25 research outputs found

    On local convergence of stochastic global optimization algorithms

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    In engineering optimization with continuous variables, the use of Stochastic Global Optimization (SGO) algorithms is popular due to the easy availability of codes. All algorithms have a global and local search character, where the global behaviour tries to avoid getting trapped in local optima and the local behaviour intends to reach the lowest objective function values. As the algorithm parameter set includes a final convergence criterion, the algorithm might be running for a while around a reached minimum point. Our question deals with the local search behaviour after the algorithm reached the final stage. How fast do practical SGO algorithms actually converge to the minimum point? To investigate this question, we run implementations of well known SGO algorithms in a final local phase stage.- This paper has been supported by The Spanish Ministry (RTI2018-095993-B-I00) in part financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by FCT Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance

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    We present a discrete optimisation model that chooses an optimal fleet of vessels to support maintenance operations at Offshore Wind Farms (OFWs). The model is presented as a bi-level problem. On the first (tactical) level, decisions are made on the fleet composition for a certain time horizon. On the second (operational) level, the fleet is used to optimise the schedule of operations needed at the OWF, given events of failures and weather conditions

    On parallel Branch and Bound frameworks for Global Optimization

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    Branch and Bound (B&B) algorithms are known to exhibit an irregularity of the search tree. Therefore, developing a parallel approach for this kind of algorithms is a challenge. The efficiency of a B&B algorithm depends on the chosen Branching, Bounding, Selection, Rejection, and Termination rules. The question we investigate is how the chosen platform consisting of programming language, used libraries, or skeletons influences programming effort and algorithm performance. Selection rule and data management structures are usually hidden to programmers for frameworks with a high level of abstraction, as well as the load balancing strategy, when the algorithm is run in parallel. We investigate the question by implementing a multidimensional Global Optimization B&B algorithm with the help of three frameworks with a different level of abstraction (from more to less): Bobpp, Threading Building Blocks (TBB), and a customized Pthread implementation. The following has been found. The Bobpp implementation is easy to code, but exhibits the poorest scalability. On the contrast, the TBB and Pthread implementations scale almost linearly on the used platform. The TBB approach shows a slightly better productivity

    Introduction to Nonlinear and Global Optimization

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