315 research outputs found

    Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia Pesisir Pantai (Studi di Desa Kahakitang Kecamatan Tatoareng Kabupaten Sangihe)

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    Summary: Human resources is divided into two, namely, human resource macro is a resident of a countrythat has already entered the age of the work force, either not working or who are already working. Whileunderstanding the micro is the individual work and became a member of a company or institution and iscommonly referred to as employees, workers, employees, workers, labor and others Nawawi (2003:37).Coastal communities need real activities that can build their economies without eliminating the culture andcharacteristics of coastal communities, the required form of community-based activities.This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. This study describes the data obtainedfrom the results of research on the quality of human resources the coast (study in the village of Kahakitangsub-district of Tatoareng Regency Sangihe). In qualitative research, data collection is done by observation,in-depth interviews and documentation.Based on research results drawn the conclusion that the quality of human resources viewed fromthree indicators categorized quite well. The quality of human resources in particular physical health fishingcommunities quite well seen from the community who care about their own health and are already providinghealth support facilities and infrastructure for the community. For the quality of intellectual (education andtraining) itself is also quite good because there's been an effort of the Government in the fulfillment of theeducational infrastructure and facilities for the community as well as the already existing cooperation withthe Fisheries Agency in empowering human resources especially fishing communities. The quality ofhuman resources in terms of the spiritual quality of its own quite well seen from the daily life of fishingcommunities in the society and harmony between religious communities in compliance, and comply withthe rules made by the Government, as well as the morale of the fishing communities in doing his job. So theGovernment in directing the village empowerment on fishing communities the quality should be on theincrease, the application of the improved quality of HUMAN RESOURCES through three indicators,namely physical quality and health, the quality of intellectual (education and training) and spiritualqualities.This issue became important note for the Government because of the presence of obstacles wherethe quality of HUMAN RESOURCES more precisely to improve the quality of HUMAN RESOURCES wasgoing to be difficult, therefore, needs to be awareness of the Government and the community. The qualityof human resources in realizing better or boost community empowerment which is better then theGovernment should be in driving, giving information, and facilitate Community fishermen

    Good covers are algorithmically unrecognizable

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    A good cover in R^d is a collection of open contractible sets in R^d such that the intersection of any subcollection is either contractible or empty. Motivated by an analogy with convex sets, intersection patterns of good covers were studied intensively. Our main result is that intersection patterns of good covers are algorithmically unrecognizable. More precisely, the intersection pattern of a good cover can be stored in a simplicial complex called nerve which records which subfamilies of the good cover intersect. A simplicial complex is topologically d-representable if it is isomorphic to the nerve of a good cover in R^d. We prove that it is algorithmically undecidable whether a given simplicial complex is topologically d-representable for any fixed d \geq 5. The result remains also valid if we replace good covers with acyclic covers or with covers by open d-balls. As an auxiliary result we prove that if a simplicial complex is PL embeddable into R^d, then it is topologically d-representable. We also supply this result with showing that if a "sufficiently fine" subdivision of a k-dimensional complex is d-representable and k \leq (2d-3)/3, then the complex is PL embeddable into R^d.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; result extended also to acyclic covers in version

    Pendampingan Pengembangan Tempat Wisata Baru Berbasis Masyarakat di Panbo Beach Kabupaten Kampar

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    Community-based tourism is an effective step to empower local communities in managing tourist attractions. Panbo beach is a new tourist spot in the Kampar Regency area whose management is still very limited. The main problems faced are the number of visitors who are still minimal and financial management is very simple. This community service activity aims to create a website for Panbo Beach so that this tourist spot can be marketed online. After the website is created, then training is held for the use of the website. Another activity is conducting training in the preparation of financial reports. The results achieved in the implementation of service are the ability of participants to operate the website and the understanding of financial reports of the participants increased

    Bounding Helly numbers via Betti numbers

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    We show that very weak topological assumptions are enough to ensure the existence of a Helly-type theorem. More precisely, we show that for any non-negative integers bb and dd there exists an integer h(b,d)h(b,d) such that the following holds. If F\mathcal F is a finite family of subsets of Rd\mathbb R^d such that β~i(⋂G)≤b\tilde\beta_i\left(\bigcap\mathcal G\right) \le b for any G⊊F\mathcal G \subsetneq \mathcal F and every 0≤i≤⌈d/2⌉−10 \le i \le \lceil d/2 \rceil-1 then F\mathcal F has Helly number at most h(b,d)h(b,d). Here β~i\tilde\beta_i denotes the reduced Z2\mathbb Z_2-Betti numbers (with singular homology). These topological conditions are sharp: not controlling any of these ⌈d/2⌉\lceil d/2 \rceil first Betti numbers allow for families with unbounded Helly number. Our proofs combine homological non-embeddability results with a Ramsey-based approach to build, given an arbitrary simplicial complex KK, some well-behaved chain map C∗(K)→C∗(Rd)C_*(K) \to C_*(\mathbb R^d).Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of Bacilli Calmette-Guerin vaccine on severe combined immunodeficiency patient: a narrative review and proposed workup algorithm

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    This systematic review critically investigates the administration of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine in neonates with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). The BCG vaccine, derived from Mycobacterium bovis, is a live attenuated vaccine recognized for its significant role in mitigating the impacts of tuberculosis (TB) in endemic areas. Despite its beneficial effects in controlling TB, safety and efficacy concerns have been raised when the vaccine is administered to SCID patients, who have a severe dysfunction or absence of the immune system. The potential for the vaccine to lead to severe complications due to the immunocompromised state of SCID patients necessitates a comprehensive investigation. To better understand these issues, a thorough literature review was carried out, integrating data from clinical trials and observational studies available on the PubMed database. An extensive review and analysis of 32 relevant articles revealed substantial evidence of complications from BCG vaccination in SCID patients. These findings emphasize the urgency for a more effective pre-vaccination screening process to circumvent potential adverse effects. Given the crucial role of the BCG vaccine in controlling TB, its potential to induce severe complications in SCID patients warrants careful consideration. Therefore, this review proposes an in-depth screening algorithm for newborns before BCG vaccination administration. The goal is to prevent these adverse events, offering critical insights to health policymakers, researchers, and clinicians in the field

    Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models

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    We examine the effect of using different halo finders and merger tree building algorithms on galaxy properties predicted using the GALFORM semi-analytical model run on a high resolution, large volume dark matter simulation. The halo finders/tree builders HBT, ROCKSTAR, SUBFIND, and VELOCI RAPTOR differ in their definitions of halo mass, on whether only spatial or phase-space information is used, and in how they distinguish satellite and main haloes; all of these features have some impact on the model galaxies, even after the trees are post-processed and homogenized by GALFORM. The stellar mass function is insensitive to the halo and merger tree finder adopted. However, we find that the number of central and satellite galaxies in GALFORM does depend slightly on the halo finder/tree builder. The number of galaxies without resolved subhaloes depends strongly on the tree builder, with VELOCIRAPTOR, a phase-space finder, showing the largest population of such galaxies. The distributions of stellar masses, cold and hot gas masses, and star formation rates agree well between different halo finders/tree builders. However, because VELOCIRAPTOR has more early progenitor haloes, with these trees GALFORM produces slightly higher star formation rate densities at high redshift, smaller galaxy sizes, and larger stellar masses for the spheroid component. Since in all cases these differences are small we conclude that, when all of the trees are processed so that the main progenitor mass increases monotonically, the predicted GALFORM galaxy populations are stable and consistent for these four halo finders/tree builders

    The Milky Way's total satellite population and constraining the mass of the warm dark matter particle

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    The Milky Way’s (MW) satellite population is a powerful probe of warm dark matter (WDM) models as the abundance of small substructures is very sensitive to the properties of the WDM particle. However, only a partial census of the MW’s complement of satellite galaxies exists because surveys of the MW’s close environs are incomplete both in depth and in sky coverage. We present a new Bayesian analysis that combines the sample of satellites recently discovered by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) with those found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to estimate the total satellite galaxy luminosity function down to Mv = 0. We find that there should be at least 124+40−27124−27+40 (68% CL, statistical error) satellites as bright or brighter than Mv = 0 within 300 kpc of the Sun, with only a weak dependence on MW halo mass. When it comes online the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope should detect approximately half of this population. We also show that WDM models infer the same number of satellites as in ΛCDM, which will allow us to rule out those models that produce insufficient substructure to be viable

    Analytic and numerical realisations of a disk galaxy

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    Recent focus on the importance of cold, unshocked gas accretion in galaxy formation -- not explicitly included in semi-analytic studies -- motivates the following detailed comparison between two inherently different modelling techniques: direct hydrodynamical simulation and semi-analytic modelling. By analysing the physical assumptions built into the Gasoline simulation, formulae for the emergent behaviour are derived which allow immediate and accurate translation of these assumptions to the Galform semi-analytic model. The simulated halo merger history is then extracted and evolved using these equivalent equations, predicting a strikingly similar galactic system. This exercise demonstrates that it is the initial conditions and physical assumptions which are responsible for the predicted evolution, not the choice of modelling technique. On this level playing field, a previously published Galform model is applied (including additional physics such as chemical enrichment and feedback from active galactic nuclei) which leads to starkly different predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Analogues of the central point theorem for families with dd-intersection property in Rd\mathbb R^d

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    In this paper we consider families of compact convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d such that any subfamily of size at most dd has a nonempty intersection. We prove some analogues of the central point theorem and Tverberg's theorem for such families
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