105 research outputs found

    Scaling of the linear response in simple ageing systems without disorder

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    The time-dependent scaling of the thermoremanent and zero-field-cooled susceptiblities in ferromagnetic spin systems undergoing ageing after a quench to a temperature at or below criticality is studied. A recent debate on their interpretation is resolved by showing that for systems with a short-ranged equilibrium spin-spin correlator and above their roughening temperature, the field-cooled susceptibility χFC(t)−χ0∌t−A\chi_{\rm FC}(t)-\chi_0\sim t^{-A} where χ0\chi_0 is related to the equilibrium magnetization and the exponent A is related to the time-dependent scaling of the interface width between ordered domains. The same effect also dominates the scaling of the zero-field-cooled susceptibility χZFC(t,s)\chi_{\rm ZFC}(t,s), but does not enter into the thermoremanent susceptibility ρTRM(t,s)\rho_{\rm TRM}(t,s). However, there may be large finite-time corrections to the scaling of ρTRM(t,s)\rho_{\rm TRM}(t,s) which are explicitly derived and may be needed in order to extract reliable ageing exponents. Consistency with the predictions of local scale invariance is confirmed in the Glauber-Ising and spherical models.Comment: Latex2e, 14 pages, with 6 figure

    An umbilical nodule with cyclical changes

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    Ein Gegenstand der Wohnkultur im Wandel, eine volkskundlich-archÀologische Studie auf der Basis der Hildesheimer Quellen

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    Der Kachelofen stellt eine Novation von besonderer Bedeutung dar, die als eine der wesentlichen Grundlagen fĂŒr die europĂ€ische Wohnkultur heutiger PrĂ€gung betrachtet werden kann. Erst mit Hilfe der Ofenheizung wurde ein Leben in rauchfrei heizbaren RĂ€umen fĂŒr breite Bevölkerungsschichten möglich. Die Entwicklung dieser hĂ€uslichen Heizungstechnologie ĂŒber einen Zeitraum vom 13. - 18. Jahrhundert anhand archĂ€ologischer, bildlicher, historischer und bauhistorischer Quellen nachzuvollziehen, ist Zielsetzung der Studie ..

    DMRG studies of the effect of constraint release on the viscosity of polymer melts

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    The scaling of the viscosity of polymer melts is investigated with regard to the molecular weight. We present a generalization of the Rubinstein-Duke model, which takes constraint releases into account and calculate the effects on the viscosity by the use of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm. Using input from Rouse theory the rates for the constraint release are determined in a self consistent way. We conclude that shape fluctuations of the tube caused by constraint release are not a likely candidate for improving Doi's crossover theory for the scaling of the polymer viscosity.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Dilemmas of Sustainability: On Relevance and Critical Reflection in Sustainability Research; A Guide

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    The concept of sustainability is increasingly losing its contours. This study reflects on the understanding of sustainability used in research and science. Its authors thus enable us to concisely determine not only concrete contributions to sustainability, but also its limits. Based on an analytical understanding of sustainability and the basic structure of practical dilemmas, the book identifies typical conflicts as causes of dilemmas. Meta-criteria of sustainability allow us to identify dilemmas and to clarify and deal with them practically at an early stage. Finally, the study applies these meta-criteria in concrete project contexts by means of guiding questions for reflection.Der Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit verliert zunehmend an Kontur. Vor diesem Hintergrund gibt dieser Leitfaden die Möglichkeit, das jeweils verwendete VerstĂ€ndnis von Nachhaltigkeit in Forschung und Wissenschaft zu reflektieren und damit den konkreten Beitrag zu Nachhaltigkeit, aber auch die verbundenen Grenzen konkret festzustellen. Ausgehend von einem analytischen NachhaltigkeitsverstĂ€ndnis und der KlĂ€rung der Grundstruktur praktischer Dilemmata benennt der Leitfaden typische Konflikte als Ursache von Dilemmata. Meta-Kriterien der Nachhaltigkeit erlauben, Dilemmata-FrĂŒherkennung, -AufklĂ€rung und -Bearbeitung zu unterstĂŒtzen. Diese werden abschließend mittels Reflexionsleitfaden fĂŒr die Anwendung in konkreten Projektkontexten operationalisiert

    Validation of pressure drop prediction and bed generation of fixed‐beds with complex particle shapes using discrete element method and computational fluid dynamics

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    Catalytic fixed‐bed reactors with a low tube‐to‐particle diameter ratio are widely used in industrial applications. The heterogeneous packing morphology in this reactor type causes local flow phenomena that significantly affect the reactor performance. Particle‐resolved computational fluid dynamics has become a predictive numerical method to analyze the flow, temperature, and species field, as well as local reaction rates spatially and may, therefore, be used as a design tool to develop new improved catalyst shapes. Most validation studies which have been presented in the past were limited to simple particle shapes. More complex catalyst shapes are supposed to increase the reactor performance. A workflow for the simulation of fixed‐bed reactors filled with various industrially relevant complex particle shapes is presented and validated against experimental data in terms of bed voidage and pressure drop. Industrially relevant loading strategies are numerically replicated and their impact on particle orientation and bed voidage is investigated.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202
