474 research outputs found

    Hot gas and dust in a protostellar cluster near W3(OH

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    We used the IRAM Interferometer to obtain sub-arcsecond resolution observations of the high-mass star-forming region W3(OH) and its surroundings at a frequency of 220 GHz. With the improved angular resolution, we distinguish 3 peaks in the thermal dust continuum emission originating from the hot core region about 6 arcsec (0.06 pc) east of W3(OH). The dust emission peaks are coincident with known radio continuum sources, one of which is of non-thermal nature. The latter source is also at the center of expansion of a powerful bipolar outflow observed in water maser emission. We determine the hot core mass to be 15 solar masses based on the integrated dust continuum emission. Simultaneously many molecular lines are detected allowing the analysis of the temperature structure and the distribution of complex organic molecules in the hot core. From HNCO lines, spanning a wide range of excitation, two 200 K temperature peaks are found coincident with dust continuum emission peaks suggesting embedded heating sources within them.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Detection of interstellar CH_3

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    Observations with the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) onboard the {\it Infrared Space Observatory} (ISO) have led to the first detection of the methyl radical CH3{\rm CH_3} in the interstellar medium. The ν2\nu_2 QQ-branch at 16.5 μ\mum and the RR(0) line at 16.0 μ\mum have been unambiguously detected toward the Galactic center SgrA^*. The analysis of the measured bands gives a column density of (8.0±\pm2.4)×1014\times10^{14} cm2^{-2} and an excitation temperature of (17±2)(17\pm 2) K. Gaseous CO{\rm CO} at a similarly low excitation temperature and C2H2{\rm C_2H_2} are detected for the same line of sight. Using constraints on the H2{\rm H_2} column density obtained from C18O{\rm C^{18}O} and visual extinction, the inferred CH3{\rm CH_3} abundance is (1.3+2.20.7)×108(1.3{{+2.2}\atop{-0.7}}) \times 10^{-8}. The chemically related CH4{\rm CH_4} molecule is not detected, but the pure rotational lines of CH{\rm CH} are seen with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS). The absolute abundances and the CH3/CH4{\rm CH_3/CH_4} and CH3/CH{\rm CH_3/CH} ratios are inconsistent with published pure gas-phase models of dense clouds. The data require a mix of diffuse and translucent clouds with different densities and extinctions, and/or the development of translucent models in which gas-grain chemistry, freeze-out and reactions of H{\rm H} with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and solid aliphatic material are included.Comment: 2 figures. ApJL, Accepte

    Astro-WISE: Chaining to the Universe

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    The recent explosion of recorded digital data and its processed derivatives threatens to overwhelm researchers when analysing their experimental data or when looking up data items in archives and file systems. While current hardware developments allow to acquire, process and store 100s of terabytes of data at the cost of a modern sports car, the software systems to handle these data are lagging behind. This general problem is recognized and addressed by various scientific communities, e.g., DATAGRID/EGEE federates compute and storage power over the high-energy physical community, while the astronomical community is building an Internet geared Virtual Observatory, connecting archival data. These large projects either focus on a specific distribution aspect or aim to connect many sub-communities and have a relatively long trajectory for setting standards and a common layer. Here, we report "first light" of a very different solution to the problem initiated by a smaller astronomical IT community. It provides the abstract "scientific information layer" which integrates distributed scientific analysis with distributed processing and federated archiving and publishing. By designing new abstractions and mixing in old ones, a Science Information System with fully scalable cornerstones has been achieved, transforming data systems into knowledge systems. This break-through is facilitated by the full end-to-end linking of all dependent data items, which allows full backward chaining from the observer/researcher to the experiment. Key is the notion that information is intrinsic in nature and thus is the data acquired by a scientific experiment. The new abstraction is that software systems guide the user to that intrinsic information by forcing full backward and forward chaining in the data modelling.Comment: To be published in ADASS XVI ASP Conference Series, 2006, R. Shaw, F. Hill and D. Bell, ed

    FIRI - a Far-Infrared Interferometer

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    Half of the energy ever emitted by stars and accreting objects comes to us in the FIR waveband and has yet to be properly explored. We propose a powerful Far-InfraRed Interferometer mission, FIRI, to carry out high-resolution imaging spectroscopy in the FIR. This key observational capability is essential to reveal how gas and dust evolve into stars and planets, how the first luminous objects in the Universe ignited, how galaxies formed, and when super-massive black holes grew. FIRI will disentangle the cosmic histories of star formation and accretion onto black holes and will trace the assembly and evolution of quiescent galaxies like our Milky Way. Perhaps most importantly, FIRI will observe all stages of planetary system formation and recognise Earth-like planets that may harbour life, via its ability to image the dust structures in planetary systems. It will thus address directly questions fundamental to our understanding of how the Universe has developed and evolved - the very questions posed by ESA's Cosmic Vision.Comment: Proposal developed by a large team of astronomers from Europe, USA and Canada and submitted to the European Space Agency as part of "Cosmic Vision 2015-2025

    Trainee-environment interactions that stimulate motivation:A rich pictures study

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    Staying motivated when working and learning in complex workplaces can be challenging. When complex environments exceed trainees' aptitude, this may reduce feelings of competence, which can hamper motivation. Motivation theories explain how intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects influence motivation. Clinical environments include additional aspects that may not fit into these theories. We used a systems approach to explore how the clinical environment influences trainees' motivation and how they are intertwined. We employed the rich pictures drawing method as a visual tool to capture the complexities of the clinical environment. A total of 15 trainees drew a rich picture representing a motivating situation in the workplace and were interviewed afterwards. Data collection and analysis were performed iteratively, following a constructivist grounded theory approach, using open, focused and selective coding strategies as well as memo writing. Both drawings and the interviews were used to reach our results. Trainees drew situations pertaining to tasks they enjoyed doing and that mattered for their learning or patient care. Four dimensions of the environment were identified that supported trainees' motivation. First, social interactions, including interpersonal relationships, supported motivation through close collaboration between health care professionals and trainees. Second, organisational features, including processes and procedures, supported motivation when learning opportunities were provided or trainees were able to influence their work schedule. Third, technical possibilities, including tools and artefacts, supported motivation when tools were used to provide trainees with feedback or trainees used specific instruments in their training. Finally, physical space supported motivation when the actual setting improved the atmosphere or trainees were able to modify the environment to help them focus. Different clinical environment dimensions can support motivation and be modified to create optimal motivating situations. To understand motivational dynamics and support trainees to navigate through postgraduate medical education, we need to take all clinical environment dimensions into account54324225

    Submillimeter Emission from Water in the W3 Region

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    We have mapped the submillimeter emission from the 1(10)-1(01) transition of ortho-water in the W3 star-forming region. A 5'x5' map of the W3 IRS4 and W3 IRS5 region reveals strong water lines at half the positions in the map. The relative strength of the Odin lines compared to previous observations by SWAS suggests that we are seeing water emission from an extended region. Across much of the map the lines are double-peaked, with an absorption feature at -39 km/s; however, some positions in the map show a single strong line at -43 km/s. We interpret the double-peaked lines as arising from optically thick, self-absorbed water emission near the W3 IRS5, while the narrower blue-shifted lines originate in emission near W3 IRS4. In this model, the unusual appearance of the spectral lines across the map results from a coincidental agreement in velocity between the emission near W3 IRS4 and the blue peak of the more complex lines near W3 IRS5. The strength of the water lines near W3 IRS4 suggests we may be seeing water emission enhanced in a photon-dominated region.Comment: Accepted to A&A Letters as part of the special Odin issue; 4 page

    ISO observations of far-infrared rotational emission lines of water vapor toward the supergiant star VY Canis Majoris

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    We report the detection of numerous far-infrared emission lines of water vapor toward the supergiant star VY Canis Majoris. A 29.5 - 45 micron grating scan of VY CMa, obtained using the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) at a spectral resolving power of approximately 2000, reveals at least 41 spectral features due to water vapor that together radiate a total luminosity ~ 25 solar luminosities. In addition to pure rotational transitions within the ground vibrational state, these features include rotational transitions within the (010) excited vibrational state. The spectrum also shows the doublet Pi 1/2 (J=5/2) <-- doublet Pi 3/2 (J=3/2) OH feature near 34.6 micron in absorption. Additional SWS observations of VY CMa were carried out in the instrument's Fabry-Perot mode for three water transitions: the 7(25)-6(16) line at 29.8367 micron, the 4(41)-3(12) line 31.7721 micron, and the 4(32)-3(03) line at 40.6909 micron. The higher spectral resolving power of approximately 30,000 thereby obtained permits the line profiles to be resolved spectrally for the first time and reveals the "P Cygni" profiles that are characteristic of emission from an outflowing envelope.Comment: 11 pages (inc. 2 figures), LaTeX, uses aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The 35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratio in dense molecular clouds: HIFI observations of hydrogen chloride towards W3A

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    We report on the detection with the HIFI instrument on board the Herschel satellite of the two hydrogen chloride isotopologues, H35Cl and H37Cl, towards the massive star-forming region W3A. The J=1-0 line of both species was observed with receiver 1b of the HIFI instrument at 625.9 and 624.9 GHz. The different hyperfine components were resolved. The observations were modeled with a non-local, non-LTE radiative transfer model that includes hyperfine line overlap and radiative pumping by dust. Both effects are found to play an important role in the emerging intensity from the different hyperfine components. The inferred H35Cl column density (a few times 1e14 cm^-2), and fractional abundance relative to H nuclei (~7.5e^-10), supports an upper limit to the gas phase chlorine depletion of ~200. Our best-fit model estimate of the H35Cl/H37Cl abundance ratio is ~2.1+/-0.5, slightly lower, but still compatible with the solar isotopic abundance ratio (~3.1). Since both species were observed simultaneously, this is the first accurate estimation of the [35Cl]/[37Cl] isotopic ratio in molecular clouds. Our models indicate that even for large line opacities and possible hyperfine intensity anomalies, the H35Cl and H37Cl J=1-0 integrated line-intensity ratio provides a good estimate of the 35Cl/37Cl isotopic abundance ratio.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Herschel special issue

    Water in star-forming regions:Physics and chemistry from clouds to disks as probed by Herschel spectroscopy

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    Context. Water is a key molecule in the physics and chemistry of star and planet formation, but it is difficult to observe from Earth. The Herschel Space Observatory provided unprecedented sensitivity as well as spatial and spectral resolution to study water. The Water In Star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH) key program was designed to observe water in a wide range of environments and provide a legacy data set to address its physics and chemistry. Aims. The aim of WISH is to determine which physical components are traced by the gas-phase water lines observed with Herschel and to quantify the excitation conditions and water abundances in each of these components. This then provides insight into how and where the bulk of the water is formed in space and how it is transported from clouds to disks, and ultimately comets and planets. Methods. Data and results from WISH are summarized together with those from related open time programs. WISH targeted ∼80 sources along the two axes of luminosity and evolutionary stage: from low- to high-mass protostars (luminosities from 10Lpdbl) and from pre-stellar cores to protoplanetary disks. Lines of H2O and its isotopologs, HDO, OH, CO, and [O I], were observed with the HIFI and PACS instruments, complemented by other chemically-related molecules that are probes of ultraviolet, X-ray, or grain chemistry. The analysis consists of coupling the physical structure of the sources with simple chemical networks and using non-LTE radiative transfer calculations to directly compare models and observations. Results. Most of the far-infrared water emission observed with Herschel in star-forming regions originates from warm outflowing and shocked gas at a high density and temperature (> 10cm-3, 300-1000 K, v ∼ 25 km s-1), heated by kinetic energy dissipation. This gas is not probed by single-dish low-J CO lines, but only by CO lines with Jup > 14. The emission is compact, with at least two different types of velocity components seen. Water is a significant, but not dominant, coolant of warm gas in the earliest protostellar stages. The warm gas water abundance is universally low: orders of magnitude below the H2O/H2 abundance of 4 × 10-4 expected if all volatile oxygen is locked in water. In cold pre-stellar cores and outer protostellar envelopes, the water abundance structure is uniquely probed on scales much smaller than the beam through velocity-resolved line profiles. The inferred gaseous water abundance decreases with depth into the cloud with an enhanced layer at the edge due to photodesorption of water ice. All of these conclusions hold irrespective of protostellar luminosity. For low-mass protostars, a constant gaseous HDO/H2O ratio of ∼0.025 with position into the cold envelope is found. This value is representative of the outermost photodesorbed ice layers and cold gas-phase chemistry, and much higher than that of bulk ice. In contrast, the gas-phase NH3 abundance stays constant as a function of position in low-mass pre- and protostellar cores. Water abundances in the inner hot cores are high, but with variations from 5 × 10-6 to a few × 10-4 for low- and high-mass sources. Water vapor emission from both young and mature disks is weak. Conclusions. The main chemical pathways of water at each of the star-formation stages have been identified and quantified. Low warm water abundances can be explained with shock models that include UV radiation to dissociate water and modify the shock structure. UV fields up to 102-10times the general interstellar radiation field are inferred in the outflow cavity walls on scales of the Herschel beam from various hydrides. Both high temperature chemistry and ice sputtering contribute to the gaseous water abundance at low velocities, with only gas-phase (re-)formation producing water at high velocities. Combined analyses of water gas and ice show that up to 50% of the oxygen budget may be missing. In cold clouds, an elegant solution is that this apparently missing oxygen is locked up in larger μm-sized grains that do not contribute to infrared ice absorption. The fact that even warm outflows and hot cores do not show H2O at full oxygen abundance points to an unidentified refractory component, which is also found in diffuse clouds. The weak water vapor emission from disks indicates that water ice is locked up in larger pebbles early on in the embedded Class I stage and that these pebbles have settled and drifted inward by the Class II stage. Water is transported from clouds to disks mostly as ice, with no evidence for strong accretion shocks. Even at abundances that are somewhat lower than expected, many oceans of water are likely present in planet-forming regions. Based on the lessons for galactic protostars, the low-J H2O line emission (Eup < 300 K) observed in extragalactic sources is inferred to be predominantly collisionally excited and to originate mostly from compact regions of current star formation activity. Recommendations for future mid- to far-infrared missions are made

    Detection of water at z = 0.685 towards B0218+357

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    We report the detection of the H_2O molecule in absorption at a redshift z = 0.68466 in front of the gravitationally lensed quasar B0218+357. We detect the fundamental transition of ortho-water at 556.93 GHz (redshifted to 330.59 GHz). The line is highly optically thick and relatively wide (15 km/s FWHM), with a profile that is similar to that of the previously detected CO(2--1) and HCO^+(2--1) optically thick absorption lines toward this quasar. From the measured level of the continuum at 330.59 GHz, which corresponds to the level expected from the power-law spectrum S(ν)ν0.25S(\nu) \propto \nu^{-0.25} already observed at lower frequencies, we deduce that the filling factor of the H_2O absorption is large. It was already known from the high optical thickness of the CO, ^{13}CO and C^{18}O lines that the molecular clouds entirely cover one of the two lensed images of the quasar (all its continuum is absorbed); our present results indicate that the H_2O clouds are covering a comparable surface. The H_2O molecules are therefore not confined to small cores with a tiny filling factor, but are extended over parsec scales. The H_2O line has a very large optical depth, and only isotopic lines could give us the water abundance. We have also searched for the 183 GHz line in absorption, obtaining only an upper limit; this yields constraints on the excitation temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in ApJ Letter