25 research outputs found

    La dualidad falconesca en "La mano de Fátima"/ entre realidad y ficción

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    In this modest study we are interested in the use of fiction and its verisimilitude in the novel "La Mano de Fátima" by Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra. This novel with a historical background attempts to interpret the real events that took place in Spain during the Moorish period, from the Alpujarra uprising to the definitive expulsion of the Moors. In the following lines, he tries to show how the author has tried to find a balance between Maurolophy and Maurophobia through the fiction of the Sacromonte's plumbeous books, which attempt to bring the two religious sides together, through the dual religious and cultural identity created by this ethnic group and through the use of the image of the Virgin Mary as a symbol of union between the two communities. In short, the following communication focuses on the analysis of those events interpreted in the novel that concerns us in a dual way.En este modesto estudio nos interesa abordar el uso de la ficción y su verosimilitud en la novela que nos incumbe “La Mano de Fátima” de Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra. Esta novela de trasfondo histórica intenta interpretar los hechos reales acontecidos en España durante la época morisca, desde el levantamiento alpujarreño hasta la expulsión definitiva de los moriscos. En las líneas siguientes nos intenta mostrar cómo el autor ha intentado buscar un equilibrio entre la maurolofia y la maurofobia a través de la ficción de los libros plúmbeos del Sacromonte que intentan acercar a los dos bandos religiosos, a través de la doble identidad religiosa y cultural creada por este grupo étnico y mediante el uso de la imagen de la virgen María como símbolo de unión entre las dos comunidades. En suma, la comunicación siguiente se enfoca en el análisis de aquellos hechos interpretados en la novela de nos concierne de una manera dual

    Functionalisation of polybutylene succinate nanocomposites: from structure to reinforcement of UV-absorbing and mechanical properties

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    International audienceCinnamic derivatives intercalated into ZnAl layered double hydroxides by coprecipitation are subsequently dispersed into a biodegradable polymer, polybutylene succinate (PBS). The structure and composition of the associated organic-inorganic hybrid assemblies are first characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV spectroscopy, and then PBS extruded nanocomposite derivatives are evaluated against UV exposure. Using a combination of the PBS nanocomposite structures and the UV and rheological properties relationship, the effect of radiation time on the macromolecular changes undergone by the polymer chains, i.e. chain scissions and cross-linking, as well as on the UV-barrier evolution, is also scrutinized by means of transmission and emission spectroscopies. The combination of organically modified hydrotalcites with PBS could be used as an innovative route for sustainable development of UV protected materials and reduce the environmental impact of UV absorbing chemicals

    Electroless patterned assembly of metal nanoparticles on hydrogen-terminated silicon surfaces for applications in photoelectrocatalysis.

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    International audienceThe deposition of gold and platinum nanoparticles (NPs) on hydrogen-terminated Si(100) (Si(100)-H) surfaces has been performed by galvanic displacement using fluoride-free sub-millimolar metallic salt solutions. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed the formation of oblate hemispherical NPs, with an average diameter of ca. 40 nm and an average height of 20 ± 10 and 10 ± 5 nm for Au and Pt, respectively. Furthermore, the calculated number density was (6.0 ± 0.8) × 10(9) Au NPs cm(-2) and (6.6 ± 1.3) × 10(9) Pt NPs cm(-2) with a larger size distribution measured for Au NPs. The Au 4f and Pt 4f X-ray photoelectron spectra of the metallized surfaces were characterized by a principal component corresponding to either the metallic gold or platinum. However, two other components located at higher binding energies were also visible and ascribed to gold or platinum silicides. Using this fluoride-free deposition process and a "reagentless" UV photolithography technique, we have also demonstrated that it was possible to prepare metallic NP micropatterns. Following this approach, single metal (Au) and two metals (Au and Pt) patterns have been produced and characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) which revealed the presence of the expected metal(s). Such metallic NP micropatterned surfaces were used as photocathodes for H(2) evolution from water as a proof-of-concept experiment. These electrodes exhibited much higher electrocatalytic performance than that of nonmetallized Si(100)-H, both in the absence of light and under illumination. The overpotential for hydrogen evolution was significantly decreased by ca. 450 mV with respect to Si(100)-H (measured for a current density of 0.1 mA cm(-2)) under identical illumination conditions

    Lignosulfonate interleaved layered double hydroxide: a novel green organoclay for bio-related polymer.

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    International audienceNew organic inorganic layered double hydroxide (LDH) organoclays are assembled through coprecipitation with lignosulfonate (LS) interleaved inorganic host structure sheets. The biopolymer is found to accommodate the interlayer space adopting a bilayer molecular arrangement resulting in a basal spacing of 2.54 nm. However the crystallinity of the resulting bio-organoclay is weak, probably due to the difficulty of the inorganic sheets to be built on amorphous polymer chain, the latter inducing low structural ordering. An organoclay of composition Zn2Al/LS is subsequently used as filler in three bio-related polyesters, poly(lactic) acid (PLA), poly(butylene) succinate (PBS) and poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT). Melt polymer extrusion using 5 wt.% organoclay loading yields polyester nanocomposite with a nanocomposite structure largely intercalated for both PLA and PBS (Δd (expansion) > 6 nm) while a non miscible structure is obtained for PBAT. The incorporation of hydrophilic Zn2Al/LS platelets decreases the water/polymer contact angle of about 10° for the LDH/LS PBAT composite only. A strong increase of the complex viscosity |η*| is observed for both nanocomposites Zn2Al/LS PLA and PBS compared to the polyester itself. This is explained on the basis of a chain extender behavior of the intercalated Zn2Al/LS platelets towards polymer chains as evidenced on the Cole Cole representation showing an increase of the real viscosity in the low-ω region. In opposition a strong decrease in |η*| is observed for PBAT, underlining a plasticizing effect of the organoclay filler. Comparatively, the thermal stability of PLA is slightly enhanced with an increase of T0.5 value while PBS and PBAT bio-nanocomposites degrade at slightly lower temperature

    Selkokielinen ohjemateriaali suun terveydenhoidon tueksi : suunnattu käytettäväksi StuDentalin maahanmuuttaja-asiakkaiden kanssa

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    Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö syntyi tarpeesta luoda selkokielinen ohjemateriaali maahanmuuttajataustaisille asiakkaille Turun ammattikorkeakoulun suuhygienistiopiskelijoiden käyttöön. Materiaalin tarkoituksena on tukea vastaanottokäyntiä sekä motivoida maahanmuuttajataustaisia-asiakkaita hyvään suun terveyden omahoitoon myös kotona. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä keskitytään aiheisiin maahanmuuttaja, selkokieli ja suun terveys. Suun terveyden kannalta otetaan huomioon ravinto, hampaiden harjaus, imemistottumukset, iensairaudet, hampaiden reikiintyminen ja tupakkatuotteiden käyttö. Suun terveyttä koskevat aiheet rajautuivat pohjautuen Turun kaupungin suuhygienistin haastatteluihin, sekä maahanmuuttajien suun terveyttä käsittelevään teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Toteutus lähti käyntiin selvittämällä selkokielen tyypillisimmät piirteet, sekä maahanmuuttajien suun terveydessä esiintyvät puutteet. Opinnäytetyön sisällön rajaamiseksi päädyttiin haastattelemaan suuhygienistejä, jolloin haastattelun aineiston tarkka analyysi ei ollut tarpeellista. Haastatteluissa ja tutkimuksissa esiintyivät samat epäkohdat maahanmuuttajien suun terveydessä, joten haastatteluita pidettiin luotettavana. Tiedonhaku toteutettiin käyttämällä sähköistä tiedonhakua sekä ammattikirjallista materiaalia. Tutkittua tietoa aiheesta löytyi runsaasti. Lisäksi käytettiin kansainvälisesti tutkittua tietoa, joka tuki aiempaa tietopohjaa. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena opinnäytetyönä. Tuotoksena syntyi selkokielinen ohjemateriaali maahanmuuttajille. Maahanmuuttajataustaiset henkilöt antoivat arvion ohjemateriaalista, jonka perusteella tehtiin tarvittavat muokkaukset lopulliseen tuotokseen. Tuotoksen arvio toteutettiin eri ikäisten keskuudessa kymmenelle aikuiselle ja kuudelle lapselle. Palaute oli positiivista ja ohjemateriaali koettiin selkeäksi ja helposti ymmärrettäväksi. Myös ohjemateriaalin visuaalisuudesta pidettiin. Ohjemateriaali on hyödyllinen vuorovaikutuksen tukemisessa. Selkokielinen ohjekirja tulee helpottamaan suuhygienistin ja maahanmuuttaja- asiakkaan välistä kommunikaatiota ja tukemaan omahoidon ohjausta niin vastaanotolla, kuin kotonakin.The purpose of this functional thesis was to create a clinical instruction material for immigrants in plain language. The instruction material is aimed to be used for dental hygienist students in the Turku University of Applied Sciences. The main purpose of the instructional material is to ease the communication with the immigrant patient into better oral health, both at the clinic and home environment. Theoretical framework focuses on topics such as immigrant, plain language and oral health. The oral health topics that are considered are nutrition, teeth brushing, sucking habits, gum diseases, tooth decay and the use of tobacco products. The topics concerning oral health were chosen based on interviewing dental hygienists working in the city of Turku and theoretical framework about immigrants oral health. Realization started by researching the common characters of plain language and the lack of oral health among immigrants. The interview was done for dental hygienists in order to frame the topics of this thesis, therefore it was not unintentional to transcribe the interviews. The same problems amongst immigrants' oral health were found in the interview and in the researches, therefore the interview was found relevant. Information retrieval was performed by using electronic sources and professional literature. Researched material was found largely. Additionally, it was found that internationally researched information concluded previous content used in the thesis. The thesis was put into practice as a functional thesis. The output was clinical instruction material in plain language for immigrants. Immigrant based people reviewed the instruction material and gave their anonymous feedback in order for us to finalize the output. The review was accomplished to group of ten adults and six children. The feedback was positive, and the instructional material was found clear, easy to understand and the visuality was liked. The instructional material was found useful in supporting interaction amongst patients. The instructional material in plain language will help communication and oral health care promotion between dental hygienist and immigrant-based patients at the clinic as well as at home

    Crossover in structure and dynamics of a primary alcohol induced by hydrogen-bonds dilution

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    International audiencePrimary alcohols show a prominent Debye process in the dielectric relaxation located at a timescale longer than the main structural relaxation. Böhmer and co-workers studied dilution effects of the hydrogen bonding network of n-butanol (BuOH) with n-bromobutane (BuBr) to better understand the origin of this process. Interestingly, this work has evidenced a crossover in Debye relaxation time (τ D ) for a critical concentration in BuBr x c = 0.5. By using molecular dynamics simulations and NMR experiments we propose here to explore further dilution effects on the dipolar and translational dynamics. Moreover, we discuss the relation between structural and dynamical properties in the context of a detailed study of the microstructure and the H-bond network. The overall results are consistent with the existence of a topological change in the liquid structure occurring at about x c = 0.5 from a hypernetted percolating network to independent nanodomains of n-butanol molecules embedded in the n-bromobutane phase

    Chain extender effect of 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid/layered double hydroxide in PBS bionanocomposites

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    International audience3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (HPPA), a biobased hydroxy acid, has been used as organic modifier in layered double hydroxides (LDHs) based on ZnAl and MgAl cations. PBS bionanocomposites have been prepared via in situ polymerization (with both types of clays) and melt blending (just with ZnAl-HPPA) obtaining completely green materials, potentially fully biodegradable. The filler loading is included within the range 1–10 wt%. The materials have been studied in terms of morphological, thermal and viscoelastic properties, resulting to have high thermal stability and huge mechanical reinforcement thanks to an excellent filler/polymer interfacial interaction highlighted by rheology experiments. HPPA, hosted by LDH, has a great chain extender effect toward the matrix. In particular, the melt blended samples, even if WAXD analysis evidence the formation of intercalated structures, show a tunable chain extender effect proportional to the composition and no gel-like structure has been produced. Moreover, LDHs, besides being bio and food compatibles, decrease the gas and solvents permeability of matrix and are potentially antibacterial and antioxidant; therefore such hybrid system is multifunctional and could be exploited in a wide range of applications

    X-ray diffraction and rheology cross-study of polymer chain penetrating surfactant tethered layered double hydroxide resulting into intermixed structure with polypropylene, poly(butylene)succinate and poly(dimethyl)siloxane

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    A series of layered double hydroxides interleaved with surfactant using saturated alkyl chain carboxylate anions CH3(CH2)mCOOH, even number m between 6 (C8) and 16 (C18), obtained by coprecipitation method was dispersed by melt polymer extrusion into polypropylene (PP), poly(butylene)succinate (PBS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The hybrid LDHmaterials were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform IR spectroscopy resulting in the presence of contracted basal spacing over the entire variation of m. Dispersion into polymer was found to yield intermixed polymer structures regardless of either the polymer or of the alkyl chain length. PP polymer chain was able to diffuse into the interlayer space, long alkyl chains (m 65 14) were found to reinforce while shorter chains (m 64 12) induced a plasticizing effect. For PBS and PDMS, a chainextender- type behavior was observed. The relative change in viscosity within the frequency sweep stress linear response was visualized by the Cole- Cole representation. The molecular weight change relative to polymer free of filler and obtained from the power-law of the zero-shear viscosity \u3b7\u20320 was found to be linearly dependent of the basal spacing increase in the three cases. Such cross-study using XRD and melt polymer rheology was able to unravel the attritive or plastizicing role of the organoclay as function of the basal spacing expansion in the intermixed polymer structure, and to respond whether LDH interleaved platelets were of interest for polar and non-polar polymer and finally to predictively monitor the interfacial attrition by the alkyl chain length of the surfactant molecule tethered to the LDH platelets