164 research outputs found

    Una mirada al capital cultural de los estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Durante 2012 los autores del presente articulo desarrollaron una investigación exploratoria en torno al capital cultural de los estudiantes de la UAEM, el objetivo era expaminar sus habitos de consumo cultural

    Regulation of brain endothelial barrier function by microRNAs in health and neuroinflammation

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    Brain endothelial cells constitute the major cellular element of the highly specialized blood–brain barrier (BBB) and thereby contribute to CNS homeostasis by restricting entry of circulating leukocytes and blood-borne molecules into the CNS. Therefore, compromised function of brain endothelial cells has serious consequences for BBB integrity. This has been associated with early events in the pathogenesis of several disorders that affect the CNS, such as multiple sclerosis, HIV-associated neurologic disorder, and stroke. Recent studies demonstrate that brain endothelial microRNAs play critical roles in the regulation of BBB function under normal and neuroinflammatory conditions. This review will focus on emerging evidence that indicates that brain endothelial microRNAs regulate barrier function and orchestrate various phases of the neuroinflammatory response, including endothelial activation in response to cytokines as well as restoration of inflamed endothelium into a quiescent state. In particular, we discuss novel microRNA regulatory mechanisms and their contribution to cellular interactions at the neurovascular unit that influence the overall function of the BBB in health and during neuroinflammatio

    Understanding the evolution of maar craters

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    El capital cultural de los estudiantes universitarios: el caso de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, una aproximación. Registro SIEA 3178/2012CU

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    que tienen un carácter público, es la difusión de la cultura, la cual, al ser propiciada, permite al sujeto adoptar un carácter humanista de su vida, hecho que se refleja en su existencia cotidiana al ser perceptivo ante la realidad social en constante cambio y ser sensible al aprecio de las manifestaciones del arte, la ciencia y la tecnología. La Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMéx), máxima casa de estudios y de cultura en la entidad, desde su establecimiento ha reconocido el compromiso de atender la difusión cultural, junto con la docencia y la investigación, como guías sociales y generadoras de identidad. Por esta razón dichas funciones deben alentar la formación integral de los alumnos, que ya como profesionistas puedan dedicarse, con responsabilidad probada, al estudio, preservación, transmisión y extensión del conocimiento universal. Esta premisa está plasmada en el Plan general de desarrollo 2009-2021 de la UAEMéx, en donde se reconoce la necesidad de presentar líneas de acción para estar a la altura de las exigencias que implica la globalización; y que al respecto C. Parker1 sugiere, entre otras cosas, atender la docencia articulada a la investigación, a la difusión de la cultura y a la extensión; es decir, que no es deseable el tratamiento aislado de cada una de las funciones ni debe entenderse a la difusión cultural como una función accesoria u ornamental

    Deconstructing the smoking-preeclampsia paradox through a counterfactual framework.

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    Although smoking during pregnancy may lead to many adverse outcomes, numerous studies have reported a paradoxical inverse association between maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy and preeclampsia. Using a counterfactual framework we aimed to explore the structure of this paradox as being a consequence of selection bias. Using a case-control study nested in the Icelandic Birth Registry (1309 women), we show how this selection bias can be explored and corrected for. Cases were defined as any case of pregnancy induced hypertension or preeclampsia occurring after 20 weeks' gestation and controls as normotensive mothers who gave birth in the same year. First, we used directed acyclic graphs to illustrate the common bias structure. Second, we used classical logistic regression and mediation analytic methods for dichotomous outcomes to explore the structure of the bias. Lastly, we performed both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis to estimate the amount of bias due to an uncontrolled confounder and corrected for it. The biased effect of smoking was estimated to reduce the odds of preeclampsia by 28 % (OR 0.72, 95 %CI 0.52, 0.99) and after stratification by gestational age at delivery ( 1, revealing the structure of the paradox. The bias-adjusted estimation of the smoking effect on preeclampsia showed an OR of 1.22 (95 %CI 0.41, 6.53). The smoking-preeclampsia paradox appears to be an example of (1) selection bias most likely caused by studying cases prevalent at birth rather than all incident cases from conception in a pregnancy cohort, (2) omitting important confounders associated with both smoking and preeclampsia (preventing the outcome to develop) and (3) controlling for a collider (gestation weeks at delivery). Future studies need to consider these aspects when studying and interpreting the association between smoking and pregnancy outcomes

    Disseminação da COVID-19: contágio tardio em centros locais no sudeste do Tocantins

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    In 2020, the world was overwhelmed by COVID-19, which produced a severe pathology with high mortality rates. National policies to control the pandemic clashed with Brazil’s precarious health structure. While the Brazilian state of Tocantins, along with the rest of the world, saw its main cities suffer from high contamination rates, certain other localities remained free from these dynamics for a much longer period. Thus, this study set out to investigate five municipalities, all located in the southeastern corner of the state, and which were the last to be affected by the pandemic. The aim was to reflect upon the factors that delayed the arrival of the virus. A descriptive analysis was conducted, with a bibliographical review and the use of secondary data from the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) database, the State Department of Planning and Budget, epidemiological bulletins from the Department of Health, indices from the agribusiness production chain and the industrial profile, produced by the Tocantins State Federation of Industries. It was concluded that certain factors contributed to this process, such as a low level of influence from urban centers, a lack of major highways and the low purchasing power of the population, which avoided greater flows resulting from the low economic attractiveness.O mundo foi assolado em 2020 pela COVID-19, geradora de patologia grave com alta mortalidade. As políticas nacionais de controle da pandemia esbarraram na precária estrutura sanitária do país. O Tocantins, acompanhando o restante do mundo, viu suas principais cidades sofrerem com índices de contaminação; contudo, determinadas localidades se viram livres dessa dinâmica por um período maior. É sobre o estudo de cinco municípios, localizados no sudeste do estado, os últimos a serem atingidas pela pandemia, que esse trabalho versa, com o objetivo de refletir sobre fatores que retardaram a chegada do vírus. Foi realizada pesquisa descritivo-analítica, com revisão bibliográfica e o uso de dados secundários em bases do IBGE, da Secretaria do Planejamento e Orçamento do estado, bem como de boletins epidemiológicos da Secretaria da Saúde, índices da cadeia produtiva do agronegócio e perfil da indústria, produzidos pela Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Tocantins. Concluiu-se que alguns fatores contribuíram para esse processo, como a baixa influência de centros urbanos, a não incidência de grandes rodovias e o baixo poder aquisitivo da população, o que evitou maiores fluxos resultantes da baixa atratividade econômica

    El consumo cultural de los estudiantes de la UAEMEX. Una aproximación

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    El artículo tiene como propósito presentar una aproximación al consumo cultural de los alumnos de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM), exponiendo algunos elementos de la oferta cultural de la Institución y la respuesta de los estudiantes ante ellos. En primer lugar se muestra una exposición sobre lo que es la difusión cultural, enmarcada en la misión y función institucionales y la problemática de su operación como tarea sustantiva de la Universidad. Enseguida se aborda un planteamiento teórico, a cierta profundidad, sobre el significado del término cultura, para asociarlo con el concepto de consumo cultural. Finalmente, aparecen reflexiones y datos aproximativos sobre el consumo cultural en la Institución

    New sources, opportunities and challenges

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    Images of the Earth at night are an exceptional source of human geographical data, because artificial light highlights human activity in a way that daytime scenes do not. The quality of such imagery dramatically improved in 2012 with two new spaceborne detectors. The higher resolution and precision of the data considerably expands the scope of possible applications. In this paper, we introduce the two new data sources and discuss their potential limitations using three case studies. Data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Day-Night Band (VIIRS DNB) is shown to have sufficient resolution to identify major sources of waste light, such as airports, and we find considerable variation in the peak radiance of the world’s largest airports. Nighttime imagery brings “cultural footprints” to light: DNB data reveals that American cities emit many times more light per capita than German cities and that cities in the former East of Germany emit more light per capita than those in the former West. Photographs from the International Space Station, the second new source of imagery, provide some limited spectral information, as well as street-level resolution. These images may be of greater use for epidemiological studies than the lower resolution DNB data

    Producción ecológica y cómo alcanzar los objetivos de Farm to Fork: el papel de las actividades de formación

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    En mayo de 2020, la Comisión Europea publicó la estrategia Farm to Fork (De la Granja a la Mesa) como un elemento clave del Pacto Verde Europeo (la nueva estrategia de crecimiento de la UE para 2050)

    Producción ecológica y cómo alcanzar los objetivos de “De la Granja a la Mesa”

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    En mayo de 2020, la Comisión Europea publicó la estrategia Farm to Fork (De la Granja a la Mesa) como un elemento clave del Pacto Verde Europeo (la nueva estrategia de crecimiento de la UE para 2050)