480 research outputs found

    Leveling the Playing Field: A New Proposed Method to Address Relative Age- and Maturity-Related Bias in UK Male Academy Soccer Players

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    Relative age selection bias persists within all major soccer leagues and youth soccer academies across the globe, with the relative age effect (RAE) being typically characterized as the over selection of relatively older players (who have sometimes also been shown to be early maturing). The aim of this study was to examine if a new allocation method (i) eliminates the RAE, and (ii) reduces the presence of any additional maturity-related differences in anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics which may exist between players within the same selection category. In the first phase, 1,003 academy soccer players [under (U) 9–16] from 23 UK professional soccer clubs were sampled and a clear RAE per birth quarter (Q) was observed for the overall sample (Q1 = 45.0% vs. Q4 = 9.8%) as well as for the different age categories. Using the newly suggested reallocation method, youth players were divided by allocation date which was defined as the midway point between the chronological age and the estimated developmental (ED) birthdate. Stature was used as an anthropometric reference point on the P50 of the growth curve to determine the developmental birthdate for this new method. After the reallocation of the players using ED, the distribution of players was more equally spread (Q1 = 25.3%, Q2 = 25.6%, Q3 = 22.4%, Q4 = 26.7%). After reallocation, the mean delta stature was reduced by 16.6 cm (from 40.3 ± 7.08 to 23.7 ± 4.09 cm, d = 2.87). The mean delta body mass difference after allocation was reduced by 6.7kg (from 33.2 ± 6.39 to 26.5 ± 4.85 kg, d = 1.18). The mean age difference increased from 1.8 to 3.9 years. A total of 42.7% of the sample would have been reallocated to a different age group compared to the current one. After reallocation, 45% of the anthropometric and physical fitness comparisons showed reductions in the within-group variation expressed as a percentage of coefficient of variation (CV%). The U10 players demonstrated the largest reduction in CV% (−7.6%) of the anthropometric characteristics. The U10 squad also showed the largest reduction in CV% for various physical fitness characteristics (−7.5%). By both eliminating the RAE and reducing temporary maturity-related anthropometric and physical fitness differences, soccer academies across the world may diversify and increase the size of the talent pool both for clubs and national youth teams. In conclusion, this study provides further evidence that the newly proposed allocation method shows the potential to remove the RAE and to create a more “leveled playing field” by reducing the within-group variation of anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics affording relatively younger, and eventually, late-maturing players the opportunity to develop their talent fairly

    The relationships between relative age effect, personality constructs and achievement level in soccer

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    IntroductionYouth soccer academies are challenged with the constant recruitment process of young talented players to select those who will achieve long-term success as an athlete. Youth soccer academies strive to enhance the physical and technical skill development as well as personality development of talented players because psychological characteristics play a crucial role in players’ future success in their transition to professional soccer. The least mature players and relatively young players may have a greater need to possess superior technical/tactical or psycho-behavioral skills than those relatively older counterparts because of the higher selection rates of early maturing players. Due to RAEs, a significant decrease in the overall quality of professional soccer teams might be observed because of the loss of talent of physically smaller, but psychologically stronger and more versatile relatively young players who possess proper technical and tactical attributes at an early age. The first objective of this study was to examine any possible relationship between RAE and personality constructs. A second objective was to identify factors and effects that can help in the further improvement of talent selection and equal opportunities for elite youth soccer players based on their underlying RAE. The third objective was to consider the impact of RAE on long-term career development.MethodsIn this retrospective observational study, 151 elite youth soccer players between 15 and 18 years of age were first grouped in birth quartiles. Personality constructs were then assessed, using a combination of observations, interviews, and a self-assessment questionnaire. Next competition level after 8 years was evaluated to identify RAEs, differences in personality characteristics and opportunities to reach professional soccer player status between relatively older vs. younger players.ResultsA clear significant RAE was observed for the whole database (Q1 = 38.4% vs. Q4 = 13.9%) with OR of 2.61 (χ2 = 19.46, p < 0.01, r = −0.85). Relatively young players had higher median scores on personality constructs such as self-confidence (p = 0.04), while relatively old players had higher median scores on personality constructs such as team orientation (p = 0.03). In the long term, more players of the youngest birth quartile were signed as professional players (76.2%), compared with relatively old players (46.6%). 65.0% of the 20 players had the highest total score on personality constructs developed as a professional soccer player, vs. 35.0% of the 20 players with the lowest scores.DiscussionIn conclusion, this study showed not only further evidence of the RAE but also provided evidence supporting “the underdog hypothesis” in national elite youth teams. Relatively young players were also more likely to get higher value senior professional contracts in the long term. We propose that this may be due to the relatively young players developing superior psychological skills and technical expertise to compensate for their early physical disadvantage. This in turn suggests the need for greater awareness of the importance of personality constructs in the future development of youth elite soccer players. Therefore, the crux of the issue is how youth soccer academies elicit the “best of both worlds” ie. moderating RAE whilst also gaining the benefits of the underdog hypothesis by creating the right environment for every player to develop to their full potential in elite youth soccer academies

    Genetic structure of captive and free-ranging okapi (Okapia johnstoni) with implications for management

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    Breeding programs for endangered species increasingly use molecular genetics to inform their management strategies. Molecular approaches can be useful for investigating relatedness, resolving pedigree uncertainties, and for estimating genetic diversity in captive and wild populations. Genetic data can also be used to evaluate the representation of wild population genomes within captive population gene-pools. Maintaining a captive population that is genetically representative of its wild counterpart offers a means of conserving the original evolutionary potential of a species. Okapi, an even-toed ungulate, endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo, have recently been reclassified as Endangered by the IUCN. We carried out a genetic assessment of the ex-situ okapi (Okapia johnstoni) population, alongside an investigation into the genetic structure of wild populations across their geographic range. We found that while levels of nuclear (12 microsatellite loci) genetic variation in the wild, founder and captive okapi populations were similar, mitochondrial (833 bp of Cyt b, CR, tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Pro) variation within captive okapi was considerably reduced compared to the wild, with 16 % lower haplotype diversity. Further, both nuclear and mitochondrial alleles present in captivity provided only partial representation of those present in the wild. Thirty mitochondrial haplotypes found in the wild were not found in captivity, and two haplotypes found in captivity were not found in the wild, and the patterns of genetic variation at microsatellite loci in our captive samples were considerably different to those of the wild samples. Our study highlights the importance of genetic characterisation of captive populations, even for well-managed ex-situ breeding programs with detailed studbooks. We recommend that the captive US population should be further genetically characterised to guide management of translocations between European and US captive population

    Ten questions concerning integrating smart buildings into the smart grid

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    Recent advances in information and communications technology (ICT) have initiated development of a smart electrical grid and smart buildings. Buildings consume a large portion of the total electricity production worldwide, and to fully develop a smart grid they must be integrated with that grid. Buildings can now be ‘prosumers’ on the grid (both producers and consumers), and the continued growth of distributed renewable energy generation is raising new challenges in terms of grid stability over various time scales. Buildings can contribute to grid stability by managing their overall electrical demand in response to current conditions. Facility managers must balance demand response requests by grid operators with energy needed to maintain smooth building operations. For example, maintaining thermal comfort within an occupied building requires energy and, thus an optimized solution balancing energy use with indoor environmental quality (adequate thermal comfort, lighting, etc.) is needed. Successful integration of buildings and their systems with the grid also requires interoperable data exchange. However, the adoption and integration of newer control and communication technologies into buildings can be problematic with older legacy HVAC and building control systems. Public policy and economic structures have not kept up with the technical developments that have given rise to the budding smart grid, and further developments are needed in both technical and non-technical areas

    Групповая эргатическая совместимость авиационных операторов в процессе эксплуатации авионики

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    Рассмотрены проблемы групповой эргатической совместимости авиационных операторов (пилотов, авиадиспетчеров, технического персонала) и использования технических средств для оценки групповой эргатической совместимости операторов как средства повышения авиационной безопасности за счет более тщательного отбора кандидатов для совместной работы в составе лeтных и космических экипажей.Розглянуто питання проблеми групової ергатичної сумісності авіаційних операторів (пілотів, авіадиспетчерів, технічного персоналу) і використання технічних пристроїв для оцінки групової ергатичної сумісності операторів як засобу підвищення авіаційної безпеки за рахунок більш кращого відбору кандидатів для спільної роботи у складі льотних і космічних екіпажів.We issued the problems of group ergatic aircraft operators (pilots, air traffic controllers, technicians) and the use of technical devices to assess the compatibility of the group ergatic operators as means of improving aviation safety through a better selection of candidates to work together as part of flight and space crews. In this research article to better selection of candidates for collaboration in the space flight crews and the authors propose to use modern computers with appropriate software. This computer complex will answer a number of important issues related to ensuring: compatibility Soames, rational distribution of functions between components ergatic systems, proper interaction with the machine operators as well as each other in normal and special situations professional selection, preparation and training of aviation operators

    Rapid and Efficient Generation of Recombinant Human Pluripotent Stem Cells by Recombinase-mediated Cassette Exchange in the AAVS1 Locus

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    Even with the revolution of gene-targeting technologies led by CRISPR-Cas9, genetic modification of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) is still time consuming. Comparative studies that use recombinant lines with transgenes integrated into safe harbor loci could benefit from approaches that use site-specific targeted recombinases, like Cre or FLPe, which are more rapid and less prone to off-target effects. Such methods have been described, although they do not significantly outperform gene targeting in most aspects. Using Zinc-finger nucleases, we previously created a master cell line in the AAVS1 locus of hPSCs that contains a GFP-Hygromycin-tk expressing cassette, flanked by heterotypic FRT sequences. Here, we describe the procedures to perform FLPe recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) using this line. The master cell line is transfected with a RMCE donor vector, which contains a promoterless Puromycin resistance, and with FLPe recombinase. Application of both a positive (Puromycin) and negative (FIAU) selection program leads to the selection of RMCE without random integrations. RMCE generates fully characterized pluripotent polyclonal transgenic lines in 15 d with 100% efficiency. Despite the recently described limitations of the AAVS1 locus, the ease of the system paves the way for hPSC transgenesis in isogenic settings, is necessary for comparative studies, and enables semi-high-throughput genetic screens for gain/loss of function analysis that would otherwise be highly time consuming