133 research outputs found

    New records and notes on little known shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Azorean waters.

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    Five species of shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda) are recorded for the first time from the Azores: Funchalia villosa (Bouvier, 1905), Parapasiphae sucatifrons S.I. Smith, 1884 Heterocarpus ensifer A. Milne-Edwards, 1881, Heterocarpus laevigatus Bate, 1888 and Plesionika williamsi Forest, 1964. The variability of Plesionika gigliolii (Senna, 1903) and its relationship with P. sindoi (Rathbun, 1906) are discussed

    Utilização das unidades básicas de saúde da ESF conforme a cobertura por plano de saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the utilization of basic health units according to coverage by discount card or private health insurance. METHODS: Household survey in the area covered by Family Health Strategy in Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from December 2007 to February 2008, with persons of all age groups. The frequency of (medical or non-medical) healthcare seeking at the basic health units in the last six months and the prevalence of basic health unit utilization for the last medical consultation (in case it had been performed up to six months before, for a non-routine reason) were analyzed by Poisson regression adjusted for the sampling design. RESULTS: Of the 1,423 persons, 75.6% had no discount card or private health insurance. The average frequency of (medical or non-medical) healthcare seeking was 1.6 times in six months (95%CI 1.3–2.0); this frequency was 55.8% lower (p < 0.001) among privately insured persons compared to those with no discount card or private health insurance. Among the last medical consultations, 35.8% (95%CI 25.4–47.7) had been performed at the basic health units; this prevalence was 36.4% lower (p = 0.003) among persons covered by discount card and 87.7% lower (p = 0.007) among privately insured persons compared to those without both coverages. CONCLUSIONS: Private health insurance and, to a lesser degree, discount card coverage, are related to lower utilization of basic health units. This can be used to size the population under the accountability of each Family Health Strategy team, to the extent that community health workers are able to differentiate discount card from PHI during family registration.OBJETIVO: Descrever a utilização de unidades básicas de saúde conforme a cobertura por cartão de desconto e plano de saúde. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar na área de abrangência da Estratégia Saúde da Família de Pelotas, RS, entre dezembro de 2007 e fevereiro de 2008, incluindo pessoas de todas as faixas etárias. A frequência de busca por atendimento (médico ou não) nas unidades básicas de saúde nos últimos seis meses e a prevalência do uso das unidades básicas de saúde para a última consulta médica (caso esta tivesse sido realizada até seis meses atrás, e tivesse tido um motivo que não rotina) foram analisadas por regressão de Poisson ajustada para o delineamento amostral. RESULTADOS: Das 1.423 pessoas, 75,6% não estavam cobertas por cartão de desconto ou plano de saúde. A frequência média da busca por atendimento (médico ou não) foi de 1,6 vezes em seis meses (IC95% 1,3–2,0); essa frequência foi 55,8% menor (p < 0,001) entre as pessoas cobertas por plano de saúde em comparação às pessoas sem cartão de desconto ou plano de saúde. Dentre as últimas consultas médicas, 35,8% (IC95% 25,4–47,7) tinham sido realizadas nas unidades básicas de saúde; essa prevalência foi 36,4% menor (p = 0,003) entre as pessoas cobertas por cartão de desconto e 87,7% menor (p = 0,007) entre as pessoas cobertas por plano de saúde em comparação às pessoas com ambas as coberturas. CONCLUSÕES: A cobertura por plano de saúde e, em menor grau, a cobertura por cartão de desconto associam-se a uma menor utilização das unidades básicas de saúde. Isso pode ser utilizado para dimensionar a população sob a responsabilidade de cada equipe de Estratégia Saúde da Família, na medida em que os agentes comunitários de saúde sejam capazes de diferenciar cartão de desconto e plano de saúde durante o cadastramento das famílias

    Adiposity, depression and anxiety: interrelationship and possible mediators

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore the association between adiposity, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, and to assess the role of inflammation, diet quality and physical activity in this association. METHODS: We used data from 2,977 individuals from the 1993 Pelotas Cohort (Brazil) who attended the 18- and 22-year follow-ups. We assessed general obesity using body mass index, fat mass index, and abdominal obesity using waist circumference. Major Depressive Disorder and generalized anxiety disorder were assessed using the mini-international neuropsychiatric interview. C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were used as a measure of inflammation; diet quality was estimated using the revised diet quality index, and physical activity was assessed by the International physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ, min/day). The association between adiposity and major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder was assessed using logistic regression, and the natural indirect effect via the mediators was estimated using G-computation. RESULTS: General obesity assessed by body mass index (OR: 2.3; 95% CI:1.13; 4.85), fat mass index (OR: 2.6; 95%CI: 1.37; 4.83), and abdominal obesity (OR: 2.5; 95%CI: 1.18; 5.39) were associated with higher odds of major depressive disorder, whereas major depressive disorder was only associated with obesity assessed by body mass index (OR=1.9; 95% CI: 1.09; 3.46). Obesity and generalized anxiety disorder were not associated. C-reactive protein, diet quality and physical activity did not mediate the effect of obesity on major depressive disorder, and C-reactive protein mediated about 25% of the effect of major depressive disorder on adiposity. CONCLUSIONS: Depression, but not generalized anxiety disorder, is associated with adiposity in both directions, with a stronger evidence for the direction obesity-depression. Inflammation explains part of the effect of major depressive disorder on obesity but not the other way around. Further research should explore other mechanisms that could be involved in the association between obesity and depression


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    Neste artigo, busca-se refletir sobre a atuação da Coordenação na retenção de discentes do curso de Administração do Campus I da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Para isso, foram identificados os principais motivos que têm levado os discentes a não concluírem seu curso no prazo regular, bem como a relação que tais motivos têm com a Coordenação do Curso. É um estudo de caso de caráter qualitativo-quantitativo e finalidade descritiva. Intencionalmente, os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os alunos que matriculados nos semestres 2008.1 e 2008.2. Para abordá-los, foi enviado por e-mail, um questionário elaborado no Google Docs, com perguntas abertas e fechadas acerca do perfil do participante, da relação com o estudo, o trabalho e a Coordenação. Após o prazo de duas semanas, de um total de 135 alunos, 53 foram respondentes. Esses dados foram tratados à luz da técnica de análise categorial. As reprovações em disciplinas, o choque de horários de disciplinas, a dificuldade em conseguir orientação para o trabalho de conclusão e curso e a falta de tempo para a dedicação aos estudos foram os motivos mais frequentemente manifestados. Mas os alunos desconhecem a esfera de atuação da Coordenação, que detecta problemas, concebe possíveis soluções, mas não dispõe de ingerência para solução dos mesmos, dependendo desta maneira de apoio de outros espaços institucionais

    Intervenção comunitária para prevenção de acidentes de trânsito entre trabalhadores ciclistas

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate an educational intervention designed to prevent traffic accidents among workers that use the bicycle for commuting. METHODS: A longitudinal intervention study with a stepped wedge implementation was carried out between January 2006 and May 2007. Five neighborhoods with distinct geographic characteristics were selected in the city of Pelotas, Brazil, and 42 census tracts were randomly selected from these neighborhoods. All households were screened for male bicycle commuters, resulting in a sample of 1,133 individuals. The outcomes analyzed were "traffic accidents" and "near accidents". The cyclists were interviewed monthly by phone to record traffic accidents and "near accidents". Every 15 days, from the second month of study, a group of about 60 cyclists was invited to attend the intervention meeting that included an educational component (a talk and a video presentation), distribution of a safety kit (reflective belt & sash, reflective tape and an educational booklet) and a bicycle breaks check-up (maintenance performed if necessary). Poisson regression adjusted for time effect was used to assess the intervention effect. RESULTS: Nearly 45% of the cyclists did not attend the intervention. During the study period, 9% of the study individuals reported a traffic accident and 88% reported a "near accident". In total there were 106 accidents and 1,091 near accidents. There was no effect observed from the intervention on either of the outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention tested was not capable of reducing traffic accidents among bicycle commuters. Lack of interest in safety by commuters and external factors, such as road design and motorist behavior, may have together influenced this result.OBJETIVO: Evaluar una intervención educacional de prevención de accidentes de tránsito con trabajadores que utilizan la bicicleta como modo de transporte. MÉTODOS: Estudio de intervención, longitudinal, con implementación escalonada, realizado en cinco urbanizaciones con características geográficas distintas en la ciudad de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil, de enero de 2006 a mayo de 2007. Fueron sorteados 42 sectores censados de dichas urbanizaciones. Todos los domicilios fueron visitados en búsqueda de trabajadores del sexo masculino que utilizasen la bicicleta como modo de transporte, resultando en una muestra de 1.133 individuos. Fueron analizados como resultados "accidentes de tránsito" y "casi-accidentes". Mensualmente, vía telefónica, los ciclistas eran interrogados con respecto a la ocurrencia de accidentes de tránsito y de "casi-accidentes". Quincenalmente, a partir del segundo mes de acompañamiento, un grupo de aproximadamente 60 ciclistas era convidado a participar de la intervención, que incluía un componente educativo (seminario y presentación de video educativo), distribución de un kit de seguridad (chaleco nocturno con reflexivo, cartilla educativa y cintas reflexivas) y revisión de los frenos de la bicicleta (mantenimiento realizado al ser necesario). Regresión de Poisson, con ajuste para el efecto del tiempo, fue utilizada para medir el efecto de la intervención. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 45% de los ciclistas no comparecieron a la intervención. Durante el período de estudio, 9% de los individuos informaron un accidente de tránsito y 88% un casi-accidente. En total, ocurrieron 106 accidentes y 1.091 casi-accidentes. No fue observado efecto de la intervención en ambos resultados. CONCLUSIONES: La intervención propuesta no fue capaz de reducir accidentes entre trabajadores ciclistas. falta de interés en seguridad por parte de los ciclistas y factores externos, tales como infra-estructura de las vías y comportamiento de los choferes, pueden haber colaborado para ese resultado.OBJETIVO: Avaliar uma intervenção educacional de prevenção de acidentes de trânsito com trabalhadores que utilizam a bicicleta como modo de transporte. MÉTODOS: Estudo de intervenção, longitudinal, com implementação escalonada, realizado em cinco bairros com características geográficas distintas na cidade de Pelotas, RS, de janeiro de 2006 a maio de 2007. Foram sorteados 42 setores censitários desses bairros. Todos os domicílios foram visitados em busca de trabalhadores do sexo masculino que utilizassem a bicicleta como modo de transporte, resultando em uma amostra de 1.133 indivíduos. Foram analisados como desfechos "acidentes de trânsito" e de "quase-acidentes". Mensalmente, via telefone, os ciclistas eram questionados a respeito da ocorrência de acidentes de trânsito e de "quase-acidentes". Quinzenalmente, a partir do segundo mês de acompanhamento, um grupo de aproximadamente 60 ciclistas era convidado a participar da intervenção, que incluía um componente educativo (palestra e apresentação de vídeo educativo), distribuição de um kit de segurança (colete noturno refletivo, cartilha educativa e fitas refletivas) e revisão dos freios da bicicleta (manutenção realizada se necessário). Regressão de Poisson, com ajuste para o efeito do tempo, foi utilizada para medir o efeito da intervenção. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 45% dos ciclistas não compareceram à intervenção. Durante o período do estudo, 9% dos indivíduos informaram um acidente de trânsito e 88%, um quase-acidente. No total, ocorreram 106 acidentes e 1.091 quase-acidentes. Não foi observado efeito da intervenção em ambos os desfechos. CONCLUSÕES: A intervenção proposta não foi capaz de reduzir acidentes entre trabalhadores ciclistas. Falta de interesse em segurança por parte dos ciclistas e fatores externos, tais como infra-estrutura das vias e comportamento dos motoristas, podem ter colaborado para esse resultado

    Adverse childhood experiences:Prevalence and related factors in adolescents of a Brazilian birth cohort

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    AbstractAdverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can affect people's health and wellbeing not only at the time the ACE is experienced, but also later in life. The majority of studies on ACEs are carried out in high-income countries and little is known about its prevalence in low and middle-income countries. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ACEs, associations between ACEs and sociodemographic factors, and the interrelationship between types of ACEs in adolescents of a Brazilian birth cohort. Data from 3,951 adolescents (78.4% of the original cohort) from the 1993 Pelotas Cohort were analyzed. Seven types of ACEs were assessed in those up to 18 years old: physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, domestic violence, parental separation and parental death. The most common ACE was parental separation (42%), followed by emotional neglect (19.7%) and domestic violence (10.3%). Approximately 85% of the adolescents experienced at least one ACE, and females reported a higher number of adversities. Several socioeconomic, demographic and family-related characteristics were associated with the occurrence of ACEs, e.g. non-white skin color, low family income, low maternal schooling, absence of mother's partner, maternal smoking, and poor maternal mental health. A strong interrelationship was observed among the ACEs, indicating clustering of risk. These aspects should be considered by health and social care professionals in the prevention and identification of childhood adversities

    Low Maternal Capital Predicts Life History Trade-Offs in Daughters: Why Adverse Outcomes Cluster in Individuals.

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    Background: Some individuals appear prone to multiple adverse outcomes, including poor health, school dropout, risky behavior and early reproduction. This clustering remains poorly understood. Drawing on evolutionary life history theory, we hypothesized that maternal investment in early life would predict the developmental trajectory and adult phenotype of female offspring. Specifically, we predicted that daughters receiving low investment would prioritize the life history functions of "reproduction" and "defense" over "growth" and "maintenance," increasing the risk of several adverse outcomes. Methods: We investigated 2,091 mother-daughter dyads from a birth cohort in Pelotas, Brazil. We combined data on maternal height, body mass index, income, and education into a composite index of "maternal capital." Daughter outcomes included reproductive status at 18 years, growth, adult anthropometry, body composition, cardio-metabolic risk, educational attainment, work status, and risky behavior. We tested whether daughters' early reproduction (<18 years) and exposure to low maternal capital were associated with adverse outcomes, and whether this accounted for the clustering of adverse outcomes within individuals. Results: Daughters reproducing early were shorter, more centrally adipose, had less education and demonstrated more risky behavior compared to those not reproducing. Low maternal capital was associated with greater likelihood of the daughter reproducing early, smoking and having committed violent crime. High maternal capital was positively associated with the daughter's birth weight and adult size, and the likelihood of being in school. Associations of maternal capital with cardio-metabolic risk were inconsistent. Daughters reproducing early comprised 14.8% of the population, but accounted for 18% of obesity; 20% of violent crime, low birth weight and short stature; 32% of current smoking; and 52% of school dropout. Exposure to low maternal capital contributed similarly to the clustering of adverse outcomes among daughters. Outcomes were worst among daughters characterized by both low maternal capital and early reproduction. Conclusion: Consistent with life history theory, daughters exposed to low maternal capital demonstrate "future discounting" in behavior and physiology, prioritizing early reproduction over growth, education, and health. Trade-offs associated with low maternal capital and early reproduction contribute to clustering of adverse outcomes. Our approach provides new insight into inter-generational cycles of disadvantage