7 research outputs found

    Prophetic Leadership Scale’s Validation and the Tendency of Normative Response

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    This study aims to validate the prophetic leadership scale by using a quantitative approach. 202 leaders were involved in this study. Data analysis technique that has been used for construct validation is factorial validation with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), a convergent validation, discriminant validation, and social desirability bias with Pearson correlation. There are 4 instruments used in this study, namely the measuring instrument of prophetic leadership, the measuring instrument of authentic leadership as a convergent validator, the measuring instrument of religiosity as a discriminant validator, and the measuring tool of social desirability as a validator of social appropriateness bias. The prophetic leadership measurement tool measures the same construct as the authentic leadership measurement tool, and measures different constructs from the religiosity measurement tool, and the prophetic leadership measurement tool has a social appropriateness bias or the respondent's tendency to give answers in accordance with norms. The findings raise a prospect that social desirability bias’s influences fitness indices in a scale’s validation

    Development of math efficacy scale for junior high school student in Indonesia

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    Indonesian students are indicated to have a low math efficacy. Currently, no psychology scale has been created to measure the math efficacy of Indonesian students, especially for junior high school level students. This study aims to develop a math efficacy scale for junior high school level students or equivalent based on Indonesian students’ characteristics. The study used an exploratory sequential design with mixed methods. The results of qualitative analysis through focused group interviews on two small groups of eight students show that seven major themes were related to mathematics efficacy. Qualitative analysis as the basis for a scale development consisting of 33 items and is administered to 478 participants. The results of the quantitative analysis through validity test with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows that four dimensions appeared with total variance explained reaching 60.4%. The model was re-tested for compatibility with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and obtained index values of p 0.001 (χ2), 0.047 (SRMR), 0.907 (TLI), 0.918 (CFI), and 0.064 (RMSEA). The four dimensions have met the standard of a fit index with 23 items remaining. The validity test was also supported by Pearson's Product Moment correlation of 0.795 for convergent validity test with Math Attitude Scale (MAS) and divergent validity test of -0.331 with Mathematical Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ). The scale's reliability was very good, with Cronbach's alpha value of 0.918

    Development of student mental health scale

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    Mental health among high school (SMA) students is an important issue that needs attention. This research aims to develop a mental health scale for high school students, which is expected to be able to detect whether students have mental problems or not, so that students with problems can get fast and appropriate help. Apart from that, this scale is also expected to be able to see the extent to which students' mental development is good. This scale was developed based on three dimensions of mental health, namely peace with oneself, social interaction function, and basic and advanced psychological needs. The research method employed in this study is the quantitative method. Meanwhile the participants involved in this research were 1045 high school students consisting of students in grades 10-12. The analysis technique uses item-total correlation and exploratory factor analysis. The result was that 25 items had satisfactory item-total correlations with values ranging from 0.307 to 0.677. The results of the exploratory factor analysis that has been carried out are the formation of three dimensions with a different distribution of items from the initial design. Apart from that, this measuring tool also has a cumulative proportion of variance explained by factors of 0.434 and a model fit of CFI (0.910) and TLI (0.900). In the future, in-depth research is needed regarding the external validity of this mental health scale, which is correlated with other variables using convergent and discriminant validity methods.   Abstrak Kesehatan mental pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) merupakan salah satu permasalahan penting yang perlu menjadi perhatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur kesehatan mental bagi siswa SMA, yang diharapkan dapat mendeteksi apakah siswa memiliki permasalahan mental atau tidak, sehingga siswa yang bermasalah bisa mendapatkan pertolongan yang cepat dan tepat. Selain itu, alat ukur ini juga diharapkan dapat melihat sejauh mana mental siswa berkembang dengan baik. Skala ini dikembangkan berdasarkan tiga dimensi kesehatan mental yaitu berdamai dengan diri sendiri, fungsi interaksi sosial, serta kebutuhan psikologis dasar dan lanjut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitaif, sedangkan partisipan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 1045 siswa SMA terdiri dari siswa kelas 10-12. Teknis analisis menggunakan korelasi item-total dan analisis faktor eksploratori. Hasilnya 25 item memiliki korelasi item-total yang memuaskan dengan nilai antara 0.307 sampai 0.677. Hasil dari analisis faktor eksploratori yaitu terbentuknya tiga dimensi dengan sebaran item yang berbeda dari rancangan awal, selain itu alat ukur ini juga memiliki proporsi kumulatif varian yang dijelaskan oleh faktor sebesar 0.434 dan model fit CFI (0.910) dan TLI (0.900). Untuk selanjutnya, perlu penelitian mendalam mengenai validitas eksternal skala kesehatan mental ini yang dikorelasikan dengan variabel-variabel lain menggunakan metode validitas konvergen dan diskriminan. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi; kesehatan mental; siswa SMA; pengembangan alat uku

    Relationship between academic stress and cyberloafing behavior among Psychology Department Students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between academic stress and cyberloafing among psychology department students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). This correlational study involved 150 students recruited using the quota sampling technique. Academic Stress Inventory and The Cyberloafing Scale were employed as the data collection instrument. The obtained data were analyzed using product moment correlation analysis, showing a positive relationship between academic stress and cyberloafing. The results of the study can serve as a reference for school counselors in designing guidance and counseling services to reduce academic stress and cyberloafing

    Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Dan Hardiness Dengan Psychological Well-Being Pada Mahasiswa Rantau di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung

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    <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em><span>Students from outside the region of where they are having their degree are a group of individuals who are vulnerable to experiencing low levels of psychological well-being. Previous research suggested the possibility that social support and hardiness could increase the psychological well-being of those students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine whether or not there is a link between social support and hardiness and psychological well-being among students from Sumatera Island at the Indonesian University of Education, Bandung, West Java. The research method uses quantitative methods with correlation analysis techniques. Data was collected using the Six Dimensions of Psychological Wellbeing Scale and the Social Support Scale by both of which have been adapted to Indonesian by Fransisca (2018); and the Dispositional Resilience Scale developed by Hystad (2010). The results showed that from 100 sample that was obtained, there was a positive relationship between social support (r = 0.660, p <0.05). and hardiness (r = 0.758, p <0.05) with psychological well-being in students from Sumatera Island at the Indonesian University of Education. The results of this study show the importance of increasing social support and hardiness, in increasing the psychological well-being of overseas students as well.</span></em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table&gt