714 research outputs found

    The use of narrative therapy in paediatric settings

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    Young people accessing paediatric settings are at increased risk of psychological distress, and vulnerable to dominant “problem-saturated” narratives of illness taking centre stage in their lives. Given the potential power of stories over our sense of self, this review seeks to explore the use of narrative methodologies, and specifically narrative therapy within paediatric settings. Method: A systematic search of electronic databases was carried out to identify papers outlining the use of narrative methodologies within paediatric settings. Result: Twenty studies were identified which outlined narrative methodologies within paediatric settings. A focus on narrative therapy identified 10 papers in line with narrative therapy principles; six papers either reported purely qualitative findings or a mix of quantitative and qualitative findings, two reported case-studies, and two were purely descriptive accounts. The review suggests an early stage of development for narrative therapy within paediatrics and although papers suggest promise for narrative therapy within paediatrics, they are far from providing an evidence base for use. Research Implications: Several key areas are highlighted for further consideration to support development of an evidence base including consistency across: definitions, applications, intended outcomes, and measurement. A balance which allows ‘evidence’ progression within a framework congruent with narrative therapy is key

    Religion, politics, and the environment in rural America

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    Reflecting the heterogeneous nature of rural America, rural Americans are divided primarily along religious lines on their perspectives of environmental conservation and climate change. And as rural voters and environmental issues become key issues in the upcoming presidential election, this religious divide presents a challenge to political candidates

    Turmoil in the student loan market

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    Recent credit market problems and federal legislation lowering lender revenues have diminished the availability of some types of student loans. Nevertheless, new sources of funding have become available, changing the structure of the market while helping to meet the demand for student loansStudent loans ; Credit

    The Influence of the Gas-Content of Sea-Water on Fish and Fish-Larvae

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    Senior Recital: Katherine Henly, soprano

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    The U.S. establishment-size distribution: secular changes and sectoral decomposition

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    This article studies the U.S. establishment-size distribution from 1974–2006. The main findings are: (i) the size of the “representative” establishment is relatively constant; (ii) the size distribution has become slightly more evenly distributed; (iii) the relative stability of aggregate statistics obscures important movements in the manufacturing and service sectors; (iv) both intra- and intersector changes contribute to aggregate changes; and (v) changes in the size distribution of firms are similar to those of establishments. These findings will be useful to calibrate and test models with firms/establishments heterogeneity.Labor market

    Junior Recital: Katherine Henly, soprano

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    The Influence of the Gas-Content of Sea-Water on Fish and Fish-Larvae

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    Special Scientific Meeting on "the Effect of Hydrographical Conditions on Fish and Fisheries


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik pelaku kejahatan pembalakan liar yang mengalihkan harta kekayaan hasil kejahatan dengan praktek pencucian uang dan bagaimana penegakan hukum pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana kehutanan dalam upaya menanggulangi pencucian uang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Pelaku kejahatan pencucian uang atas harta kekayaan yang diperoleh dari hasil pembalakan liar sering menggunakan financial system untuk mengaburkan harta hasil kekayaan yang semula harta tersebut diperoleh dari hasil kejahatan, oleh karena itu pelaku kejahatan itu memiliki kemampuan dan network yang canggih dalam menjalankan aksi kejahatan melalui institusi keuangan. 2. Dalam rangka penegakan hukum terhadap pelaku tindak pidana kehutanan dalam upaya menanggulangi pencucian uang: a. Penanganan kasus illegal logging diperlukan penegakan hukum terpadu di antara aparat penegak hukum. b. Penanganan harus melibatkan kementerian terkait di antaranya Menteri Kehutanan, Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup, Kejaksaan Agung, Polri, PPATK, KPK, dll. c. Untuk memaksimalkan penegak hukum terhadap kasus-kasus illegal logging maka sudah waktunya Undang-Undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan perlu direvisi karena tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan kejahatan yang melibatkan transnasional.Kata kunci: Modus Operandi, Pengrusakan Hutan, Tindak Pidana, Pencucian Uan