22 research outputs found

    Helseopplevelse hos reindriftssamene i sør: sørsamers livsmiljø

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    Den sørsamiske bosettingen har tradisjonelt vært knyttet til reindriftsnæringa. Målet med denne studien har vært å gi opphav til og skape forskningsideer i området helse hos menn/kvinner i reindriftsnæringa i det sørsamiske området ut fra Nasjonal helseplan (2007-2010) der det oppgis at samene har rett til et likeverdig helsetilbud. I den hensikt må helse- og omsorgspersonell ha kunnskap om, og forståelse for den samiske kulturen, livsmiljøet og hvilket syn samene selv har på helse og sykdom

    Eldre sørsamers opplevelse av å være gammel

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    Hensikten med prosjektet har vært å beskrive erfaringer fra å leve som eldre sørsame, når en mottar hjemmebaserte tjenester. Målet med prosjektet har vært å få en øket forståelse for hvordan det oppleves å være eldre sørsame. Informantene i prosjektet har fortalt om sin barndom og skolegang, som nå er historie. Informantene har vokst opp i en tid hvor flere av dem ikke har blitt sett på som en del av samfunnet på lik linje med andr

    The meaning of long-term caregiving for patients with frontal lobe dementia

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    Nursing staff that work with patients with frontal lobe dementia (FLD) experience challenges that may lead to physical and psychiatric distress. The aim of this study was to capture the feelings, experiences, and reflections of the health staff regarding interactions with and caring for patients with FLD and to highlight what it means for health staff to care for patients with FLD through their daily work. This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological hermeneutic approach. Ten health staff members who work with patients with FLD were interviewed using semistructered interviews. The focus during the interview was the experiences of the staff through their everyday work. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed verbatim. The material was analyzed using a phenomenological hermeneutic approach. The result of the study identifies three themes that highlight the meaning of caregiving for patients with FLD, that is, being aware of the relationship with the patients, being insecure, and being safe. The patients’ unpredictable behaviour puts the relationship between the staff and the patients on trial. It is essential in caregiving to see the human behind the disease and the behaviour. The interest of finding new solutions in the caregiving is awakened through the relation with the patients, through reflections with colleagues, external guidance and by support from the staff leader

    Velferdsteknologi og hjemmeboende eldre : hvilke gevinster er oppnådd med velferdsteknologi som kommunikasjonsstøtte for hjemmeboende eldre i kommunehelsetjenesten? - Og hva kan påvirke utbyttet? En systematisk litteraturstudie.

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    Velferdsteknologi hevdes å ha et ubenyttet potensial for å heve kvalitet og effektivitet i helsetjenesten. Framtidas omsorgsutfordringer vil især være knyttet til et økende antall eldre og deres behov for å leve trygt og selvstendig i eget hjem så lenge som mulig. Til tross for at markedet i dag kan levere avansert teknologi har omsorgstjenesten i kommunene forholdt seg avventende når det gjelder utprøving. Det etterlyses mer kunnskap om brukernes behov, teknologiens mulige fordeler og ulemper, og hvordan implementering i praksis skal foregå. Denne rapporten sammenstiller eksisterende forskning om teknologi utprøvd som kommunikasjonstøtte til hjemmeboende eldre og deres pårørend

    Perceptions and barriers that influence the ability to provide appropiate incontinence care in nursing home residents : Statements from nursing staff

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    among nursing home residents. Urinary incontinence in older people has a multifactorial etiology and is therefore more difficult to assess and treat than uri- nary incontinence in younger people. Previous re- search has shown that incontinence care in nursing home residents often is inadequate and little systema- tized. The aim of this study was to identify percep- tions and barriers that influence the ability of the nursing staff to provide appropriate incontinence care. This was a qualitative study using focus-group meth- odology. Data were collected from three focus-group interviews with 15 members of the nursing staff from six different units in a nursing home. The focus-group interviews were recorded on tape, transcribed verba- tim and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Three topics and eight categories were iden- tified. The first topic, Perceptions and barriers associ- ated with residents, consisted of one category: "phy- sical and cognitive problems". The second topic, Per- ceptions and barriers associated with nursing staff, consisted of three categories: "lack of knowledge", "attitudes and beliefs" and "lack of accessibility". The third topic, Perceptions and barriers associated with organizational culture, consisted of four cate- gories: "rigid routines", "lack of resource", "lack of documentation" and "lack of leadership". The find- ings from this study show that there are many barri- ers that might influence the possibilities of nursing staff to provide appropriate incontinence care to re- sidents in nursing homes. However, it can neverthe- less seem like opinions and the attitude of nursing staff, together with a lack of knowledge about UI, are the most important barriers to provide appropriate incontinence care

    Daily Life for Chronically Ill Older Persons,

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    In the past, the study of old age often focused on the losses and problems associated with ageing. In recent times, the focus has been on the positive aspects, such as quality of life, inner strength, and enjoying life. The aims of this study were to highlight the ways in which chronically ill older persons experience the meaning of daily life and to understand what it means to live at home with chronic disease. In-depth interviews were used to illustrate individual experiences. The sample consisted of 13 chronically ill persons, aged 80 to 94 years, living at home and receiving assistance in the form of home nursing care. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological hermeneutical method. After a naïve reading and a structural analysis of the text, we identified three themes: being insufficient, becoming dependent, and enjoying life. The comprehensive understanding suggested that daily life involved bad days, described as illness with dysfunctions, limited energy, and dependency on others. Daily life also had its positive aspects, described as enjoying life. Dignity was threatened by feelings of being a burden to others and was affirmed by experiencing a will to live. It was concluded that bad days with experiences of suffering and good days that provided the older with experiences of enjoying life could help them meet adversity through qualities of resilience that gave meaning to daily life and helped them to think positively in times of greater difficulty

    When expressions make impressions-Nurses' narratives about meeting severely ill patients in home nursing care : A phenomenological-hermeneutic approach to understanding

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    Registered nurses (RNs) working in homecare encounter severely ill and palliative patients whose expressions may cause ethical challenges and influence their daily work. The aim of this qualitative study was to illuminate and interpret the meaning of nurses' lived experiences when meeting these patients. Narrative interviews were conducted with 10 RNs working in home nursing care. These interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim to a text and interpreted by a phenomenological-hermeneutic method inspired by Ricoeur. The meaning of the RNs' lived experience of patients' expressions was formulated into four themes. The first theme, Being open for the presence of the Other, includes two subthemes: "Sensing vulnerability" and "Empathizing with." The second theme, Being satisfied, entails the subthemes, "Feeling exceptional" and "Being trusted." The third theme, Being frustrated, contains the subthemes, "Being disappointed" and "Being angry." The fourth and final theme, Being ambivalent, includes one subtheme: "Being generous or reserved." Patients' expressions that make impressions on nurses create emotional waves. Expressions leave impressions that call upon the nurse, and confront her with taking the risk of letting intuition and pre-reflexive feelings gain entry to her care. Allowing for the Other's presence is seen as a precondition, which means facing humanity and sensing a vulnerability in herself as well as in the Other. Understanding and balancing this emotional dimension in care seems to cause confusion and distress within the nurses. Realizing how their feelings may lead to either generosity or aloofness towards the patient is upsetting. Our interpretation suggests that these impressions echo confusion according to the role of being a professional nurse. There is a need to pay more attention to how the emotional dimension in care is understood and impacts the way nurses perform their professional role

    Encountering patients with anorexia nervosa - An emotional roller coaster. nurses’ lived experiences of encounters in psychiatric inpatient care

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to illuminate the meaning of nurses’ lived experiences of encounters with adult patients with anorexia nervosa in psychiatric inpatient care. Methods A qualitative phenomenological hermeneutical design was used. Personal interviews with a narrative approach were conducted with 11 nurses with experience of encountering patients with anorexia nervosa in psychiatric inpatient care. Results Three key themes were revealed: Being overwhelmed by emotions consisting of three subthemes: Bearing feelings of incomprehension, Navigating emotions, and Being disappointed and frustrated; Seeking strength to cope consisting of three subthemes: Relying on colleagues and routines, Feeling hope and motivation, and Building inner security; and Trying to build relations consisting of two subthemes: Getting closer to the patient and Relating to relatives. Conclusion Our findings illuminate the “emotional roller-coaster” which nurses are embedded in during their daily work experiences. Being able to balance one’s professional role, seeing the person behind the patient, and the illness is important in all nurse-patient encounters. An examination of nurses’ lived experiences can contribute new and important knowledge, an in-depth understanding of the nurses’ work situation, and can help identify any need for increased knowledge

    The Experience of Nurses Providing Home Nursing Care to Oldest Old Persons Living Alone in Rural Areas—An Interview Study

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    The rapidly increasing population of older persons worldwide, and the fact that the majority of them want to continue living in their own homes, mean there is a growing focus on home based care. Because of this, it is necessary to increase the number of studies, including rural areas, as earlier studies are sparse. Rural areas cannot be seen as a homogeneous phenomenon, meaning more research is needed to increase knowledge about cultural differences in rural areas. The aim of this study was therefore to describe registered nurses’ experiences of providing home nursing care to oldest old persons living alone in rural areas. A sample of 15 registered nurses in rural South Sami areas was chosen for this study, 13 women and 2 men. Narrative interviews were conducted, and qualitative content analysis was used to interpret the data. The analysis revealed four themes and eight subthemes in addition to a core-theme. The latent meaning of the themes “Feeling responsible”, “Trying to accommodate”, “Being challenged” and “Feeling significant” formed the core-theme: contradictions between nurses’ ideals of being professional and the reality faced in rural home nursing care with close social relationships. The findings in this study showed that the experiences of providing home nursing care in rural areas to oldest old persons were multifaceted and altering, as well as emotionally and socially contradictory

    Численное моделирование работы индивидуальной когенерационной установки многоквартирного жилого дома

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    Диссертация на соискание академической степени магистра технических наук по специальности 1-40 80 04 "Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ". Научный руководитель : к.т.н., доцент Токочаков В.И