863 research outputs found

    Gender evaluation in human beings by occlusal radiographs

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    Abstract Aim: To analyze the dental arches by occlusal radiographs for possible gender differentiation. Methods: One hundred occlusal radiographic images were obtained. First, a median line and a line touching the vestibular portions of the projections of the maxillary central incisors were drawn. The intersection of these lines was called point I and from this point a line to the canine most vestibular portion was drawn, from the second premolar and second molar, from the left and right sides, in the maxillary and mandibular arches, thus obtaining the angle measurements. Line measurements relative to the width of the arches in three segments, canines, premolars and second molars were made. Results: The analyses performed by t-test indicated that all linear values obtained were statistically different (p<0.05), as may be seen in the values obtained from canine to canine, in which the female average was 3.48 cm (0.16) while the male average was 3.74 cm (0.21) and in respect to the angle measurements, only two angles have shown applicability in the definition of gender. Conclusions: Gender can be determined by analysis of occlusal radiographs with greater reliability when linear measurements are performed

    CRISE DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: um diálogo entre Hannah Arendt e Giorgio Agamben

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    O presente trabalho busca investigar de que modo a crise causada pela pandemia do coronavírus afeta o compromisso dos Estados nacionais pela garantia e pela proteção dos Direitos Humanos de seus cidadãos, analisando se esses direitos, que em tese são inalienáveis e garantidos pelos Estados em qualquer situação, podem ter sua eficácia comprometida em regimes democráticos na ocorrência de uma situação emergencial tal qual a atual. Com base na perspectiva da crise dos Direitos Humanos apontada por Hannah Arendt e dos perigos políticos alertados por Agamben das medidas excepcionais tomadas durante a pandemia, esta pesquisa se propõe a demonstrar que o contexto pandêmico é de uma crise sanitária usada pelos Estados como meio para acentuar um modus operandi político que é antidemocrático, revelando ainda que a estruturação dos Direitos Humanos, ainda vinculados à soberania estatal, é bastante problemática considerando que é justamente o Estado, nessa situação, o ente interessando em violar tais garantias fundamentais. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa essencialmente bibliográfica. Os principais referenciais teóricos em Hannah Arendt foram os seus textos que versavam sobre as consequências decorrentes da condição dos apátridas previamente, em meio e após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, além suas críticas aos Direitos Humanos enquanto vinculados à emancipação nacional na forma da criação de um Estado soberano. Em Giorgio Agamben, foram utilizadas algumas obras que compõem o projeto Homo Sacer, além de algumas declarações proferidas antes, que versam sobre biopolítica e dos perigos de incorporar a segurança enquanto paradigma governamental, e durante a pandemia do coronavírus, em que o filósofo alerta que a pandemia e o estado de medo com ela difundido torna os indivíduos mais suscetíveis a permitirem a supressão de garantias tidas como fundamentais

    Physiological and metabolic responses in broccoli plants fertilized with green manure

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    Grasses and legumes affect differently the amount of N in the soil over time, mainly due to the differences in the chemical characteristics of its mass. Changes in the availability of N influence the absorption and assimilation of N, which will influence physiological processes in the plants. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the changes in gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and biochemical activity in leaves of broccoli grown under different green manure amendments. The experiment was designed in a complete randomized block design, using the mass of jack bean (JB) and millet (M) pure and in mixtures and one control, totaling six treatments: Control, 100JB, 75JB25M, 50JB50M, 25JB75M, 100M, with four replicates. The canopy area, N content, gas exchange, and biochemical analyzes were evaluated on the broccoli index leaf 40 days after broccoli transplantation. The higher ratio of jack bean, the higher the canopy area, the N content and the amino acid, protein and malate content, and lower starch content, possibly due to the higher N mineralization in this green manure.Grasses and legumes affect differently the amount of N in the soil over time, mainly due to the differences in the chemical characteristics of its mass. Changes in the availability of N influence the absorption and assimilation of N, which will influence physiological processes in the plants. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the changes in gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and biochemical activity in leaves of broccoli grown under different green manure amendments. The experiment was designed in a complete randomized block design, using the mass of jack bean (JB) and millet (M) pure and in mixtures and one control, totaling six treatments: Control, 100JB, 75JB25M, 50JB50M, 25JB75M, 100M, with four replicates. The canopy area, N content, gas exchange, and biochemical analyzes were evaluated on the broccoli index leaf 40 days after broccoli transplantation. The higher ratio of jack bean, the higher the canopy area, the N content and the amino acid, protein and malate content, and lower starch content, possibly due to the higher N mineralization in this green manure

    Homeopathic solutions induce production of winged forms in aphid

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    The aphids control (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) in kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) is one of the main challenges for its production. This obstacle becomes greater in agroecological production systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the formation of winged individuals in colonies of B. brassicae aphids, when exposed to kale treated with homeopathic solutions. The treatments were resistant 5CH, susceptible attacked 5CH, aphid nosode 30CH, and the controls that are water (without dynamization) and distilled water + 70% ethanol 5CH, being applied every day for 15 days. Kale plants were inoculated with aphids and irrigated using homeopathic solutions. After 15 days of inoculation, the plants were removed from the bag and the number of winged forms and nymphs of B. brassicae was counted. Homeopathic preparation Resistant 5CH provided a smaller number of winged individuals and a larger number of nymphs per colony. The plants treated with the susceptible attacked 5CH homeopathy showed a higher number of winged aphids, but a reduced number of nymphs. Aphid nosode 30CH treatment was promising to Brevicoryne brassicae control in kale plants, as it induced polymorphism, presenting a greater number of winged aphids and a reduced number of nymphs per colony.The aphids control (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) in kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) is one of the main challenges for its production. This obstacle becomes greater in agroecological production systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to verify the formation of winged individuals in colonies of B. brassicae aphids, when exposed to kale treated with homeopathic solutions. The treatments were resistant 5CH, susceptible attacked 5CH, aphid nosode 30CH, and the controls that are water (without dynamization) and distilled water + 70% ethanol 5CH, being applied every day for 15 days. Kale plants were inoculated with aphids and irrigated using homeopathic solutions. After 15 days of inoculation, the plants were removed from the bag and the number of winged forms and nymphs of B. brassicae was counted. Homeopathic preparation Resistant 5CH provided a smaller number of winged individuals and a larger number of nymphs per colony. The plants treated with the susceptible attacked 5CH homeopathy showed a higher number of winged aphids, but a reduced number of nymphs. Aphid nosode 30CH treatment was promising to Brevicoryne brassicae control in kale plants, as it induced polymorphism, presenting a greater number of winged aphids and a reduced number of nymphs per colony

    Physiology Responses and Players' Stay on the Court During a Futsal Match: A Case Study With Professional Players

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    Physiological responses in futsal have not been studied together with temporal information about the players' stay on the court. The aim of this study was to compare heart rate (HR) and blood lactate concentration ([La-]) responses between 1-H and 2-H considering the time of permanency of the players on the court at each substitution in a futsal match. HR was recorded during entire match and [La-] was analyzed after each substitution of seven players. %HRmean (89.61 ± 2.31 vs. 88.03 ± 4.98 %HRmax) and [La-] mean (8.46 ± 3.01 vs. 8.17 ± 2.91 mmol·L-1) did not differ between 1-H and 2-H (ES, trivial-small). Time in intensity zones of 50-100 %HRmax differed only in 60-70 %HRmax (ES, moderate). HR coefficient of variation throughout the match was low (7%) and among the four outfield players on the court (quartets, 5%). Substitutions (2 player's participation in each half), time of permanence on the court (7.15 ± 2.39 vs. 9.49 ± 3.80 min), ratio between time in- and out-ratio on the court (In:Outcourt = 1:1.30 ± 1:0.48 vs. 1:1.05 ± 1:0.55 min) also were similar between 1-H and 2-H (ES, moderate and small, respectively). Balancing the number of substitutions, and the In:Outcourt ratio of players in both halves of the match, playing lower time at 1-H, ~8 min for each participation in the match, made it possible to maintain intensity of the match in 2-H similar to the 1H. These results are a good guidance to coaches and for application in future studies

    Produção e crescimento vegetativo de cafeeiros sob fertilização e sombreamento

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    It is difficult to separate the effects of light reduction versus nutrient and water competition in agroforestry systems. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of shading and fertilizer supply on the vegetative development and yield of Coffea arabica over six years. The coffee trees were covered with shade screens (photosynthetically active radiation reduction up to 48%) and fertilized from 100 to 40% of the recommended amount from 2001 on. Leaf area, number of leaves, number of nodes, leaf area per branch and, yield were determined. Although no effect of fertilization was found, shading influenced the number of nodes, leaf area and production from the third year on. The number of nodes and yield decreased as shading increased. The effect of the yield bienniallity was more evident in the unshaded trees, which yielded an average of 2,646 kg ha¹. The trees under 48% shading yielded an average of 2,094 kg ha¹. After 2004 the leaf area per branch increased as the shade increased, at the end of both the maximum and minimum growth periods. During the first three years, the coffee trees do not change their vegetative or productive characteristics as a response to shading. The shade effects become more intense after the beginning of the higher yield period. The shaded coffee trees have a larger leaf area and a smaller number of nodes than the coffee trees under full sun. The yield decreases as photosynthetically active radiation limitation increases, and yield bienniallity is less intense in shaded trees.Em sistemas agroflorestais é difícil separar os efeitos da competição por luz daquela por água e nutrientes. O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o efeito do sombreamento e do fornecimento de fertilizantes sobre o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafeeiros arábica ao longo de seis anos. Os cafeeiros foram cobertos com telas sombreadoras (redução da radiação fotosinteticamente ativa em até 48%) e fertilizados de 100 até 40% da recomendação. Foram determinados a área da folha, o número de folhas, o número de nós, a área foliar por ramo e a produtividade dos cafeeiros. Embora não houvesse efeito da fertilização, o sombreamento influenciou o número de nós, a área da folha e a produção a partir do terceiro ano. O número de nós e a produtividade reduziram conforme aumentou o sombreamento. Cafeeiros sob pleno sol apresentaram maior bienalidade da produção e produtividade média de 2646 kg ha¹. Cafeeiros sob 48% de sombreamento produziram em média 2094 kg ha¹. Após três anos a área foliar aumentou com o aumento do sombreamento, tanto no final do período de maior quanto de menor crescimento. Nos três primeiros anos, os cafeeiros não diferiram nas características vegetativas ou reprodutivas devido ao sombreamento. Os efeitos do sombreamento tornam-se mais intensos após o início do período de altas produtividades. Cafeeiros sombreados apresentam folhas maiores e menor número de nós do que cafeeiros sob pleno sol. Nos anos de alta produtividade esta decresce com o aumento do sombreamento e a bienalidade é menos intensa nos cafeeiros sombreados

    Características do café (Coffea arabica L.) sombreado no Norte da América Latina e no Brasil: análise comparativa

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    Shade-grown coffee (Coffea arabica L.) allows production in regions subject to frost or water deficit, reduces production costs, helps on biodiversity maintenance and diversifies production. In Brazil, coffee production in these systems is controversial and there is a huge demand on technical information about this subject. Almost always favorable coments are made about experiences in other countries of the continent, but in effect there is a great variety of cropping systems, from traditional to technified shade crop. Great part of shade cropping systems in Brazil have similar characteristics to those on technical shade systems, with soils that need higher amounts of fertilizers in order to maintain similar yields to the traditional system. Trees of commercial interest are frequently used for intercropping in coffee plantations in Brazil, but leguminous tree species are used instead in North of Latin America. In spite of the good quality of some published papers, there is a lack of information in many important aspects like soils, plant spacing, fertilization and management practices. This difficults comparisons among regions and among shaded coffee production systems, and examples from other countries must be examined with caution.O sombreamento dos cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) permite a produção de café em regiões com déficit hídrico ou com geadas, reduz os custos de produção, ajuda na manutenção da biodiversidade e a diversificação da produção. Atualmente no Brasil existe uma grande controvérsia sobre a produção de café nestes sistemas e há uma grande demanda de conhecimentos sobre este assunto. Quase sempre são feitas referências positivas sobre as experiências de outros países do continente onde, na verdade, existe uma grande variedade de sistemas de produção, que vão desde o tradicional, até a sombra tecnificada. Grande parte dos sistemas sombreados do Brasil apresenta características similares ao de sombra tecnificada, com solos que exigem maiores quantidades de fertilizantes para manter um nível de produtividade comparável com o destes. No Brasil, são plantadas mais freqüentemente árvores de interesse comercial, enquanto no Norte da América Latina são mais usadas árvores leguminosas. Aliada à qualidade de alguns dos trabalhos divulgados, há ausência de informações em diversos aspectos importantes como solos, espaçamentos, fertilização e manejo. Isto dificulta as comparações entre regiões e sistemas de produção de café sombreado e informações sobre sombreamento de cafezais de outros países devem ser examinados com muita cautela


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    Este artigo se propôs a analisar, através de expressões linguísticas metafóricas, como são categorizados os termos coronavírus/Covid-19, em manchetes de notícias, na perspectiva dos Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados (MCIs) metafóricos. Como referencial teórico, utilizamos a Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual aventada por Lakoff e Johnson (2002 [1980]), os Modelos Cognitivos Idealizados de Lakoff (1987) e as contribuições de Feltes (2007). O corpus analisado é constituído de manchetes de notícias extraídas dos sites de dois jornais: Folha de São Paulo e O Globo. É importante destacar que não recorremos ao corpo da notícia, mas às expressões linguísticas atualizadoras que foram extraídas exclusivamente do título que compõe a notícia. Justificamos a relevância deste artigo acadêmico na área da Semântica Cognitiva, uma vez que trazemos novos dados sobre o fenômeno da metáfora conceptual em um tema atual, demonstrando que pensamos e interpretamos os assuntos do dia a dia de maneira metafórica, ao contrário do que pregavam os estudos clássicos. A análise dos dados revelou que a metáfora CORONAVÍRUS/COVID-19 É INIMIGO foi amplamente atualizada por expressões linguísticas para descrever, metaforicamente, várias ações no domínio experiencial GUERRA. Nesse sentido, verificamos que os termos coronavírus/covid-19 foram categorizados metaforicamente como um inimigo em potencial que motiva, discursivamente, o leitor a adotar “estratégias de guerra” como se proteger, combater, conter, enfrentar, etc. Dessa maneira, constatamos, metaforicamente, a criação de um espaço de combate ou luta nas manchetes de notícias analisadas, que sugerem a criação de estratégias para vencer e/ou combater o coronavírus/Covid-19.Referências:BARRETO, D. R. S. Conceitualização de educação à luz da teoria dos modelos cognitivos idealizados: percorrendo veredas entre mente e linguagem dos alunos da educação básica. 2011, 141 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística). Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2011.CARVALHO, S. R. P. de. As metáforas conceptuais nas homilias do Papa Francisco. 2017, 80p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística). Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, 2017.FELTES, Heloísa Pedroso de Moraes. Semântica Cognitiva: ilhas, pontes e teias. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2007.FERRARI, Lilian. Introdução à Linguística Cognitiva. São Paulo: Contexto, 2011.FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO. Disponível em: <https://www.folha.uol.com.br/> Acesso em: jul.- ago. 2020. GUIA DO ESTUDANTE. Disponível em: <https://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/estudo/qual-e-a-diferenca-entre-coronavirus-covid-19-e-sars-cov-2-entenda/> Acesso em: 2 jul. 2020.LAKOFF, G. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What categories reveal about the mind. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1987.LAKOFF, G.; JOHNSON, M. Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.LAKOFF, G.; JOHNSON, M. Metáforas da vida cotidiana. (Coordenação da tradução Mara Sophia Zanotto) Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras; São Paulo: EDU, 2002 [1980].MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE. Disponível em: <https://www.gov.br/saude/pt-br/campanhas-da-saude/2020> Acesso em: 2 jul. 2020.O GLOBO. Disponível em: <https://oglobo.globo.com/> Acesso em: jul.- ago. 2020. SARDINHA, T. B. Metáfora. São Paulo: Parábola, 2007.Recebido em 30-10-2020Revisões requeridas em 24-11-2020Aceito em 13-12-2020

    A forensic identification case and DPid - can it be a useful tool?

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    Objective The aim of this study was to show DPid as an important tool of potential application to solve cases with dental prosthesis, such as the forensic case reported, in which a skull, denture and dental records were received for analysis. Material and Methods Human identification is still challenging in various circumstances and Dental Prosthetics Identification (DPid) stores the patient’s name and prosthesis information and provides access through an embedded code in dental prosthesis or an identification card. All of this information is digitally stored on servers accessible only by dentists, laboratory technicians and patients with their own level of secure access. DPid provides a complete single-source list of all dental prosthesis features (materials and components) under complete and secure documentation used for clinical follow-up and for human identification. Results and Conclusion If DPid tool was present in this forensic case, it could have been solved without requirement of DNA exam, which confirmed the dental comparison of antemortem and postmortem records, and concluded the case as a positive identification

    Post harvest conservation of lettuce cultivated with organic compost

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adubação com composto orgânico, na presença e na ausência de adubação mineral padrão, na conservação pós-colheita das plantas de alface cultivar Babá. O composto orgânico foi aplicado nas doses de 0,0, 22,8, 45,6, 68,4 e 91,2 t/ha de matéria seca. Foram avaliadas a perda de matéria fresca em condições de ambiente e a degradação da clorofila em câmara fria (4oC) até 84 horas e 12 dias, respectivamente, após colheita. A aplicação de doses crescentes de composto orgânico reduziu a perda de matéria fresca após a colheita em até 7%; os teores de clorofila decresceram durante o armazenamento, em plantas adubadas com 45,6 e 91,2 t/ha de composto orgânico e adubo mineral, atingindo cerca de 0,3 mg/g de tecido fresco. A aplicação conjunta de adubo mineral e composto acelerou a senescência de alfaces mantidas em câmara fria, mas o cultivo com composto orgânico reduziu a perda de matéria fresca em condições de ambiente.This paper aimed to evaluate the effect of organic compost fertilization on the post harvest conservation of 'Babá' lettuce. The organic compost was applied at 0.0, 22.8, 45.6, 68.4 and 91.2 ton/ha (dry matter based), with and without a standard mineral fertilizer dosage. The fresh weight loss at room conditions and the chlorophyll degradation were evaluated in cold chamber (4oC) until 84 hours and 12 days after harvest, respectively. Increasing rates of organic compost reduced the post harvest fresh weight loss up to 7%. The chlorophyll content decreased during storage when plants were grown with 45.6 and 91.2 ton/ha of organic compost plus mineral fertilizer, reaching values of 0.3 mg/g of fresh matter. The fertilization with organic compost and mineral fertilizer altogether resulted in plants with early senescence when stored in cold chamber. Increasing doses of organic compost resulted in plants with smaller fresh weight loss in shelf conditions