39 research outputs found
Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Effect of prospective studies with newborn genetic screening and follow up of risk children
We studied the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in a region where newborn infants have since 1995 been recruited for genetic screening for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-conferred disease susceptibility and prospective follow up. The aim was to study whether participation in newborn screening and follow up affected the frequency of DKA, and to follow the time trends in DKA frequency. We first included children born in Oulu University Hospital since 1995 when the prospective studies have been ongoing and diagnosed with T1DPeer reviewe
Trait-environment interactions of saproxylic beetles as a guide to biodiversity conservation strategies
Conservation of biodiversity requires in-depth knowledge of trait-environment interactions to understand the influence the environment has on species assemblages. Saproxylic beetles exhibit a wide range of traits and functions in the forest ecosystems. Understanding their responses to surrounding environment thus improves our capacity to identify habitats that should be restored or protected. We investigated potential interactions between ecological traits in saproxylic beetles (feeding guilds and habitat preferences) and environmental variables (deadwood, type and age of surrounding forest). We sampled beetles from 78 plots containing newly created high stumps of Scots pine and Silver birch in boreal forest landscapes in Sweden for three consecutive years. Using a model based approach, our aim was to explore potential interactions between ecological traits and the surrounding environment at close and distant scale (20 m and 500 m radius). We found that broadleaf-preferring beetle species are positively associated with the local broadleaf-originated deadwood and broadleaf-rich forests in the surrounding landscapes. Conifer-preferring species are positively associated with the local amount of coniferous deadwood and young and old forests in the surrounding landscape. Fungivorous and predatory beetles are positively associated with old forests in the surrounding landscapes. Our results indicate that both local amounts of deadwood and types of forests in the landscape are important in shaping saproxylic beetle communities. We particularly highlight the need to increase deadwood amounts of various qualities in the landscape, exempt older forests from production and to increase broadleaf-rich habitats in order to meet different beetle species' habitat requirements. Trait responses among saproxylic beetles provide insights into the significance of broadleaf forest and dead wood as essential attributes in boreal forest restoration, which helps conservation planning and management in forest landscapes
Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Effect of prospective studies with newborn genetic screening and follow up of risk children
We studied the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in a region where newborn infants have since 1995 been recruited for genetic screening for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-conferred disease susceptibility and prospective follow up. The aim was to study whether participation in newborn screening and follow up affected the frequency of DKA, and to follow the time trends in DKA frequency. We first included children born in Oulu University Hospital since 1995 when the prospective studies have been ongoing and diagnosed with T1DPeer reviewe
Medulloblastoma, macrocephaly, and a pathogenic germline PTEN variant : Cause or coincidence?
Background Medulloblastomas (MBs) are a heterogeneous group of childhood brain tumors with four consensus subgroups, namely MBSHH, MBWNT, MBGroup 3, and MBGroup 4, representing the second most common type of pediatric brain cancer after high-grade gliomas. They suffer from a high prevalence of genetic predisposition with up to 20% of MBSHH caused by germline mutations in only six genes. However, the spectrum of germline mutations in MBSHH remains incomplete. Methods Comprehensive Next-Generation Sequencing panels of both tumor and patient blood samples were performed as molecular genetic characterization. The panels cover genes that are known to predispose to cancer. Results Here, we report on a patient with a pathogenic germline PTEN variant resulting in an early stop codon p.(Glu7Argfs*4) (ClinVar ID: 480383). The patient developed macrocephaly and MBSHH, but reached remission with current treatment protocols. Conclusions We propose that pathogenic PTEN variants may predispose to medulloblastoma, and show that remission was reached with current treatment protocols. The PTEN gene should be included in the genetic testing provided to patients who develop medulloblastoma at an early age. We recommend brain magnetic resonance imaging upon an unexpected acceleration of growth of head circumference for pediatric patients harboring pathogenic germline PTEN variants.Peer reviewe
Longitudinal Pattern of First-Phase Insulin Response Is Associated With Genetic Variants Outside the Class II HLA Region in Children With Multiple Autoantibodies
A declining first-phase insulin response (FPIR) is associated with positivity for multiple islet autoantibodies, irrespective of class II HLA DR-DQ genotype. We examined the associations of FPIR with genetic variants outside the HLA DR-DQ region in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) study in children with and without multiple autoantibodies. Association between FPIR and class I alleles A*24 and B*39 and eight single nucleotide polymorphisms outside the HLA region were analyzed in 438 children who had one or more FPIR results available after seroconversion. Hierarchical linear mixed models were used to analyze repeated measurements of FPIR. In children with multiple autoantibodies, the change in FPIR over time was significantly different between those with various PTPN2 (rs45450798), FUT2 (rs601338), CTSH (rs3825932), and IKZF4 (rs1701704) genotypes in at least one of the models. In general, children carrying susceptibility alleles for type 1 diabetes experienced a more rapid decline in insulin secretion compared with children without susceptibility alleles. The presence of the class I HLA A*24 allele was also associated with a steeper decline of FPIR over time in children with multiple autoantibodies. Certain genetic variants outside the class II HLA region may have a significant impact on the longitudinal pattern of FPIR.Peer reviewe
Dysregulation of lipid and amino acid metabolism precedes islet autoimmunity in children who later progress to type 1 diabetes
The risk determinants of type 1 diabetes, initiators of autoimmune response, mechanisms regulating progress toward ÎČ cell failure, and factors determining time of presentation of clinical diabetes are poorly understood. We investigated changes in the serum metabolome prospectively in children who later progressed to type 1 diabetes. Serum metabolite profiles were compared between sample series drawn from 56 children who progressed to type 1 diabetes and 73 controls who remained nondiabetic and permanently autoantibody negative. Individuals who developed diabetes had reduced serum levels of succinic acid and phosphatidylcholine (PC) at birth, reduced levels of triglycerides and antioxidant ether phospholipids throughout the follow up, and increased levels of proinflammatory lysoPCs several months before seroconversion to autoantibody positivity. The lipid changes were not attributable to HLA-associated genetic risk. The appearance of insulin and glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies was preceded by diminished ketoleucine and elevated glutamic acid. The metabolic profile was partially normalized after the seroconversion. Autoimmunity may thus be a relatively late response to the early metabolic disturbances. Recognition of these preautoimmune alterations may aid in studies of disease pathogenesis and may open a time window for novel type 1 diabetes prevention strategies
Malahvian vanhan metsÀn Antrodia-kÀÀpien kovakuoriaisyhteisöt. Pro gradu -työ. Oulun yliopisto
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Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children under 15 years of age
The aim of this work was to evaluate the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children <15 years of age at the time of diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) at Oulu University Hospital over a period of 33 years (1982â2014) and throughout Finland in 2002â2005. The aim was to assess the effect of certain host characteristics (age at diagnosis, family history of T1D, T1D-associated HLA risk genotypes and participation in T1D prediction and prevention trials) on the frequency on DKA. A further aim was to assess temporal changes in the frequency of DKA.
The overall frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis at the diagnosis of T1D in children <15 years was low both at Oulu University Hospital and over the whole country. A decrease in the frequency of DKA was observed at the university hospital during the years 1982â2001, but it then seemed to stabilize at just under 20.0%. The frequency in the whole of Finland during the period 2002â2005 was similar, i.e. 19.4%.
The frequency of DKA at diagnosis in very young children (<2 years of age) at Oulu University Hospital decreased markedly during the period in question, being 50.0% in 1982â1991, 39.1% in 1992â2001 and 17.1% in 2002â2014 (p=0.021), and a similar decrease was seen in children <5 years (32.1% in 1982â1991, 17.7% in 1992â2001 and 13.0% in 2002â2014, p=0.007). The children aged 10â14.9 years at diagnosis, however, had an increased risk of DKA over the whole period studied here, and more attention should definitely be paid to this group in the future to reduce its DKA frequency.
In the analysis of the data based on all children in Finland diagnosed with T1D in 2002â2005 the risk of DKA at diagnosis was lower in those with a first-degree relative affected by T1D. The children carrying a higher HLA-conferred risk of T1D had DKA less frequently at the manifestation of the disease.
Prospective studies based on screening for HLA-DQB1-associated genetic susceptibility to T1D from cord blood and subsequent regular clinical, immunological and metabolic follow-up have been going on in Oulu University Hospital since 1995, and the children taking part have been found to have a reduced frequency of DKA (5%) at diagnosis. Genetic screening without follow-up did not prevent DKA at disease presentation.TiivistelmÀ
VĂ€itöstyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia diabeettisen ketoasidoosin (DKA) esiintymistĂ€ alle 15âvuotiailla lapsilla tyypin 1 diabeteksen toteamisvaiheessa Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa vuosina 1982â2014 ja koko Suomessa vuosina 2002â2005. Tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ tiettyjen lapsen erityispiirteiden (ikĂ€ diagnoosihetkellĂ€, perheen diabeteshistoria, diabetekseen liittyvien HLA riskigenotyyppien esiintyminen ja osallistuminen prospektiivisiin tyypin 1 diabeteksen seurantatutkimuksiin) vaikutusta ketoasidoosin esiintymiseen. LisĂ€ksi tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ tavoitteena oli tutkia mahdollisia ajallisia muutoksia ketoasidoosin esiintymisessĂ€.
Kaikkiaan ketoasidoosin esiintyminen oli matala alle 15âvuotiailla lapsilla tyypin 1 diabeteksen diagnoosihetkellĂ€ Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa tutkimusjakson aikana. Ketoasidoosin esiintymisessĂ€ nĂ€htiin vĂ€henemistĂ€ kahden ensimmĂ€isen 10âvuotisjakson aikana (1982â1991 ja 1992â2001), minkĂ€ jĂ€lkeen sen esiintyminen vakiintui alle 20 %:n tasolle. Koko Suomessa ketoasidoosin kokonaisesiintyvyys vuosina 2002â2005 oli 19,4 % mikĂ€ vastasi Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa havaittua esiintyvyyttĂ€.
PienillĂ€, alle 2âvuotiailla lapsilla ketoasidoosin esiintyminen diabeteksen toteamisvaiheessa vĂ€heni huomattavasti tutkimusjakson aikana Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa ollen 50,0 % 1982â2001, 39,1 % 1992â2001 ja 17,1 % 2002â2014 (p=0,021). Samanlainen laskeva suunta havaittiin tuona ajanjaksona myös alle 5âvuotiailla lapsilla (32,1 % 1982â1991, 17,7 % 1992â2001 ja 13,0 % 2002â2014, p=0,007). Sen sijaan ketoasidoosiriski pysyi huomattavan korkeana yli 10âvuotiailla lapsilla koko tutkimusjakson ajan. Tulevaisuudessa on tĂ€rkeĂ€ kiinnittÀÀ erityishuomio tĂ€hĂ€n ikĂ€luokkaan ketoasidoosin vĂ€hentĂ€miseksi.
Analysoitaessa kaikkia Suomessa 2002â2005 tyypin 1 diabetekseen sairastuneita lapsia, havaittiin lapsilla, joilla oli ensimmĂ€isen asteen tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastava sukulainen (vanhemmat, sisarukset), ketoasidoosiriski matalammaksi. LisĂ€ksi niillĂ€ lapsilla, joilla oli korkeaan sairastumisriskiin liittyvĂ€ HLAâgenotyyppi, oli ketoasidoosin esiintyminen vĂ€hĂ€isempÀÀ tyypin 1 diabeteksen diagnoosihetkellĂ€.
Prospektiivinen tyypin 1 diabeteksen kehittymistÀ selvittÀvÀ seurantatutkimus aloitettiin Oulussa 1995. Tutkimuksessa lapsen napaverinÀytteestÀ analysoidaan perinnöllinen diabetesalttius ja riskiryhmiÀ seurataan sÀÀnnöllisesti. Seurantatutkimukseen osallistuneiden lasten ketoasidoosiriski diabeteksen diagnoosihetkellÀ oli vÀhentynyt taudin toteamishetkellÀ (5,0 %). PelkkÀ geneettiseen seulontatutkimukseen osallistuminen ei kuitenkaan suojannut lasta ketoasidoosilta