387 research outputs found

    Low serum sphingolipids in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

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    Background: Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent neuropsychiatric condition in childhood. ADHD is a multifactorial trait with a strong genetic component. One neurodevelopmental hypothesis is that ADHD is associated with a lag in brain maturation. Sphingolipids are essential for brain development and neuronal functioning, but their role in ADHD pathogenesis is unexplored. We hypothesized that serum sphingolipid levels distinguish ADHD patients from unaffected subjects. Methods: We characterized serum sphingolipid profiles of ADHD patients and two control groups: non-affected relatives and non-affected subjects without a family history of ADHD. Sphingolipids were measured by LC-MS/MS in 77 participants (28 ADHD patients, 28 related controls and 21 unrelated controls). ADHD diagnosis was based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV-TR). Diagnostic criteria were assessed by 2 independent observers. Groups were compared by parametrical statistics. Results: Serum sphingomyelins C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C24:1, ceramide C24:0 and deoxy-ceramide C24:1 were significantly decreased in ADHD patients at 20-30% relative reductions. In our sample, decreased serum sphingomyelin levels distinguished ADHD patients with 79% sensitivity and 78% specificity. Conclusions: Our results showed lower levels of all major serum sphingomyelins in ADHD. These findings may reflect brain maturation and affect neuro-functional pathways characteristic for ADHD

    Ocular emergencies in children: Demographics, origin, symptoms, and most frequent diagnoses

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    To describe the epidemiology of ocular emergencies in children in a hospital-based emergency room (ER). Methods. ,e medical reports of all children, 14 years of age and younger, who attended La Paz University Hospital (Madrid, Spain) ER from September 2015 to August 2016 were prospectively collected. Demographic data, origin, symptom for consultation, diagnostic tests, final diagnosis, and final referral of patients were recorded. Results. A total of 774 children were attended: 57% boys and 43% girls. Mean age was 5 years (SD 4.10 years, range 0–14 years) without significant differences between sexes. Most children went to the ER because parents or teachers took the decision (75%), 24% were referred from the paediatric ER for evaluation, and 0.78% were referred from another hospital or by an out-clinic ophthalmologist. ,e reasons for consultation were red eyes (61%), traumatism (17%), referred from the paediatrician to have the fundus explored in children with headache (7%), eyelids problems (7%), and visual loss (7%). ,e most frequent diagnoses were infectious conjunctivitis (29%), corneal erosion (17%), normal examination (15%), and allergic conjunctivitis (13%). ,e most severe cases (visual loss, acute strabismus, and leucocoria) were referred by the paediatricians and represented 4.65% of the total patients. Visits occurred more frequently during the third trimester of the year (July–September), with a higher incidence of eye trauma in summer. Conclusions. Infectious conjunctivitis was the most frequent pathology. It is necessary to increase public awareness about the symptoms, the way of transmission, and treatment. Ocular trauma was also a common cause of presentation and the majority were contusional and mild. ,ere is also a need for education of parents, teachers, and coaches regarding the potential for eye injuries. Ophthalmologists and paediatricians must take an active role in educating people about the prophylactic measures to prevent eye injuries in childre

    Primera determinación de Erysiphe convolvuli sobre Convolvulus arvensis y Calystegia sepium en Chile con una descripción del estado sexual

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    La correhuela (Convolvulus arvensis L.) es una planta cosmopolita, ampliamente distribuida en Chile y considerada como una maleza de importancia en cultivos agrícolas. Por muchos años se ha observado la presencia de un oídio creciendo profusamente sobre sus hojas y tallos pero, recientemente, en el otoño de 2010 se observó por primera vez el teleomorfo de este hongo. Se realizó una prospección de plantas sintomáticas encontrándose la forma sexual del oídio desde la Región de Coquimbo hasta la Región del Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins. El patógeno fue identificado como Erysiphe convolvuli var. convolvuli, el cual no había sido reportado anteriormente en el país. Muestreos realizados en el otoño de 2012 permitieron determinar, además, la presencia de Erysiphe convolvuli var. calystegiae en dos muestras de Calystegia sepium, observándose casmotecios inmaduros en una de ellas.La correhuela (Convolvulus arvensis L.) es una planta cosmopolita, ampliamente distribuida en Chile y considerada como una maleza de importancia en cultivos agrícolas. Por muchos años se ha observado la presencia de un oídio creciendo profusamente sobre sus hojas y tallos pero, recientemente, en el otoño de 2010 se observó por primera vez el teleomorfo de este hongo. Se realizó una prospección de plantas sintomáticas encontrándose la forma sexual del oídio desde la Región de Coquimbo hasta la Región del Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins. El patógeno fue identificado como Erysiphe convolvuli var. convolvuli, el cual no había sido reportado anteriormente en el país. Muestreos realizados en el otoño de 2012 permitieron determinar, además, la presencia de Erysiphe convolvuli var. calystegiae en dos muestras de Calystegia sepium, observándose casmotecios inmaduros en una de ellas

    Cute hypotensor effect of the vascular occlusion exercise on elderly adults

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta cardíaca aguda después de realizar una sesión de ejercicio con oclusión vascular en adultos mayores (AM). Sujetos y método: 22 participantes voluntarios, fueron sometidos al protocolo experimental de ejercicio dinámico de prensión manual con un 30% de presión de oclusión (PO), después de registrar los valores basales y en reposo de presión arterial sistólica (PAS), presión arterial diastólica (PAD) y frecuencia cardíaca (FC). Evaluadas en condiciones basales y entre los 5 y 30 minutos post-oclusión. Resultados: Al finalizar el protocolo se observó una reducción significativa en la PAS y FC a los 15’, 20’ y 25’ (p<0,05) y para la PAD a los 10’ y 20’ (p<0,05). Conclusión: El efecto agudo del ejercicio con oclusión vascular genera una reducción significativa de PAS, PAD y FC hasta 25 minutos post-oclusión, en los AM analizadosThe objective of this study was to evaluate the acute cardiac response after performing an exercise session with vascular occlusion in elderly adults (EA). Twenty-two volunteer participants underwent the experimental protocol of dynamic manual grip exercise with 30% occlusion pressure (OP), after recording the baseline values and resting systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR). All measures were taken in basal conditions and between 5 and 30 minutes’ post-occlusion. At the end of the protocol, there was a significant reduction in SBP and HR at 15 ', 20' and 25 '(p <0.05) and for DBP at 10' and 20 '(p <0.05).). The acute effect of exercise with vascular occlusion generates a significant reduction of SBP, Basal Diastolic Pressure (BDP) and HR up to 25 minutes’ post-occlusion, in the EA analyze

    SRL pathogenicity island contributes to the metabolism of D-aspartate via an aspartate racemase in Shigella flexneri YSH6000

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    In recent years, multidrug resistance of Shigella strains associated with genetic elements like pathogenicity islands, have become a public health problem. The Shigella resistance locus pathogenicity island (SRL PAI) of S. flexneri 2a harbors a 16Kbp region that contributes to the multidrug resistance phenotype. However, there is not much information about other functions such as metabolic, physiologic or ecological ones. For that, wild type S. flexneri YSH6000 strain, and its spontaneous SRL PAI mutant, 1363, were used to study the contribution of the island in different growth conditions. Interestingly, when both strains were compared by the Phenotype Microarrays, the ability to metabolize D-aspartic acid as a carbon source was detected in the wild type strain but not in the mutant. When D-aspartate was added to minimal medium with other carbon sources such as mannose or mannitol, the SRL PAI-positive strain was able to metabolize it, while the SRL PAI-negative strain did not. In order to identify the genetic elements responsible for this phenotype, a bioinformatic analysis was performed and two genes belonging to SRL PAI were found: orf8, coding for a putative aspartate racemase, and orf9, coding for a transporter. Thus, it was possible to measure, by an indirect analysis of racemization activity in minimal medium supplemented only with D-aspartate, that YSH6000 strain was able to transform the D-form into L-, while the mutant was impaired to do it. When the orf8-orf9 region from SRL island was transformed into S. flexneri and S. sonnei SRL PAI-negative strains, the phenotype was restored. Also, when single genes were cloned into plasmids, no complementation was observed. Our results strongly suggest that the aspartate racemase and the transporter encoded in the SRL pathogenicity island are important for bacterial survival in environments rich in D-aspartate

    Involvement of etfA gene during CaCO3 precipitation in Bacillus subtilis biofilm

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    The eftA gene in Bacillus subtilis has been suggested to be involved in the oxidation/reduction reactions during fatty acid metabolism. Interestingly etfA deletion in B. subtilis results in impairment in CaCO3 precipitation on the biofilm. Comparisons between the wild type B. subtilis 168 and its etfA mutant during in vitro CaCO3 crystal precipitation (calcite) revealed changes in phospholipids membrane composition with accumulation of up to 10% of anteiso-C17:0 and 11% iso-C17:0 long fatty acids. Ca2+ nucleation sites such as dipicolinic acid and teichoic acids seem to contribute to the CaCO3 precipitation. etfA mutant strain showed up to 40% less dipicolinic acid accumulation compared with B. subtilis 168, while a B. subtilis mutant impaired in teichoic acids synthesis was unable to precipitate CaCO3. In addition, B. subtilis etfA mutant exhibited acidity production leading to atypical flagella formation and inducing extensive lateral growth on the biofilm when grown on 1.4% agar. From the ecological point of view, this study shows a number of physiological aspects that are involved in CaCO3 organomineralization on biofilms

    Reference Values of Three-Dimensional Proximal Femur Parameters from Bone Densitometry Images in Healthy Subjects from Argentina

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    Objective: New methodologies for the assessment of bone mass from by DXA have been developed in the last years. The threedimensional analysis of the proximal femur by (3D-DXA) allows the evaluation of cortical and trabecular bone separately and has shown a good correlation with computed tomography. We aimed to obtain reference values in a healthy population of both sexesin Argentina.Methods: Adults female and male subjects (n=992) from four cities from Argentina were included. BMD (g/cm2) was measured by DXA on the femoral neck and total hip. The 3D analysis was performed with 3D-Shaper software (v2.9, Galgo Medical, Spain).The cortical BMD (sDens - mg/cm2) and trabecular volumetric BMD (trab vBMD - mg/cm3) were consider. The distribution of the data was evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk test and parametricor non-parametric tests were used as appropriate. Data were expressed as mean±SD and p<0.05 was considered significant.Results: 75.5% women (n=749) and 24.5% men (n=243) were included. The mean age was 54.8±16.8 y and BMI was 27.3±5.4 kg/m2. The data according to each decade and a comparison with a references group (decade 20-30) are shown in the following table (*indicates significant differences compared to decade 20-30).Conclusion: A significant decrease in trabecular vBMD from D40 was observed in women, while in men this decrease was observed later (D60). The cortical parameter sDens was observed decreasefrom D50 in women and in men, an increase in D40 and cortical bone maintenance according to age was found.Fil: Brance, M. L.. Reumatología y Enfermedades Óseas; ArgentinaFil: Saravi, Fernando Daniel. Escuela de Medicina Nuclear; ArgentinaFil: Henríquez, M. M.. Escuela de Medicina Nuclear; ArgentinaFil: Longobardi, V.. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas; ArgentinaFil: Zanchetta, M. B.. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas; ArgentinaFil: Larroudé, M. S.. Centro de Diagnostico Rossi; ArgentinaFil: Ulla, M. R.. Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Matos, F.. Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Salerni, H.. No especifíca;Fil: Oliveri, María Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Bonanno, Marina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Meneses, N. L.. No especifíca;Fil: Di Gregorio, S.. Fundacion Cetir.; EspañaFil: Brum, L. R.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaWorld Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal DiseasesVirtualBélgicaInternational Osteoporosis FoundationEuropean Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Disease

    New Lidocaine-Based Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: Preparation, Characterization, and Influence of the Racemic vs. Enantiopure Coformer on the Physico-Chemical Properties

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    This study describes the preparation, characterization, and influence of the enantiopure vs. racemic coformer on the physico-chemical properties of a pharmaceutical cocrystal. For that purpose, two new 1:1 cocrystals, namely lidocaine:dl-menthol and lidocaine:d-menthol, were prepared. The menthol racemate-based cocrystal was evaluated by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, Raman, thermal analysis, and solubility experiments. The results were exhaustively compared with the first menthol-based pharmaceutical cocrystal, i.e., lidocaine:l-menthol, discovered in our group 12 years ago. Furthermore, the stable lidocaine/dl-menthol phase diagram has been screened, thoroughly evaluated, and compared to the enantiopure phase diagram. Thus, it has been proven that the racemic vs. enantiopure coformer leads to increased solubility and improved dissolution of lidocaine due to the low stable form induced by menthol molecular disorder in the lidocaine:dl-menthol cocrystal. To date, the 1:1 lidocaine:dl-menthol cocrystal is the third menthol-based pharmaceutical cocrystal, after the 1:1 lidocaine:l-menthol and the 1:2 lopinavir:l-menthol cocrystals reported in 2010 and 2022, respectively. Overall, this study shows promising potential for designing new materials with both improved characteristics and functional properties in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences and crystal engineering

    The Antioxidant Potential of the Mediterranean Diet in Patients at High Cardiovascular Risk: An In-Depth Review of the PREDIMED

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading global cause of death. Diet is known to be important in the prevention of CVD. The PREDIMED trial tested a relatively low-fat diet versus a high-fat Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) for the primary prevention of CVD. The resulting reduction of the CV composite outcome resulted in a paradigm shift in CV nutrition. Though many dietary factors likely contributed to this effect, this review focuses on the influence of the MedDiet on endogenous antioxidant systems and the effect of dietary polyphenols. Subgroup analysis of the PREDIMED trial revealed increased endogenous antioxidant and decreased pro-oxidant activity in the MedDiet groups. Moreover, higher polyphenol intake was associated with lower incidence of the primary outcome, overall mortality, blood pressure, inflammatory biomarkers, onset of new-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and obesity. This suggests that polyphenols likely contributed to the lower incidence of the primary event in the MedDiet groups. In this article, we summarize the potential benefits of polyphenols found in the MedDiet, specifically the PREDIMED cohort. We also discuss the need for further research to confirm and expand the findings of the PREDIMED in a non-Mediterranean population and to determine the exact mechanisms of action of polyphenols