198 research outputs found

    Síndroma da veia cava superior como apresentação de neoplasia

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    AbstractSuperior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is characterised by gradual and insidious compression/obstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC). Upper chest and neck ingurgitation, plethoric face and oedema are the common symptoms/signs. It generally means the presence of neoplasm, namely lung cancer.Aim: Retrospective analysis of the patients admitted to S. João Hospital, Porto, Portugal, January 1995-December 2006 with SVCS without previous diagnosis. Patients, tumour characteristics and prognostic factors were studied.Material and methods: Data was collected by consulting the clinical files of 60 SVCS patients without previous diagnosis. Data was gathered on the patients’ demographic characteristics (age, gender, smoking habits), performance status, histology, staging, treatment and overall survival.Results: Lung cancer was observed in 87% of the patients. Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) was the most frequent histological type; 41% of the patients. It is noticeable that 10% were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In terms of prognostic factors analysed, the absence of metastasis, the lymphoma’s histological diagnosis, good performance status and non-smoker status were positively correlated with the survival rate. On the contrary SCLC was significantly correlated with a worse survival.Conclusions: In our analysis we concluded that SCLC, smokers and a poorer performance status as well as metastatic disease were unfavourable prognostic factors to SVCS as tumour presentation.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (1): 73-8

    Empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada

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    O presente trabalho propõe-se a analisar a mais nova modalidade de pessoa jurídica de direito privado brasileiro, a empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada, finalmente inserida no ordenamento jurídico pátrio através da Lei 12.441 de 2011. Com este objetivo em foco, percorreu-se o conceito de empresário e sociedade empresária, com a figura da sociedade limitada como base do surgimento do instituto da empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada, sobre a qual se explorou o contexto e a evolução histórica, a natureza jurídica, a comparação com as classificações societárias clássicas, a limitação do capital social, não faltando comentários acerca de sua nomenclatura e nome empresarial, além de considerações sobre a afetação patrimonial e sobre a exploração e remuneração dos direitos patrimoniais autorais dos empresários que elegerem a empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada como modelo empresarial, bem como comentários sobre sua administração e transformação. Ao final, tratou-se de assuntos voltados à aplicabilidade prática do novo instituto no que tange à possibilidade de constituição da empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada por estrangeiro, a limitação da responsabilidade do empresário individual, as vantagens e desvantagens de sua instituição, além da análise de dados do Departamento Nacional de Registro do Comércio sobre o registro de empresas no Brasil. Ante a pesquisa realizada, conclui-se ter sido de extrema importância a adoção pelo legislador pátrio da empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada, mesmo que tardiamente, a qual entrará em vigor no início do ano vindouro, como meio de fomentar e desenvolver a economia nacional

    Vertical migration of the crab Carcinus maenas first zoea in an estuary: implications for tidal stream transport

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    The first zoea of Carcinus maenas (L.) was intensively sampled in the Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) during the winter and spring of 1990. Each sampling period included a series of 25 h fixed-station plankton sampling cycles (12 in winter and 9 in spring), conducted at 1 station located in the lower part of the Canal. Plankton samples were collected every hour, at several depths along the water column, with the use of a pump. Hydrological measurements (salinity, temperature and current velocity and direction) were taken immediately before the collection of the plankton samples. The average depth of the zoeae changed in phase with the tide: larvae reached their highest position in the water column during ebb and their lowest during flood. The extent and phasing of the vertical displacements were such that the first zoea occupied a significantly higher position during the span of the ebb than during flood (p < 0.001). It was also demonstrated that the larvae were significantly closer to the surface during the night (p < 0.05). The pattern of vertical dispersion of the zoeae changed cyclically, with a period equivalent to the tidal half-cycle. Maximum aggregation usually occurred during periods of high current velocity and was independent from water stratification. These observations support the hypothesis that C. maenas first zoea performs an active vertical migration synchronised with tidal and daily cycles. Analysis of the zoeae instantaneous velocity showed that shifts of vertical position according to the phases of tide and day influenced their transport velocity, due to vertical differences of water velocity in the estuarine shear current system. During ebb the larvae were transported at a velocity that exceeded the vertically integrated water velocity; the reverse relationship was observed during flood (p < 0.001). The larvae were also transported faster during the night than during the day (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate that selective tidal stream transport can be generalised in the sense of a unidirectional transport mechanism in estuaries that can enhance exportation

    Larval abundance patterns of Carcinus-Maenas (Decapoda, Brachyura) in Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal)

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    Larval stages of Carcinus maenas (L.) were intensively sampled in the Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) during 2 lunar months: February 12 to March 11 and May 9 to June 7, 1990. Each sampling period included fifteen 25 h fixed-station sampling cycles beginning at intervals of 4 tide cycles. Within each 25 h sampling cycle, plankton samples were collected hourly at several depths using a pump. Analysis of the data from these sampling periods indicated tidal and diel cycles of abundance of first stage C. maenas larvae. A semilunar component was also identified. These patterns were expressed as peaks of abundance during ebb tides, with highest peaks during nocturnal neap ebb tides around the first and last quarters of the moon. Peaks of nocturnal abundance could occur at any time during the night but consistently followed high water. In contrast, megalopae were present in the samples primarily during nocturnal flood tides. Intermediate zoeal stages of C. maenas were not collected. As indicated by an analysis of variance, the main effects of phases of the tide and day on the abundance of first zoeae and megalopae were significant (p < 0.05). These results provide evidence that a component with semilunar periodicity is associated with the release of C. maenas larvae. That the release activity occurs well after sunset is also an additional interesting feature of these observations, inasmuch as larval release in decapods is usually concentrated within the first few hours after dusk. These observations support earlier observations that it is the time during the day-night cycle of high tide, as opposed to tidal amplitude, which is the important factor promoting synchrony with the lunar cycle

    Spontaneous regression of a pulmonary adenocarcinoma after core needle biopsy

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    Spontaneous regression (SR) of cancer, especially lung cancer, is a rare biological event with a mechanism that is not currently understood. Immunological mechanisms seem to be the stronger explanation in SR of a lung cancer. We report the rare case of SR of a lung adenocarcinoma stage IA, in a 75-year-old man, which was incidentally diagnosed and histologically confirmed. Due to the patient’s comorbidities and his poor pulmonary function, stereotactic radiotherapy was scheduled. However, by the time the treatment was due to start, the tumor was no longer detectabl

    Introducing a Regulatory Policy Framework of Bait Fishing in European Coastal Lagoons: The Case of Ria de Aveiro in Portugal

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    The harvesting of bait through digging in coastal mudflats is practiced for recreational and commercial purposes in European coastal systems including the Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon on the northwest Atlantic coast of Portugal. The scale of harvesting in the Ria de Aveiro has recently increased due to the current economic climate in Portugal, with targeting of the polychaete, Diopatra neapolitana species or “casulo” as it is widely known in the Aveiro region. The national authorities have attempted to control casulo digging by issuing a regulation (Ordinance) in 2014 on the maximum daily catch limit to be caught by each individual. The daily catch limit is intended to represent the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) for casulo beyond which overfishing will occur. The monitoring of the regulatory measures is expected to be conducted through on-site inspections in the digging areas. However, weak law enforcement was noticed, while there is also controversy over the daily catch limit (quota) stipulated by the Ordinance. To this end, the current study attempted to assess digging activities through remote monitoring and random inspections for a better policy enforcement of the national regulation. In addition, different harvesting scenarios were employed through a simplified bioeconomic model to attribute the current and future harvesting trends of bait digging in Aveiro coastal lagoon. The study findings indicate that remote monitoring coupled with some onsite interviews could be a more effective approach for the implementation of the current bait digging policy. Further, the results point to a distinctive discrepancy between the daily catch amount (MSY) introduced by the national legislation and the study findings which should be further scrutinized. The diggers seem to have reached the sustainable harvest identified by the present research. The current economic hardship in Portugal and the low profitability in similar employment sectors will possibly attract more diggers and increase harvesting in the near future. An increased harvest would likely trigger overfishing of D. neapolitana with unknown consequences for the population of the species as well as the aquatic ecosystem. The socio-economic and environmental effects are yet to be further clarified with more detailed data and advanced modeling techniques to ensure the sustainability of the activity

    Cimentação em Prótese Fixa

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    A Prótese fixa, em Medicina Dentária, é a área responsável por restaurar dentes danificados e restituir dentes perdidos por substitutos artificiais, não podendo ser removidos pelo paciente. De modo a obter uma união entre a prótese e o dente natural, necessitamos de um agente de cimentação. Atualmente existem diversas técnicas bem como vários agentes de cimentação. O agente de cimentação ideal deve ser adesivo, biocompativel, estético, radiopaco, insolúvel nos fluidos orais, permitir bom selamento marginal, ter alta resistência à compressão e à tração, ser compatível com os sistemas adesivos, ser de fácil utilização e apresentar baixo custo. Uma vez que não existe nenhum agente de cimentação satisfazendo todas estas características ideais, devemos utilizar o que mais se adequa a cada caso clinico específico. Através de uma correta seleção e manuseamento do agente de cimentação obtém-se um melhor resultado final nas reabilitações orais fixas. Objectivos: Este trabalho tem como objectivo a realização de uma revisão narrativa dos vários agentes de cimentação e técnicas utilizadas em prótese fixa, identificando vantagens, desvantagens e indicação de modo a obter uma melhor e mais correta cimentação de próteses fixas na prática clinica. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa na base de dados Pubmed com as palavras chave: “Dental Esthetic”, “Fixed Prothesis”, “Dental Prothesis”, “Dental Bonding”, “Cementation in fixed prothesis”, “Luting Cements”, “Resin Luting Cements”. Discussão: Os agentes de cimentação são utilizados para reter permanentemente as coroas metálicas, cerâmicas e compósitos, inlays e onlays. São exemplos desses agentes de cimentação: cimento de fosfato de zinco, policarboxilato de zinco, ionómero de vidro, ionómero de vidro modificado por resina e, por fim, os cimentos resinosos. Cada agente de cimentação possui características próprias, bem como vantagens e desvantagens, não existindo um cimento universal para todas as situações clinicas. Previamente à cimentação são necessários realizar tratamentos de superfície na peça dentária e na restauração indireta. Conclusão: A Prostodontia Fixa vem sofrendo inúmeras mudanças ao longo do tempo devido ao desenvolvimento de novos materiais e aplicações clínicas. Como não existe nenhum agente de cimentação universal, a seleção do agente de cimentação a ser utilizado deve basear-se num conhecimento dos materiais disponíveis. A cimentação é um procedimento complexo que requer conhecimento e domínio das várias técnicas e protocolos usados, de forma a obter a máxima ligação entre a estrutura dentária e a restauração indireta através do agente cimentante

    Deeply divergent DNA barcode lineages within Dynamene edwardsi (Isopoda) from the Northeast Atlantic suggest between four to eight cryptic species

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    This work is part of the DiverseShores (PTDC/BIA-BIC/114526/2009) research project, funded by (FCT) under the COMPETE programme supported by the European Regional Development Fund. FCT also supported a Ph. D. grant to P.V. (SFRH/BD/86536/2012). Part of this work was funded by FEDER through COMPETE and by national funds through FCT/MEC in the scope of the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-015429 (ref. FCT: PTDC/MAR/113435/2009) and PEst-OE/BIA/UI4050/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribución vertical y horizontal de larvas de Monodaeus couchii frente a la costa sur de Portugal

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    A strong understanding of larval distribution and abundance is of major value in delineating the location and size of a breeding population of deep-sea species such as Monodaeus couchii. In this study, vertical distribution of the larvae of a brachyuran crab, M. couchii, was assessed during two week-long cruises conducted at the end of January 2006 and 2007 off the South Coast of Portugal. Larvae were collected by oblique plankton hauls with a Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder from the surface to 300 m. Abundance and distribution of zoeae I and II were correlated during both years. For all stages, abundance decreased with depth during the day while it increased with depth at night; the larvae thus displayed reverse diel vertical migration. Abundance of zoeae I and II was correlated with chlorophyll a levels, whereas those of later stages were correlated with neither physical parameters (chlorophyll a, temperature or salinity) nor each other. An ontogenic shift in vertical distribution explained the results; earlier zoeal stages remain in the food-rich upper water column while later stages were not correlated with any physical parameters (i.e. chlorophyll a, salinity or temperature) and migrated to the bottom for settlement.El conocimiento de la distribución y abundancia larval es de vital importancia para comprender la localización y tamaño de la población reproductora adulta en especies abisales como Monodaeus couchii. En este estudio, la distribución vertical de las larvas de un cangrejo braquiuro, M. couchii, se evaluó durante dos campañas de una semana de duración al final de enero de 2006 y 2007, frente a la costa sur de Portugal. Las larvas se recogieron por pescas oblicuas de plancton con un “Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder” (LHPR) desde la superficie hasta 300 m de profundidad. La abundancia y distribución de las zoeas I y II fueron correlacionadas para cada uno de los años de estudio. Para todos los estadios larvares la abundancia disminuyó con la profundidad durante el día, mientras que se incrementó con la profundidad durante la noche, mostrando por tanto un patrón de migración vertical inverso. La abundancia de zoeae I y II se correlacionó con los niveles de clorofila a, mientras que la abundancia de estadios posteriores no mostró correlación alguna con los parámetros físicos (clorofila a, temperatura o salinidad), ni entre sí. Estos resultados indican un cambio ontogénico en la distribución vertical de las larvas; los primeros estadios de zoea permanecen en la zona superficial de la columna de agua rica en alimento, mientras que las ultimas etapas que no mostraron correlación con los parámetros físicos (i.e. clorofila a, salinidad o temperatura) migran a zonas más profundas para el recrutamento

    Morphometric variation in two intertidal littorinid gastropods

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    Here we investigate spatial variation in shell shape of Littorina saxatilis, an ovoviviparous species, and Melarhaphe neritoides, a species with planktonic eggs and larvae. Populations of both species were sampled in 6 sites located along the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Shell shape was studied using landmarkbased morphometric methods. Landmark data was used to estimate individual size and to describe shell shape. Prior to statistical analysis specimens were aligned using Generalised Procrustes Analysis (GPA). Ordinations based on GPA of landmark data and using Principal Components Analysis (PCA), revealed a clear spatial segregation of sites for both species, although this was more evident for L. saxatilis than M. neritoides. Statistical analysis revealed significant multivariate variation in shape among sites and a significant effect of allometry on shape for both species. In contrast to this last result, there was no significant linear relationship between any of the first three PC axes and size in L. saxatilis but highly significant associations between the first and third PC axes and size for M. neritoides. Spatial variation in the shape of both species was primarily related to variation in the height of the apical whorls and in the width of the aperture for L. saxatilis. Further variation in shape was related to the shape of the last whorl in L. saxatilis and shell elongation and a change in aperture shape in M. neritoides.publishe