70 research outputs found

    An improved method for the visualization of conductive vessels in Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence stems

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    Dye perfusion is commonly used for the identification of conductive elements important for the study of xylem development as well as precise hydraulic estimations. The tiny size of inflorescence stems, the small amount of vessels in close arrangement, and high hydraulic resistivity delimit the use of the method for quantification of the water conductivity of Arabidopsis thaliana, one of the recently most extensively used plant models. Here, we present an extensive adjustment to the method in order to reliably identify individual functional (conductive) vessels. Segments of inflorescence stems were sealed in silicone tubes to prevent damage and perfused with a dye solution. Our results showed that dyes often used for staining functional xylem elements (safranin, fuchsine, toluidine blue) failed with Arabidopsis. In contrast, Fluorescent Brightener 28 dye solution perfused through segments stained secondary cell walls of functional vessels, which were clearly distinguishable in native cross sections. When compared to identification based on the degree of development of secondary cell walls, identification with the help of dye perfusion revealed a significantly lower number of functional vessels and values of theoretical hydraulic conductivity. We found that lignified but not yet functional vessels form a substantial portion of the xylem in apical and basal segments of Arabidopsis and, thus, significantly affect the analyzed functional parameters of xylem. The presented methodology enables reliable identification of individual functional vessels, allowing thus estimations of hydraulic conductivities to be improved, size distributions and vessel diameters to be refined, and data variability generally to be reduced

    Enquiry into the topology of plasma membrane-localized PIN auxin transport components

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    Auxin directs plant ontogenesis via differential accumulation within tissues depending largely on the activity of PIN proteins that mediate auxin efflux from cells and its directional cell-to-cell transport. Regardless of the developmental importance of PINs, the structure of these transporters is poorly characterized. Here, we present experimental data concerning protein topology of plasma membrane-localized PINs. Utilizing approaches based on pH-dependent quenching of fluorescent reporters combined with immunolocalization techniques, we mapped the membrane topology of PINs and further cross-validated our results using available topology modeling software. We delineated the topology of PIN1 with two transmembrane (TM) bundles of five alpha-helices linked by a large intracellular loop and a C-terminus positioned outside the cytoplasm. Using constraints derived from our experimental data, we also provide an updated position of helical regions generating a verisimilitude model of PIN1. Since the canonical long PINs show a high degree of conservation in TM domains and auxin transport capacity has been demonstrated for Arabidopsis representatives of this group, this empirically enhanced topological model of PIN1 will be an important starting point for further studies on PIN structure-function relationships. In addition, we have established protocols that can be used to probe the topology of other plasma membrane proteins in plants

    Cytokinins influence root gravitropism via differential regulation of auxin transporter expression and localization in Arabidopsis

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    Redirection of intercellular auxin fluxes via relocalization of the PIN-FORMED 3 (PIN3) and PIN7 auxin efflux carriers has been suggested to be necessary for the root gravitropic response. Cytokinins have also been proposed to play a role in controlling root gravitropism, but conclusive evidence is lacking. We present a detailed study of the dynamics of root bending early after gravistimulation, which revealed a delayed gravitropic response in transgenic lines with depleted endogenous cytokinins (Pro35S:AtCKX) and cytokinin signaling mutants. Pro35S:AtCKX lines, as well as a cytokinin receptor mutant ahk3, showed aberrations in the auxin response distribution in columella cells consistent with defects in the auxin transport machinery. Using in vivo real-time imaging of PIN3-GFP and PIN7-GFP in AtCKX3 overexpression and ahk3 backgrounds, we observed wild-type-like relocalization of PIN proteins in the columella early after gravistimulation, with gravity-induced relocalization of PIN7 faster than that of PIN3. Nonetheless, the cellular distribution of PIN3 and PIN7 and expression of PIN7 and the auxin influx carrier AUX1 was affected in AtCKX overexpression lines. Based on the retained cytokinin sensitivity in pin3 pin4 pin7 mutant, we propose the AUX1-mediated auxin transport rather than columella-located PIN proteins as a target of endogenous cytokinins in the control of root gravitropism

    ETR1 Integrates Response to Ethylene and Cytokinins into a Single Multistep Phosphorelay Pathway to Control Root Growth

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    Cytokinins and ethylene control plant development via sensors from the histidine kinase (HK) family. However, downstream signaling pathways for the key phytohormones are distinct. Here we report not only cytokinin but also ethylene is able to control root apical meristem (RAM) size through activation of the multistep phosphorelay (MSP) pathway. We find both cytokinin and ethylene-dependent RAM shortening requires ethylene binding to ETR1 and its HK activity. The receiver domain of ETR1 interacts with MSP signaling intermediates acting downstream of cytokinin receptors, further substantiating the role of ETR1 in MSP signaling. Our studies find both cytokinin and ethylene induce the MSP in similar and distinct cell types with ETR1-mediated ethylene signaling controlling MSP output specifically in the root transition zone. We identified members of the MSP pathway specific and common to both hormones and show that ETR1-regulated ARR3 controls RAM size. ETR1-mediated MSP spatially differs from canonical CTR1/EIN2/EIN3 ethylene signaling and is independent of EIN2, indicating that both pathways can be spatially and functionally separated. Furthermore, we demonstrate that canonical ethylene signaling controls MSP responsiveness to cytokinin specifically in the root transition zone, presumably via regulation of ARR10, one of the positive regulators of MSP signaling in Arabidopsis

    Mutually opposing activity of PIN7 splicing isoforms is required for auxin-mediated tropic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Summary Advanced transcriptome sequencing has uncovered that the majority of eukaryotic genes undergo alternative splicing (AS). Nonetheless, little effort has been dedicated to investigating the functional relevance of particular splicing events, even those in the key developmental and hormonal regulators. Combining approaches of genetics, biochemistry and advanced confocal microscopy, we describe the impact of alternative splicing on the PIN7 gene in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana. PIN7 encodes a polarly localized transporter for the phytohormone auxin and produces two evolutionary-conserved transcripts PIN7a and PIN7b. PIN7a and PIN7b, differing in a 4-amino acid motif, exhibit almost identical expression pattern and subcellular localization. We reveal that they closely associate and mutually influence their mobility within the plasma membrane. Phenotypic complementation tests indicate that the functional contribution of PIN7b per se is minor, but it markedly reduces the prominent PIN7a activity, which is required for correct seedling apical hook formation and auxin-mediated tropic responses. Our results establish alternative splicing of the PIN family as a conserved, functionally relevant mechanism, unveiling an additional regulatory level of auxin-mediated plant development.Advanced transcriptome sequencing has revealed that the majority of eukaryotic genes undergo alternative splicing (AS). Nonetheless, little effort has been dedicated to investigating the functional relevance of particular splicing events, even those in the key developmental and hormonal regulators. Combining approaches of genetics, biochemistry and advanced confocal microscopy, we describe the impact of alternative splicing on the PIN7 gene in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. PIN7 encodes a polarly localized transporter for the phytohormone auxin and produces two evolutionarily conserved transcripts, PIN7a and PIN7b. PIN7a and PIN7b, differing in a four amino acid stretch, exhibit almost identical expression patterns and subcellular localization. We reveal that they are closely associated and mutually influence each other's mobility within the plasma membrane. Phenotypic complementation tests indicate that the functional contribution of PIN7b per se is minor, but it markedly reduces the prominent PIN7a activity, which is required for correct seedling apical hook formation and auxin-mediated tropic responses. Our results establish alternative splicing of the PIN family as a conserved, functionally relevant mechanism, revealing an additional regulatory level of auxin-mediated plant development.Peer reviewe

    Plant embryogenesis requires AUX/LAX-mediated auxin influx

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    The plant hormone auxin and its directional transport are known to play a crucial role in defining the embryonic axis and subsequent development of the body plan. Although the role of PIN auxin efflux transporters has been clearly assigned during embryonic shoot and root specification, the role of the auxin influx carriers AUX1 and LIKE-AUX1 (LAX) proteins is not well established. Here, we used chemical and genetic tools on Brassica napus microspore-derived embryos and Arabidopsis thaliana zygotic embryos, and demonstrate that AUX1, LAX1 and LAX2 are required for both shoot and root pole formation, in concert with PIN efflux carriers. Furthermore, we uncovered a positive-feedback loop between MONOPTEROS (ARF5)-dependent auxin signalling and auxin transport. This MONOPTEROS-dependent transcriptional regulation of auxin influx (AUX1, LAX1 and LAX2) and auxin efflux (PIN1 and PIN4) carriers by MONOPTEROS helps to maintain proper auxin transport to the root tip. These results indicate that auxin-dependent cell specification during embryo development requires balanced auxin transport involving both influx and efflux mechanisms, and that this transport is maintained by a positive transcriptional feedback on auxin signalling

    CLE Peptides can Negatively Regulate Protoxylem Vessel Formation via Cytokinin Signaling

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    Cell–cell communication is critical for tissue and organ development. In plants, secretory CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION-related (CLE) peptides function as intercellular signaling molecules in various aspects of tissue development including vascular development. However, little is known about intracellular signaling pathways functioning in vascular development downstream of the CLE ligands. We show that CLE peptides including CLE10, which is preferentially expressed in the root vascular system, inhibit protoxylem vessel formation in Arabidopsis roots. GeneChip analysis displayed that CLE10 peptides repressed specifically the expression of two type-A Arabidopsis Response Regulators (ARRs), ARR5 and ARR6, whose products act as negative regulators of cytokinin signaling. The arr5 arr6 roots exhibited defective protoxylem vessel formation. These results indicate that CLE10 inhibits protoxylem vessel formation by suppressing the expression of type-A ARR genes including ARR5 and ARR6. This was supported by the finding that CLE10 did not suppress protoxylem vessel formation in a background of arr10 arr12, a double mutant of type-B ARR genes. Thus, our results revealed cross-talk between CLE signaling and cytokinin signaling in protoxylem vessel formation in roots. Taken together with the indication that cytokinin signaling functions downstream of the CLV3/WUS signaling pathway in the shoot apical meristem, the cross-talk between CLE and cytokinin signaling pathways may be a common feature in plant development

    Hormone interactions at the root apical meristem

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    Plants exhibit an amazing developmental flexibility. Plant embryogenesis results in the establishment of a simple apical-basal axis represented by apical shoot and basal root meristems. Later, during postembryonic growth, shaping of the plant body continues by the formation and activation of numerous adjacent meristems that give rise to lateral shoot branches, leaves, flowers, or lateral roots. This developmental plasticity reflects an important feature of the plant's life strategy based on the rapid reaction to different environmental stimuli, such as temperature fluctuations, availability of nutrients, light or water and response resulting in modulation of developmental programs. Plant hormones are important endogenous factors for the integration of these environmental inputs and regulation of plant development. After a period of studies focused primarily on single hormonal pathways that enabled us to understand the hormone perception and signal transduction mechanisms, it became obvious that the developmental output mediated by a single hormonal pathway is largely modified through a whole network of interactions with other hormonal pathways. In this review, we will summarize recent knowledge on hormonal networks that regulate the development and growth of root with focus on the hormonal interactions that shape the root apical meristem