1,066 research outputs found

    Induced encystment improves resistance to preservation and storage of Acanthamoeba castellanii

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    Several conditions that allow the preservation, storage and rapid, efficient recovery of viable Acanthamoeba castellanii organisms were investigated. The viability of trophozoites (as determined by time to confluence) significantly declined over a period of 12 months when stored at −70°C using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; 5 or 10%) as cryopreservant. As A. castellanii are naturally capable of encystment, studies were undertaken to determine whether induced encystment might improve the viability of organisms under a number of storage conditions. A. castellanii cysts stored in the presence of Mg2+ at 4°C remained viable over the study period, although time to confluence was increased from approximately 8 days to approximately 24 days over the 12-month period. Storage of cysts at −70°C with DMSO (5 or 10%) or 40% glycerol, but not 80% glycerol as cryopreservants increased their viability over the 12-month study period compared with those stored at room temperature. Continued presence of Mg2+ in medium during storage had no adverse effects and generally improved recovery of viable organisms. The present study demonstrates that A. castellanii can be stored as a non-multiplicative form inexpensively, without a need for cryopreservation, for at least 12 months, but viability is increased by storage at −70°C

    Genome sequence of a novel alloherpesvirus isolated from glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis)

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    The 149,343-bp genome of silurid herpesvirus 1, which was isolated in Thailand from glass catfish, was sequenced. The genome was most closely related to that of ictalurid herpesvirus 2, which infects black bullhead catfish. To our knowledge, this was the first silurid catfish alloherpesvirus genome to be sequenced

    Emergent bursting and synchrony in computer simulations of neuronal cultures

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    Experimental studies of neuronal cultures have revealed a wide variety of spiking network activity ranging from sparse, asynchronous firing to distinct, network-wide synchronous bursting. However, the functional mechanisms driving these observed firing patterns are not well understood. In this work, we develop an in silico network of cortical neurons based on known features of similar in vitro networks. The activity from these simulations is found to closely mimic experimental data. Furthermore, the strength or degree of network bursting is found to depend on a few parameters: the density of the culture, the type of synaptic connections, and the ratio of excitatory to inhibitory connections. Network bursting gradually becomes more prominent as either the density, the fraction of long range connections, or the fraction of excitatory neurons is increased. Interestingly, biologically prevalent values of parameters result in networks that are at the transition between strong bursting and sparse firing. Using principal components analysis, we show that a large fraction of the variance in firing rates is captured by the first component for bursting networks. These results have implications for understanding how information is encoded at the population level as well as for why certain network parameters are ubiquitous in cortical tissue

    Applications of Composites in Highway Bridges

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    Continuous improvement integrating technological tools to assertively accelerate decision-making of logistics. Case implemented in a construction materials supplier company

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    Considering that many of the logistics infrastructure designs around the world are often sup-ported by studies with various computational tools, but most of these solutions are using in isolation and little understandably. Therefore, it is proposed, to develop this research based on a Logistics Reference Model, which will allow, visualize, manage and analyze the different processes and logistical scenarios of the system, with in aim to execute the best cost-benefit strategy in a company dedicated to the distribution of construction materials. By implementing this methodology, the management of the company studied was able to make the best decision for the structuring of its processes in the area of picking and dispatch. The results showed a 50% re-duction in inventory review time, equal an increase in reliability 7% that leaves the company in around location close to 85.68%; a decrease in cycle time in each order between 20% and 40% which positively impacted the customer service level. In addition, a decrease in lead times for the receipt of materials to suppliers was achieved between 15% and 30%, and a decrease in the number of warehouses, went having from 5 independent to maintain one single distribution center

    Interventions for improving clinical outcomes and health-related quality-of-life for people living with skeletal dysplasias: an evidence gap map

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    Purpose: Skeletal dysplasias are rare genetic disorders that are characterized by abnormal development of bone and cartilage. There are multiple medical and non-medical treatments for specific symptoms of skeletal dysplasias e.g. pain, as well as corrective surgical procedures to improve physical functioning. The aim of this paper was to develop an evidence-gap map of treatment options for skeletal dysplasias, and their impact on patient outcomes. Methods: We conducted an evidence-gap map to identify the available evidence on the impact of treatment options on people with skeletal dysplasias on clinical outcomes (such as increase in height), and dimensions of health-related quality of life. A structured search strategy was applied to five databases. Two reviewers independently assessed articles for inclusion in two stages: titles and abstracts (stage 1), and full text of studies retained at stage 2. Results: 58 studies fulfilled our inclusion criteria. The included studies covered 12 types of skeletal dysplasia that are non-lethal with severe limb deformities that could result in significant pain and numerous orthopaedic interventions. Most studies reported on the effect of surgical interventions (n = 40, 69%), followed by the effect of treatments on dimensions of health quality-of-life (n = 4, 6.8%) and psychosocial functioning (n = 8, 13.8%). Conclusion: Most studies reported on clinical outcomes from surgery for people living with Achondroplasia. Consequently, there are gaps in the literature on the full range of treatment options (including no active treatment), outcomes and the lived experience of people living with other skeletal dysplasias. More research is warranted to examine the impact of treatments on health-related quality-of-life of people living with skeletal dysplasias, including their relatives to enable them to make preference- and valued based decisions about treatment

    A phase 3 multicenter, prospective, open-label efficacy and safety study of immune globulin (human) 10% caprylate/chromatography purified in patients with myasthenia gravis exacerbations

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    Background: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disorder affecting neuromuscular transmission. Exacerbations may involve increasing bulbar weakness and/or sudden respiratory failure, both of which can be critically disabling. Management of MG exacerbations includes plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG); they are equally effective, but patients experience fewer side effects with IVIG. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of immune globulin caprylate/chromatography purified (IGIV-C) in subjects with MG exacerbations. Methods: This prospective, open-label, non-controlled 28-day clinical trial was conducted in adults with MG Foundation of America class IVb or V status. Subjects received IGIV-C 2 g/kg over 2 consecutive days (1 g/kg/day) and were assessed for efficacy/safety on Days 7, 14, 21, and 28. The primary efficacy endpoint was the change from Baseline in quantitative MG (QMG) score to Day 14. Secondary endpoints of clinical response, Baseline to Day 14, included at least a 3-point decrease in QMG and MG Composite and a 2-point decrease in MG-activities of daily living (MG-ADL). Results: Forty-nine subjects enrolled. The change in QMG score at Day 14 was significant (p < 0.001) in the Evaluable (-6.4, n = 43) and Safety (-6.7, n = 49) populations. Among evaluable subjects, Day 14 response rates were 77, 86, and 88% for QMG, MG Composite, and MG-ADL, respectively. IGIV-C showed good tolerability with no serious adverse events. Conclusions: The results of this study show that IGIV-C was effective, safe, and well tolerated in the treatment of MG exacerbations

    Preferencias hacia carne de cordero en supermercados de Temuco, región de la Araucanía, Chile

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    Lobos, G (Lobos, German). Univ Talca, Escuela Ingn Comercial, Talca, ChileThe low levels of consumption of lamb meat in Chile suggest the need for studies on consumer preferences in order to orient production. A study with this object was carried out to evaluate preferences for various cuts, breeds, state (fresh or frozen) and price of lamb's meat among supermarket buyers in Temuco, Chile, and the existence of different market segments, through a survey of 400 persons. Using a fractional factorial design for conjoint analysis, it was determined that the state of the meat was more important than the cut, the price and the breed, with a preference for meat in half carcasses and quarters, Araucano lamb, fresh, at a medium price level. Four consumer segments were distinguished by analysis of hierarchic conglomerates. The majority group (47.7%) was sensitive to the state and the cut, with preference for meat in quarters, fresh, Texel breed. The second group (25.3%) was sensitive to the breed, presenting the strongest preferences for meat in whole carcass, fresh, Araucano lamb. The third group (14.3%) was sensitive to the price, preferred meat in quarters, fresh, Araucano lamb. The minority group (12.7%) was sensitive to the state and price, preferring meat in quarters, Texel breed, and was the only group which preferred frozen meat and would pay a higher price. The segments were distinguished by age, ethnic origin and satisfaction with food-related life. Thus the commercialisation strategy for lamb in supermarkets in Temuco should concentrate principally on the sale of fresh meat cut in quarter

    Fusarium head blight detection, spikelet estimation, and severity assessment in wheat using 3D convolutional neural networks

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most significant diseases affecting wheat and other small grain cereals worldwide. The development of resistant varieties requires the laborious task of field and greenhouse phenotyping. The applications considered in this work are the automated detection of FHB disease symptoms expressed on a wheat plant, the automated estimation of the total number of spikelets and the total number of infected spikelets on a wheat head, and the automated assessment of the FHB severity in infected wheat. The data used to generate the results are 3-dimensional (3D) multispectral point clouds (PC), which are 3D collections of points - each associated with a red, green, blue (RGB), and near-infrared (NIR) measurement. Over 300 wheat plant images were collected using a multispectral 3D scanner, and the labelled UW-MRDC 3D wheat dataset was created. The data was used to develop novel and efficient 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) models for FHB detection, which achieved 100% accuracy. The influence of the multispectral information on performance was evaluated, and our results showed the dominance of the RGB channels over both the NIR and the NIR plus RGB channels combined. Furthermore, novel and efficient 3D CNNs were created to estimate the total number of spikelets and the total number of infected spikelets on a wheat head, and our best models achieved mean absolute errors (MAE) of 1.13 and 1.56, respectively. Moreover, 3D CNN models for FHB severity estimation were created, and our best model achieved 8.6 MAE. A linear regression analysis between the visual FHB severity assessment and the FHB severity predicted by our 3D CNN was performed, and the results showed a significant correlation between the two variables with a 0.0001 P-value and 0.94 R-squared