1,003 research outputs found

    ¿Cuáles son las respuestas de los periodistas de Ecuador tras la implementación de la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación? Una entrevista a periodistas de medios nacionales públicos y privados

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    With the Organic Communication Act, passed in 2013, the Government of Ecuador proposed to transform the media system by creating innovative institutions for monitoring and surveillance tasks, instituting a lot of precepts aiming at a greater inclusion of minority groups, favoring a greater diversity, and in general, to democratize the access, development and spreading of informative contents. This work provides the results from an in-depth interview to Ecuadorian journalists working for both public and private national media. The results describe some key aspects to understand the effects of the said Act regarding the journalists, which includes the perceived pressure factors, the strategies they rely on to resist the impositions, or how they interact with the new control institutions. © 2019 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. All rights reserved

    Enterobacteriaceae bacteremias among cancer patients: an observational cohort study

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    SummaryBackgroundEnterobacteriaceae bacteremia is a common complication in patients with neoplasm. The cancer itself, chemotherapy-induced immunosuppression, and other cancer-related procedures play a role as predisposing factors for this condition. However, despite the clear association between cancer and Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia, the distinctive clinical characteristics of patients with cancer presenting with Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia have not been well established.MethodsThe population studied was a prospective cohort of adult hospitalized patients with Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia in a tertiary care hospital. We compared the clinical variables and microbiological features between patients with an underlying neoplasm (n=203) and those without (n=259). STATA software was used for statistical association analysis.ResultsIn a bivariate analysis, older age, prior exposure to aminopenicillins, fewer days of symptoms, biliary source of bacteremia, greater severity of APACHE II score, lower white blood cell and platelet counts, and the presence of Klebsiella pneumoniae were more common in the neoplasm group. In a multivariable analysis, K. pneumoniae bacteremia (odds ratio (OR) 6.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.65–22.71; p=0.007), APACHE II score (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.05–1.34; p=0.007), and exposure to aminopenicillins (OR 28.84, 95% CI 1.94–429.3; p=0.015) were associated with neoplasm. K. pneumoniae bacteremia was more commonly present in patients with lung and gastrointestinal cancers.ConclusionsWe have confirmed the association of K. pneumoniae bacteremia with underlying neoplastic disease, especially with gastrointestinal malignancies, which may allow stratification for initial empiric antibiotic therapy in this subset of patients. Prior exposure to aminopenicillins in the neoplasm group might contribute to this finding

    SEOM guidelines on hydroelectrolytic disorders

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    Hydroelectrolytic disorders are one of the most common metabolic complications in cancer patients. Although often metabolic alterations affecting various ions are part of the manifestations of the oncological disease, even in the form of paraneoplastic syndrome, we must not forget that very often, these disorders could be caused by various drugs, including some of the antineoplastic agents most frequently used, such as platin derivatives or some biologics. These guidelines review major management of diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of the most common alterations of sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium in cancer patients. Aside from life-sustaining treatments, we have reviewed the role of specific drug treatments aimed at correcting some of these disorders, such as intravenous bisphosphonates for hypercalcemia or V2 receptor antagonists in the management of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion-related hyponatremia

    May anomalous X chromosome methylation be responsible for the spontaneous abortion of a male foetus?

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    Pregnancy loss is an important reproductive problem which appears to be highly associated with genetic factors. A spontaneous abortion occurred before prenatal diagnosis could be performed, in a woman who carried a fragile X full mutation. DNA extracted from formalin-fixed para ffin-embedded chorionic villi preparations indicated that it was a male embryo with an apparently methylated X chromosome. The previous analysis of the family showed that her daughter, who also carried a full mutation, exhibited an extremely skewed X inactivation of the normal allele (100%) and a severe fragile X phenotype. Thus, we speculate that the aberrant pattern of X chromosome methylation in this family may provoke the spontaneous miscarriage of this pregnancy that could be explained by at least partial inactivation of the unique X chromosome in a male foetus. Spontaneous abortion occurs quite frequently in humans, and recurrent pregnancy loss is a significant problem in women’s health (Christiansen 2006). Many cases of spontaneous abortion defy diagnosis and genetic factors have been proposed as a major contribution (Lanasa and Hogge 2000; Sierra and Stephenson 2006). The X chromosome inactiva tion (XCI) is the process in which one of the two X chromosomes present in each cell of female mammals is inactivated during early embryogenesis, to achieve dosage compensation with males (Avner and Heard 2001; Heard 2004). Initial steps of XCI involve a ‘counting process’, which senses the X chromosome/autosome ratio that restricts XCI to female embryos and, thereafter, the choice of which chromosome is inactivated (Morey et al . 2004).Skewed XCI leads to an expression of X-linked recessive disorders in females (Plenge et al. 2002; Mart´ınez et al. 2005; Renault et al. 2007). Another form of X-inactivation called meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI), takes place in males, during spermatogenesis and is a manifestation of the general meiotic-silencing mechanism (Turner 2007). In this study, we report the spontaneous abortion of a male foetus with an apparently methylated X chromosome, and propose that anomalous inactivation of its uniqueX chromosome could explain nonviability of the embryo and pregnancy loss. Therefore, we strongly suggest, as a follow up, that the methylation status of the X chromosome be tested in early spontaneous abortion of males in the absence of any other known genetic or nongenetic cause


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    Abstract  ∙ Oilbirds (Steatornis caripensis) are specialized nocturnal frugivores that inhabit Neotropical forests and have the potential to play key ecological roles as seed dispersers. In this study, we focused on type and quantity of seeds dispersed by a population of Oilbirds in Cueva de Los Guácharos National Park (Colombia). We assessed temporal variation in diet composition, fruit nutrient composition and measured seed morphology. To do this, we used 5–10 seed traps in a cave from 2011 to 2016, conducting a 5‐day census 1–4 times each year. In 2015, we performed a census in all 12 months to document within year variation. We found seeds of 52 species (including 17 named species, 12 identified just to family, and 23 morphospecies). We found a clear dominance of Arecaceae and Lauraceae families. Intra‐annual variation in species richness reflects the fact that more biomass and higher seed numbers are deposited in the cave in periods of nesting (January–June), as well as during seasonal fruiting patterns in the region. Data on fruit contents from published literature indicated that oilbird diet includes a high representation of lipid‐rich fruits. Consumed seed size varied enormously (range: 0.01–5.99 g dry mass), the largest seeds being up to 29 mm wide and 54 mm long. Regurgitated seeds showed a negative allometric relationship between width and length. Overall, we found a diverse diet and that Oilbirds provide efficient seed dispersal in terms of seed quantity; however, many aspects of dispersal quality remain to be determined. Resumen ∙ Dieta de los Guácharos (Steatornis caripensis) en el parque nacional Cueva de Los Guácharos (Colombia): variación temporal en la cantidad de la dispersión y morfología de semillas Los guácharos (Steatornis caripensis) son aves nocturnas frugívoras especializadas que habitan bosques neotropicales y que tienen el potencial de desempeñar roles ecológicos claves como dispersoras de semillas. En este trabajo, estudiamos la dieta y la cantidad de semillas dispersadas por una población de guácharos en el Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de los Guácharos (Colombia). Para ello, evaluamos la variación temporal, comparamos la composición de lípidos y medimos la morfología de las semillas. De 2011 a 2016 dispusimos 5–10 trampas de semillas en la cueva principal del parque y llevamos a cabo censos de usualmente 5 días, 1–4 veces cada año. Adicionalmente, en 2015 hicimos censos mensuales durante todo el año. En la dieta de los guácharos encontramos semillas de 52 especies de plantas (incluyendo 17 especies, 12 taxones identificados hasta familia y 23 morfoespecies), en las cuales se reflejó una clara dominancia de las familias Arecaceae y Lauraceae. La variación intranual en la riqueza de especies de las semillas depositadas en la cueva mostró que en los periodos de anidación de los guácharos (enero a junio) se presentó el mayor número de semillas y la mayor biomasa, además una alta riqueza de especies en el primer semestre es coherente con los patrones de fructificación en la región. La dieta del guácharo incluyó una alta representación de frutos ricos en lípidos, lo cual fue inferido de la literatura publicada. Los tamaños de las semillas dispersadas variaron enormemente (peso seco entre 0.01 y 5.99 g), siendo las semillas más grandes de 29 mm de ancho y 54 mm de largo. Las semillas que fueron dispersadas mostraron una relación alométrica negativa entre el ancho y el largo. Aunque, nosotros reportamos que los guácharos tienen una dieta diversa y proveen una eficiente dispersión de semillas en términos de la cantidad, aún deben determinarse muchos aspectos de la calidad de la dispersión

    Efecto del colesterol y la dimetilformamida sobre parámetros posdescongelación en espermatozoides de caballos criollos colombianos

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    RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del colesterol y la dimetilformamida (DMF) sobre la criosupervivencia del semen de caballos criollos colombianos. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectó semen de diez caballos y se congeló bajo el mismo protocolo, con variaciones del crioprotector (glicerol 5% o DMF 5%) y la adición o ausencia de colesterol como modificador de membrana (1.5 mg ciclodextrinas con colesterol por cada 120 x 106 células). La criosupervivencia se evaluó estimando movilidad mediante el software SCA. La vitalidad e integridad de membrana posdescongelación se estimó usando eosina-nigrosina y test hipo-osmótico respectivamente. Resultados. Incubar el semen con el colesterol, tuvo un aumento significativo del porcentaje de movilidad total y progresiva, en la velocidad de los espermatozoides y el porcentaje de espermatozoides rápidos y una disminución del porcentaje de espermatozoides con movilidad lenta. Adicionalmente se incrementó el porcentaje de espermatozoides vivos y con integridad de membrana (p<0.05). La DMF como agente crioprotector, mejoró todos los parametros evaluados al ser comparada el glicerol (p<0.05). Conclusiones. Ambos procedimientos mejoraron los parámetros evaluados debido a efectos aditivos del crioprotector y del modificador de membrana, pero no hubo interacción entre estos dos factores

    Perceived access to mental health services in three municipalities of Antioquia, 2004-2006

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    ABSTRACT: To know the perception of users, family, health providers and staff on mental health services and access conditions in three municipalities. Methodology: The information was extracted from users, family members, providers and officials. It includes medical and social gaze from an ethnographic approach. We interviewed 29 citizens in the sectors of health, educational, social and judicial. Results: the description of mental health problem is different in the three municipalities, both in its pathological dimension as causal explanations, because causation is attributed to social violence and working conditions. The results showed that difficulties in providing services, but also highlights some positive aspects. Post-Trauma Violence is common in the municipalities but the triggers are specific to humans. Discussion: In addition to mental disorders, psychosocial problems are also related to mental health. Among the difficulties of access, it was found affiliation to the Social Security System, financial resources and scarce qualified personnel.RESUMEN: Conocer la percepción de usuarios, familiares, prestadores de servicios de salud y funcionarios sobre los servicios de salud mental y las condiciones de acceso en tres municipios. Metodología: la información parte de usuarios, familiares, prestadores y funcionarios. Incluye una mirada médica y social desde un enfoque etnográfico. Se entrevistaron 29 ciudadanos en los sectores de la salud, educativo, social y judicial. Resultados: la descripción del problema de salud mental es diferente en los tres municipios, tanto en su dimensión patológica como en las explicaciones causales, ya que se atribuye causalidad a la violencia social y a las con- * Investigación adscrita al Área de Comportamiento Humano y Salud, Grupo de Investigación en Salud Mental (SM), Línea de Trastornos Mentales. Grupo de Políticas de Salud. Medellín, Colombia, 2007 diciones laborales. Se evidenciaron dificultades en la prestación de los servicios, como también sobresalieron algunos aspectos positivos. El trauma posterior a la violencia es común en los municipios, pero los desencadenantes son particulares a las personas. Discusión: además de los trastornos mentales, los problemas psicosociales también se relacionan con la salud mental. Entre las dificultades de acceso, se encontró la afiliación al Sistema de Seguridad Social, recursos económicos y escaso personal calificado

    Generation Of Entanglement In Quantum Parametric Oscillators Using Phase Control.

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    The control of quantum entanglement in systems in contact with environment plays an important role in information processing, cryptography and quantum computing. However, interactions with the environment, even when very weak, entail decoherence in the system with consequent loss of entanglement. Here we consider a system of two coupled oscillators in contact with a common heat bath and with a time dependent oscillation frequency. The possibility to control the entanglement of the oscillators by means of an external sinusoidal perturbation applied to the oscillation frequency has been theoretically explored. We demonstrate that the oscillators become entangled exactly in the region where the classical counterpart is unstable, otherwise when the classical system is stable, entanglement is not possible. Therefore, we can control the entanglement swapping from stable to unstable regions by adjusting amplitude and phase of our external controller. We also show that the entanglement rate is approximately proportional to the real part of the Floquet coefficient of the classical counterpart of the oscillators. Our results have the intriguing peculiarity of manipulating quantum information operating on a classical system.51315