1,241 research outputs found

    Extending the Current Theorization On Cyberbullying: Importance of Including Socio-Psychological Perspectives

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    Despite an abundance of research from multiple perspectives and disciplines, to date cyberbullying research has been fragmented and is often conducted atheoretically, using theories borrowed from general psychology and/or criminology, or considers only individual-level explanations such as demographics, personalities, and psychological conditions which may be insufficient to fully understand and explain the behaviour. Social psychological approaches that examine the everyday power relations in children\u2019s lives and the study of identity, relationships, and belonging systems may provide meaningful context and a more holistic perspective. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the positive impact of applying identity theories and a sociological perspective to the study of cyberbullying. This paper provides an overview of cyberbullying, followed by examples of how general psychological theories and theories borrowed from criminology and aggression have been applied to cyberbullying, including a cyberbullying-specific theory. Several key theories of identity that could be employed in the study of cyberbullying are then identified. Lastly, the utility of using a socio-psychological perspective using social identity theory and social network analysis to study of cyberbullying is explored. In order to manage cyber violence, we need to act on multiple levels, including individual, relational, organizational, and community levels

    The Observability of Metal Lines Associated with the Lyman-alpha Forest

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    We develop a prescription for characterizing the strengths of metal lines associated with Lyman-alpha forest absorbers (LYFAs) of a given neutral hydrogen column density N_HI and metallicity [Fe/H]. This Line Observability Index (LOX) is line-specific and translates, for weak lines, into a measure of the equivalent width. It can be evaluated quickly for thousands of transitions within the framework of a given model of the Lyman-alpha forest, providing a ranking of the lines in terms of their strengths and enabling model builders to select the lines that should be detectable in observed spectra of a given resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. We compute the LOX for a large number of elements and transitions in two cosmological models of the Lyman-alpha forest at z=3 derived from a hydrodynamic simulation of structure formation, and we discuss how the LOX depends on redshift and on model parameters such as the mean baryonic density and radiation field. We find that the OVI (1032,1038) doublet is the best probe of the metallicity in low column density LYFAs N_{HI} \approx 10^{14.5} cm^{-2}). Metallicities down to [O/H] \sim -3 ([Fe/H] \sim -3.5 with the assumed [O/Fe] ratio) yield OVI absorption features that should be detectable in current high-quality spectra, provided that the expected position of the OVI feature is not contaminated by HI absorption. The strongest transitions in lower ionisation states of oxygen are OV(630), OIV(788), and OIII(833), and are likely to be detected with next generation UV instruments. Of the lines with rest wavelengths \lambda_r > 1216, which can potentially be observed redwards of the \lya forest, the CIV(1548,1551) doublet is expected to dominate in all LYFAs, regardless of the value of N_HI.Comment: Substantially revised version: larger line database, additional cosmological model analyzed. Accepted for Ap

    Constraining the Metallicity of the Low Density Lyman-alpha Forest Using OVI Absorption

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    We search for OVI absorption in a Keck HIRES spectrum of the z=3.62 quasar Q1422+231. Comparison of CIV measurements to cosmological simulations shows that \lya forest absorbers with N_HI > 10^{14.5} have [C/H]~=-2.5, for the UV background spectrum of Haardt & Madau (HM). Lower column density absorption arises in lower density gas, where OVI is the most sensitive metal tracer. Since OVI lines lie at wavelengths contaminated by Lyman series absorption, we interpret our Q1422 results by comparing to artificial spectra drawn from an SPH simulation of a Lambda-dominated CDM model. A search for deep, narrow features in Q1422 yields only a few candidate OVI lines, statistically consistent with the number in artificial spectra with no metals; spectra generated with the HM background and [O/H] >= -2.5 predict too many narrow lines. However, applying the optical depth ratio technique of Songaila (1998), we DO find significant OVI associated with CIV systems; matching Q1422 requires [O/C]~=+0.5, implying [O/H]~=-2.0. Taken together these results imply that (a) the metallicity in the low density IGM is at least a factor of three below that in the overdense regions where CIV absorption is detectable, and (b) oxygen is overabundant in these regions, consistent with the enrichment pattern of old halo stars. If the UV background is heavily truncated above 4 Ry, an implausibly high oxygen overabundance ([O/C]>+2) is required by the data; thus a majority of the volume of the universe must have undergone helium reionization by z=3.(Abridged)Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 48 pp including 14 ps figures, uses aaspp4.st

    Multilevel Monte Carlo and control-variate simulation of Coulomb collisions

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    Abstract. The multilevel Monte Carlo and the control-variate method are reviewed for simulation of Coulomb collisions. The test case considered is fast-ion relaxation from ion-ion and electron-ion collisions against a Maxwellian background. A simplified energy scattering model is derived and related to the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model for which, an exact time dependent solution can be obtained. The exact model is used as a control-variate for the estimation of the mean energy

    Studying the WHIM Content of the Galaxy Large-Scale Structures along the Line of Sight to H 2356-309

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    We make use of a 500ks Chandra HRC-S/LETG spectrum of the blazar H2356-309, combined with a lower S/N spectrum of the same target, to search for the presence of warm-hot absorbing gas associated with two Large-Scale Structures (LSSs) crossed by this sightline at z=0.062 (the Pisces-Cetus Supercluster, PCS) and at z=0.128 ("Farther Sculptor Wall", FSW). No statistically significant (>=3sigma) individual absorption is detected from any of the strong He- or H-like transitions of C, O and Ne at the redshifts of the structures. However we are still able to constrain the physical and geometrical parameters of the associated putative absorbing gas, by performing joint spectral fit of marginal detections and upper limits of the strongest expected lines with our self-consistent hybrid ionization WHIM spectral model. At the redshift of the PCS we identify a warm phase with logT=5.35_-0.13^+0.07 K and log N_H =19.1+/-0.2 cm^-2 possibly coexisting with a hotter and less significant phase with logT=6.9^+0.1_-0.8 K and log N_H=20.1^+0.3_-1.7 cm^-2 (1sigma errors). For the FSW we estimate logT=6.6_-0.2^+0.1 K and log N_H=19.8_-0.8^+0.4 cm^-2. Our constraints allow us to estimate the cumulative number density per unit redshifts of OVII WHIM absorbers. We also estimate the cosmological mass density obtaining Omega_b(WHIM)=(0.021^+0.031_-0.018) (Z/Z_sun)^-1, consistent with the mass density of the intergalactic 'missing baryons' for high metallicities.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Perpendicular momentum injection by lower hybrid wave in a tokamak

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    The injection of lower hybrid waves for current drive into a tokamak affects the profile of intrinsic rotation. In this article, the momentum deposition by the lower hybrid wave on the electrons is studied. Due to the increase in the poloidal momentum of the wave as it propagates into the tokamak, the parallel momentum of the wave increases considerably. The change of the perpendicular momentum of the wave is such that the toroidal angular momentum of the wave is conserved. If the perpendicular momentum transfer via electron Landau damping is ignored, the transfer of the toroidal angular momentum to the plasma will be larger than the injected toroidal angular momentum. A proper quasilinear treatment proves that both perpendicular and parallel momentum are transferred to the electrons. The toroidal angular momentum of the electrons is then transferred to the ions via different mechanisms for the parallel and perpendicular momentum. The perpendicular momentum is transferred to ions through an outward radial electron pinch, while the parallel momentum is transferred through collisions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure
