535 research outputs found

    Four-dimensional BPS-spectra via M-theory

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    We consider the realization of four-dimensional theories with N = 2 supersymmetry as M-theory configurations including a five-brane. Our emphasis is on the spectrum of massive states, that are realized as two-branes ending on the five-brane. We start with a determination of the supersymmetries that are left unbroken by the background metric and five-brane. We then show how the central charge of the N = 2 algebra arises from the central charge associated with the M-theory two-brane. This determines the condition for a two-brane configuration to be BPS-saturated in the four-dimensional sense. By imposing certain conditions on the moduli, we can give concrete examples of such two-branes. This leads us to conjecture that vectormultiplet and hypermultiplet BPS-saturated states correspond to two-branes with the topology of a cylinder and a disc respectively. We also discuss the phenomenon of marginal stability of BPS-saturated states.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, uses harvmac. References adde

    BPS partition functions in N = 4 Yang-Mills theory on T^4

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    We consider N = 4 Yang-Mills theory on a flat four-torus with the R-symmetry current coupled to a flat background connection. The partition function depends on the coupling constant of the theory, but when it is expanded in a power series in the R-symmetry connection around the loci at which one of the supersymmetries is unbroken, the constant and linear terms are in fact independent of the coupling constant and can be computed at weak coupling for all non-trivial 't Hooft fluxes. The case of a trivial 't Hooft flux is difficult because of infrared problems, but the corresponding terms in the partition function are uniquely determined by S-duality.Comment: 23 pages, v2 Minor correction

    A class of six-dimensional conformal field theories

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    We describe a class of six-dimensional conformal field theories that have some properties in common with and possibly are related to a subsector of the tensionless string theories. The latter theories can for example give rise to four-dimensional N=4N = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theories upon compactification on a two-torus. Just like the tensionless string theories, our theories have an ADEADE-classification, but no other discrete or continuous parameters. The Hilbert space carries an irreducible representation of the same Heisenberg group that appears in the tensionless string theories, and the `Wilson surface' observables obey the same superselection rules. When compactified on a two-torus, they have the same behaviour under SS-duality as super Yang-Mills theory. Our theories are natural generalizations of the two-form with self-dual field strength that is part of the world-volume theory of a single five-brane in MM-theory, and the AN1A_{N - 1} theory can in fact be seen as arising from NN non-interacting chiral two-forms by factoring out the collective `center of mass' degrees of freedom.Comment: 8 pages. More pedagogical presentation, added section on relationship to d = 4 Yang-Mills theor

    Duality and the Legendre Transform

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    We define a weak-strong coupling transformation based on the Legendre transformation of the effective action. In the case of N\es 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, this coincides with the duality transform on the low energy effective action considered by Seiberg and Witten. This Legendre transform interpretation of duality generalizes directly to the full effective action, and in principle to other theories.Comment: 6 pages, LaTe

    Conformal Anomaly Of Submanifold Observables In AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We analyze the conformal invariance of submanifold observables associated with kk-branes in the AdS/CFT correspondence. For odd kk, the resulting observables are conformally invariant, and for even kk, they transform with a conformal anomaly that is given by a local expression which we analyze in detail for k=2k=2Comment: 11 p

    The volume of causal diamonds, asymptotically de Sitter space-times and irreversibility

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    In this note we prove that the volume of a causal diamond associated with an inertial observer in asymptotically de Sitter 4-dimensional space-time is monotonically increasing function of cosmological time. The asymptotic value of the volume is that of in maximally symmetric de Sitter space-time. The monotonic property of the volume is checked in two cases: in vacuum and in the presence of a massless scalar field. In vacuum, the volume flow (with respect to cosmological time) asymptotically vanishes if and only if future space-like infinity is 3-manifold of constant curvature. The volume flow thus represents irreversibility of asymptotic evolution in spacetimes with positive cosmological constant.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; v.2: conjecture 1 on p. 11 made more precise; version published in jhe

    Diffeomorphisms and Holographic Anomalies

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    Using the relation between diffeomorphisms in the bulk and Weyl transformations on the boundary we study the Weyl transformation properties of the bulk metric on shell and of the boundary action. We obtain a universal formula for one of the classes of trace anomalies in any even dimension in terms of the parameters of the gravity action.Comment: 12 pages, harvma

    Energy and Momentum Distributions of a (2+1)-dimensional black hole background

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    Using Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Papapetrou and Weinberg energy-momentum complexes we explicitly evaluate the energy and momentum distributions associated with a non-static and circularly symmetric three-dimensional spacetime. The gravitational background under study is an exact solution of the Einstein's equations in the presence of a cosmological constant and a null fluid. It can be regarded as the three-dimensional analogue of the Vaidya metric and represents a non-static spinless (2+1)-dimensional black hole with an outflux of null radiation. All four above-mentioned prescriptions give exactly the same energy and momentum distributions for the specific black hole background. Therefore, the results obtained here provide evidence in support of the claim that for a given gravitational background, different energy-momentum complexes can give identical results in three dimensions. Furthermore, in the limit of zero cosmological constant the results presented here reproduce the results obtained by Virbhadra who utilized the Landau-Lifshitz energy-momentum complex for the same (2+1)-dimensional black hole background in the absence of a cosmological constant.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, v3: references added, to appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    A note on a gauge-gravity relation and functional determinants

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    We present a refinement of a recently found gauge-gravity relation between one-loop effective actions: on the gauge side, for a massive charged scalar in 2d dimensions in a constant maximally symmetric electromagnetic field; on the gravity side, for a massive spinor in d-dimensional (Euclidean) anti-de Sitter space. The inclusion of the dimensionally regularized volume of AdS leads to complete mapping within dimensional regularization. In even-dimensional AdS, we get a small correction to the original proposal; whereas in odd-dimensional AdS, the mapping is totally new and subtle, with the `holographic trace anomaly' playing a crucial role.Comment: 6 pages, io

    Conformal Field Theory Correlators from Classical Field Theory on Anti-de Sitter Space II. Vector and Spinor Fields

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    We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to calculate CFT correlation functions of vector and spinor fields. The connection between the AdS and boundary fields is properly treated via a Dirichlet boundary value problem.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2e with amsmath,amsfonts packages; v2:interactions section corrected, reference adde