78 research outputs found

    Propriedades psicométricas do CSAI-2 em atletas brasileiros

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    O propósito do estudo foi examinar a confiabilidade, evidências de validade fatorial, invariância (por género, tipo de esporte e nível competitivo) e evidências de validade convergente do CSAI-2. A amostra total foi composta de 375 atletas (284 do sexo masculino e 91 do sexo feminino). Para as evidências de validade convergente, a amostra foi constituída de 163 atletas (115 do sexo masculino e 48 do sexo feminino). Os atletas responderam aos instrumentos (CSAI-2 e versão reduzida do IDATE) uma hora antes do início das competições. Os resultados revelaram confiabilidade (α > 0,70) e bons índices de ajustamento (CFI = 0,959, GFI = 0,942 e RMSEA = 0,044) para o modelo reduzido de 17 itens (CSAI-2R). A invariância e as evidencias de validade convergente foram suportadas. A versão brasileira reduzida do CSAI-2 revelou boas propriedades psicométricas, sustentando a sua utilização em atletas brasileiros

    Using Anthropometric Data and Physical Fitness Scores to Predict Selection in a National U19 Rugby Union Team

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    The purpose of this study was to compare measures of anthropometry characteristics and physical fitness performance between rugby union players (17.9 ± 0.5 years old) recruited (n = 39) and non-recruited (n = 145) to the Portuguese under-19 (U19) national team, controlling for their playing position (forwards or backs). Standardized anthropometric, physical, and performance assessment tests included players’ body mass and height, push up and pull-up test, squat test, sit- and-reach test, 20 m shuttle run test, flexed arm hang test, Sargent test, handgrip strength test, Illinois agility test, and 20-m and 50-m sprint test. Results showed that recruited forwards players had better agility scores (p = 0.02, ES = −0.55) than the non-recruited forwards, whereas recruited backs players had higher right (p < 0.01, ES = 0.84) and left (p = 0.01, ES = 0.74) handgrip strength scores than their counterparts. Logistic regression showed that better agility (for the forwards) and right handgrip strength scores (for the backs) were the only variables significantly associated with an increased likelihood of being recruited to the national team. In sum, these findings suggest that certain well- developed physical qualities, namely, agility for the forwards players and upper-body strength for the back players, partially explain the selection of U19 rugby players to their national team.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Characteristics, Psychopathology, Clinical Associations, and Influencing Factors

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    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is defined by a recurring and persistent concern characterized by psychic suffering caused by a possible physical imperfection in appearance. It is a severe psychiatric condition, duly confirmed by neuroanatomical findings, very peculiar repetitive behaviors, and specific personalities. The prevalence of BDD is increasing around the world and differs between countries, because of cultural differences and different health-care systems. This increase is worrying because BDD is a pathology that presents comorbidity like severe depression, suicidal ideation, and functional and social impairment. However, BDD is an unrecognized and often not diagnosed in our society. Many patients are ashamed of their complaints and do not usually seek psychiatric help with ease, and unfortunately, they seek help in cosmetic and surgical treatments to improve their appearance, and these professionals are not yet prepared to assist in the diagnosis of this disorder. Therefore, this chapter presents not only the psychopathology of BDD but also its associations with other pathologies and their main factors of influence. Finally, we present a clinical experience with a detailed description of a clinical case. The aim is to contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology and also to future research that may benefit society and these patients

    Social support and sport injury recovery : an overview of empirical findings and practical implications

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    Epidemiologically-based evidence has demonstrated that a substantial number of athletes and exercisers are injured each year, which can result in physical disability as well as other negative physical, social and psychological consequences. Accumulated research has indicated that the prevalence of sport and physical activity-related injuries varies based on gender, age group, type of sport, level of participation, and role on the team, among other considerations. Although physical causes are the primary contributors to injury, a considerable number of studies have suggested that psychological and social factors also have importance in injury prevention and rehabilitation. Among the psychosocial factors investigated, social support has emerged as a significant buffering and coping resource in the recovery process from athletic injuries. However, research has also indicated that sources of social support tend to be less frequently available to athletes during some stages of rehabilitation and do not necessarily meet the athletes' expectations and needs. Moreover, some studies have suggested that social support may have detrimental effects under certain circumstances. As such, coaches, athletic trainers and health care professionals should be aware of these complex forms of influence and develop and implement injury rehabilitation processes that are based on a holistic approach in order to promote the athletes' recovery and well-being.Los estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado que, cada año, un número considerable de atletas y de practicantes de actividad física sufre una lesión causante de discapacidad y de otras repercusiones negativas para el bienestar físico, psicológico y social. Además, las investigaciones actuales revelan que la prevalencia de las lesiones asociadas a los deportes varía según el género, la edad, el deporte, el nivel competitivo, la posición en el juego, entre otros. Aunque los factores físicos constituyen las principales causas de las lesiones más comunes, varios estudios han sugerido que los factores psicológicos y sociales también ejercen un efecto significativo en la prevención y rehabilitación de las lesiones deportivas. Entre los factores psicosociales estudiados, el apoyo o soporte social percibido por el propio deportista se ha destacado como un importante mecanismo para controlar el distrés emocional y afrontar mejor las dificultades inherentes al proceso de recuperación de las lesiones deportivas. Sin embargo, la investigación también indica que las fuentes de apoyo social tienden a no satisfacer las expectativas y necesidades de soporte social de los atletas, siendo insuficientes en determinadas fases de la rehabilitación. Igualmente, algunos estudios han sugerido que el apoyo social puede inducir efectos perjudiciales en determinadas circunstancias. Por lo tanto, los entrenadores y profesionales de la salud (médicos, fisioterapeutas, psicólogos, etc.) deben tener conocimiento de estos factores influyentes y implementar intervenciones desde un punto de vista más integral con el fin de promover la recuperación de los atletas y mejorar su bienestar.Os estudos epidemiológicos têm demonstrado que, cada ano, um número considerável de atletas e de praticantes de actividade física sofre uma lesão causadora de incapacidade e de outras repercussões negativas para o bem-estar físico, psicológico e social. Adicionalmente, as investigações actuais revelam que a prevalência de lesões associadas à prática desportiva varia segundo o género, idade, modalidade, nível competitivo, posição de jogo, entre outros. Embora os factores físicos constituam as principais causas das lesões mais comuns, vários estudos têm sugerido que os factores psicológicos e sociais também exercem um efeito significativo na prevenção e reabilitação das lesões desportivas. Entre os factores psicossociais estudados, o apoio ou suporte social percebido pelo próprio desportista tem-se destacado como um importante mecanismo para controlar o distress emocional e enfrentar melhor as dificuldades inerentes ao processo de recuperação das lesões desportivas. Contudo, a investigação indica também que as fontes de suporte social tendem a não satisfazer as expectativas e necessidades de suporte social dos atletas, sendo insuficientes em determinadas fases da reabilitação. De igual modo, alguns estudos têm sugerido que o suporte social pode induzir efeitos prejudiciais em determinadas circunstâncias. Portanto, os treinadores e os profissionais da saúde (médicos, fisioterapeutas, psicólogos, etc.) devem ter conhecimento destes influentes factores e implementar intervenções desde um ponto de vista mais global, visando promover a recuperação dos atletas e a melhoria do seu bem-estar

    Relationship between anthropometric variables and body image dissatisfaction among fitness center users

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the anthropometric dimensions related with body image dissatisfaction among fitness center users. Participants were 276 Brazilian members of fitness centers (168 males and 108 females) with ages between 17 and 39 years (mage = 23.93, sd = 5.17). After body mass (BM), body mass index (BMI) and body fat (% BF) were measured, participants indicated their current (cs) and ideal (Is) silhouettes, allowing the calculation of body dissatisfaction as the difference between Is and cs. BMI and % BF were grouped by body dissatisfaction category and analyzed using one-way and repeated measures ANoVA. results revealed that only 1.2 % of men and 6.5 % of women considered themselves satisfied with their body. comparisons of global ratings of their cs and Is revealed that male and female individuals reported that their current bodies were significantly less muscular than their ideal bodies (p < .001), although the degree of dissatisfaction revealed no significant difference between sexes. Moreover, results demonstrated that the relationship between body composition and body dissatisfaction only occurs in individuals that feel very dissatisfied with their body image and appearance

    Marcadores hematológicos e bioquímicos após um torneio de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro em atletas de elite

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    Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar o efeito de um esforço de competição de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro (JJB) sobre marcadores bioquímicos e hematológicos, e investigar se esse efeito diferia em função do nível de prestação. Foram estudados 30 lutadores, divididos em: grupo de Elite ou EL (n= 20), composto por atletas com colocações entre 1º e 3º lugar no Campeonato Mundial de JJB Brasileiro; e grupo Não Elite ou NEL (n= 10), composto por praticantes não competidores. Simulou-se um campeonato de JJB com as mesmas regras do Campeonato do Mundo. Cada atleta realizou cinco lutas de até 10 minutos cada e com um intervalo de cinco minutos entre as mesmas. A ordem e a composição das lutas foram realizadas através de sorteio e entre atletas do mesmo grupo. Antes e após a competição, foram feitas recolhas de sangue para obtenção dos marcadores bioquímicos e hematológicos. A competição de JJB induziu aumentos significativos nos atletas de ambos os grupos nas seguintes variáveis: glicose, ácido úrico, ureia, creatinina, proteínas totais, albumina, creatinaquinase, leucócitos, neutrófilos, bastões e monócitos. No plaquetócrito, houve aumento significativo apenas no grupo NEL. As proteínas totais e o volume plaquetário médio apresentaram valores mais elevados nos atletas EL; enquanto os eosinófilos e monócitos foram mais elevados nos atletas NEL. Apenas na creatinina sérica se verificou um efeito significativo na interação momento x grupo, verificando-se valores mais elevados no grupo EL, tanto no pré como no pós-competição

    Predictive and therapeutic implications of a novel PLCγ1/SHP2-driven mechanism of cetuximab resistance in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    © 2022 The Authors; Published by the American Association for Cancer Research. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND)Purpose: Cetuximab is an EGFR-targeted therapy approved for the treatment of RAS wild-type (WT) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). However, about 60% of these patients show innate resistance to cetuximab. To increase cetuximab efficacy, it is crucial to successfully identify responder patients, as well as to develop new therapeutic approaches to overcome cetuximab resistance. Experimental design: We evaluated the value of EGFR effector phospholipase C gamma 1 (PLCγ1) in predicting cetuximab responses, by analyzing progression-free survival (PFS) of a multicentric retrospective cohort of 94 treated patients with mCRC (log-rank test and Cox regression model). Furthermore, we used in vitro and zebrafish xenotransplant models to identify and target the mechanism behind PLCγ1-mediated resistance to cetuximab. Results: In this study, levels of PLCγ1 were found increased in RAS WT tumors and were able to predict cetuximab responses in clinical samples and in vitro and in vivo models. Mechanistically, PLCγ1 expression was found to bypass cetuximab-dependent EGFR inhibition by activating ERK and AKT pathways. This novel resistance mechanism involves a noncatalytic role of PLCγ1 SH2 tandem domains in the propagation of downstream signaling via SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2). Accordingly, SHP2 inhibition sensitizes PLCγ1-resistant cells to cetuximab. Conclusions: Our discoveries reveal the potential of PLCγ1 as a predictive biomarker for cetuximab responses and suggest an alternative therapeutic approach to circumvent PLCγ1-mediated resistance to cetuximab in patients with RAS WT mCRC. In this way, this work contributes to the development of novel strategies in the medical management and treatment of patients with mCRC.M. Martins' research was supported by Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (LPCC): Terry Fox Fundation; Investigador FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia (IF/00409/2014) and IMM Bridge grant; RC-D research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia (SFRH/BD/139138/2018). A. Fernandes was supported by LPCC-IMM BIOBANK; R. Fior was supported by Champalimaud Foundation and L. Costa was supported by Merck Serono.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio