2,838 research outputs found

    Government and industry interactions in the development of clock technology

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    It appears likely that everyone in the time and frequency community can agree on goals to be realized through the expenditure of resources. These goals are the same as found in most fields of technology: lower cost, better performance, increased reliability, small size and lower power. Related aspects are examined in the process of clock and frequency standard development. Government and industry are reviewed in a highly interactive role. These interactions include judgements on clock performance, what kind of clock, expenditure of resources, transfer of ideas or hardware concepts from government to industry, and control of production. Successful clock development and production requires a government/industry relationship which is characterized by long-term continuity, multidisciplinary team work, focused funding and a separation of reliability and production oriented tasks from performance improvement/research type efforts

    A review of precision oscillators

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    Precision oscillators used in PTTI applications include quartz crystal, rubidium gas cell, cesium beam, and hydrogen maser oscillators. A general characterization and comparison of these devices is given including accuracy, stability, environmental sensitivity, size, weight, power consumption, availability and cost. Areas of special concern in practical applications are identified and a projection of future performance specifications is given. An attempt is made to predict physical and performance characteristics of new designs potentially available in the near future

    Relationships Between the Performance of Time/Frequency Standards and Navigation/Communication Systems

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    The relationship between system performance and clock or oscillator performance is discussed. Tradeoffs discussed include: short term stability versus bandwidth requirements; frequency accuracy versus signal acquisition time; flicker of frequency and drift versus resynchronization time; frequency precision versus communications traffic volume; spectral purity versus bit error rate, and frequency standard stability versus frequency selection and adjustability. The benefits and tradeoffs of using precise frequency and time signals are various levels of precision and accuracy are emphasized

    Evidence for a dynamic phase transition in [Co/Pt]_3 magnetic multilayers

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    A dynamic phase transition (DPT) with respect to the period P of an applied alternating magnetic field has been observed previously in numerical simulations of magnetic systems. However, experimental evidence for this DPT has thus far been limited to qualitative observations of hysteresis loop collapse in studies of hysteresis loop area scaling. Here, we present significantly stronger evidence for the experimental observation of this DPT, in a [Co(4 A)/Pt(7 A)]_3-multilayer system with strong perpendicular anisotropy. We applied an out-of-plane, time-varying (sawtooth) field to the [Co/Pt]_3 multilayer, in the presence of a small additional constant field, H_b. We then measured the resulting out-of-plane magnetization time series to produce nonequilibrium phase diagrams (NEPDs) of the cycle-averaged magnetization, Q, and its variance, Var(Q), as functions of P and H_b. The experimental NEPDs are found to strongly resemble those calculated from simulations of a kinetic Ising model under analagous conditions. The similarity of the experimental and simulated NEPDs, in particular the presence of a localized peak in the variance Var(Q) in the experimental results, constitutes strong evidence for the presence of this DPT in our magnetic multilayer samples. Technical challenges related to the hysteretic nature and response time of the electromagnet used to generate the time-varying applied field precluded us from extracting meaningful critical scaling exponents from the current data. However, based on our results, we propose refinements to the experimental procedure which could potentially enable the determination of critical exponents in the future.Comment: substantial revision; 26 pages, 9 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Small scale analysis of population structure in the woody cornelian cherry Cornus mas L. (Cornaceae) by AFLP accentuates the need for a population based conservation strategy

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    We investigated population differentiation among and within three populations (two natural, one artificial) of the cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L., Cornaceae) to examine the extent of gene flow from planted cornelian cherries commonly used in planting vegetations of public parks or streets into natural stands. Additionall we assessed if natural populations show any intrapopulational and/or interpopulational differentiation pointing towards restricted gene flow with possible necessity for a population based conservation strategy rather than a taxon based strategy. Results clearly indicated within and between population structure a radius of isolation by distance for pollen and seed dispersal of about 5.0 km. Interestingly genetic distance did not support coherence of the two natural populations but mirrored the historical origin of the innertown population from diverse natural sources reflecting the traditional use and selection of edible varieties from nature. The Nem value of 1.25 implicates the prevention of population differentation. However the low level of genetic diversity and distance at all might mislead the interpretation and the degree of distance reflects more ancient similarities than actual geneflow. Given this observable isolation by distance, conservation biology of Cornus mas requires a population based strategy rather than a broad taxon based strategy

    Comment on "Quantum mechanics of smeared particles"

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    In a recent article, Sastry has proposed a quantum mechanics of smeared particles. We show that the effects induced by the modification of the Heisenberg algebra, proposed to take into account the delocalization of a particle defined via its Compton wavelength, are important enough to be excluded experimentally.Comment: 2 page

    Interplay of Chemical Bonding and Magnetism in Fe_4N, Fe_3N, Fe_2N

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    Using spin density functional theory we have carried out a comparative study of chemical bonding and magnetism in Fe_4N, Fe_3N and Fe_2N. All of these compounds form close packed Fe lattices, while N occupies octahedral interstitial positions. High spin fcc Fe and hypothetical FeN with rock salt structure have been included in our study as reference systems. We find strong, covalent Fe-N bonds as a result of a substantial \sigma-type p-d hybridisation, with some charge transfer to N. Those Fe d orbitals which contribute to the p-d bonds, do no longer participate in the exchange splitting of the Fe d bands. Because of the large exchange fields, the majority spin d bands are always fully occupied, while the minority spin d bands are close to half-filling, thus optimizing the Fe d-d covalent bonding. As a consequence, in good approximation the individual Fe moments decrease in steps of 0.5 \mu_B from fcc iron (2.7 \mu_B) via Fe_4N (2.7 and 1.97 mu_B}), \chem{Fe_3N} (1.99 \mu_B) to \zeta - Fe_2N (1.43 \mu_B).Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Space Trumps Time When Talking About Objects

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    The nature of the relationship between the concepts of space and time in the human mind is much debated. Some claim that space is primary and that it structures time (cf. Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) while others (cf. Walsh, 2003) maintain no difference in status between them. Using fully immersive virtual reality (VR), we examined the influence of object distance and time of appearance on choice of demonstratives (this and that) to refer to objects. Critically, demonstratives can be used spatially (this/that red triangle) and temporally (this/that month). Experiment 1 showed a pattern of demonstrative usage in VR that is consistent with results found in real‐world studies. Experiments 2, 3, and 4 manipulated both when and where objects appeared, providing scenarios where participants were free to use demonstratives in either a temporal or spatial sense. Although we find evidence for time of presentation affecting object mention, the experiments found that demonstrative choice was affected only by distance. These results support the view that spatial uses of demonstratives are privileged over temporal uses

    2s Hyperfine Structure in Hydrogen Atom and Helium-3 Ion

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    The usefulness of study of hyperfine splitting in the hydrogen atom is limited on a level of 10 ppm by our knowledge of the proton structure. One way to go beyond 10 ppm is to study a specific difference of the hyperfine structure intervals 8 Delta nu_2 - Delta nu_1. Nuclear effects for are not important this difference and it is of use to study higher-order QED corrections.Comment: 10 pages, presented at Hydrogen Atom II meeting (2000