37 research outputs found

    Tools for Real-Time Control Systems Co-Design : A Survey

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    This report presents a survey of current simulation tools in the area of integrated control and real-time systems design. Each tool is presented with a quick overview followed by a more detailed section describing comparative aspects of the tool. These aspects describe the context and purpose of the tool (scenarios, development stages, activities, and qualities/constraints being addressed) and the actual tool technology (tool architecture, inputs, outputs, modeling content, extensibility and availability). The tools presented in the survey are the following; Jitterbug and TrueTime from the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University, Sweden, AIDA and XILO from the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Ptolemy II from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Berkeley, California, RTSIM from the RETIS Laboratory, Pisa, Italy, and Syndex and Orccad from INRIA, France. The survey also briefly describes some existing commercial tools related to the area of real-time control systems

    HÄllbar avfallshantering: utvÀrdering av styrmedel frÄn ett psykologiskt och etnologiskt perspektiv

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    Inom psykologi och etnologi studeras företeelser ur perspektiv som Ă„terfinns hos den enskilda individen samt i det lokala eller sociala sammanhanget. I studien har olika styrmedel bedömts frĂ„n ett etnologiskt och psykologiskt perspektiv. Studien har dĂ€rvid inneburit nya arbetsmetoder – i varken psykologi eller etnologi brukar man arbeta med att förutsĂ€ga hur olika medel (t.ex. styrmedel) pĂ„verkar mĂ€nniskan, normalt arbetar man efter att beskriva hur mĂ€nniskan upplever ett befintligt styrmedel. Nytt i arbetssĂ€ttet Ă€r ocksĂ„ att utvĂ€rdera styrmedlen i olika framtidsscenarier. De viktigaste slutsatserna om de studerade styrmedlen Ă€r enligt följande. Information Ă€r ett viktigt styrmedel, men bör frĂ€mst ses i kombination med andra styrmedel. Information bör utformas sĂ„ att den Ă€r anpassad för olika grupper, hellre Ă€n massutskick och glĂ€ttiga kampanjer. Informationen bör vara bĂ„de deklarativ (ge information om effekter och konsekvenser) och procedurell (beskriva hur man ska göra). Information Ă€r viktigast som styrmedel i de hĂ„llbara scenarierna, men Ă€r av betydelse i samtliga scenarier. Vad gĂ€ller verksamheter kan man skilja pĂ„ information till företagsledningen och information till anstĂ€llda. Styrmedlet ”Reklam ja tack” förvĂ€ntas leda till minskad mĂ€ngd pappersavfall och Ă€r lĂ€tt att förstĂ„ för hushĂ„llen. Styrmedlet Ă€r mest effektivt i de hĂ„llbara scenarierna. Styrmedlet bedöms verksamt Ă€ven i scenariot regional marknad eftersom det dĂ„ Ă€r större tryck pĂ„ verksamheterna att föra ut sitt budskap. Negativ kemikaliemĂ€rkning bedöms vara ett effektivt styrmedel, och framför allt effektivare Ă€n positiv mĂ€rkning. Negativ kemikaliemĂ€rkning bedöms ocksĂ„ vara effektivt i alla scenarier. I styrmedlet viktbaserad avfallstaxa kan storleken pĂ„ den rörliga delen av avfallstaxan pĂ„verka styrmedlets genomslagskraft. Viktbaserad avfallstaxa bedöms fungera bĂ€st i de marknadsdrivna scenarierna dĂ€r individen tar ett stort ansvar sjĂ€lv. I de hĂ„llbara scenarierna kan styrmedlet komma att upplevas negativ eftersom ansvaret för miljöfrĂ„gorna Ă€r mer överflyttade till staten frĂ„n medborgarna. Miljödifferentierad avfallstaxa bedöms ge ytterst smĂ„ styreffekter eftersom det med den givna utformningen kan vara svĂ„r att kommunicera med mĂ€nniskorna. Med vissa Ă€ndringar skulle det dĂ€remot kunna bli kraftfullt. Utvecklade insamlingssystem bedöms leda till ökad kĂ€llsortering i alla scenarier. Detta gĂ€ller bĂ„de ökad fastighetsnĂ€ra insamling och insamling i materialströmmar

    Human cerebrovascular contractile receptors are upregulated via a B-Raf/MEK/ERK-sensitive signaling pathway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cerebral ischemia results in a rapid increase in contractile cerebrovascular receptors, such as the 5-hydroxytryptamine type 1B (5-HT<sub>1B</sub>), angiotensin II type 1 (AT<sub>1</sub>), and endothelin type B (ET<sub>B</sub>) receptors, in the vessel walls within the ischemic region, which further impairs local blood flow and aggravates tissue damage. This receptor upregulation occurs via activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. We therefore hypothesized an important role for B-Raf, the first signaling molecule in the pathway. To test our hypothesis, human cerebral arteries were incubated at 37°C for 48 h in the absence or presence of a B-Raf inhibitor: SB-386023 or SB-590885. Contractile properties were evaluated in a myograph and protein expression of the individual receptors and activated phosphorylated B-Raf (p-B-Raf) was evaluated immunohistochemically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>5-HT<sub>1B</sub>, AT<sub>1</sub>, and ET<sub>B </sub>receptor-mediated contractions were significantly reduced by application of SB-590885, and to a smaller extent by SB-386023. A marked reduction in AT<sub>1 </sub>receptor immunoreactivity was observed after treatment with SB-590885. Treatment with SB-590885 and SB-386023 diminished the culture-induced increase of p-B-Raf immunoreactivity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>B-Raf signaling has a key function in the altered expression of vascular contractile receptors observed after organ culture. Therefore, specific targeting of B-Raf might be a novel approach to reduce tissue damage after cerebral ischemia by preventing the previously observed upregulation of contractile receptors in smooth muscle cells.</p

    Comparison of cisplatin sensitivity and the 18F fluoro-2-deoxy 2 glucose uptake with proliferation parameters and gene expression in squamous cell carcinoma cell lines of the head and neck

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The survival of patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer is still poor, with 5-year survival rates of 24–35%. The identification of prognostic and predictive markers at the molecular and cellular level could make it possible to find new therapeutic targets and provide "taylor made" treatments. Established cell lines of human squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) are valuable models for identifying such markers.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to establish and characterize a series of cell lines and to compare the cisplatin sensitivity and 18F fluoro-2 deoxy 2 glucose (18F-FDG) uptake of these cell lines with other cellular characteristics, such as proliferation parameters and TP53 and CCND1 status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Explant cultures of fresh tumour tissue were cultivated, and six new permanent cell lines were established from 18 HNSCC cases. Successfully grown cell lines were analysed regarding clinical parameters, histological grade, karyotype, DNA ploidy, and index and S-phase fraction (Spf). The cell lines were further characterized with regard to their uptake of 18F-FDG, their sensitivity to cisplatin, as measured by a viability test (crystal violet), and their TP53 and CCND1 status, by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) with DNA sequencing and, for cyclin D1, by immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients with tumours that could be cultured in vitro had shorter disease-free periods and overall survival time than those whose tumours did not grow in vitro, when analysed with the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. Their tumours also showed more complex karyotypes than tumours from which cell lines could not be established. No correlation was found between TP53 or CCND1 status and 18F-FDG uptake or cisplatin sensitivity. However, there was an inverse correlation between tumour cell doubling time and 18F-FDG uptake.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In vitro growth of HNSCC cells seem to be an independent prognostic factor, with cell lines being more readily established from aggressive tumours, a phenomenon more dependent on the molecular genetic characteristics of the tumour cells than on tumour location or TNM status.</p

    Algoritm i OpenGL för att rendera realtids 3D grafik med fokus

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    The company where this thesis was formulated constructs VR applications for the medical environment. The hardware used is ordinary dektops with consumer level graphics cards and haptic devices. In medicin some operations require microscopes or cameras. In order to simulate these in a virtual reality environment for educational purposes, the effect of depth of field or focus have to be considered. A working algorithm that generates this optical occurence in realtime, stereo rendered computer graphics is presented in this thesis. The algorithm is implemented in OpenGL and C++ to later be combined with a VR application simulating eye-surgery which is built with OpenGL Optimizer. Several different approaches are described in this report. The call for realtime stereo rendering (~60 fps) means taking advantage of the graphics hardware to a great extent. In OpenGL this means using the extensions to a specific graphic chip for better performance, in this case the algorithm is implemented for a GeForce3 card. To increase the speed of the algorithm much of the workload is moved from the CPU to the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). By re-defining parts of the ordinary OpenGL pipeline via vertex programs, a distance-from-focus map can be stored in the alpha channel of the final image with little time loss. This can effectively be used to blend a previously blurred version of the scene with a normal render. Different techniques to quickly blur a renderedimage is discussed, to keep the speed up solutions that require moving data from the graphics card is not an option

    Can money be made on Mondays? : An empirical investigation of the efficiency on the OMXS30

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    Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if abnormal patterns concerning the rates of return during specific weekdays and months are observable for the companies in the OMXS30 during the period 2003-2010. A special focus will be put on the Monday effect anomaly. Background: Investors have a tendency to search for investment opportunities. If errors exist in the pricing of stocks it indicates that anomalies are present and that the stock market is inefficient. Investors then have the possibility to utilize the anomalies in order to receive above average returns. Method: This study is using data of stock prices from Nasdaq OMX in the period of 2003-2010. The strength and existence of the Swedish stock market efficiency is measured through autocorrelation-, chi-square- and regression tests. Average monthly stock returns are calculated on daily-, monthly-, and yearly basis. The returns are compared in order to examine if day-of-the-week and turn-of-the-year anomalies exist. Conclusion: No Monday effect is found in 2003-2010. However, positive Thursday- and positive Friday effects are detected. A negative turn-of-the-year effect as well as a positive April effect is found. The investment opportunities that could be utilized in 2003-2010 due to the specific anomalies in the period do not necessarily imply that the same anomalies can be expected on the OMXS30 in the future

    Perceived Importance of Project Leaders and Change Managers in IT Projects

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    IT Ă€r ett naturligt hjĂ€lpmedel för mĂ„nga företag och organisationer. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför vanligt att företag försöker effektivisera och förbĂ€ttra sin verksamhet genom att införa nya affĂ€rssystem. NĂ€r ett nytt affĂ€rssystem ska införas startas ofta ett IT-projekt med en utsedd projektledare som ansvarig för att nĂ„ önskat resultat. IT-projekt Ă€r av teknisk karaktĂ€r och fokuserat mot sjĂ€lva affĂ€rssystemet. Det krĂ€vs dock i mĂ„nga fall mer Ă€n den nya teknologin för att ett företag ska öka sin lönsamhet och förbĂ€ttra verksamheten. I dessa fall krĂ€vs det Ă€ven nĂ„gon typ av förĂ€ndring eller omstrukturering inom företaget för att nĂ„ det önskade mĂ„let. I de fall nĂ„gon typ av förĂ€ndring utöver införande av ett affĂ€rssystem krĂ€vs, intrĂ€ffar det att projektledaren fĂ„r ta pĂ„ sig uppgiften att Ă€ven leda denna förĂ€ndring. Organisationen kan dock göra valet att lĂ„ta den förĂ€ndringen ledas av en förĂ€ndringsledare. En förĂ€ndringsledares uppgift Ă€r att ansvara för att ett förĂ€ndringsarbete nĂ„r sitt mĂ„l med önskat resultat. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka och beskriva vilka betydelser rollerna projektledare och förĂ€ndringsledare har i IT-projekt vars syfte Ă€r att införa ett affĂ€rssystem. För att skapa klarhet i detta har litteratur inom Ă€mnet studerats. Utöver litteraturen har vi Ă€ven tagit del av artiklar frĂ„n olika tidskrifter. För att fĂ„ en aktuell verklighetsanknytning har ett antal intervjuer genomförts med personer som arbetar i projektmiljö och har kontakt med projekt- och förĂ€ndringsledarskap dagligen. Denna kombination av informationskĂ€llor, anser vi, skapar en aktuell och tydlig bild av omrĂ„det. I förstudien bör mĂ„let med projektet analyseras för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att rĂ€tt Ă„tgĂ€rder genomförs. Vi har kommit fram till att rollerna projekt- och förĂ€ndringsledare har stor betydelse och positiv inverkan för att önskat resultat ska nĂ„s i IT-projekt. Projektledaren stĂ„r för den tekniska kompetensen, medan förĂ€ndringsledaren arbetar med de mĂ€nskliga faktorerna. Det kan dĂ€rför vara fördelaktigt för projektet om rollerna innehas av separata personer. PĂ„ detta sĂ€tt fĂ„r de mycket utbyte och hjĂ€lp av varandra vilket leder till större möjligheter att IT-projektet nĂ„r önskat resultat och införandet av affĂ€rssystemet lyckas.In the business environment of today IT systems have a significant role in many enterprises and organisations. A focus for many companies is to enhance profitability and efficiency buy improving and developing their enterprise systems. When a decision is made to redesign or implement a new business system it’s common that an IT-project is started and a dedicated project leader is assigned to the project, committed to deliver the requested results. An enterprise system is usually technical in it’s nature and focuses on technical aspects, but to reach desired results in profitability and efficiency, several other aspects than the pure technical ones needs to be taken into consideration to reach the desired results. In these cases, a reorganisation of the business or other structural changes might be needed to reach the goals of the project. When an implementation of a business system reaches beyond the pure technical aspects and demands structural changes to the organisation, it’s not uncommon that the IT-project leader is assigned responsibility for the entire project. The organisation can on the other hand choose to assign a change manager to govern for the structural changes. The change manager is responsible for the whole change process and is assigned responsibility that the process reaches the pre defined targets. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and describe the roles of a project leader and change manager and their importance within an IT project aiming at implementing a new enterprise system. The sources of information to this paper is literature, scientific articles within the area and several interviews with professionals working in project environments, including project management and change management, on a day-to-day basis. We believe that this mix of information sources enables this paper give a clear and up to date view of the area of scope. In the pre study to a project is of sheer importance that the actual targets are analysed to ensure that the right decisions and actions are made. Our conclusion is that the roles of the project leader and the change manager are of significant importance to the outcome of the project. It is desirable that the two positions are assigned to two different persons, which enables them to share experiences and support each other. The project leader possesses the technical know how and the change manager focuses on the human and organisational aspects of the project. By setting the project up with clear areas of responsibility, but working beside each other, they can exchange experiences and help each other. This is beneficial for the project and increases the possibilities that the project reaches desired results and that the implementation of the new enterprise system is successful