masing-masing

    A Brachistochrone Approach to Reconstruct the Inflaton Potential

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    We propose a new way to implement an inflationary prior to a cosmological dataset that incorporates the inflationary observables at arbitrary order. This approach employs an exponential form for the Hubble parameter H(ϕ)H(\phi) without taking the slow-roll approximation. At lowest non-trivial order, this H(ϕ)H(\phi) has the unique property that it is the solution to the brachistochrone problem for inflation.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, version matches published versio

    Multifaceted contributions : health workers and smallpox eradication in India

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    Smallpox eradication in South Asia was a result of the efforts of many grades of health-workers. Working from within the confines of international organisations and government structures, the role of the field officials, who were of various nationalities and also drawn from the cities and rural enclaves of the countries in these regions, was crucial to the development and deployment of policies. However, the role of these personnel is often downplayed in official histories and academic histories, which highlight instead the roles played by a handful of senior officials within the World Health Organization and the federal governments in the sub-continent. This article attempts to provide a more rounded assessment of the complex situation in the field. In this regard, an effort is made to underline the great usefulness of the operational flexibility displayed by field officers, wherein lessons learnt in the field were made an integral part of deploying local campaigns; careful engagement with the communities being targeted, as well as the employment of short term workers from amongst them, was an important feature of this work

    Microextensive Chaos of a Spatially Extended System

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    By analyzing chaotic states of the one-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for system sizes L in the range 79 <= L <= 93, we show that the Lyapunov fractal dimension D scales microextensively, increasing linearly with L even for increments Delta{L} that are small compared to the average cell size of 9 and to various correlation lengths. This suggests that a spatially homogeneous chaotic system does not have to increase its size by some characteristic amount to increase its dynamical complexity, nor is the increase in dimension related to the increase in the number of linearly unstable modes.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures. Submitted to PR

    Re-Focusing - Building a Future for Entrepreneurial Education & Learning

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    The field of entrepreneurship has struggled with fundamental questions concerning the subject’s nature and purpose. To whom and to what means are educational and training agendas ultimately directed? Such questions have become of central importance to policy makers, practitioners and academics alike. There are suggestions that university business schools should engage more critically with the lived experiences of practising entrepreneurs through alternative pedagogical approaches and methods, seeking to account for and highlighting the social, political and moral aspects of entrepreneurial practice. In the UK, where funding in higher education has become increasingly dependent on student fees, there are renewed pressures to educate students for entrepreneurial practice as opposed to educating them about the nature and effects of entrepreneurship. Government and EU policies are calling on business schools to develop and enhance entrepreneurial growth and skill sets, to make their education and training programmes more proactive in providing innovative educational practices which help and facilitate life experiences and experiential learning. This paper makes the case for critical frameworks to be applied so that complex social processes become a source of learning for educators and entrepreneurs and so that innovative pedagogical approaches can be developed in terms both of context (curriculum design) and process (delivery methods)

    Multi-field Inflation with a Random Potential

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    Motivated by the possibility of inflation in the cosmic landscape, which may be approximated by a complicated potential, we study the density perturbations in multi-field inflation with a random potential. The random potential causes the inflaton to undergo a Brownian motion with a drift in the D-dimensional field space. To quantify such an effect, we employ a stochastic approach to evaluate the two-point and three-point functions of primordial perturbations. We find that in the weakly random scenario the resulting power spectrum resembles that of the single field slow-roll case, with up to 2% more red tilt. The strongly random scenario, leads to rich phenomenologies, such as primordial fluctuations in the power spectrum on all angular scales. Such features may already be hiding in the error bars of observed CMB TT (as well as TE and EE) power spectrum and can be detected or falsified with more data coming in the future. The tensor power spectrum itself is free of fluctuations and the tensor to scalar ratio is enhanced. In addition a large negative running of the power spectral index is possible. Non-Gaussianity is generically suppressed by the growth of adiabatic perturbations on super-horizon scales, but can possibly be enhanced by resonant effects or arise from the entropic perturbations during the onset of (p)reheating. The formalism developed in this paper can be applied to a wide class of multi-field inflation models including, e.g. the N-flation scenario.Comment: More clarifications and references adde

    Multi-field Inflation with a Random Potential

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    Motivated by the possibility of inflation in the cosmic landscape, which may be approximated by a complicated potential, we study the density perturbations in multi-field inflation with a random potential. The random potential causes the inflaton to undergo a Brownian motion with a drift in the D-dimensional field space. To quantify such an effect, we employ a stochastic approach to evaluate the two-point and three-point functions of primordial perturbations. We find that in the weakly random scenario the resulting power spectrum resembles that of the single field slow-roll case, with up to 2% more red tilt. The strongly random scenario, leads to rich phenomenologies, such as primordial fluctuations in the power spectrum on all angular scales. Such features may already be hiding in the error bars of observed CMB TT (as well as TE and EE) power spectrum and can be detected or falsified with more data coming in the future. The tensor power spectrum itself is free of fluctuations and the tensor to scalar ratio is enhanced. In addition a large negative running of the power spectral index is possible. Non-Gaussianity is generically suppressed by the growth of adiabatic perturbations on super-horizon scales, but can possibly be enhanced by resonant effects or arise from the entropic perturbations during the onset of (p)reheating. The formalism developed in this paper can be applied to a wide class of multi-field inflation models including, e.g. the N-flation scenario.Comment: More clarifications and references adde

    Deforming, revolving and resolving - New paths in the string theory landscape

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    In this paper we investigate the properties of series of vacua in the string theory landscape. In particular, we study minima to the flux potential in type IIB compactifications on the mirror quintic. Using geometric transitions, we embed its one dimensional complex structure moduli space in that of another Calabi-Yau with h^{1,1}=86 and h^{2,1}=2. We then show how to construct infinite series of continuously connected minima to the mirror quintic potential by moving into this larger moduli space, applying its monodromies, and moving back. We provide an example of such series, and discuss their implications for the string theory landscape.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures; minor corrections, published versio

    Method for estimating potential recognition capacity of texture-based biometrics

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    When adopting an image-based biometric system, an important factor for consideration is its potential recognition capacity, since it not only defines the potential number of individuals likely to be identifiable, but also serves as a useful figure-of-merit for performance. Based on block transform coding commonly used for image compression, this study presents a method to enable coarse estimation of potential recognition capacity for texture-based biometrics. Essentially, each image block is treated as a constituent biometric component, and image texture contained in each block is binary coded to represent the corresponding texture class. The statistical variability among the binary values assigned to corresponding blocks is then exploited for estimation of potential recognition capacity. In particular, methodologies are proposed to determine appropriate image partition based on separation between texture classes and informativeness of an image block based on statistical randomness. By applying the proposed method to a commercial fingerprint system and a bespoke hand vein system, the potential recognition capacity is estimated to around 10^36 for a fingerprint area of 25  mm^2 which is in good agreement with the estimates reported, and around 10^15 for a hand vein area of 2268  mm^2 which has not been reported before
