2,193 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral data classification improved by minimum spanning forests

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Remote sensing technology has applications in various knowledge domains, such as agriculture, meteorology, land use, environmental monitoring, military surveillance, and mineral exploration. The increasing advances in image acquisition techniques have allowed the generation of large volumes of data at high spectral resolution with several spectral bands representing images collected simultaneously. We propose and evaluate a supervised classification method composed of three stages. Initially, hyperspectral values and entropy information are employed by support vector machines to produce an initial classification. Then, the K-nearest neighbor technique searches for pixels with high probability of being correctly classified. Finally, minimum spanning forests are applied to these pixels to reclassify the image taking spatial restrictions into consideration. Experiments on several hyperspectral images are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Remote sensing technology has applications in various knowledge domains, such as agriculture, meteorology, land use, environmental monitoring, military surveillance, and mineral exploration. The increasing advances in image acquisition techniques have all102117FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)2011/22749-8307113/2012-

    Sequência de ossificação craniana de Aparasphenodon brunoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, com comentários sobre o condrocrânio e o desenvolvimento da ornamentação óssea (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae)

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    The development of cranial bones of Aparasphenodon brunoi Miranda -Ribeiro, 1920 was studied by the examination of tadpoles, froglets and juveniles, cleared and alcian blue - alizarin stained. The animals were staged using Gosner (1960) for tadpoles, and the extension and degree of cranial ornamentation for froglets and juveniles. The tadpole, the chondrocranium at different developmental stages, the sequence of cranial ossification, the cartilages and bones of the adult cranium, and the development of crests and spines that ornaments the cranial roof elements were described. Among the main resulta were the develoi;:ment of the prenaaal bone from two independent oaaification centers, the abaence of a dermal aphenetmoid, and the ornamentation developnent from the bones surfacea and not from the ossification of the dermal layer - the proceas of coosaification waa not obaerved. The morphology of the chondrocranium and the oaaification aequence were compared with thoae from the literature on other apeciea. Further diacusaion waa presented for: a model developed for studying the timing of cranial osaification among anurana; the use of stages in the development tables as a reference for description and morpholoical compariaon; the use of ontogenetical data; the homology of certain bone elemente; the proceas of co-oaaification; and the relationahip among A. brunoi and the caaque-headed group, baaed on the cranial morphology.CAPESEstudou-se o desenvolvimento dos ossos cranianos de Aparasphenodon brunoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura, Hylidae) através do exame de girinos e recém-metamorfoseados, diafanizados e corados com alizarina e azul de alciano. Os girinos e os recém-metamorfoseados foram agrupados em classes de desenvolvimento, adotando-se para os primeiros a tabela de Gosner (1960) e para os outros a extensão e o grau de ornamentação no crânio. São descritos o girino, o condrocrânio em diferentes estágios, a sequência de ossificação craniana, os ossos e cartilagens do crânio dos adultos e o desenvolvimento das cristas e espinhos que ornamentam os ossos do teto craniano. Entre os resultados destacam-se o desenvolvimento do pré-nasal, a partir de dois centros de ossificação e não de um como anteriormente descrito, a inexistência de um esfenetmóide dérmico, e o desenvolvimento doa ornamentos a partir da superfície doe ossos e não da ossificação da derme - ausência do processo de co-oaaificação. A morfologia do condrocrânio e a sequência de ossificação de A. brunoi são comparadas com as descrições para outras espécies, o que foi feito com reservas, devido a escassez de informações na literatura. São ainda discutidos: o modelo criado para se estudar o ritmo de ossificação do crânio em anuroa, o uso doa estágios caracterizados nas tabelas de desenvolvimento como referencial para descrição e comparação do desenvolvimento morfológico, a utilização doa dados de ontogenia, a homologia de alguns elementos ósseos, o processo de co-osaificação e, com base na morfologia craniana, a relação entre A. brunoi e os "Casqueheaded"

    The Discrete Morse Complex of Images: Algorithms, Modeling and Applications

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    The Morse complex can be used for studying the topology of a function, e.g., an image or terrain height field when understood as bivariate functions. We present an algorithm for the computation of the discrete Morse complex of two-dimensional images using an edge-based data structure. By using this data structure, it is possible to perform local operations efficiently, which is important to construct the complex and make the structure useful for areas like visualization, persistent homology computation, or construction of a topological hierarchy. We present theoretical and applied results to demonstrate benefits and use of our method

    Gerber File Parsing for Conversion to Bitmap Image–The VINCI7D Case Study

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    The technological market is increasingly evolving as evidenced by the innovative and streamlined manufacturing processes. Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are widely employed in the electronics fabrication industry, resorting to the Gerber open standard format to transfer the manufacturing data. The Gerber format describes not only metadata related to the manufacturing process but also the PCB image. To be able to map the electronic circuit pattern to be printed, a parser to convert Gerber files into a bitmap image is required. The current literature as well as available Gerber viewers and libraries showed limitations mainly in the Gerber format support, focusing only on a subset of commands. In this work, the development of a recursive descent approach for parsing Gerber files is described, outlining its interpretation and the renderization of 2D bitmap images. All the defined commands in the specification based on Gerber X2 generation were successfully rendered, unlike the tested commercial parsers used in the experiments. Moreover, the obtained results were comparable to those parsers regarding the commands they can execute as well as the ground-truth, emphasizing the accuracy of the proposed approach. Its top-down and recursive architecture allows easy integration with other software regardless of the platform, highlighting its potential inclusion and integration in the production of electronic circuits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cutoffs And Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated With Neck Circumference Among Community-dwelling Elderly Adults: A Cross-sectional Study

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    In elderly people, measurement of several anthropometric parameters may present complications. Although neck circumference measurements seem to avoid these issues, the cutoffs and cardiovascular risk factors associated with this parameter among elderly people remain unknown. This study was developed to identify the cutoff values and cardiovascular risk factors associated with neck circumference measurements among elderly people. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study conducted in two community centers for elderly people. METHODS: 435 elderly adults (371 women and 64 men) were recruited. These volunteers underwent morphological evaluations (body mass index and waist, hip, and neck circumferences) and hemodynamic evaluations (blood pressure values and heart rate). Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses were used to determine the predictive validity of cutoff values for neck circumference, for identifying over-weight/obesity. Multivariate analysis was used to identify cardiovascular risk factors associated with large neck circumference. RESULTS: Cutoff values for neck circumference (men = 40.5 cm and women = 35.7 cm), for detection of obese older adults according to body mass index, were identified. After a second analysis, large neck circumference was shown to be associated with elevated body mass index in men; and elevated body mass index, blood pressure values, prevalence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension in women. CONCLUSION: The data indicate that neck circumference can be used as a screening tool to identify overweight/obesity in older people. Moreover, large neck circumference values may be associated with cardiovascular risk factors.134651952

    SOIL LOSS ESTIMATION IN A WATERSHED OF THE PARANÁ RIVER WITH DYSTROPHIC RED LATOSOL: Estimativa da perda de solo da Bacia Hidrográfica Córrego Santa Vera sobre Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico

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    The hydroelectric power plants (HPP) in Ilha Solteira and Jupiá are part of the Urubupungá Hydroelectric Complex, which is the sixth most important hydroelectric complex in the world. However, their reservoirs are undergoing an intense siltation process. We evaluated the erosive potential of the Santa Vera Stream Watershed (SVSW), located on the banks of the Jupiá HPP reservoir. Soil use and occupation maps, and field analysis, enhanced by Geographic Information Systems (GIS), were used to obtain important parameters for the creation of RUSLE factors for the entire watershed. It was confirmed that areas dominated by degraded pastures that lacked conservation practices, such as contour lines, together with the increase in steepness of slopes toward areas near the drainage networks, resulted in higher estimates of soil loss. We concluded that the predominant values for soil loss estimates in the SVSW were low or close to zero. Nevertheless, values classified as being above soil recovery capacity were found in the reservoir banks, which lack riparian vegetation. Therefore, projects aiming at replenishing the vegetation of the reservoir banks are extremely important for their maintenance and for the conservation of native species in the regionAs usinas hidrelétricas (UHE) de Ilha Solteira e Jupiá compõem o complexo hidrelétrico denominado Urubupungá, o sexto complexo mais importante mundialmente, porém os reservatórios dessas usinas vêm sofrendo um processo intenso de assoreamento. Neste contexto, estre trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial erosivo da Bacia Hidrográfica Córrego Santa Vera (BCSV), localizada as margens do reservatório da UHE de Jupiá. Por meio do uso de mapas de uso e ocupação dos solos e análises de campo, associada à utilização de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIGs) pôde-se obter parâmetros importantes para a confecção dos fatores pertencentes a RUSLE para toda bacia. Verificou-se a predominância de áreas com pastagens degradadas e sem uso de boas práticas conservacionistas, como curvas de nível, que associados ao aumento da declividade nas áreas próximas as redes de drenagem, resultaram em maiores estimativas de perdas de solo. Concluiu-se que os valores predominantes de estimativa de perda de solo na BCSV foram baixos ou próximos de zero, porém, valores classificados como acima da capacidade de recuperação do solo foram encontrados nas margens do reservatório, que não possuem mata ciliar. Neste âmbito, projetos que visem a revegetação das margens do reservatório são de extrema importância para a manutenção do reservatório bem como a conservação de espécies nativas da região

    A Topology-Based Approach to Computing Neighborhood-of-Interest Points Using the Morse Complex

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    Abstract A central problem in image processing and computer vision is the computation of corresponding interest points in a given set of images. Usually, interest points are considered as independent elements described by some local information. Due to the limitations of such an approach, many incorrect correspondences can be obtained. A specific contribution of this paper is the proposition of a topological operator, called Local Morse Context (LMC), computed over Morse complexes, introduced as a way of efficiently computing neighborhoods of interest points to explore the structural information in images. The LMC is used in the development of a matching algorithm, that helps reducing the number of incorrect matches, and obtaining a confidence measure of whether a correspondence is correct or incorrect. The approach is designed and tested for the correspondence of narrow-baseline synthetic and specially challenging underwater stereo pairs of images, for which traditional methods present difficulties for finding correct correspondences

    Função alométrica de biomassa com imagens de satélite de alta resolução espacial

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo ajustar funções para estimar por meio de dados de rivados de imagens de satélite de alta resolução espacial, a biomassa total de Eucalyptus spp. em escala local e regional. Para este fim, foram ajustados modelos, combinando os valores de biomassa estimada por meio de parcelas do inventário florestal associadas com índices de vegetação (IV) baseados em imagem do satélite Pléiades. A função com que apresentou melhor performance na estimativa da biomassa total foi aquela que utilizou como variável independente o IV-SAVI (Índice de Vegetação Ajustado ao Solo), apresentando um coeficiente de determinação (R2 ) de 64,6%, no entanto, sem grande diferença para o NDVI (Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada) e SR (Razão Simples). As funções ajustadas poderão ser utilizadas em regiões que apresentem as mesmas espécies, clima e propriedades locais parecidas com as do presente estudo. Esta abordagem pode ser usada como uma ferramenta de baixo custo para produzir estimativas de biomassa em escala local e regional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The self-concept perception and its influence on motor performances of childrens and adolescents

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    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a percepção do autoconceito e sua relação com o desempenho motor de adolescentes analisados por gênero e faixa etária. Foram avaliados 144 adolescentes entre 10 e 14 anos (65 meninos). A mensuração do autoconceito foi realizada por meio de um inventário (PIERS; HARRIS; HERZBERG, 2002) e os testes motores utilizados para a avaliação do desempenho motor seguiram as padronizações da American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Dance (1988) - agilidade e impulsão vertical, a dinamometria (SOARES; SESSA, 2001) e o teste de resistência aeróbia (LÉGER et al., 1988). Para a equivalência dos resultados produzidos pelos testes motores foi utilizado o escore Z. Para a distribuição da amostra em grupos etários e por gênero foi utilizada a estatística descritiva. A comparação intragrupos do desempenho motor (baixo DB, médio DM, alto DA) e do autoconceito foi realizada por procedimentos não paramétricos Wilcoxon e Kruskal-Wallis Anova (p<0,05). Os achados finais mostraram que a idade influenciou negativamente a percepção do autoconceito e que os alunos com melhor desempenho motor apresentaram também valores superiores na percepção do autoconceito em relação aos seus pares

    Differential regulation of the release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and of eicosanoids by mast cells in rat airways after antigen challenge.

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    BACKGROUND: Rat trachea display a differential topographical distribution of connective tissue mast cells (CTMC) and mucosal mast cells (MMC) that may imply regional differences in the release of allergic mediators such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and eicosanoids. AIM: To evaluate the role of CTMC and MMC for release of TNF-alpha and eicosanoids after allergenic challenge in distinct segments of rat trachea. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Proximal trachea (PT) and distal trachea (DT) from ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized rats, treated or not with compound 48/80 (48/80) or dexamethasone, were incubated in culture medium. After OVA challenge, aliquots were collected to study release of TNF-alpha and eicosanoids. RESULTS: Release of TNF-alpha by PT upon OVA challenge peaked at 90 min and decayed at 6 and 24 h. Release from DT peaked at 30-90 min and decayed 6 and 24 h later. When CTMC were depleted with 48/80, OVA challenge exacerbated the TNF-alpha release by PT at all time intervals, while DT exacerbated TNF-alpha levels 6 and 24 h later only. Dexamethasone reduced TNF-alpha production after 90 min of OVA challenge in PT and at 3 and 6h in DT. OVA challenge increased prostaglandin D2) in DT and leukotriene B4 in both segments but did not modify prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene C4 release. CONCLUSION: OVA challenge induces TNF-alpha release from MMC, which is negatively regulated by CTMC. The profile of TNF-alpha and eicosanoids depends on the time after OVA challenge and of the tracheal segment considered