1,088 research outputs found


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    1. INLEIDEND In 453 n.C. is die reg van die Nubiers om die godin Isis te Pbitae vrylik te aanbid deur Maximinus, die Romeinse generaal in Egipte, erken. Die Bisantynse keiser, Justinianus, bet di~ tempel egter in ca. 540 laat sluit, en die beidense beelde is toe na Konstantinopel oorgebring (Adams 1977:440). Die Nobatae (Nobadae), 'n volkstam wat bom in die noorde van Nubie (die buidige Soedan) gevestig bet, is blykbaar in ca. 543 deur die monofisitiese sendeling, Julianus, tot die Cbristendom bekeer (Adams 1977:443; Hendrich 1984:77), maar die eerste spore van Cbristelike sendingwerk was minstens een eeu vroeer reeds sigbaar (Letsios 1988:210). Sitko, een van die belangrikste stamboofde, wat bomself as "Kleinkoning" betitel bet,. pas in bierdie raamwerk in, maar die datering van sy bewind is kontroversieel: by word tussen die middel van die vyfde en di~ van die sesde eeu geplaas, betsy as beiden, betsy as Christen, sonder dat dit tot nou toe moontlik was om afdoende bewyse vir 'n finale datering te lewer

    The Two-stage Constrained Equal Awards and Losses Rules for Multi-Issue Allocation Situation

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    This paper considers two-stage solutions for multi-issue allocation situations.Characterisations are provided for the two-stage constrained equal awards and constrained equal losses rules, based on the properties of composition and path independence.multi-issue allocation situations;constrained equal awards;constrained equal losses;two-stage solutions

    Relative derived functors

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    AbstractThe Gabriel-Popescu Theorem states essentially that every Grothendieck category is (up to equivalence) of the form (R,σ)-mod, i.e., the quotient category of some left module category R-mod, by some Serre subcategory Tσ associated to an idempotent kernel functor σ. It follows that every Grothendieck category is a Giraud suncategory of a left module category.In this paper, we study the relationship between derived functors in a Grothendieck category C and a Giraud subcategory D. With C=R-mod, the foregoing thus yields methods to study derived functors in arbitrary Grothendieck categories from knowledge about derived functors in R-mod

    Trajectory Convergence From Coordinate-Wise Decrease of Quadratic Energy Functions, and Applications to Platoons

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    We consider trajectories where the sign of the derivative of each entry is opposite to that of the corresponding entry in the gradient of an energy function. We show that this condition guarantees convergence when the energy function is quadratic and positive definite and partly extend that result to some classes of positive semi-definite quadratic functions including those defined using a graph Laplacian. We show how this condition allows establishing the convergence of a platoon application in which it naturally appears, due to deadzones in the control laws designed to avoid instabilities caused by inconsistent measurements of the same distance by different agents


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    Na die dood van Kleopatra in 30 v.C. word Egipte 'n Romeinse provinsie met C. Cornelius Gallus as eerste praefectus. Dieselfde jaar nog moet hierdie goewerneur 'n opstand in Bo-Egipte (die Theba'is) onderdruk, en vroeg in 29 v.C. het hy aandag aan die suidelike grens van Egipte geskenk. In April van daardie jaar het hy dan ook 'n drietalige inskripsie (Grieks, Latyn, hierogliewe)t op 'n stele voor die tempel van Augustus te Philae aangebring. In die teks verwys Gallus na die onderdrukking van die opstand in die Theba'is, na 'n vredesverdrag met die Meroiete ("Ethiopiers" in die teks) en na die vestiging van die Romeinse gesag oor die sogenaamde Triakontaschoenos

    The Two-stage Constrained Equal Awards and Losses Rules for Multi-Issue Allocation Situation

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    This paper considers two-stage solutions for multi-issue allocation situations.Characterisations are provided for the two-stage constrained equal awards and constrained equal losses rules, based on the properties of composition and path independence.

    Advancing the remote sensing of precipitation

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    Satellite-based global precipitation data has addressed the limitations of rain gauges and weather radar systems in forecasting applications and for weather and climate studies. Inspite of this ability, a number of issues that require the development of advanced concepts to address key challenges in satellite-based observations of precipitation were identified during the Advanced Concepts Workshop on Remote Sensing of Precipitation at Multiple Scales at the University of California. These include quantification of uncertainties of individual sensors and their propagation into multisensor products warrants a great deal of research. The development of metrics for validation and uncertainty analysis are of great importance. Bias removal, particularly probability distribution function (PDF)-based adjustment, deserves more in-depth research. Development of a near-real-time probabilistic uncertainty model for satellitebased precipitation estimates is highly desirable
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