40 research outputs found

    Inferring Functional Brain States Using Temporal Evolution of Regularized Classifiers

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    We present a framework for inferring functional brain state from electrophysiological (MEG or EEG) brain signals. Our approach is adapted to the needs of functional brain imaging rather than EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI). This choice leads to a different set of requirements, in particular to the demand for more robust inference methods and more sophisticated model validation techniques. We approach the problem from a machine learning perspective, by constructing a classifier from a set of labeled signal examples. We propose a framework that focuses on temporal evolution of regularized classifiers, with cross-validation for optimal regularization parameter at each time frame. We demonstrate the inference obtained by this method on MEG data recorded from 10 subjects in a simple visual classification experiment, and provide comparison to the classical nonregularized approach

    An ALMA Survey of CO isotopologue emission from Protoplanetary Disks in Chamaeleon I

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    The mass of a protoplanetary disk limits the formation and future growth of any planet. Masses of protoplanetary disks are usually calculated from measurements of the dust continuum emission by assuming an interstellar gas-to-dust ratio. To investigate the utility of CO as an alternate probe of disk mass, we use ALMA to survey 13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O J = 323-2 line emission from a sample of 93 protoplanetary disks around stars and brown dwarfs with masses from 0.03 -- 2 M_{\odot} in the nearby Chamaeleon I star-forming region. We detect 13^{13}CO emission from 17 sources and C18^{18}O from only one source. Gas masses for disks are then estimated by comparing the CO line luminosities to results from published disk models that include CO freeze-out and isotope-selective photodissociation. Under the assumption of a typical ISM CO-to-H2_2 ratios of 10410^{-4}, the resulting gas masses are implausibly low, with an average gas mass of \sim 0.05 MJup_{Jup} as inferred from the average flux of stacked 13^{13}CO lines. The low gas masses and gas-to-dust ratios for Cha I disks are both consistent with similar results from disks in the Lupus star-forming region. The faint CO line emission may instead be explained if disks have much higher gas masses, but freeze-out of CO or complex C-bearing molecules is underestimated in disk models. The conversion of CO flux to CO gas mass also suffers from uncertainties in disk structures, which could affect gas temperatures. CO emission lines will only be a good tracer of the disk mass when models for C and CO depletion are confirmed to be accurate.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Enhanced functional synchronization of medial and lateral PFC underlies internally-guided action planning

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    Actions are often internally guided, reflecting our covert will and intentions. The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, including the pre-Supplementary Motor Area (pre-SMA), has been implicated in the internally generated aspects of action planning, such as choice and intention. Yet, the mechanism by which this area interacts with other cognitive brain regions such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a central node in decision-making, is still unclear. To shed light on this mechanism, brain activity was measured via fMRI and intracranial EEG in two studies during the performance of visually cued repeated finger tapping in which the choice of finger was guided by either a presented number (external) or self-choice (internal). A functional-MRI (fMRI) study in 15 healthy participants demonstrated that the pre-SMA, compared to the SMA proper, was more active and also more functionally correlated with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during internally compared to externally guided action planning (p < 0.05, random effect). In a similar manner, an intracranial-EEG study in five epilepsy patients showed greater inter-regional gamma-related connectivity between electrodes situated in medial and lateral aspects of the prefrontal cortex for internally compared to externally guided actions. Although this finding was observed for groups of electrodes situated both in the pre-SMA and SMA-proper, increased intra-cluster gamma-related connectivity was only observed for the pre-SMA (sign-test, p < 0.0001). Overall our findings provide multi-scale indications for the involvement of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, and especially the pre-SMA, in generating internally guided motor planning. Our intracranial-EEG results further point to enhanced functional connectivity between decision-making- and motor planning aspects of the PFC, as a possible neural mechanism for internally generated action planning

    Dual-Wavelength ALMA Observations of Dust Rings in Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations for three protoplanetary disks in Taurus at 2.9\,mm and comparisons with previous 1.3\,mm data both at an angular resolution of 0.1\sim0.''1 (15\,au for the distance of Taurus). In the single-ring disk DS Tau, double-ring disk GO Tau, and multiple-ring disk DL Tau, the same rings are detected at both wavelengths, with radial locations spanning from 50 to 120\,au. To quantify the dust emission morphology, the observed visibilities are modeled with a parametric prescription for the radial intensity profile. The disk outer radii, taken as 95\% of the total flux encircled in the model intensity profiles, are consistent at both wavelengths for the three disks. Dust evolution models show that dust trapping in local pressure maxima in the outer disk could explain the observed patterns. Dust rings are mostly unresolved. The marginally resolved ring in DS Tau shows a tentatively narrower ring at the longer wavelength, an observational feature expected from efficient dust trapping. The spectral index (αmm\alpha_{\rm mm}) increases outward and exhibits local minima that correspond to the peaks of dust rings, indicative of the changes in grain properties across the disks. The low optical depths (τ\tau\sim0.1--0.2 at 2.9\,mm and 0.2--0.4 at 1.3\,mm) in the dust rings suggest that grains in the rings may have grown to millimeter sizes. The ubiquitous dust rings in protoplanetary disks modify the overall dynamics and evolution of dust grains, likely paving the way towards the new generation of planet formation.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Hints for icy pebble migration feeding an oxygen-rich chemistry in the inner planet-forming region of disks

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    We present a synergic study of protoplanetary disks to investigate links between inner disk gas molecules and the large-scale migration of solid pebbles. The sample includes 63 disks where two types of measurements are available: i) spatially-resolved disk images revealing the radial distribution of disk pebbles (mm-cm dust grains), from millimeter observations with ALMA or the SMA, and ii) infrared molecular emission spectra as observed with Spitzer. The line flux ratios of H2O with HCN, C2H2, and CO2 all anti-correlate with the dust disk radius Rdust_{dust}, expanding previous results found by Najita et al. (2013) for HCN/H2O and the dust disk mass. By normalization with the dependence on accretion luminosity common to all molecules, only the H2O luminosity maintains a detectable anti-correlation with disk radius, suggesting that the strongest underlying relation is between H2O and Rdust_{dust}. If Rdust_{dust} is set by large-scale pebble drift, and if molecular luminosities trace the elemental budgets of inner disk warm gas, these results can be naturally explained with scenarios where the inner disk chemistry is fed by sublimation of oxygen-rich icy pebbles migrating inward from the outer disk. Anti-correlations are also detected between all molecular luminosities and the infrared index n1330_{13-30}, which is sensitive to the presence and size of an inner disk dust cavity. Overall, these relations suggest a physical interconnection between dust and gas evolution both locally and across disk scales. We discuss fundamental predictions to test this interpretation and study the interplay between pebble drift, inner disk depletion, and the chemistry of planet-forming material.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    Gaps and Rings in an ALMA Survey of Disks in the Taurus Star-forming Region

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    Rings are the most frequently revealed substructure in ALMA dust observations of protoplanetary disks, but their origin is still hotly debated. In this paper, we identify dust substructures in 12 disks and measure their properties to investigate how they form. This subsample of disks is selected from a high-resolution (0.12\sim0.12'') ALMA 1.33 mm survey of 32 disks in the Taurus star-forming region, which was designed to cover a wide range of sub-mm brightness and to be unbiased to previously known substructures. While axisymmetric rings and gaps are common within our sample, spiral patterns and high contrast azimuthal asymmetries are not detected. Fits of disk models to the visibilities lead to estimates of the location and shape of gaps and rings, the flux in each disk component, and the size of the disk. The dust substructures occur across a wide range of stellar mass and disk brightness. Disks with multiple rings tend to be more massive and more extended. The correlation between gap locations and widths, the intensity contrast between rings and gaps, and the separations of rings and gaps could all be explained if most gaps are opened by low-mass planets (super-Earths and Neptunes) in the condition of low disk turbulence (α=104\alpha=10^{-4}). The gap locations are not well correlated with the expected locations of CO and N2_2 ice lines, so condensation fronts are unlikely to be a universal mechanism to create gaps and rings, though they may play a role in some cases.Several ERC grants